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Revision as of 16:47, 13 July 2021 by Feronar (talk | contribs)
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Shadowbringers logo1.jpg
Shadowbringers Trailer

Shadowbringers (considered version 5.0 of the game) is the third expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, after Stormblood. It was released on July 2nd, 2019 with early access started on June 28th.

The expansion after Shadowbringers will be Endwalker.



Pre-order Bonuses

Baby gremlin1.png Baby Gremlin Minion 200px Aetheryte Earring - Increases EXP when leveling, iLvl scales

Collector's Edition

Shadowbringers collectors edition1.jpg

Grani1.png Grani Mount Wind-up fran1.png Wind-up Fran Minion Revolver1.png Revolver Gunblade

Theme Song

Concept Art
