Leg Armor

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Revision as of 03:42, 28 March 2017 by Bnxodesk (talk | contribs)
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See also: Armor
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Abes Halfslops Abes halfslops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 8 16 0
Acolyte's Skirt Acolytes skirt icon1.png 15 17 Disciples of Magic Legs 14 29 0 Vitality +2, Intelligence +3, Mind +3, Critical Hit Rate +3, Determination +1
Adamantite Chain Hose of Fending Adamantite chain hose of fending icon1.png 58 145 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 231 231 2 Strength +56, Vitality +55, Accuracy +32, Critical Hit Rate +46
Adamantite Chain Hose of Maiming Adamantite chain hose of maiming icon1.png 58 145 LNC, DRG Legs 161 127 2 Strength +56, Vitality +55, Critical Hit Rate +46, Skill Speed +32
Adept's Hose Adepts hose icon1.png 58 130 All Classes Legs 72 119 0 Control +57
Aetherial Boarskin Skirt Aetherial boarskin skirt icon1.png 40 43 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 76 57 0 Strength +10, Vitality +11
Aetherial Boarskin Subligar Aetherial boarskin subligar icon1.png 37 37 Disciples of War Legs 47 47 0 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +9
Aetherial Cotton Breeches Aetherial cotton breeches icon1.png 19 19 All Classes Legs 16 32 0 Vitality +3, Intelligence +3, Mind +3
Aetherial Cotton Gaskins Aetherial cotton gaskins icon1.png 22 22 All Classes Legs 18 35 0 Vitality +4, Intelligence +4, Mind +4
Aetherial Cotton Kecks Aetherial cotton kecks icon1.png 23 23 Disciples of War Legs 28 28 0 Strength +4, Dexterity +4, Vitality +4
Aetherial Cotton Tights Aetherial cotton tights icon1.png 15 15 All Classes Legs 13 27 0 Vitality +2, Intelligence +3, Mind +3
Aetherial Felt Gaskins Aetherial felt gaskins icon1.png 47 49 All Classes Legs 47 93 0 Vitality +11, Intelligence +12, Mind +12
Aetherial Felt Kecks Aetherial felt kecks icon1.png 45 48 Disciples of War Legs 68 68 0 Strength +12, Dexterity +12, Vitality +12
Aetherial Felt Trousers Aetherial felt trousers icon1.png 49 50 Disciples of War Legs 72 72 0 Strength +12, Dexterity +12, Vitality +13
Aetherial Goatskin Brais Aetherial goatskin brais icon1.png 20 20 Disciples of War Legs 24 24 0 Strength +4, Dexterity +4, Vitality +4
Aetherial Heavy Iron Flanchard Aetherial heavy iron flanchard icon1.png 25 25 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 104 104 0 Strength +8, Vitality +8
Aetherial Heavy Steel Flanchard Aetherial heavy steel flanchard icon1.png 35 35 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 150 150 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13
Aetherial High Mythril Flanchard Aetherial high mythril flanchard icon1.png 44 44 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 203 203 0 Strength +17, Vitality +18
Aetherial Linen Sarouel Aetherial linen sarouel icon1.png 35 35 Disciples of War Legs 44 44 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +8
Aetherial Linen Tights Aetherial linen tights icon1.png 35 36 All Classes Legs 30 61 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Mind +8
Aetherial Linen Trousers Aetherial linen trousers icon1.png 35 36 Disciples of War Legs 45 45 0 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +8
Aetherial Padded Cotton Trousers Aetherial padded cotton trousers icon1.png 20 20 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 49 49 0 Strength +4, Vitality +4
Aetherial Padded Hempen Trousers Aetherial padded hempen trousers icon1.png 15 15 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 40 40 0 Strength +3, Vitality +2
Aetherial Padded Linen Trousers Aetherial padded linen trousers icon1.png 40 40 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 102 102 0 Strength +9, Vitality +10
Aetherial Padded Velveteen Trousers Aetherial padded velveteen trousers icon1.png 28 30 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 73 73 0 Strength +6, Vitality +6
Aetherial Padded Woolen Trousers Aetherial padded woolen trousers icon1.png 47 49 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 139 139 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13
Aetherial Peisteskin Subligar Aetherial peisteskin subligar icon1.png 41 42 Disciples of War Legs 55 55 0 Strength +9, Dexterity +9, Vitality +11
Aetherial Raptorskin Brais Aetherial raptorskin brais icon1.png 48 49 Disciples of War Legs 70 70 0 Strength +12, Dexterity +12, Vitality +13
Aetherial Raptorskin Subligar Aetherial raptorskin subligar icon1.png 45 47 Disciples of War Legs 65 65 0 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +12
Aetherial Toadskin Brais Aetherial toadskin brais icon1.png 28 30 Disciples of War Legs 36 36 0 Strength +6, Dexterity +6, Vitality +6
Aetherial Toadskin Breeches Aetherial toadskin breeches icon1.png 32 32 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 79 79 0 Strength +7, Vitality +7
Aetherial Velveteen Gaskins Aetherial velveteen gaskins icon1.png 31 31 All Classes Legs 25 51 0 Vitality +6, Intelligence +6, Mind +6
Aetherial Velveteen Sarouel Aetherial velveteen sarouel icon1.png 25 25 Disciples of War Legs 30 30 0 Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Vitality +5
Aetherial Velveteen Trousers Aetherial velveteen trousers icon1.png 28 28 Disciples of War Legs 34 34 0 Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Vitality +6
Aetherial Woolen Gaskins Aetherial woolen gaskins icon1.png 44 44 All Classes Legs 39 79 0 Vitality +10, Intelligence +10, Mind +10
Aetherial Woolen Kecks Aetherial woolen kecks icon1.png 40 43 Disciples of War Legs 57 57 0 Strength +10, Dexterity +10, Vitality +11
Aetherial Woolen Sarouel Aetherial woolen sarouel icon1.png 40 40 Disciples of War Legs 51 51 0 Strength +9, Dexterity +9, Vitality +10
Aetherial Woolen Tights Aetherial woolen tights icon1.png 41 41 All Classes Legs 36 71 0 Vitality +9, Intelligence +9, Mind +9
Aetherial Woolen Trousers Aetherial woolen trousers icon1.png 44 44 Disciples of War Legs 59 59 0 Strength +10, Dexterity +10, Vitality +11
Alchemist's Trousers Alchemists trousers icon1.png 50 55 ALC Legs 40 78 2 Craftsmanship +3, Control +27
Alexandrian Bottoms of Casting Alexandrian bottoms of casting icon1.png 60 270 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 192 336 2 Vitality +171, Intelligence +169, Determination +123, Spell Speed +90
Alexandrian Bottoms of Healing Alexandrian bottoms of healing icon1.png 60 270 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 192 336 2 Vitality +171, Mind +169, Piety +128, Spell Speed +90
Alexandrian Breeches of Fending Alexandrian breeches of fending icon1.png 60 270 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 480 480 2 Strength +169, Vitality +190, Accuracy +129, Critical Hit Rate +90
Alexandrian Breeches of Maiming Alexandrian breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 270 LNC, DRG Legs 336 264 2 Strength +169, Vitality +190, Critical Hit Rate +90, Skill Speed +129
Alexandrian Breeches of Striking Alexandrian breeches of striking icon1.png 60 270 PGL, MNK Legs 264 264 2 Strength +169, Vitality +190, Critical Hit Rate +90, Determination +123
Alexandrian Gaskins of Aiming Alexandrian gaskins of aiming icon1.png 60 270 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 264 264 2 Dexterity +169, Vitality +190, Critical Hit Rate +90, Skill Speed +129
Alexandrian Gaskins of Scouting Alexandrian gaskins of scouting icon1.png 60 270 ROG, NIN Legs 264 264 2 Dexterity +169, Vitality +190, Accuracy +129, Skill Speed +90
Allagan Breeches of Casting Allagan breeches of casting icon1.png 50 90 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 62 110 0 Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Accuracy +24, Critical Hit Rate +34
Allagan Breeches of Healing Allagan breeches of healing icon1.png 50 90 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 62 110 0 Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Critical Hit Rate +24
Allagan Trousers of Aiming Allagan trousers of aiming icon1.png 50 90 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 86 86 0 Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Accuracy +34, Critical Hit Rate +24
Allagan Trousers of Maiming Allagan trousers of maiming icon1.png 50 90 LNC, DRG Legs 110 86 0 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Accuracy +34, Determination +17
Allagan Trousers of Striking Allagan trousers of striking icon1.png 50 90 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 86 86 0 Strength +29, Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit Rate +34, Skill Speed +24
Althyk's Cuisses of Scouting Althyks cuisses of scouting icon1.png 60 205 ROG, NIN Legs 242 242 2 Dexterity +97, Vitality +102, Determination +60, Skill Speed +90, Morale +35
Althyk's Cuisses of Striking Althyks cuisses of striking icon1.png 60 205 PGL, MNK Legs 242 242 2 Strength +97, Vitality +102, Critical Hit Rate +90, Determination +60, Morale +35
Amateur's Breeches Amateurs breeches icon1.png 10 10 All Classes Legs 9 18 0 Vitality +1, Intelligence +2, Mind +2, Spell Speed +1
Amateur's Slops Amateurs slops icon1.png 10 10 All Classes Legs 9 18 0 Gathering +10
Amatsu Haidate Amatsu haidate icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Amon's Breeches Amons breeches icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 88 88 0 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Accuracy +38, Determination +19
Antiquated Aoidos' Tights Antiquated aoidos tights icon1.png 60 200 BRD Legs 233 233 0 Dexterity +93, Vitality +97, Accuracy +86, Determination +57
Antiquated Caller's Loincloth Antiquated callers loincloth icon1.png 60 200 SMN Legs 170 297 0 Vitality +87, Intelligence +93, Critical Hit Rate +60, Determination +82
Antiquated Chaos Flanchard Antiquated chaos flanchard icon1.png 60 200 DRK Legs 424 424 0 Strength +93, Vitality +97, Parry +60, Skill Speed +86
Antiquated Creed Cuisses Antiquated creed cuisses icon1.png 60 200 PLD Legs 424 424 0 Strength +93, Vitality +97, Parry +86, Determination +57
Antiquated Dragonlancer's Cuissots Antiquated dragonlancers cuissots icon1.png 60 200 DRG Legs 297 233 0 Strength +93, Vitality +97, Critical Hit Rate +86, Skill Speed +60
Antiquated Goetia Chausses Antiquated goetia chausses icon1.png 60 200 BLM Legs 170 297 0 Vitality +87, Intelligence +93, Accuracy +60, Critical Hit Rate +86
Antiquated Iga Hakama Antiquated iga hakama icon1.png 60 200 NIN Legs 233 233 0 Dexterity +93, Vitality +97, Critical Hit Rate +86, Determination +57
Antiquated Machinist's Brais Antiquated machinists brais icon1.png 60 200 MCH Legs 233 233 0 Dexterity +93, Vitality +97, Accuracy +60, Critical Hit Rate +86
Antiquated Orison Skirt Antiquated orison skirt icon1.png 60 200 WHM Legs 170 297 0 Vitality +87, Mind +93, Piety +92, Determination +57
Antiquated Ravager's Breeches Antiquated ravagers breeches icon1.png 60 200 WAR Legs 424 424 0 Strength +93, Vitality +97, Parry +60, Accuracy +86
Antiquated Savant's Culottes Antiquated savants culottes icon1.png 60 200 SCH Legs 170 297 0 Vitality +87, Mind +93, Piety +92, Spell Speed +60
Antiquated Tantra Galligaskins Antiquated tantra galligaskins icon1.png 60 200 MNK Legs 233 233 0 Strength +93, Vitality +97, Determination +82, Skill Speed +60
Antiquated Welkin Breeches Antiquated welkin breeches icon1.png 60 200 AST Legs 170 297 0 Vitality +87, Mind +93, Piety +65, Determination +82
Aoidos' Tights Aoidos tights icon1.png 60 210 BRD Legs 251 251 0 Dexterity +101, Vitality +107, Accuracy +94, Determination +63
Arachne Culottes of Casting Arachne culottes of casting icon1.png 50 110 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 54 92 2 Vitality +33, Intelligence +35, Accuracy +33, Spell Speed +23
Arachne Culottes of Healing Arachne culottes of healing icon1.png 50 110 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 54 92 2 Vitality +33, Mind +35, Piety +25, Accuracy +8, Determination +16
Arachne Gaskins of Scouting Arachne gaskins of scouting icon1.png 50 110 ROG, NIN Legs 72 72 2 Dexterity +35, Vitality +36, Accuracy +33, Critical Hit Rate +23
Arachne Gaskins of Striking Arachne gaskins of striking icon1.png 50 110 PGL, MNK Legs 72 72 2 Strength +35, Vitality +36, Accuracy +23, Critical Hit Rate +33
Archaeoskin Breeches of Crafting Archaeoskin breeches of crafting icon1.png 51 65 All Classes Legs 49 92 2 Control +30
Archaeoskin Breeches of Fending Archaeoskin breeches of fending icon1.png 50 115 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 147 147 2 Strength +38, Vitality +44, Accuracy +27, Skill Speed +38
Archaeoskin Breeches of Gathering Archaeoskin breeches of gathering icon1.png 51 65 All Classes Legs 49 92 2 Gathering +33
Archaeoskin Breeches of Maiming Archaeoskin breeches of maiming icon1.png 50 115 LNC, DRG Legs 104 83 2 Strength +38, Vitality +44, Accuracy +27, Skill Speed +38
Argute Culottes Argute culottes icon1.png 50 90 SCH Legs 62 110 0 Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Critical Hit Rate +24
Armorer's Slops Armorers slops icon1.png 50 55 ARM Legs 40 78 2 Craftsmanship +3, Control +27
Artisan's Chausses Artisans chausses icon1.png 50 70 All Classes Legs 57 105 0 CP +2, Craftsmanship +4, Control +35
Artisan's Culottes Artisans culottes icon1.png 50 60 All Classes Legs 42 80 3 Craftsmanship +3, Control +29
Ascetic's Tights Ascetics tights icon1.png 24 26 Disciples of Magic Legs 21 42 0 Vitality +5, Intelligence +5, Mind +5, Determination +4, Spell Speed +4
Astral Silk Bottoms of Casting Astral silk bottoms of casting icon1.png 60 180 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 130 227 2 Vitality +63, Intelligence +70, Accuracy +62, Spell Speed +43
Astral Silk Bottoms of Healing Astral silk bottoms of healing icon1.png 60 180 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 130 227 2 Vitality +63, Mind +70, Piety +58, Spell Speed +43
Astral Silk Slops of Aiming Astral silk slops of aiming icon1.png 60 180 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 178 178 2 Dexterity +70, Vitality +70, Accuracy +62, Skill Speed +43
Astrum Hose Astrum hose icon1.png 50 110 LNC, DRG Legs 115 91 0 Strength +39, Vitality +46, Critical Hit Rate +41, Skill Speed +29
Asuran Haidate of Aiming Asuran haidate of aiming icon1.png 60 180 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 198 198 0 Dexterity +78, Vitality +78, Accuracy +48, Determination +66
Asuran Haidate of Fending Asuran haidate of fending icon1.png 60 180 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 360 360 0 Strength +78, Vitality +78, Parry +48, Determination +66
