Patch 3.0
Patch 3.0
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Patch 3.0 is the initial release of the Heavensward expansion.
Notable Features, Additions, and Changes
New Content
- Main Story: Heavensward (Level 50-60, 94 quests)
- New Locations:Ishgard (Major city), Idyllshire (Minor city), Coerthas Western Highlands, Sea of Clouds, The Dravanian Forelands, The Churning Mists, The Dravanian Hinterlands, Azys Lla
- New Race: Au Ra
- New Jobs: Dark Knight, Astrologian, Machinist
- Dungeons: The Dusk Vigil, Sohm Al, The Aery, The Vault, The Great Gubal Library, The Aetherochemical Research Facility, Neverreap, The Fractal Continuum
- Trials: Thok ast Thok (Hard), Thok ast Thok (Extreme), The Limitless Blue (Hard), The Limitless Blue (Extreme), The Singularity Reactor
- Raid Series: Alexander: Gordias (3.01), Alexander: Gordias (Savage) (3.05)
- PvP mode: Seal Rock (Seize) (3.05)
System Changes and Additions
- Level cap increased to 60 for all classes and jobs
- New Allagan Tomestone currency:
Allagan Tomestones of Law and
Allagan Tomestones of Esoterics
Allagan Tomestones of Soldiery are now deprecated and can be exchanged for
Allagan Tomestones of Poetics for a limited time. Activites that previously rewarded Soldiery, and rewards purchased for Soldiery, now use Poetics.
Allagan Tomestones of Mythology have been removed.