Asuran Haidate of Maiming Asuran haidate of maiming icon1.png 60 180 LNC, DRG Legs 252 198 0 Strength +78, Vitality +78, Determination +66, Skill Speed +48
Asuran Haidate of Scouting Asuran haidate of scouting icon1.png 60 180 ROG, NIN Legs 198 198 0 Dexterity +78, Vitality +78, Determination +66, Skill Speed +48
Asuran Haidate of Striking Asuran haidate of striking icon1.png 60 180 PGL, MNK Legs 198 198 0 Strength +78, Vitality +78, Accuracy +69, Critical Hit Rate +48
Asuran Hakama of Casting Asuran hakama of casting icon1.png 60 180 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 144 252 0 Vitality +70, Intelligence +78, Accuracy +69, Critical Hit Rate +48
Asuran Hakama of Healing Asuran hakama of healing icon1.png 60 180 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 144 252 0 Vitality +70, Mind +78, Piety +45, Determination +66
Augmented Boltkeep's Slacks Augmented boltkeeps slacks icon1.png 60 200 WVR Legs 170 297 0 Craftsmanship +9, Control +90
Augmented Cauldronkeep's Longkilt Augmented cauldronkeeps longkilt icon1.png 60 200 ALC Legs 170 297 0 Craftsmanship +9, Control +90
Augmented Choral Tights Augmented choral tights icon1.png 45 50 BRD Legs 72 72 0 Dexterity +12, Vitality +13, Critical Hit Rate +22, Determination +10
Augmented Drachen Breeches Augmented drachen breeches icon1.png 45 50 DRG Legs 96 72 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13, Critical Hit Rate +15, Skill Speed +22
Augmented Evoker's Waistclout Augmented evokers waistclout icon1.png 45 50 SMN Legs 48 96 0 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Accuracy +22, Determination +10
Augmented Fieldkeep's Slops Augmented fieldkeeps slops icon1.png 60 200 BTN Legs 170 297 0 GP +5, Gathering +88, Perception +8
Augmented Fighter's Breeches Augmented fighters breeches icon1.png 45 50 WAR Legs 143 143 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13, Parry +15, Determination +15
Augmented Forgekeep's Slops Augmented forgekeeps slops icon1.png 60 200 BSM Legs 170 297 0 Craftsmanship +9, Control +90
Augmented Gallant Cuisses Augmented gallant cuisses icon1.png 45 50 PLD Legs 143 143 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13, Parry +22, Accuracy +15
Augmented Galleykeep's Trousers Augmented galleykeeps trousers icon1.png 60 200 CUL Legs 170 297 0 Craftsmanship +9, Control +90
Augmented Gemkeep's Trousers Augmented gemkeeps trousers icon1.png 60 200 GSM Legs 170 297 0 Craftsmanship +9, Control +90
Augmented Hailstorm Bottoms of Casting Augmented hailstorm bottoms of casting icon1.png 60 240 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 187 328 2 Vitality +129, Intelligence +131, Determination +75, Spell Speed +112
Augmented Hailstorm Bottoms of Healing Augmented hailstorm bottoms of healing icon1.png 60 240 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 187 328 2 Vitality +129, Mind +131, Determination +107, Spell Speed +78
Augmented Hammerkeep's Slops Augmented hammerkeeps slops icon1.png 60 200 ARM Legs 170 297 0 Craftsmanship +9, Control +90
Augmented Healer's Culottes Augmented healers culottes icon1.png 45 50 WHM Legs 48 96 0 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Piety +12, Determination +10
Augmented Hellfire Breeches of Fending Augmented hellfire breeches of fending icon1.png 60 240 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 468 468 2 Strength +131, Vitality +143, Parry +112, Accuracy +78
Augmented Hellfire Breeches of Striking Augmented hellfire breeches of striking icon1.png 60 240 PGL, MNK Legs 257 257 2 Strength +131, Vitality +143, Accuracy +112, Determination +75
Augmented Hidekeep's Trousers Augmented hidekeeps trousers icon1.png 60 200 LTW Legs 170 297 0 Craftsmanship +9, Control +90
Augmented Ironworks Brais of Aiming Augmented ironworks brais of aiming icon1.png 50 130 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 95 95 0 Dexterity +50, Vitality +59, Accuracy +47, Skill Speed +33
Augmented Ironworks Brais of Scouting Augmented ironworks brais of scouting icon1.png 50 130 ROG, NIN Legs 95 95 0 Dexterity +50, Vitality +59, Critical Hit Rate +33, Determination +34
Augmented Ironworks Breeches of Casting Augmented ironworks breeches of casting icon1.png 50 130 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 72 119 0 Vitality +53, Intelligence +50, Accuracy +47, Determination +23
Augmented Ironworks Hose of Maiming Augmented ironworks hose of maiming icon1.png 50 130 LNC, DRG Legs 119 95 0 Strength +50, Vitality +59, Critical Hit Rate +33, Determination +34
Augmented Ironworks Hose of Striking Augmented ironworks hose of striking icon1.png 50 130 PGL, MNK Legs 95 95 0 Strength +50, Vitality +59, Accuracy +47, Determination +23
Augmented Ironworks Slops of Healing Augmented ironworks slops of healing icon1.png 50 130 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 72 119 0 Vitality +53, Mind +50, Accuracy +9, Determination +34, Spell Speed +33
Augmented Ironworks Trousers of Fending Augmented ironworks trousers of fending icon1.png 50 130 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 167 167 0 Strength +50, Vitality +59, Parry +33, Accuracy +47
Augmented Millkeep's Slops Augmented millkeeps slops icon1.png 60 200 CRP Legs 170 297 0 Craftsmanship +9, Control +90
Augmented Minekeep's Slops Augmented minekeeps slops icon1.png 60 200 MIN Legs 170 297 0 GP +5, Gathering +88, Perception +8
Augmented Ninja Hakama Augmented ninja hakama icon1.png 45 50 NIN Legs 72 72 0 Dexterity +12, Vitality +13, Accuracy +22, Determination +10
Augmented Scholar's Culottes Augmented scholars culottes icon1.png 45 50 SCH Legs 48 96 0 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Piety +12, Critical Hit Rate +15
Augmented Shire Conservator's Hose Augmented shire conservators hose icon1.png 60 270 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 264 264 2 Dexterity +169, Vitality +190, Accuracy +90, Determination +123
Augmented Shire Custodian's Hose Augmented shire custodians hose icon1.png 60 270 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 480 480 2 Strength +169, Vitality +190, Parry +129, Accuracy +90
Augmented Shire Emissary's Hose Augmented shire emissarys hose icon1.png 60 270 ROG, NIN Legs 264 264 2 Dexterity +169, Vitality +190, Critical Hit Rate +129, Skill Speed +90
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Hose Augmented shire pankratiasts hose icon1.png 60 270 PGL, MNK Legs 264 264 2 Strength +169, Vitality +190, Accuracy +129, Critical Hit Rate +90
Augmented Shire Pathfinder's Hose Augmented shire pathfinders hose icon1.png 60 270 LNC, DRG Legs 336 264 2 Strength +169, Vitality +190, Accuracy +129, Determination +86
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Hose Augmented shire philosophers hose icon1.png 60 270 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 192 336 2 Vitality +171, Intelligence +169, Accuracy +129, Critical Hit Rate +90
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Hose Augmented shire preceptors hose icon1.png 60 270 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 192 336 2 Vitality +171, Mind +169, Critical Hit Rate +129, Determination +86
Augmented Slipstream Breeches of Maiming Augmented slipstream breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 240 LNC, DRG Legs 328 257 2 Strength +131, Vitality +143, Critical Hit Rate +112, Determination +75
Augmented Tacklekeep's Gaskins Augmented tacklekeeps gaskins icon1.png 60 200 FSH Legs 170 297 0 GP +5, Gathering +88, Perception +8
Augmented Temple Gaskins Augmented temple gaskins icon1.png 45 50 MNK Legs 72 72 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13, Accuracy +22, Determination +10
Augmented Torrent Tights of Aiming Augmented torrent tights of aiming icon1.png 60 240 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 257 257 2 Dexterity +131, Vitality +143, Critical Hit Rate +78, Skill Speed +112
Augmented Torrent Tights of Scouting Augmented torrent tights of scouting icon1.png 60 240 ROG, NIN Legs 257 257 2 Dexterity +131, Vitality +143, Critical Hit Rate +112, Skill Speed +78
Augmented Wizard's Tonban Augmented wizards tonban icon1.png 45 50 BLM Legs 48 96 0 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Critical Hit Rate +15, Spell Speed +22
Auri Breeches Auri breeches icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Auri Pantalettes Auri pantalettes icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Auroral Brais Auroral brais icon1.png 50 110 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 91 91 0 Dexterity +39, Vitality +46, Determination +20, Skill Speed +41
Austere Tights Austere tights icon1.png 50 60 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 53 100 0 Vitality +16, Intelligence +16, Accuracy +17, Critical Hit Rate +24
Ballad Sarouel Ballad sarouel icon1.png 50 80 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 84 84 0 Dexterity +25, Vitality +27, Accuracy +21, Skill Speed +30
Bard's Tights Bards tights icon1.png 50 90 BRD Legs 86 86 0 Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit Rate +34, Determination +17
Batliege Hakidate Batliege hakidate icon1.png 50 110 ROG, NIN Legs 91 91 2 Dexterity +39, Vitality +46, Critical Hit Rate +41, Skill Speed +29, Morale +20
Batsight Hakidate Batsight hakidate icon1.png 50 100 ROG, NIN Legs 88 88 2 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Determination +27, Skill Speed +26, Morale +10
Battlemage's Breeches Battlemages breeches icon1.png 32 34 Disciples of Magic Legs 28 57 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Critical Hit Rate +7, Spell Speed +10
Bearliege Hose Bearliege hose icon1.png 50 110 MRD, WAR Legs 162 162 2 Strength +39, Vitality +46, Determination +20, Skill Speed +41, Morale +20
Bearsmaw Hose Bearsmaw hose icon1.png 50 100 MRD, WAR Legs 160 160 2 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Determination +19, Skill Speed +38, Morale +10
Berserker's Hose Berserkers hose icon1.png 60 215 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 458 458 0 Strength +106, Vitality +113, Accuracy +68, Critical Hit Rate +97
Best Man's Slacks Best mans slacks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Birdliege Breeches Birdliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 ARC, BRD Legs 91 91 2 Dexterity +39, Vitality +46, Critical Hit Rate +29, Determination +29, Morale +20
Birdsong Breeches Birdsong breeches icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD Legs 88 88 2 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +26, Determination +27, Morale +10
Black Summer Tanga Black summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Fire Resistance +1
Black Summer Trunks Black summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Fire Resistance +1
Blacksmith's Slops Blacksmiths slops icon1.png 50 55 BSM Legs 40 78 2 Craftsmanship +3, Control +27
Blessed Slops Blessed slops icon1.png 50 60 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 53 100 0 Vitality +16, Mind +16, Piety +10, Determination +17
Blue Summer Maro Blue summer maro icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Blue Summer Tanga Blue summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Blue Summer Trunks Blue summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Boarskin Breeches Boarskin breeches icon1.png 38 38 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 77 77 2 Strength +7, Vitality +7, Accuracy +10
Boarskin Culottes Boarskin culottes icon1.png 43 43 All Classes Legs 30 61 2 Gathering +22
Boarskin Skirt Boarskin skirt icon1.png 43 43 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 61 46 2 Strength +9, Vitality +9, Critical Hit Rate +13
Boarskin Subligar Boarskin subligar icon1.png 37 37 Disciples of War Legs 37 37 2 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +7, Skill Speed +9
Bogatyr's Slops of Aiming Bogatyrs slops of aiming icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 88 88 0 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Accuracy +26, Skill Speed +38
Bogatyr's Slops of Casting Bogatyrs slops of casting icon1.png 50 100 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 65 112 0 Vitality +35, Intelligence +34, Accuracy +26, Critical Hit Rate +38
Bogatyr's Slops of Healing Bogatyrs slops of healing icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 65 112 0 Vitality +35, Mind +34, Accuracy +8, Critical Hit Rate +26, Determination +27
Bohemian's Trousers Bohemians trousers icon1.png 13 13 All Classes Legs 12 25 0 Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Vitality +2, Intelligence +2, Mind +2, Piety +1
Boltkeep's Slacks Boltkeeps slacks icon1.png 60 180 WVR Legs 144 252 0 Craftsmanship +8, Control +75
Boltmaster's Slacks Boltmasters slacks icon1.png 60 170 WVR Legs 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +62
Botanist's Slops Botanists slops icon1.png 50 55 BTN Legs 40 78 2 Gathering +28, Perception +3
Brand-new Skirt Brand-new skirt icon1.png 15 17 Disciples of War Legs 22 22 0 Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Vitality +3, Accuracy +3, Determination +1
Brand-new Trousers Brand-new trousers icon1.png 15 17 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 44 44 0 Strength +3, Vitality +3, Accuracy +2, Determination +2
Brand-new Waistwrap Brand-new waistwrap icon1.png 15 17 Disciples of Magic Legs 14 29 0 Vitality +2, Intelligence +3, Mind +3, Critical Hit Rate +3, Determination +1
Breeches of Divine Wisdom Breeches of divine wisdom icon1.png 50 80 LNC, DRG Legs 107 84 0 Strength +25, Vitality +27, Critical Hit Rate +21, Skill Speed +30
Breeches of Light Breeches of light icon1.png 50 80 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 155 155 0 Strength +25, Vitality +27, Parry +30, Skill Speed +21
Breeches of the Divine War Breeches of the divine war icon1.png 50 80 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 155 155 0 Strength +25, Vitality +27, Accuracy +21, Determination +21
Bridesmaid's Tights Bridesmaids tights icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Bunny Chief Tights Bunny chief tights icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Bunny Tights Bunny tights icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Butler's Slacks Butlers slacks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 8 16 0
Caller's Loincloth Callers loincloth icon1.png 60 210 SMN Legs 182 319 0 Vitality +96, Intelligence +101, Critical Hit Rate +66, Determination +90
Carbonweave Breeches of Crafting Carbonweave breeches of crafting icon1.png 60 170 Disciples of Hand Legs 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +62
Carbonweave Slops of Gathering Carbonweave slops of gathering icon1.png 60 170 Disciple, of, the, Land Legs 109 191 2 Gathering +60, Perception +6
Carpenter's Slops Carpenters slops icon1.png 50 55 CRP Legs 40 78 2 Craftsmanship +3, Control +27
Cashmere Breeches of Casting Cashmere breeches of casting icon1.png 50 90 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 50 88 2 Vitality +24, Intelligence +26, Determination +20, Spell Speed +19
Cashmere Skirt of Aiming Cashmere skirt of aiming icon1.png 50 90 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 69 69 2 Dexterity +26, Vitality +26, Critical Hit Rate +19, Skill Speed +27
Cashmere Skirt of Healing Cashmere skirt of healing icon1.png 50 90 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 50 88 2 Vitality +24, Mind +26, Determination +20, Spell Speed +19
Cashmere Skirt of Striking Cashmere skirt of striking icon1.png 50 90 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 69 69 2 Strength +26, Dexterity +26, Vitality +26, Accuracy +24, Skill Speed +27
Cashmere Slops Cashmere slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Cauldronkeep's Longkilt Cauldronkeeps longkilt icon1.png 60 180 ALC Legs 144 252 0 Craftsmanship +8, Control +75
Cauldronmaster's Longkilt Cauldronmasters longkilt icon1.png 60 170 ALC Legs 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +62
Cavalry Trousers Cavalry trousers icon1.png 32 34 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 85 85 0 Strength +7, Vitality +8, Parry +10, Accuracy +7
Chaos Flanchard Chaos flanchard icon1.png 60 210 DRK Legs 456 456 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107, Parry +66, Skill Speed +94
Chausses of the Black Griffin Chausses of the black griffin icon1.png 60 180 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 144 252 2 Vitality +70, Intelligence +78, Critical Hit Rate +69, Spell Speed +48, Morale +30
Chausses of the White Griffin Chausses of the white griffin icon1.png 60 180 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 144 252 2 Vitality +70, Mind +78, Piety +45, Critical Hit Rate +69, Morale +30
Chimerical Felt Breeches of Casting Chimerical felt breeches of casting icon1.png 58 145 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 92 161 2 Vitality +50, Intelligence +56, Critical Hit Rate +46, Spell Speed +32
Chimerical Felt Breeches of Fending Chimerical felt breeches of fending icon1.png 60 150 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 270 270 2 Strength +61, Vitality +56, Accuracy +46, Determination +31
Chimerical Felt Breeches of Healing Chimerical felt breeches of healing icon1.png 60 150 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 108 189 2 Vitality +51, Mind +61, Determination +31, Spell Speed +46
Chimerical Felt Chausses of Healing Chimerical felt chausses of healing icon1.png 58 145 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 92 161 2 Vitality +50, Mind +56, Piety +26, Determination +40
Chimerical Felt Hose of Aiming Chimerical felt hose of aiming icon1.png 58 145 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 127 127 2 Dexterity +56, Vitality +55, Accuracy +32, Determination +40
Chimerical Felt Hose of Scouting Chimerical felt hose of scouting icon1.png 58 145 ROG, NIN Legs 127 127 2 Dexterity +56, Vitality +55, Accuracy +32, Determination +40
Chimerical Felt Hose of Striking Chimerical felt hose of striking icon1.png 58 145 PGL, MNK Legs 127 127 2 Strength +56, Vitality +55, Critical Hit Rate +46, Skill Speed +32
Chimerical Felt Skirt Chimerical felt skirt icon1.png 60 150 All Classes Legs 108 189 2 Control +55
Chimerical Felt Trousers Chimerical felt trousers icon1.png 60 150 All Classes Legs 108 189 2 Gathering +51
Choral Tights Choral tights icon1.png 45 50 BRD Legs 72 72 0 Dexterity +12, Vitality +13, Critical Hit Rate +22, Determination +10
Cleric's Culottes Clerics culottes icon1.png 50 90 WHM Legs 62 110 0 Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +26, Determination +17
Coeurl Beach Briefs Coeurl beach briefs icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Coeurl Beach Maro Coeurl beach maro icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Coeurl Beach Pareo Coeurl beach pareo icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Coeurl Beach Tanga Coeurl beach tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Coliseum Loincloth Coliseum loincloth icon1.png 44 46 Disciples of Magic Legs 42 84 2 Vitality +9, Intelligence +10, Mind +10, Determination +10, Spell Speed +15
Coliseum Subligar Coliseum subligar icon1.png 44 46 Disciples of War Legs 63 63 2 Strength +10, Dexterity +10, Vitality +9, Determination +10, Skill Speed +15
Conqueror's Brais Conquerors brais icon1.png 60 215 PGL, MNK Legs 252 252 0 Strength +106, Vitality +113, Accuracy +68, Skill Speed +97
Cotton Breeches Cotton breeches icon1.png 19 19 All Classes Legs 13 25 2 Vitality +2, Intelligence +3, Mind +3, Critical Hit Rate +3
Cotton Breeches of Crafting Cotton breeches of crafting icon1.png 19 19 All Classes Legs 13 25 2 Control +13
Cotton Chausses Cotton chausses icon1.png 15 15 All Classes Legs 11 22 2 Control +11
Cotton Gaskins Cotton gaskins icon1.png 22 22 All Classes Legs 14 28 2 Vitality +3, Intelligence +4, Mind +4, Accuracy +4
Cotton Kecks Cotton kecks icon1.png 23 23 Disciples of War Legs 22 22 2 Strength +4, Dexterity +4, Vitality +3, Skill Speed +4
Cotton Sarouel Cotton sarouel icon1.png 14 14 Disciples of War Legs 16 16 0 Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Vitality +1, Critical Hit Rate +2
Cotton Shepherd's Slops Cotton shepherds slops icon1.png 15 15 All Classes Legs 11 22 2 Gathering +12
Cotton Tights Cotton tights icon1.png 15 15 All Classes Legs 11 22 2 Vitality +1, Intelligence +2, Mind +2, Determination +1
Cotton Trousers Cotton trousers icon1.png 17 17 Disciples of War Legs 17 17 2 Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Vitality +2, Skill Speed +3
Creed Cuisses Creed cuisses icon1.png 60 210 PLD Legs 456 456 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107, Parry +94, Determination +63
Crescent Moon Bottoms Crescent moon bottoms icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Crimson Breeches Crimson breeches icon1.png 50 80 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 60 107 0 Vitality +25, Intelligence +25, Determination +21, Spell Speed +21
Cropped Flannel Slops Cropped flannel slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Cropped Wool Slops Cropped wool slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Cuisses of the Behemoth King Cuisses of the behemoth king icon1.png 60 180 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 360 360 2 Strength +78, Vitality +78, Determination +46, Skill Speed +69, Morale +30
Cuisses of the Behemoth Queen Cuisses of the behemoth queen icon1.png 60 180 LNC, DRG Legs 252 198 2 Strength +78, Vitality +78, Critical Hit Rate +69, Determination +46, Morale +30
Culinarian's Trousers Culinarians trousers icon1.png 50 55 CUL Legs 40 78 2 Craftsmanship +3, Control +27
Dark Divinity Brok Dark divinity brok icon1.png 50 50 Disciples of War Legs 48 96 0 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +12
Dark Divinity Spjarrar Dark divinity spjarrar icon1.png 50 50 Disciples of Magic Legs 48 96 0 Vitality +12, Intelligence +11, Mind +11, Piety +11
Darklight Breeches of Casting Darklight breeches of casting icon1.png 50 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 57 105 0 Vitality +20, Intelligence +20, Critical Hit Rate +27, Spell Speed +19
Darklight Breeches of Healing Darklight breeches of healing icon1.png 50 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 57 105 0 Vitality +20, Mind +20, Piety +12, Critical Hit Rate +27
Darklight Kecks Darklight kecks icon1.png 50 70 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 81 81 0 Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +19, Determination +18
Darklight Subligar Darklight subligar icon1.png 50 70 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 81 81 0 Strength +20, Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +27, Skill Speed +19
Darklight Trousers Darklight trousers icon1.png 50 70 LNC, DRG Legs 105 81 0 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +19, Determination +18
Daystar Breeches Daystar breeches icon1.png 50 110 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 67 115 0 Vitality +41, Mind +39, Piety +22, Accuracy +8, Critical Hit Rate +41
Deepmist Breeches of Fending Deepmist breeches of fending icon1.png 60 180 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 360 360 0 Strength +78, Vitality +78
Deepmist Breeches of Maiming Deepmist breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 180 LNC, DRG Legs 252 198 0 Strength +78, Vitality +78
Deepmist Gaskins of Casting Deepmist gaskins of casting icon1.png 60 180 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 144 252 0 Vitality +70, Intelligence +78
Deepmist Gaskins of Healing Deepmist gaskins of healing icon1.png 60 180 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 144 252 0 Vitality +70, Mind +78
Deepmist Trousers of Aiming Deepmist trousers of aiming icon1.png 60 180 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 198 198 0 Dexterity +78, Vitality +78
Deepmist Trousers of Scouting Deepmist trousers of scouting icon1.png 60 180 ROG, NIN Legs 198 198 0 Dexterity +78, Vitality +78
Deepmist Trousers of Striking Deepmist trousers of striking icon1.png 60 180 PGL, MNK Legs 198 198 0 Strength +78, Vitality +78
Demagogue Chausses Demagogue chausses icon1.png 50 60 Disciples of Magic Legs 53 100 0 Vitality +16, Intelligence +16, Determination +12, Spell Speed +24
Demon Breeches of Aiming Demon breeches of aiming icon1.png 50 120 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Determination +22, Skill Speed +44
Demon Breeches of Fending Demon breeches of fending icon1.png 50 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 165 165 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Parry +44, Skill Speed +31
Demon Breeches of Maiming Demon breeches of maiming icon1.png 50 120 LNC, DRG Legs 117 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +31, Critical Hit Rate +44
Demon Sarouel of Scouting Demon sarouel of scouting icon1.png 50 120 ROG, NIN Legs 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +31, Critical Hit Rate +44
Demon Sarouel of Striking Demon sarouel of striking icon1.png 50 120 PGL, MNK Legs 93 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +31, Critical Hit Rate +44
Demon Skirt of Casting Demon skirt of casting icon1.png 50 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Intelligence +45, Accuracy +31, Spell Speed +44
Demon Skirt of Healing Demon skirt of healing icon1.png 50 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Mind +45, Accuracy +9, Critical Hit Rate +44, Determination +22
Dhalmelskin Breeches of Fending Dhalmelskin breeches of fending icon1.png 54 133 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 151 151 2 Strength +46, Vitality +53, Critical Hit Rate +43, Determination +21
Dhalmelskin Breeches of Maiming Dhalmelskin breeches of maiming icon1.png 54 133 LNC, DRG Legs 108 86 2 Strength +46, Vitality +53, Critical Hit Rate +43, Determination +21
Diabolic Bottoms of Aiming Diabolic bottoms of aiming icon1.png 60 260 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 262 262 2 Dexterity +157, Vitality +174, Critical Hit Rate +123, Determination +82
Diabolic Bottoms of Casting Diabolic bottoms of casting icon1.png 60 260 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 190 333 2 Vitality +157, Intelligence +157, Critical Hit Rate +86, Spell Speed +123
Diabolic Bottoms of Fending Diabolic bottoms of fending icon1.png 60 260 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 476 476 2 Strength +157, Vitality +174, Accuracy +123, Critical Hit Rate +86
Diabolic Bottoms of Maiming Diabolic bottoms of maiming icon1.png 60 260 LNC, DRG Legs 333 262 2 Strength +157, Vitality +174, Accuracy +86, Critical Hit Rate +123
Diabolic Bottoms of Scouting Diabolic bottoms of scouting icon1.png 60 260 ROG, NIN Legs 262 262 2 Dexterity +157, Vitality +174, Accuracy +123, Critical Hit Rate +86
Diabolic Bottoms of Striking Diabolic bottoms of striking icon1.png 60 260 PGL, MNK Legs 262 262 2 Strength +157, Vitality +174, Accuracy +86, Determination +117
Diabolic Trousers of Healing Diabolic trousers of healing icon1.png 60 260 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 190 333 2 Vitality +157, Mind +157, Piety +124, Spell Speed +86
Direwolf Breeches of Casting Direwolf breeches of casting icon1.png 50 90 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 62 110 2 Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Critical Hit Rate +34, Determination +17, Morale +10
Direwolf Cuisses of Fending Direwolf cuisses of fending icon1.png 50 90 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 158 158 2 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit Rate +24, Determination +24, Morale +10
Direwolf Skirt of Aiming Direwolf skirt of aiming icon1.png 50 90 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 86 86 2 Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Determination +24, Skill Speed +24, Morale +10
Direwolf Skirt of Healing Direwolf skirt of healing icon1.png 50 90 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 62 110 2 Vitality +29, Mind +29, Piety +18, Determination +24, Morale +10
Direwolf Skirt of Striking Direwolf skirt of striking icon1.png 50 90 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 86 86 2 Strength +29, Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit Rate +34, Determination +17, Morale +10
Direwolf Trousers of Maiming Direwolf trousers of maiming icon1.png 50 90 LNC, DRG Legs 110 86 2 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Determination +17, Skill Speed +34, Morale +10
Drachen Breeches Drachen breeches icon1.png 45 50 DRG Legs 96 72 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13, Critical Hit Rate +15, Skill Speed +22
Dragonlancer's Cuissots Dragonlancers cuissots icon1.png 60 210 DRG Legs 319 251 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107, Critical Hit Rate +94, Skill Speed +66
Dragonskin Bottoms Dragonskin bottoms icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Dragonskin Breeches of Fending Dragonskin breeches of fending icon1.png 56 139 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 183 183 2 Strength +51, Vitality +54, Determination +35, Skill Speed +32
Dragonskin Breeches of Maiming Dragonskin breeches of maiming icon1.png 56 139 LNC, DRG Legs 128 101 2 Strength +51, Vitality +54, Accuracy +32, Skill Speed +45
Dragonskin Breeches of Scouting Dragonskin breeches of scouting icon1.png 56 139 ROG, NIN Legs 101 101 2 Dexterity +51, Vitality +54, Determination +24, Skill Speed +45
Dragonskin Breeches of Striking Dragonskin breeches of striking icon1.png 56 139 PGL, MNK Legs 101 101 2 Strength +51, Vitality +54, Accuracy +32, Skill Speed +45
Dravanian Longkilt of Casting Dravanian longkilt of casting icon1.png 60 195 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 163 286 0 Vitality +83, Intelligence +90, Critical Hit Rate +57, Determination +78
Dravanian Longkilt of Fending Dravanian longkilt of fending icon1.png 60 195 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 408 408 0 Strength +90, Vitality +92, Accuracy +57, Critical Hit Rate +81
Dravanian Longkilt of Healing Dravanian longkilt of healing icon1.png 60 195 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 163 286 0 Vitality +83, Mind +90, Critical Hit Rate +57, Determination +78
Dravanian Longkilt of Maiming Dravanian longkilt of maiming icon1.png 60 195 LNC, DRG Legs 286 224 0 Strength +90, Vitality +92, Accuracy +81, Determination +55
Dravanian Trousers of Aiming Dravanian trousers of aiming icon1.png 60 195 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 224 224 0 Dexterity +90, Vitality +92, Accuracy +57, Critical Hit Rate +81
Dravanian Trousers of Scouting Dravanian trousers of scouting icon1.png 60 195 ROG, NIN Legs 224 224 0 Dexterity +90, Vitality +92, Accuracy +57, Determination +78
Dravanian Trousers of Striking Dravanian trousers of striking icon1.png 60 195 PGL, MNK Legs 224 224 0 Strength +90, Vitality +92, Critical Hit Rate +57, Determination +78
Dreadwyrm Breeches of Aiming Dreadwyrm breeches of aiming icon1.png 50 130 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 95 95 0 Dexterity +50, Vitality +59, Accuracy +33, Critical Hit Rate +47
Dreadwyrm Breeches of Maiming Dreadwyrm breeches of maiming icon1.png 50 130 LNC, DRG Legs 119 95 0 Strength +50, Vitality +59, Accuracy +47, Skill Speed +33
Dreadwyrm Sarouel of Fending Dreadwyrm sarouel of fending icon1.png 50 130 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 167 167 0 Strength +50, Vitality +59, Critical Hit Rate +47, Determination +23
Dreadwyrm Slops of Scouting Dreadwyrm slops of scouting icon1.png 50 130 ROG, NIN Legs 95 95 0 Dexterity +50, Vitality +59, Accuracy +47, Skill Speed +33
Dreadwyrm Slops of Striking Dreadwyrm slops of striking icon1.png 50 130 PGL, MNK Legs 95 95 0 Strength +50, Vitality +59, Determination +23, Skill Speed +47
Dreadwyrm Tonban of Casting Dreadwyrm tonban of casting icon1.png 50 130 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 72 119 0 Vitality +53, Intelligence +50, Critical Hit Rate +47, Spell Speed +33
Dreadwyrm Tonban of Healing Dreadwyrm tonban of healing icon1.png 50 130 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 72 119 0 Vitality +53, Mind +50, Piety +36, Accuracy +9, Critical Hit Rate +33
Eerie Tights Eerie tights icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Eikon Cloth Brais of Casting Eikon cloth brais of casting icon1.png 60 220 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 166 290 2 Vitality +96, Intelligence +100, Accuracy +90, Determination +60
Eikon Cloth Brais of Maiming Eikon cloth brais of maiming icon1.png 60 220 LNC, DRG Legs 290 228 2 Strength +100, Vitality +107, Accuracy +90, Skill Speed +63
Eikon Cloth Brais of Striking Eikon cloth brais of striking icon1.png 60 220 PGL, MNK Legs 228 228 2 Strength +100, Vitality +107, Determination +86, Skill Speed +63
Eikon Cloth Culottes of Aiming Eikon cloth culottes of aiming icon1.png 60 220 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 228 228 2 Dexterity +100, Vitality +107, Accuracy +90, Skill Speed +63
Eikon Cloth Culottes of Healing Eikon cloth culottes of healing icon1.png 60 220 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 166 290 2 Vitality +96, Mind +100, Piety +69, Determination +86
Eikon Cloth Culottes of Scouting Eikon cloth culottes of scouting icon1.png 60 220 ROG, NIN Legs 228 228 2 Dexterity +100, Vitality +107, Critical Hit Rate +63, Skill Speed +90
Eikon Leather Breeches of Fending Eikon leather breeches of fending icon1.png 60 220 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 414 414 2 Strength +100, Vitality +107, Parry +90, Critical Hit Rate +63
Elezen Braccae Elezen braccae icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Elezen Tights Elezen tights icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Elkhorn Slops Elkhorn slops icon1.png 50 100 ACN, SMN Legs 65 112 2 Vitality +35, Intelligence +34, Determination +27, Spell Speed +26, Morale +10
Elkliege Slops Elkliege slops icon1.png 50 110 ACN, SMN Legs 67 115 2 Vitality +41, Intelligence +39, Critical Hit Rate +29, Determination +29, Morale +20
Elklord Slops Elklord slops icon1.png 50 110 SCH Legs 67 115 2 Vitality +41, Mind +39, Determination +20, Spell Speed +41, Morale +20
Elktail Slops Elktail slops icon1.png 50 100 SCH Legs 65 112 2 Vitality +35, Mind +34, Determination +19, Spell Speed +38, Morale +10
Evenstar Tights Evenstar tights icon1.png 50 110 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 67 115 0 Vitality +41, Intelligence +39, Accuracy +29, Determination +29
Evoker's Waistclout Evokers waistclout icon1.png 45 50 SMN Legs 48 96 0 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Accuracy +22, Determination +10
Expeditioner's Kecks Expeditioners kecks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Expeditioner's Pantalettes Expeditioners pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Explorer's Breeches Explorers breeches icon1.png 50 52 Disciples of War Legs 73 73 0 Strength +13, Dexterity +13, Vitality +14, Critical Hit Rate +23, Skill Speed +16
Extreme Survival Slops Extreme survival slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Falconer's Bottoms Falconers bottoms icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Felt Chausses Felt chausses icon1.png 48 48 All Classes Legs 36 72 2 Control +23
Felt Gaskins Felt gaskins icon1.png 49 49 All Classes Legs 37 74 2 Vitality +9, Intelligence +11, Mind +11, Accuracy +17
Felt Kecks Felt kecks icon1.png 48 48 Disciples of War Legs 54 54 2 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +10, Skill Speed +16
Felt Trousers Felt trousers icon1.png 50 50 Disciples of War Legs 57 57 2 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +10, Accuracy +18
Field Commander's Slops Field commanders slops icon1.png 60 160 All Classes Legs 128 224 0 Strength +64, Dexterity +64, Vitality +61, Intelligence +64, Mind +64, Piety +45
Fieldkeep's Slops Fieldkeeps slops icon1.png 60 180 BTN Legs 144 252 0 Gathering +73, Perception +7
Fighter's Breeches Fighters breeches icon1.png 45 50 WAR Legs 143 143 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13, Parry +15, Determination +15
Filibuster's Trousers of Aiming Filibusters trousers of aiming icon1.png 60 245 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 259 259 2 Dexterity +138, Vitality +151, Accuracy +114, Critical Hit Rate +80
Filibuster's Trousers of Casting Filibusters trousers of casting icon1.png 60 245 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 188 329 2 Vitality +136, Intelligence +138, Accuracy +114, Critical Hit Rate +80
Filibuster's Trousers of Fending Filibusters trousers of fending icon1.png 60 245 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 470 470 2 Strength +138, Vitality +151, Parry +114, Critical Hit Rate +80
Filibuster's Trousers of Healing Filibusters trousers of healing icon1.png 60 245 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 188 329 2 Vitality +136, Mind +138, Piety +83, Spell Speed +114
Filibuster's Trousers of Maiming Filibusters trousers of maiming icon1.png 60 245 LNC, DRG Legs 329 259 2 Strength +138, Vitality +151, Accuracy +114, Determination +77
Filibuster's Trousers of Scouting Filibusters trousers of scouting icon1.png 60 245 ROG, NIN Legs 259 259 2 Dexterity +138, Vitality +151, Accuracy +80, Determination +109
Filibuster's Trousers of Striking Filibusters trousers of striking icon1.png 60 245 PGL, MNK Legs 259 259 2 Strength +138, Vitality +151, Critical Hit Rate +80, Determination +109
Fisher's Gaskins Fishers gaskins icon1.png 50 55 FSH Legs 40 78 2 Gathering +28, Perception +3
Fistfighter's Breeches Fistfighters breeches icon1.png 50 70 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 81 81 0 Strength +20, Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +19, Determination +18
Flame Elite's Loincloth Flame elites loincloth icon1.png 50 70 Disciples of Magic Legs 57 105 0 Vitality +20, Intelligence +20, Mind +20, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +13
Flame Elite's Skirt Flame elites skirt icon1.png 50 70 Disciples of War Legs 81 81 0 Strength +20, Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Determination +18, Skill Speed +19
Flame Elite's Trousers Flame elites trousers icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 153 153 0 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +27, Determination +13
Flame Private's Chausses Flame privates chausses icon1.png 27 28 All Classes Legs 22 45 0 Control +18
Flame Private's Culottes Flame privates culottes icon1.png 27 28 All Classes Legs 22 45 0 Gathering +19
Flame Private's Sarouel Flame privates sarouel icon1.png 31 32 All Classes Legs 26 53 0 Control +19
Flame Sergeant's Hose Flame sergeants hose icon1.png 44 46 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 127 127 0 Strength +11, Vitality +12, Determination +12
Flame Sergeant's Sarouel Flame sergeants sarouel icon1.png 44 46 All Classes Legs 42 84 0 Control +25
Flame Sergeant's Skirt Flame sergeants skirt icon1.png 44 46 Disciples of War Legs 63 63 0 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +12, Skill Speed +18
Flame Sergeant's Subligar Flame sergeants subligar icon1.png 34 35 Disciples of War Legs 44 44 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +8, Accuracy +10
Flame Sergeant's Tights Flame sergeants tights icon1.png 34 35 All Classes Legs 29 59 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Accuracy +10
Flame Sergeant's Trousers Flame sergeants trousers icon1.png 34 35 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 88 88 0 Strength +7, Vitality +8, Accuracy +10
Foestriker's Skirt Foestrikers skirt icon1.png 15 17 Disciples of War Legs 22 22 0 Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Vitality +3, Accuracy +3, Determination +1
Forager's Slops Foragers slops icon1.png 50 60 All Classes Legs 42 80 3 Gathering +31, Perception +3
Forgekeep's Slops Forgekeeps slops icon1.png 60 180 BSM Legs 144 252 0 Craftsmanship +8, Control +75
Forgemaster's Slops Forgemasters slops icon1.png 60 170 BSM Legs 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +62
Fuma Hakama Fuma hakama icon1.png 50 80 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 84 84 0 Strength +25, Dexterity +25, Vitality +27, Determination +21, Skill Speed +21
Gallant Cuisses Gallant cuisses icon1.png 45 50 PLD Legs 143 143 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13, Parry +22, Accuracy +15
Galleykeep's Trousers Galleykeeps trousers icon1.png 60 180 CUL Legs 144 252 0 Craftsmanship +8, Control +75
Galleymaster's Trousers Galleymasters trousers icon1.png 60 170 CUL Legs 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +62
Gambler's Trousers Gamblers trousers icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Gaskins of the Falling Dragon Gaskins of the falling dragon icon1.png 60 180 ROG, NIN Legs 198 198 2 Dexterity +78, Vitality +78, Critical Hit Rate +48, Determination +66, Morale +30
Gaskins of the Rising Dragon Gaskins of the rising dragon icon1.png 60 180 PGL, MNK Legs 198 198 2 Strength +78, Vitality +78, Critical Hit Rate +48, Skill Speed +69, Morale +30
Gemkeep's Trousers Gemkeeps trousers icon1.png 60 180 GSM Legs 144 252 0 Craftsmanship +8, Control +75
Gemmaster's Trousers Gemmasters trousers icon1.png 60 170 GSM Legs 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +62
Glade Slops Glade slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Gloam Brais Gloam brais icon1.png 50 110 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 91 91 0 Strength +39, Dexterity +39, Vitality +46, Accuracy +41, Determination +20
Gnath Abdomen Gnath abdomen icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 8 16 0
Goatskin Brais Goatskin brais icon1.png 20 20 Disciples of War Legs 19 19 2 Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Vitality +3, Determination +2
Goatskin Breeches Goatskin breeches icon1.png 23 23 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 45 45 2 Strength +4, Vitality +3, Accuracy +4
Goetia Chausses Goetia chausses icon1.png 60 210 BLM Legs 182 319 0 Vitality +96, Intelligence +101, Accuracy +66, Critical Hit Rate +94
Goldsmith's Trousers Goldsmiths trousers icon1.png 50 55 GSM Legs 40 78 2 Craftsmanship +3, Control +27
Gordian Brayettes of Casting Gordian brayettes of casting icon1.png 60 210 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 182 319 0 Vitality +96, Intelligence +101, Determination +63, Spell Speed +94
Gordian Brayettes of Healing Gordian brayettes of healing icon1.png 60 210 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 182 319 0 Vitality +96, Mind +101, Piety +75, Critical Hit Rate +94
Gordian Breeches of Fending Gordian breeches of fending icon1.png 60 210 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 456 456 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107, Accuracy +66, Critical Hit Rate +94
Gordian Breeches of Maiming Gordian breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 210 LNC, DRG Legs 319 251 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107, Accuracy +94, Determination +63
Gordian Breeches of Striking Gordian breeches of striking icon1.png 60 210 PGL, MNK Legs 251 251 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107, Accuracy +94, Critical Hit Rate +66
Gordian Poleyns of Aiming Gordian poleyns of aiming icon1.png 60 210 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 251 251 0 Dexterity +101, Vitality +107, Accuracy +66, Skill Speed +94
Gordian Poleyns of Scouting Gordian poleyns of scouting icon1.png 60 210 ROG, NIN Legs 251 251 0 Dexterity +101, Vitality +107, Accuracy +94, Skill Speed +66
Green Summer Tanga Green summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Green Summer Trunks Green summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Griffin Leather Brais of Scouting Griffin leather brais of scouting icon1.png 60 180 ROG, NIN Legs 178 178 2 Dexterity +70, Vitality +70, Accuracy +43, Skill Speed +62
Griffin Leather Brais of Striking Griffin leather brais of striking icon1.png 60 180 PGL, MNK Legs 178 178 2 Strength +70, Vitality +70, Accuracy +43, Skill Speed +62
Griffin Leather Skirt of Fending Griffin leather skirt of fending icon1.png 60 180 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 324 324 2 Strength +70, Vitality +70, Accuracy +62, Skill Speed +43
Griffin Leather Skirt of Maiming Griffin leather skirt of maiming icon1.png 60 180 LNC, DRG Legs 227 178 2 Strength +70, Vitality +70, Accuracy +62, Critical Hit Rate +43
Gryphonskin Kecks Gryphonskin kecks icon1.png 50 70 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 65 65 2 Dexterity +18, Vitality +18, Accuracy +21, Skill Speed +15
Gryphonskin Pantalettes Gryphonskin pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Gryphonskin Trousers Gryphonskin trousers icon1.png 50 70 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 65 65 2 Strength +18, Dexterity +18, Vitality +18, Critical Hit Rate +21, Determination +13
Guardian Corps Skirt Guardian corps skirt icon1.png 13 13 All Classes Legs 12 25 0 Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Vitality +2, Intelligence +2, Mind +2, Piety +1
Hailstorm Bottoms of Casting Hailstorm bottoms of casting icon1.png 60 230 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 186 325 2 Vitality +118, Intelligence +121, Determination +71, Spell Speed +106
Hailstorm Bottoms of Healing Hailstorm bottoms of healing icon1.png 60 230 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 186 325 2 Vitality +118, Mind +121, Determination +101, Spell Speed +74
Hallowed Ramie Gaskins of Aiming Hallowed ramie gaskins of aiming icon1.png 56 139 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 101 101 2 Dexterity +51, Vitality +54, Accuracy +45, Skill Speed +32
Hallowed Ramie Gaskins of Casting Hallowed ramie gaskins of casting icon1.png 56 139 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 66 128 2 Vitality +49, Intelligence +51, Determination +24, Spell Speed +45
Hallowed Ramie Gaskins of Healing Hallowed ramie gaskins of healing icon1.png 56 139 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 66 128 2 Vitality +49, Mind +51, Piety +24, Spell Speed +45
Halone's Breeches of Fending Halones breeches of fending icon1.png 60 205 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 440 440 2 Strength +97, Vitality +102, Critical Hit Rate +90, Determination +60, Morale +35
Halone's Breeches of Maiming Halones breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 205 LNC, DRG Legs 308 242 2 Strength +97, Vitality +102, Determination +86, Skill Speed +63, Morale +35
Halonic Auditor's Brais Halonic auditors brais icon1.png 57 142 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 126 126 0 Dexterity +60, Vitality +61, Accuracy +35, Skill Speed +50
Halonic Exorcist's Breeches Halonic exorcists breeches icon1.png 57 142 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 74 161 0 Vitality +55, Intelligence +60, Accuracy +35, Determination +41
Halonic Friar's Hose Halonic friars hose icon1.png 57 142 PGL, MNK Legs 126 126 0 Strength +60, Vitality +61, Accuracy +50, Determination +29
Halonic Inquisitor's Trousers Halonic inquisitors trousers icon1.png 57 142 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 230 230 0 Strength +60, Vitality +61, Critical Hit Rate +50, Skill Speed +35
Halonic Ostiary's Trousers Halonic ostiarys trousers icon1.png 57 142 LNC, DRG Legs 161 126 0 Strength +60, Vitality +61, Accuracy +50, Determination +29
Halonic Priest's Breeches Halonic priests breeches icon1.png 57 142 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 74 161 0 Vitality +55, Mind +60, Piety +28, Critical Hit Rate +50
Halonic Vicar's Hose Halonic vicars hose icon1.png 57 142 ROG, NIN Legs 126 126 0 Dexterity +60, Vitality +61, Accuracy +50, Critical Hit Rate +35
Hammerkeep's Slops Hammerkeeps slops icon1.png 60 180 ARM Legs 144 252 0 Craftsmanship +8, Control +75
Hammermaster's Slops Hammermasters slops icon1.png 60 170 ARM Legs 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +62
Hard Leather Subligar Hard leather subligar icon1.png 12 12 Disciples of War Legs 14 14 0 Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Vitality +1, Determination +1
Harlequin's Tights Harlequins tights icon1.png 44 46 Disciples of Magic Legs 42 84 2 Vitality +9, Mind +10, Piety +8
Hawkliege Gaskins Hawkliege gaskins icon1.png 50 110 PGL, MNK Legs 91 91 2 Strength +39, Vitality +46, Critical Hit Rate +29, Skill Speed +41, Morale +20
Hawkwing Gaskins Hawkwing gaskins icon1.png 50 100 PGL, MNK Legs 88 88 2 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +38, Skill Speed +26, Morale +10
Healer's Culottes Healers culottes icon1.png 45 50 WHM Legs 48 96 0 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Piety +12, Determination +10
Heavy Allagan Cuisses Heavy allagan cuisses icon1.png 50 90 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 158 158 0 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Parry +24, Critical Hit Rate +34
Heavy Darklight Flanchard Heavy darklight flanchard icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 262 262 0 Strength +33, Vitality +36, Parry +30, Accuracy +43
Heavy Darksteel Flanchard Heavy darksteel flanchard icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 210 210 0 Strength +29, Vitality +29, Critical Hit Rate +24, Skill Speed +34
Heavy Iron Flanchard Heavy iron flanchard icon1.png 25 25 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 83 83 0 Strength +7, Vitality +6, Determination +5
Heavy Steel Flanchard Heavy steel flanchard icon1.png 35 35 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 120 120 0 Strength +11, Vitality +10, Determination +9
Heavy Wolfram Cuisses Heavy wolfram cuisses icon1.png 50 90 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 126 126 2 Strength +26, Vitality +26, Determination +20, Skill Speed +19
Hellfire Breeches of Fending Hellfire breeches of fending icon1.png 60 230 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 464 464 2 Strength +121, Vitality +131, Parry +106, Accuracy +74
Hellfire Breeches of Striking Hellfire breeches of striking icon1.png 60 230 PGL, MNK Legs 255 255 2 Strength +121, Vitality +131, Accuracy +106, Determination +71
Hemiskin Brais of Fending Hemiskin brais of fending icon1.png 60 250 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 425 425 2 Strength +130, Vitality +143, Parry +106, Determination +71
Hemiskin Brais of Maiming Hemiskin brais of maiming icon1.png 60 250 LNC, DRG Legs 297 234 2 Strength +130, Vitality +143, Accuracy +106, Critical Hit Rate +74
Hemiskin Trousers of Aiming Hemiskin trousers of aiming icon1.png 60 250 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 234 234 2 Dexterity +130, Vitality +143, Critical Hit Rate +106, Skill Speed +74
Hemiskin Trousers of Scouting Hemiskin trousers of scouting icon1.png 60 250 ROG, NIN Legs 234 234 2 Dexterity +130, Vitality +143, Determination +71, Skill Speed +106
Hemiskin Trousers of Striking Hemiskin trousers of striking icon1.png 60 250 PGL, MNK Legs 234 234 2 Strength +130, Vitality +143, Critical Hit Rate +74, Skill Speed +106
Hempen Bottoms Hempen bottoms icon1.png 10 10 All Classes Legs 9 18 0 Control +9
Hempen Breeches Hempen breeches icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Hempen Breeches of Crafting Hempen breeches of crafting icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Control +6
Hempen Chausses Hempen chausses icon1.png 5 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0 Control +8
Hempen Gaskins Hempen gaskins icon1.png 8 8 All Classes Legs 8 16 0 Intelligence +1, Mind +1
Hempen Kecks Hempen kecks icon1.png 8 8 Disciples of War Legs 12 12 0 Strength +1, Dexterity +1
Hempen Pantalettes Hempen pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Hempen Sarouel Hempen sarouel icon1.png 5 5 Disciples of War Legs 11 11 0 Strength +1, Dexterity +1
Hempen Shepherd's Slops Hempen shepherds slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Gathering +6
Hempen Tights Hempen tights icon1.png 5 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0 Intelligence +1, Mind +1
Hempen Trousers Hempen trousers icon1.png 10 10 Disciples of War Legs 13 13 0 Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Vitality +1, Accuracy +1
Hempen Underpants Hempen underpants icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Hetairos Breeches Hetairos breeches icon1.png 50 60 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 100 76 0 Strength +16, Vitality +18, Accuracy +17, Skill Speed +24
Hidekeep's Trousers Hidekeeps trousers icon1.png 60 180 LTW Legs 144 252 0 Craftsmanship +8, Control +75
Hidemaster's Trousers Hidemasters trousers icon1.png 60 170 LTW Legs 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +62
High Allagan Breeches of Aiming High allagan breeches of aiming icon1.png 50 110 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 91 91 0 Dexterity +39, Vitality +46, Critical Hit Rate +41, Skill Speed +29
High Allagan Breeches of Casting High allagan breeches of casting icon1.png 50 110 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 67 115 0 Vitality +41, Intelligence +39, Critical Hit Rate +29, Spell Speed +41
High Allagan Pantaloons of Healing High allagan pantaloons of healing icon1.png 50 110 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 67 115 0 Vitality +41, Mind +39, Accuracy +8, Critical Hit Rate +41, Spell Speed +29
High Allagan Trousers of Fending High allagan trousers of fending icon1.png 50 110 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 162 162 0 Strength +39, Vitality +46, Accuracy +41, Determination +20
High Allagan Trousers of Maiming High allagan trousers of maiming icon1.png 50 110 LNC, DRG Legs 115 91 0 Strength +39, Vitality +46, Accuracy +29, Skill Speed +41
High Allagan Trousers of Striking High allagan trousers of striking icon1.png 50 110 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 91 91 0 Strength +39, Dexterity +39, Vitality +46, Determination +29, Skill Speed +29
High House Breeches High house breeches icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
High Mythril Flanchard High mythril flanchard icon1.png 44 44 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 162 162 0 Strength +15, Vitality +14, Determination +14
Holy Rainbow Bottoms Holy rainbow bottoms icon1.png 53 80 All Classes Legs 54 97 2 Control +39
Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Aiming Holy rainbow sarouel of aiming icon1.png 52 125 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 85 85 2 Dexterity +43, Vitality +50, Accuracy +29, Skill Speed +41
Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Casting Holy rainbow sarouel of casting icon1.png 52 125 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 64 106 2 Vitality +45, Intelligence +43, Determination +29, Spell Speed +29
Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Fending Holy rainbow sarouel of fending icon1.png 52 125 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 149 149 2 Strength +43, Vitality +50, Accuracy +41, Determination +20
Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Healing Holy rainbow sarouel of healing icon1.png 52 125 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 64 106 2 Vitality +45, Mind +43, Piety +22, Critical Hit Rate +41
Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Maiming Holy rainbow sarouel of maiming icon1.png 52 125 LNC, DRG Legs 106 85 2 Strength +43, Vitality +50, Accuracy +41, Skill Speed +29
Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Scouting Holy rainbow sarouel of scouting icon1.png 52 125 ROG, NIN Legs 85 85 2 Dexterity +43, Vitality +50, Critical Hit Rate +41, Skill Speed +29
Holy Rainbow Sarouel of Striking Holy rainbow sarouel of striking icon1.png 52 125 PGL, MNK Legs 85 85 2 Strength +43, Vitality +50, Critical Hit Rate +41, Skill Speed +29
Hoplite Trousers Hoplite trousers icon1.png 50 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 148 148 0 Strength +16, Vitality +18, Parry +24, Critical Hit Rate +17
Housemaid's Bloomers Housemaids bloomers icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 8 16 0
Hussar's Breeches Hussars breeches icon1.png 50 70 LNC, DRG Legs 105 81 0 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +13
Hyuran Breeches Hyuran breeches icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Hyuran Skirt Hyuran skirt icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Iga Hakama Iga hakama icon1.png 60 210 NIN Legs 251 251 0 Dexterity +101, Vitality +107, Critical Hit Rate +94, Determination +63
Infantry Skirt Infantry skirt icon1.png 32 34 Disciples of War Legs 42 42 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +8, Critical Hit Rate +7, Determination +6
Initiate's Slops Initiates slops icon1.png 20 20 All Classes Legs 13 26 2 Gathering +14
Ironworks Brais of Aiming Ironworks brais of aiming icon1.png 50 120 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +44, Skill Speed +31
Ironworks Brais of Scouting Ironworks brais of scouting icon1.png 50 120 ROG, NIN Legs 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Critical Hit Rate +31, Determination +31
Ironworks Breeches of Casting Ironworks breeches of casting icon1.png 50 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Intelligence +45, Accuracy +44, Determination +22
Ironworks Breeches of Crafting Ironworks breeches of crafting icon1.png 60 190 Disciples of Hand Legs 125 220 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +70
Ironworks Engineer's Slops Ironworks engineers slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Ironworks Hose of Maiming Ironworks hose of maiming icon1.png 50 120 LNC, DRG Legs 117 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Critical Hit Rate +31, Determination +31
Ironworks Hose of Striking Ironworks hose of striking icon1.png 50 120 PGL, MNK Legs 93 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +44, Determination +22
Ironworks Slops of Gathering Ironworks slops of gathering icon1.png 60 190 Disciple, of, the, Land Legs 125 220 2 Gathering +69, Perception +7
Ironworks Slops of Healing Ironworks slops of healing icon1.png 50 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Mind +45, Accuracy +9, Determination +31, Spell Speed +31
Ironworks Trousers of Fending Ironworks trousers of fending icon1.png 50 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 165 165 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Parry +31, Accuracy +44
Ishgardian Banneret's Trousers Ishgardian bannerets trousers icon1.png 51 120 LNC, DRG Legs 117 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +44, Determination +22
Ishgardian Bowman's Hose Ishgardian bowmans hose icon1.png 51 120 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Critical Hit Rate +31, Determination +31
Ishgardian Chaplain's Breeches Ishgardian chaplains breeches icon1.png 51 120 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Mind +45, Piety +34, Determination +22
Ishgardian Historian's Breeches Ishgardian historians breeches icon1.png 51 120 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 69 117 0 Vitality +47, Intelligence +45, Accuracy +31, Critical Hit Rate +44
Ishgardian Knight's Trousers Ishgardian knights trousers icon1.png 51 120 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 165 165 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Parry +44, Critical Hit Rate +31
Ishgardian Monastic's Hose Ishgardian monastics hose icon1.png 51 120 PGL, MNK Legs 93 93 0 Strength +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +31, Skill Speed +44
Ishgardian Outrider's Hose Ishgardian outriders hose icon1.png 51 120 ROG, NIN Legs 93 93 0 Dexterity +45, Vitality +52, Accuracy +44, Determination +22
Kirimu Brais Kirimu brais icon1.png 50 110 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 72 72 2 Dexterity +35, Vitality +36, Accuracy +33, Determination +16
Kirimu Breeches of Fending Kirimu breeches of fending icon1.png 50 110 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 130 130 2 Strength +35, Vitality +36, Parry +23, Determination +23
Kirimu Breeches of Maiming Kirimu breeches of maiming icon1.png 50 110 LNC, DRG Legs 92 72 2 Strength +35, Vitality +36, Accuracy +33, Determination +16
Koga Hakama Koga hakama icon1.png 50 90 NIN Legs 86 86 0 Dexterity +29, Vitality +33, Accuracy +34, Determination +17
Lady's Knickers (Black) Ladys knickers (black) icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Lady's Knickers (Gold) Ladys knickers (gold) icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Lady's Knickers (White) Ladys knickers (white) icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Lady's Loincloth Eastern ladys loincloth icon1.png 1 15 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Lalafellin Bloomers Lalafellin bloomers icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Lalafellin Gaskins Lalafellin gaskins icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Leather Culottes Leather culottes icon1.png 5 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0 Gathering +8
Leatherworker's Trousers Leatherworkers trousers icon1.png 50 55 LTW Legs 40 78 2 Craftsmanship +3, Control +27
Leonhart Bottoms Leonhart bottoms icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 8 16 0
Light Steel Subligar Light steel subligar icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 9 9 0
Linen Bottom Linen bottom icon1.png 38 38 All Classes Legs 26 52 2 Control +19
Linen Chausses Linen chausses icon1.png 33 33 All Classes Legs 22 44 2 Control +18
Linen Gaskins Linen gaskins icon1.png 39 39 All Classes Legs 27 53 2 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Mind +8, Accuracy +10
Linen Sarouel Linen sarouel icon1.png 35 35 Disciples of War Legs 35 35 2 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +6, Accuracy +8
Linen Sarouel of Gathering Linen sarouel of gathering icon1.png 35 35 All Classes Legs 24 47 2 Gathering +19
Linen Slops Linen slops icon1.png 41 41 All Classes Legs 29 57 2 Control +20
Linen Survival Halfslops Linen survival halfslops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Linen Tights Linen tights icon1.png 36 36 All Classes Legs 24 49 2 Vitality +6, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Determination +6
Linen Trousers Linen trousers icon1.png 36 36 Disciples of War Legs 36 36 2 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +7, Determination +6
Lionliege Breeches Lionliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 GLA, PLD Legs 162 162 2 Strength +39, Vitality +46, Critical Hit Rate +41, Skill Speed +29, Morale +20
Lionsmane Breeches Lionsmane breeches icon1.png 50 100 GLA, PLD Legs 160 160 2 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +38, Determination +19, Morale +10
Lone Wolf Breeches Lone wolf breeches icon1.png 1 1 Disciples of War or Magic Legs 8 16 0
Longkilt of the Last Unicorn Longkilt of the last unicorn icon1.png 60 180 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 198 198 2 Dexterity +78, Vitality +78, Determination +46, Skill Speed +69, Morale +30
Lord's Drawers (Black) Lords drawers (black) icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Lord's Drawers (Gold) Lords drawers (gold) icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Lord's Drawers (White) Lords drawers (white) icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Lord's Trousers Lords trousers icon1.png 50 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 148 148 0 Strength +16, Vitality +18, Parry +17, Determination +17
Lunar Summer Tanga Lunar summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Lunar Summer Trunks Lunar summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Lynxfang Breeches Lynxfang breeches icon1.png 50 100 DRK Legs 160 160 2 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Determination +27, Skill Speed +26, Morale +10
Lynxliege Breeches Lynxliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 DRK Legs 162 162 2 Strength +39, Vitality +46, Critical Hit Rate +29, Determination +29, Morale +20
Machinist's Brais Machinists brais icon1.png 60 210 MCH Legs 251 251 0 Dexterity +101, Vitality +107, Accuracy +66, Critical Hit Rate +94
Mage's Chausses Mages chausses icon1.png 50 52 Disciples of Magic Legs 49 97 0 Vitality +13, Intelligence +13, Determination +11, Spell Speed +23
Magician's Slops Magicians slops icon1.png 50 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 57 105 0 Vitality +20, Intelligence +20, Accuracy +27, Determination +13
Makai Manhandler's Quartertights Makai manhandlers quartertights icon1.png 60 235 PGL, MNK Legs 256 256 2 Strength +126, Vitality +137, Critical Hit Rate +109, Determination +73, Morale +35
Makai Marksman's Slops Makai marksmans slops icon1.png 60 235 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 256 256 2 Dexterity +126, Vitality +137, Determination +104, Skill Speed +76, Morale +35
Makai Markswoman's Quartertights Makai markswomans quartertights icon1.png 60 235 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 256 256 2 Dexterity +126, Vitality +137, Determination +104, Skill Speed +76, Morale +35
Makai Mauler's Leggings Makai maulers leggings icon1.png 60 235 PGL, MNK Legs 256 256 2 Strength +126, Vitality +137, Critical Hit Rate +109, Determination +73, Morale +35
Makai Moon Guide's Quartertights Makai moon guides quartertights icon1.png 60 235 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 186 326 2 Vitality +123, Mind +126, Critical Hit Rate +109, Determination +73, Morale +35
Makai Priest's Slops Makai priests slops icon1.png 60 235 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 186 326 2 Vitality +123, Intelligence +126, Critical Hit Rate +76, Spell Speed +109, Morale +35
Makai Priestess's Skirt Makai priestesss skirt icon1.png 60 235 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 186 326 2 Vitality +123, Intelligence +126, Critical Hit Rate +76, Spell Speed +109, Morale +35
Makai Sun Guide's Slops Makai sun guides slops icon1.png 60 235 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 186 326 2 Vitality +123, Mind +126, Critical Hit Rate +109, Determination +73, Morale +35
Manderville Bottoms Manderville bottoms icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Melee Gaskins Melee gaskins icon1.png 50 90 MNK Legs 86 86 0 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Accuracy +34, Determination +17
Mercenary's Slops Mercenarys slops icon1.png 50 55 Disciples of War Legs 74 74 0 Dexterity +14, Vitality +15, Accuracy +23, Critical Hit Rate +16
Midan Breeches of Fending Midan breeches of fending icon1.png 60 240 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 468 468 2 Strength +131, Vitality +143, Critical Hit Rate +112, Determination +75
Midan Breeches of Maiming Midan breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 240 LNC, DRG Legs 328 257 2 Strength +131, Vitality +143, Accuracy +78, Skill Speed +112
Midan Breeches of Striking Midan breeches of striking icon1.png 60 240 PGL, MNK Legs 257 257 2 Strength +131, Vitality +143, Critical Hit Rate +112, Skill Speed +78
Midan Poleyns of Aiming Midan poleyns of aiming icon1.png 60 240 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 257 257 2 Dexterity +131, Vitality +143, Accuracy +112, Determination +75
Midan Poleyns of Scouting Midan poleyns of scouting icon1.png 60 240 ROG, NIN Legs 257 257 2 Dexterity +131, Vitality +143, Accuracy +112, Determination +75
Midan Trousers of Casting Midan trousers of casting icon1.png 60 240 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 187 328 2 Vitality +129, Intelligence +131, Accuracy +112, Critical Hit Rate +78
Midan Trousers of Healing Midan trousers of healing icon1.png 60 240 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 187 328 2 Vitality +129, Mind +131, Piety +82, Critical Hit Rate +112
Militia Subligar Militia subligar icon1.png 50 55 Disciples of War Legs 59 59 2 Strength +13, Dexterity +13, Vitality +12, Critical Hit Rate +19, Determination +9
Militia Tights Militia tights icon1.png 50 55 Disciples of Magic Legs 40 78 2 Vitality +11, Intelligence +13, Mind +13, Critical Hit Rate +19, Spell Speed +13
Militia Trousers Militia trousers icon1.png 50 55 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 117 117 2 Strength +13, Vitality +12, Parry +19, Accuracy +13
Millkeep's Slops Millkeeps slops icon1.png 60 180 CRP Legs 144 252 0 Craftsmanship +8, Control +75
Millmaster's Slops Millmasters slops icon1.png 60 170 CRP Legs 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +7, Control +62
Minekeep's Slops Minekeeps slops icon1.png 60 180 MIN Legs 144 252 0 Gathering +73, Perception +7
Miner's Slops Miners slops icon1.png 50 55 MIN Legs 40 78 2 Gathering +28, Perception +3
Miqo'te Loincloth Miqote loincloth icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Miqo'te Zouaves Miqote zouaves icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Mistbreak Breeches of Casting Mistbreak breeches of casting icon1.png 60 210 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 182 319 0 Vitality +96, Intelligence +101
Mistbreak Chain Hose of Fending Mistbreak chain hose of fending icon1.png 60 210 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 456 456 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107
Mistbreak Chain Hose of Maiming Mistbreak chain hose of maiming icon1.png 60 210 LNC, DRG Legs 319 251 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107
Mistbreak Chausses of Healing Mistbreak chausses of healing icon1.png 60 210 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 182 319 0 Vitality +96, Mind +101
Mistbreak Hose of Aiming Mistbreak hose of aiming icon1.png 60 210 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 251 251 0 Dexterity +101, Vitality +107
Mistbreak Hose of Scouting Mistbreak hose of scouting icon1.png 60 210 ROG, NIN Legs 251 251 0 Dexterity +101, Vitality +107
Mistbreak Hose of Striking Mistbreak hose of striking icon1.png 60 210 PGL, MNK Legs 251 251 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107
Mistfall Breeches of Fending Mistfall breeches of fending icon1.png 60 160 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 320 320 0 Strength +71, Vitality +67
Mistfall Breeches of Maiming Mistfall breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 160 LNC, DRG Legs 224 176 0 Strength +71, Vitality +67
Mistfall Culottes of Striking Mistfall culottes of striking icon1.png 60 160 PGL, MNK Legs 176 176 0 Strength +71, Vitality +67
Mistfall Sarouel of Scouting Mistfall sarouel of scouting icon1.png 60 160 ROG, NIN Legs 176 176 0 Dexterity +71, Vitality +67
Mistfall Slops of Aiming Mistfall slops of aiming icon1.png 60 160 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 176 176 0 Dexterity +71, Vitality +67
Mistfall Tonban of Casting Mistfall tonban of casting icon1.png 60 160 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 128 224 0 Vitality +61, Intelligence +71
Mistfall Tonban of Healing Mistfall tonban of healing icon1.png 60 160 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 128 224 0 Vitality +61, Mind +71
Moogle Buns Moogle buns icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Moonfire Tanga Moonfire tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Moonfire Trunks Moonfire trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
New World Hose New world hose icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Ninja Hakama Ninja hakama icon1.png 45 50 NIN Legs 72 72 0 Dexterity +12, Vitality +13, Accuracy +22, Determination +10
Noble's Brais Nobles brais icon1.png 50 60 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 76 76 0 Dexterity +16, Vitality +18, Critical Hit Rate +17, Determination +17
Noct Breeches Noct breeches icon1.png 50 110 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 162 162 0 Strength +39, Vitality +46, Parry +41, Critical Hit Rate +29
Oasis Halftrews Oasis halftrews icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Oasis Sarouel Oasis sarouel icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Onion Gaskins Onion gaskins icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 8 16 0
Onion Sarouel Onion sarouel icon1.png 50 80 LNC, DRG Legs 107 84 0 Strength +25, Vitality +27, Accuracy +21, Critical Hit Rate +30
Orison Skirt Orison skirt icon1.png 60 210 WHM Legs 182 319 0 Vitality +96, Mind +101, Piety +107, Determination +63
Ornate Ironworks Breeches of Crafting Ornate ironworks breeches of crafting icon1.png 60 190 Disciples of Hand Legs 141 247 5 Craftsmanship +7, Control +70
Ornate Ironworks Slops of Gathering Ornate ironworks slops of gathering icon1.png 60 190 Disciple, of, the, Land Legs 141 247 5 Gathering +69, Perception +7
Orthodox Longkilt of Casting Orthodox longkilt of casting icon1.png 55 136 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 73 121 0 Vitality +54, Intelligence +54, Accuracy +49, Spell Speed +34
Orthodox Longkilt of Fending Orthodox longkilt of fending icon1.png 55 136 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 177 177 0 Strength +54, Vitality +60, Accuracy +49, Determination +25
Orthodox Longkilt of Healing Orthodox longkilt of healing icon1.png 55 136 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 73 121 0 Vitality +54, Mind +54, Piety +38, Critical Hit Rate +34
Orthodox Longkilt of Maiming Orthodox longkilt of maiming icon1.png 55 136 LNC, DRG Legs 121 97 0 Strength +54, Vitality +60, Accuracy +49, Skill Speed +34
Orthodox Trousers of Aiming Orthodox trousers of aiming icon1.png 55 136 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 97 97 0 Dexterity +54, Vitality +60, Critical Hit Rate +49, Determination +25
Orthodox Trousers of Scouting Orthodox trousers of scouting icon1.png 55 136 ROG, NIN Legs 97 97 0 Dexterity +54, Vitality +60, Critical Hit Rate +49, Determination +25
Orthodox Trousers of Striking Orthodox trousers of striking icon1.png 55 136 PGL, MNK Legs 97 97 0 Strength +54, Vitality +60, Accuracy +49, Skill Speed +34
Oschon's Cuisses of Aiming Oschons cuisses of aiming icon1.png 60 205 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 242 242 2 Dexterity +97, Vitality +102, Critical Hit Rate +90, Skill Speed +63, Morale +35
Owlliege Hose Owlliege hose icon1.png 50 110 AST Legs 67 115 2 Vitality +41, Mind +39, Determination +20, Spell Speed +41, Morale +20
Owlsight Hose Owlsight hose icon1.png 50 100 AST Legs 65 112 2 Vitality +35, Mind +34, Determination +19, Spell Speed +38, Morale +10
Pack Wolf Breeches Pack wolf breeches icon1.png 1 1 Disciples of War or Magic Legs 8 16 0
Padded Cotton Trousers Padded cotton trousers icon1.png 20 20 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 39 39 2 Strength +3, Vitality +3, Skill Speed +3
Padded Hempen Trousers Padded hempen trousers icon1.png 15 15 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 32 32 2 Strength +2, Vitality +2, Skill Speed +2
Padded Linen Trousers Padded linen trousers icon1.png 40 40 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 82 82 2 Strength +8, Vitality +8, Skill Speed +11
Padded Velveteen Trousers Padded velveteen trousers icon1.png 30 30 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 58 58 2 Strength +5, Vitality +5, Skill Speed +6
Padded Woolen Trousers Padded woolen trousers icon1.png 49 49 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 111 111 2 Strength +11, Vitality +10, Skill Speed +17
Paladin's Trousers Paladins trousers icon1.png 38 40 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 102 102 0 Strength +9, Vitality +10, Accuracy +14, Determination +6
Panegyrist's Culottes Panegyrists culottes icon1.png 60 215 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 183 321 0 Vitality +102, Intelligence +106, Critical Hit Rate +68, Determination +93
Parrotbeak Breeches Parrotbeak breeches icon1.png 50 100 MCH Legs 88 88 2 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +38, Skill Speed +26, Morale +10
Parrotliege Breeches Parrotliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 MCH Legs 91 91 2 Dexterity +39, Vitality +46, Critical Hit Rate +29, Determination +29, Morale +20
Patrician's Bottoms Patricians bottoms icon1.png 50 50 All Classes Legs 38 76 2 Craftsmanship +2, Control +24
Peisteskin Subligar Peisteskin subligar icon1.png 42 42 Disciples of War Legs 44 44 2 Strength +9, Dexterity +9, Vitality +9, Critical Hit Rate +12
Peltast Breeches Peltast breeches icon1.png 50 60 Disciples of War Legs 76 76 0 Strength +16, Vitality +18, Critical Hit Rate +24, Skill Speed +17
Phlegethon's Loincloth Phlegethons loincloth icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 160 160 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Parry +26, Skill Speed +38
Picaroon's Trousers of Maiming Picaroons trousers of maiming icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG Legs 112 88 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Accuracy +38, Critical Hit Rate +26
Picaroon's Trousers of Scouting Picaroons trousers of scouting icon1.png 50 100 ROG, NIN Legs 88 88 0 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +38, Determination +19
Picaroon's Trousers of Striking Picaroons trousers of striking icon1.png 50 100 PGL, MNK Legs 88 88 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +26, Determination +27
Pilgrim's Slops Pilgrims slops icon1.png 50 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 57 105 0 Vitality +20, Mind +20, Piety +17, Determination +13
Plague Bringer's Trousers Plague bringers trousers icon1.png 60 185 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 150 263 0 Vitality +74, Intelligence +82, Accuracy +73, Critical Hit Rate +51
Plague Doctor's Trousers Plague doctors trousers icon1.png 60 185 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 150 263 0 Vitality +74, Mind +82, Piety +71, Determination +49
Plain Long Skirt Plain long skirt icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Plundered Trousers Plundered trousers icon1.png 15 17 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 44 44 0 Strength +3, Vitality +3, Accuracy +2, Determination +2
Prophet's Culottes Prophets culottes icon1.png 60 215 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 183 321 0 Vitality +102, Mind +106, Critical Hit Rate +68, Spell Speed +97
Protector's Trousers Protectors trousers icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 153 153 0 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Parry +27, Determination +13
Prototype Alexandrian Bottoms of Casting Prototype alexandrian bottoms of casting icon1.png 60 250 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 189 331 2 Vitality +143, Intelligence +144, Critical Hit Rate +82, Determination +113
Prototype Alexandrian Bottoms of Healing Prototype alexandrian bottoms of healing icon1.png 60 250 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 189 331 2 Vitality +143, Mind +144, Piety +121, Determination +79
Prototype Alexandrian Breeches of Fending Prototype alexandrian breeches of fending icon1.png 60 250 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 472 472 2 Strength +144, Vitality +159, Accuracy +117, Skill Speed +82
Prototype Alexandrian Breeches of Maiming Prototype alexandrian breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 250 LNC, DRG Legs 331 260 2 Strength +144, Vitality +159, Determination +79, Skill Speed +117
Prototype Alexandrian Breeches of Striking Prototype alexandrian breeches of striking icon1.png 60 250 PGL, MNK Legs 260 260 2 Strength +144, Vitality +159, Accuracy +117, Skill Speed +82
Prototype Alexandrian Gaskins of Aiming Prototype alexandrian gaskins of aiming icon1.png 60 250 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 260 260 2 Dexterity +144, Vitality +159, Accuracy +117, Determination +79
Prototype Alexandrian Gaskins of Scouting Prototype alexandrian gaskins of scouting icon1.png 60 250 ROG, NIN Legs 260 260 2 Dexterity +144, Vitality +159, Accuracy +117, Critical Hit Rate +82
Prototype Gordian Brayettes of Casting Prototype gordian brayettes of casting icon1.png 60 190 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 157 274 0 Vitality +79, Intelligence +86, Critical Hit Rate +54, Determination +74
Prototype Gordian Brayettes of Healing Prototype gordian brayettes of healing icon1.png 60 190 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 157 274 0 Vitality +79, Mind +86, Piety +78, Critical Hit Rate +54
Prototype Gordian Breeches of Fending Prototype gordian breeches of fending icon1.png 60 190 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 392 392 0 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Accuracy +77, Critical Hit Rate +54
Prototype Gordian Breeches of Maiming Prototype gordian breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 190 LNC, DRG Legs 274 216 0 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Accuracy +54, Skill Speed +77
Prototype Gordian Breeches of Striking Prototype gordian breeches of striking icon1.png 60 190 PGL, MNK Legs 216 216 0 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Determination +52, Skill Speed +77
Prototype Gordian Poleyns of Aiming Prototype gordian poleyns of aiming icon1.png 60 190 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 216 216 0 Dexterity +86, Vitality +87, Determination +52, Skill Speed +77
Prototype Gordian Poleyns of Scouting Prototype gordian poleyns of scouting icon1.png 60 190 ROG, NIN Legs 216 216 0 Dexterity +86, Vitality +87, Accuracy +54, Skill Speed +77
Prototype Midan Breeches of Fending Prototype midan breeches of fending icon1.png 60 220 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 460 460 2 Strength +111, Vitality +119, Accuracy +100, Determination +67
Prototype Midan Breeches of Maiming Prototype midan breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 220 LNC, DRG Legs 322 253 2 Strength +111, Vitality +119, Critical Hit Rate +100, Determination +67
Prototype Midan Breeches of Striking Prototype midan breeches of striking icon1.png 60 220 PGL, MNK Legs 253 253 2 Strength +111, Vitality +119, Accuracy +100, Critical Hit Rate +70
Prototype Midan Poleyns of Aiming Prototype midan poleyns of aiming icon1.png 60 220 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 253 253 2 Dexterity +111, Vitality +119, Critical Hit Rate +100, Determination +67
Prototype Midan Poleyns of Scouting Prototype midan poleyns of scouting icon1.png 60 220 ROG, NIN Legs 253 253 2 Dexterity +111, Vitality +119, Accuracy +70, Determination +96
Prototype Midan Trousers of Casting Prototype midan trousers of casting icon1.png 60 220 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 184 322 2 Vitality +107, Intelligence +111, Critical Hit Rate +100, Spell Speed +70
Prototype Midan Trousers of Healing Prototype midan trousers of healing icon1.png 60 220 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 184 322 2 Vitality +107, Mind +111, Piety +110, Critical Hit Rate +70
Rainbow Breeches Rainbow breeches icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Rainbow Culottes of Striking Rainbow culottes of striking icon1.png 50 115 PGL, MNK Legs 83 83 2 Strength +38, Vitality +44, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +27
Rainbow Sarouel of Scouting Rainbow sarouel of scouting icon1.png 50 115 ROG, NIN Legs 83 83 2 Dexterity +38, Vitality +44, Determination +27, Skill Speed +27
Rainbow Slops of Aiming Rainbow slops of aiming icon1.png 50 115 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 83 83 2 Dexterity +38, Vitality +44, Accuracy +38, Determination +19
Rainbow Slops of Casting Rainbow slops of casting icon1.png 50 115 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 61 104 2 Vitality +39, Intelligence +38, Accuracy +38, Determination +19
Rainbow Slops of Healing Rainbow slops of healing icon1.png 50 115 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 61 104 2 Vitality +39, Mind +38, Critical Hit Rate +38, Determination +19
Ramie Kecks Ramie kecks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Ramie Pantalettes Ramie pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Ramie Skirt Ramie skirt icon1.png 55 100 All Classes Legs 58 101 2 Control +45
Ramie Tonban of Casting Ramie tonban of casting icon1.png 54 133 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 65 108 2 Vitality +48, Intelligence +46, Critical Hit Rate +30, Spell Speed +43
Ramie Tonban of Healing Ramie tonban of healing icon1.png 54 133 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 65 108 2 Vitality +48, Mind +46, Piety +23, Critical Hit Rate +43
Ramie Trousers of Aiming Ramie trousers of aiming icon1.png 54 133 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 86 86 2 Dexterity +46, Vitality +53, Accuracy +43, Determination +21
Ramie Trousers of Gathering Ramie trousers of gathering icon1.png 55 100 All Classes Legs 58 101 2 Gathering +46
Ramie Trousers of Scouting Ramie trousers of scouting icon1.png 54 133 ROG, NIN Legs 86 86 2 Dexterity +46, Vitality +53, Accuracy +30, Critical Hit Rate +43
Ramie Trousers of Striking Ramie trousers of striking icon1.png 54 133 PGL, MNK Legs 86 86 2 Strength +46, Vitality +53, Critical Hit Rate +30, Determination +30
Ramie Slops Ramie slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Raptorskin Brais Raptorskin brais icon1.png 49 49 Disciples of War Legs 56 56 2 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +10, Accuracy +17
Raptorskin Breeches Raptorskin breeches icon1.png 46 46 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 101 101 2 Strength +10, Vitality +9, Accuracy +15
Raptorskin Culottes Raptorskin culottes icon1.png 48 48 All Classes Legs 36 72 2 Gathering +24
Raptorskin Subligar Raptorskin subligar icon1.png 47 47 Disciples of War Legs 52 52 2 Strength +10, Dexterity +10, Vitality +10, Accuracy +15
Ravager's Breeches Ravagers breeches icon1.png 60 210 WAR Legs 456 456 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107, Parry +66, Accuracy +94
Red Summer Maro Red summer maro icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Red Summer Pareo Red summer pareo icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Red Summer Tanga Red summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Red Summer Trunks Red summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Replica Allagan Breeches of Casting Replica allagan breeches of casting icon1.png 50 50 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 38 76 2 Vitality +9, Intelligence +11, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +18
Replica Allagan Breeches of Healing Replica allagan breeches of healing icon1.png 50 50 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 38 76 2 Vitality +9, Mind +11, Piety +10, Critical Hit Rate +12
Replica Allagan Trousers of Aiming Replica allagan trousers of aiming icon1.png 50 50 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 57 57 2 Dexterity +11, Vitality +10, Accuracy +18, Critical Hit Rate +12
Replica Allagan Trousers of Maiming Replica allagan trousers of maiming icon1.png 50 50 LNC, DRG Legs 76 57 2 Strength +11, Vitality +10, Accuracy +18, Determination +8
Replica Allagan Trousers of Striking Replica allagan trousers of striking icon1.png 50 50 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 57 57 2 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +10, Critical Hit Rate +18, Skill Speed +15
Replica Dreadwyrm Breeches of Aiming Replica dreadwyrm breeches of aiming icon1.png 50 50 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 57 57 2 Dexterity +11, Vitality +10, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +18
Replica Dreadwyrm Breeches of Maiming Replica dreadwyrm breeches of maiming icon1.png 50 50 LNC, DRG Legs 76 57 2 Strength +11, Vitality +10, Accuracy +18, Skill Speed +12
Replica Dreadwyrm Sarouel of Fending Replica dreadwyrm sarouel of fending icon1.png 50 50 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 115 115 2 Strength +11, Vitality +10, Critical Hit Rate +18, Determination +8
Replica Dreadwyrm Slops of Scouting Replica dreadwyrm slops of scouting icon1.png 50 50 ROG, NIN Legs 57 57 2 Dexterity +11, Vitality +10, Accuracy +18, Skill Speed +12
Replica Dreadwyrm Slops of Striking Replica dreadwyrm slops of striking icon1.png 50 50 PGL, MNK Legs 57 57 2 Strength +11, Vitality +10, Determination +8, Skill Speed +18
Replica Dreadwyrm Tonban of Casting Replica dreadwyrm tonban of casting icon1.png 50 50 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 38 76 2 Vitality +9, Intelligence +11, Critical Hit Rate +18, Spell Speed +12
Replica Dreadwyrm Tonban of Healing Replica dreadwyrm tonban of healing icon1.png 50 50 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 38 76 2 Vitality +9, Mind +11, Piety +10, Accuracy +4, Critical Hit Rate +12
Replica Heavy Allagan Cuisses Replica heavy allagan cuisses icon1.png 50 50 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 115 115 2 Strength +11, Vitality +10, Parry +12, Critical Hit Rate +18
Replica High Allagan Breeches of Aiming Replica high allagan breeches of aiming icon1.png 50 50 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 57 57 2 Dexterity +11, Vitality +10, Critical Hit Rate +18, Skill Speed +12
Replica High Allagan Breeches of Casting Replica high allagan breeches of casting icon1.png 50 50 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 38 76 2 Vitality +9, Intelligence +11, Critical Hit Rate +12, Spell Speed +18
Replica High Allagan Pantaloons of Healing Replica high allagan pantaloons of healing icon1.png 50 50 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 38 76 2 Vitality +9, Mind +11, Accuracy +4, Critical Hit Rate +18, Spell Speed +12
Replica High Allagan Trousers of Fending Replica high allagan trousers of fending icon1.png 50 50 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 115 115 2 Strength +11, Vitality +10, Accuracy +18, Determination +8
Replica High Allagan Trousers of Maiming Replica high allagan trousers of maiming icon1.png 50 50 LNC, DRG Legs 76 57 2 Strength +11, Vitality +10, Accuracy +12, Skill Speed +18
Replica High Allagan Trousers of Striking Replica high allagan trousers of striking icon1.png 50 50 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 57 57 2 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +10, Determination +12, Skill Speed +15
Ripped Hose Ripped hose icon1.png 43 38 Disciples of War Legs 48 48 0 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +9
Riviera Slops Riviera slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Roegadyn Breeches Roegadyn breeches icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Roegadyn Legstraps Roegadyn legstraps icon1.png 1 5 All Classes Legs 7 15 0
Royal Breeches Royal breeches icon1.png 50 80 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 60 107 0 Vitality +25, Mind +25, Piety +15, Determination +21
Sailor Brais Sailor brais icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Sarouel of the Divine Hero Sarouel of the divine hero icon1.png 50 80 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 84 84 0 Strength +25, Dexterity +25, Vitality +27, Accuracy +30, Determination +15
Sarouel of the Divine Light Sarouel of the divine light icon1.png 50 80 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 84 84 0 Dexterity +25, Vitality +27, Determination +21, Skill Speed +21
Saurian Trousers Saurian trousers icon1.png 50 90 LNC, DRG Legs 88 69 2 Strength +26, Vitality +26, Accuracy +19, Critical Hit Rate +27
Savant's Culottes Savants culottes icon1.png 60 210 SCH Legs 182 319 0 Vitality +96, Mind +101, Piety +107, Spell Speed +66
Scholar's Culottes Scholars culottes icon1.png 45 50 SCH Legs 48 96 0 Vitality +12, Mind +12, Piety +12, Critical Hit Rate +15
Scion Chronocler's Tights Scion chronoclers tights icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Scion Conjurer's Chausses Scion conjurers chausses icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Scion Thaumaturge's Gaskins Scion thaumaturges gaskins icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Scion Thief's Gaskins Scion thiefs gaskins icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Scylla's Culottes of Casting Scyllas culottes of casting icon1.png 50 100 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 65 112 0 Vitality +35, Intelligence +34, Accuracy +38, Spell Speed +26
Scylla's Culottes of Healing Scyllas culottes of healing icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 65 112 0 Vitality +35, Mind +34, Piety +29, Accuracy +8, Determination +19
Sea Breeze Summer Pareo Sea breeze summer pareo icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Sentinel's Trousers Sentinels trousers icon1.png 44 46 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 127 127 2 Strength +10, Vitality +9, Parry +15
Serpent Elite's Culottes Serpent elites culottes icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 153 153 0 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +27, Determination +13
Serpent Elite's Loincloth Serpent elites loincloth icon1.png 50 70 Disciples of Magic Legs 57 105 0 Vitality +20, Intelligence +20, Mind +20, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +13
Serpent Elite's Sarouel Serpent elites sarouel icon1.png 50 70 Disciples of War Legs 81 81 0 Strength +20, Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Determination +18, Skill Speed +19
Serpent Private's Bottom Serpent privates bottom icon1.png 27 28 All Classes Legs 22 45 0 Control +18
Serpent Private's Kecks Serpent privates kecks icon1.png 31 32 Disciples of War Legs 39 39 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +7, Skill Speed +9
Serpent Private's Slops Serpent privates slops icon1.png 27 28 All Classes Legs 22 45 0 Gathering +19
Serpent Sergeant's Breeches Serpent sergeants breeches icon1.png 34 35 All Classes Legs 29 59 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Accuracy +10
Serpent Sergeant's Hose Serpent sergeants hose icon1.png 44 46 All Classes Legs 42 84 0 Vitality +11, Intelligence +11, Mind +11, Determination +12
Serpent Sergeant's Kecks Serpent sergeants kecks icon1.png 44 46 Disciples of War Legs 63 63 0 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +12, Skill Speed +18
Serpent Sergeant's Sarouel Serpent sergeants sarouel icon1.png 44 46 All Classes Legs 42 84 0 Control +25
Serpent Sergeant's Skirt Serpent sergeants skirt icon1.png 34 35 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 88 88 0 Strength +7, Vitality +8, Accuracy +10
Serpent Sergeant's Trousers Serpent sergeants trousers icon1.png 34 35 Disciples of War Legs 44 44 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +8, Accuracy +10
Serpentskin Brais of Aiming Serpentskin brais of aiming icon1.png 60 150 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 149 149 2 Dexterity +61, Vitality +56, Critical Hit Rate +46, Determination +31
Serpentskin Brais of Scouting Serpentskin brais of scouting icon1.png 60 150 ROG, NIN Legs 149 149 2 Dexterity +61, Vitality +56, Critical Hit Rate +46, Skill Speed +33
Serpentskin Brais of Striking Serpentskin brais of striking icon1.png 60 150 PGL, MNK Legs 149 149 2 Strength +61, Vitality +56, Accuracy +33, Determination +44
Serpentskin Hose of Maiming Serpentskin hose of maiming icon1.png 60 150 LNC, DRG Legs 189 149 2 Strength +61, Vitality +56, Determination +44, Skill Speed +33
Serpentskin Tights of Casting Serpentskin tights of casting icon1.png 60 150 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 108 189 2 Vitality +51, Intelligence +61, Critical Hit Rate +46, Determination +31
Sharlayan Conservator's Longkilt Sharlayan conservators longkilt icon1.png 59 148 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 155 155 0 Dexterity +66, Vitality +62, Critical Hit Rate +51, Determination +33
Sharlayan Custodian's Longkilt Sharlayan custodians longkilt icon1.png 59 148 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 282 282 0 Strength +66, Vitality +62, Critical Hit Rate +51, Determination +33
Sharlayan Emissary's Longkilt Sharlayan emissarys longkilt icon1.png 59 148 ROG, NIN Legs 155 155 0 Dexterity +66, Vitality +62, Accuracy +51, Skill Speed +36
Sharlayan Pankratiast's Longkilt Sharlayan pankratiasts longkilt icon1.png 59 148 PGL, MNK Legs 155 155 0 Strength +66, Vitality +62, Critical Hit Rate +51, Determination +33
Sharlayan Pathmaker's Longkilt Sharlayan pathmakers longkilt icon1.png 59 148 LNC, DRG Legs 198 155 0 Strength +66, Vitality +62, Accuracy +51, Critical Hit Rate +36
Sharlayan Philosopher's Longkilt Sharlayan philosophers longkilt icon1.png 59 148 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 113 198 0 Vitality +56, Intelligence +66, Accuracy +51, Spell Speed +36
Sharlayan Preceptor's Longkilt Sharlayan preceptors longkilt icon1.png 59 148 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 113 198 0 Vitality +56, Mind +66, Piety +42, Spell Speed +36
Shikaree's Gaskin Shikarees gaskin icon1.png 50 70 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 81 81 0 Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +13
Shire Conservator's Hose Shire conservators hose icon1.png 60 260 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 262 262 2 Dexterity +157, Vitality +174, Accuracy +86, Determination +117
Shire Custodian's Hose Shire custodians hose icon1.png 60 260 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 476 476 2 Strength +157, Vitality +174, Parry +123, Accuracy +86
Shire Emissary's Hose Shire emissarys hose icon1.png 60 260 ROG, NIN Legs 262 262 2 Dexterity +157, Vitality +174, Critical Hit Rate +123, Skill Speed +86
Shire Pankratiast's Hose Shire pankratiasts hose icon1.png 60 260 PGL, MNK Legs 262 262 2 Strength +157, Vitality +174, Accuracy +123, Critical Hit Rate +86
Shire Pathfinder's Hose Shire pathfinders hose icon1.png 60 260 LNC, DRG Legs 333 262 2 Strength +157, Vitality +174, Accuracy +123, Determination +82
Shire Philosopher's Hose Shire philosophers hose icon1.png 60 260 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 190 333 2 Vitality +157, Intelligence +157, Accuracy +123, Critical Hit Rate +86
Shire Preceptor's Hose Shire preceptors hose icon1.png 60 260 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 190 333 2 Vitality +157, Mind +157, Critical Hit Rate +123, Determination +82
Sipahi Sarouel Sipahi sarouel icon1.png 50 55 Disciples of War Legs 74 74 0 Strength +14, Vitality +15, Accuracy +23, Determination +11
Sky Pirate's Bottoms of Casting Sky pirates bottoms of casting icon1.png 60 185 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 135 237 0 Vitality +67, Intelligence +74, Critical Hit Rate +46, Spell Speed +65
Sky Pirate's Bottoms of Healing Sky pirates bottoms of healing icon1.png 60 185 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 135 237 0 Vitality +67, Mind +74, Piety +45, Critical Hit Rate +65
Sky Pirate's Gaskins of Fending Sky pirates gaskins of fending icon1.png 60 185 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 338 338 0 Strength +74, Vitality +74, Accuracy +65, Critical Hit Rate +46
Sky Pirate's Gaskins of Maiming Sky pirates gaskins of maiming icon1.png 60 185 LNC, DRG Legs 237 186 0 Strength +74, Vitality +74, Accuracy +46, Determination +63
Sky Pirate's Halfslops of Aiming Sky pirates halfslops of aiming icon1.png 60 185 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 186 186 0 Dexterity +74, Vitality +74, Determination +44, Skill Speed +65
Sky Pirate's Trousers of Scouting Sky pirates trousers of scouting icon1.png 60 185 ROG, NIN Legs 186 186 0 Dexterity +74, Vitality +74, Accuracy +65, Skill Speed +46
Sky Pirate's Trousers of Striking Sky pirates trousers of striking icon1.png 60 185 PGL, MNK Legs 186 186 0 Strength +74, Vitality +74, Critical Hit Rate +65, Skill Speed +46
Sky Rat Breeches of Aiming Sky rat breeches of aiming icon1.png 60 255 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 235 235 2 Dexterity +135, Vitality +150, Accuracy +108, Critical Hit Rate +76
Sky Rat Breeches of Casting Sky rat breeches of casting icon1.png 60 255 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 171 299 2 Vitality +135, Intelligence +135, Accuracy +108, Determination +72
Sky Rat Breeches of Fending Sky rat breeches of fending icon1.png 60 255 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 427 427 2 Strength +135, Vitality +150, Parry +76, Skill Speed +108
Sky Rat Breeches of Healing Sky rat breeches of healing icon1.png 60 255 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 171 299 2 Vitality +135, Mind +135, Determination +104, Spell Speed +76
Sky Rat Breeches of Maiming Sky rat breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 255 LNC, DRG Legs 299 235 2 Strength +135, Vitality +150, Critical Hit Rate +76, Determination +104
Sky Rat Breeches of Scouting Sky rat breeches of scouting icon1.png 60 255 ROG, NIN Legs 235 235 2 Dexterity +135, Vitality +150, Accuracy +108, Determination +72
Sky Rat Breeches of Striking Sky rat breeches of striking icon1.png 60 255 PGL, MNK Legs 235 235 2 Strength +135, Vitality +150, Accuracy +108, Skill Speed +76
Slacks of Eternal Devotion Slacks of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Slacks of Eternal Innocence Slacks of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Slacks of Eternal Passion Slacks of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Slipstream Breeches of Maiming Slipstream breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 230 LNC, DRG Legs 325 255 2 Strength +121, Vitality +131, Critical Hit Rate +106, Determination +71
Snakeliege Brais Snakeliege brais icon1.png 50 110 LNC, DRG Legs 115 91 2 Strength +39, Vitality +46, Critical Hit Rate +41, Determination +20, Morale +20
Snakestongue Brais Snakestongue brais icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG Legs 112 88 2 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Determination +19, Skill Speed +38, Morale +10
Solar Summer Tanga Solar summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Solar Summer Trunks Solar summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Water Resistance +1
Sorcerer's Tonban Sorcerers tonban icon1.png 50 90 BLM Legs 62 110 0 Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Critical Hit Rate +24, Spell Speed +34
Southern Seas Tanga Southern seas tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Fire Resistance +1
Southern Seas Trunks Southern seas trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Fire Resistance +1
Spring Skirt Spring skirt icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Star-spangled Subligar Star-spangled subligar icon1.png 15 16 All Classes Legs 11 22 0 GP +1, Gathering +12
Star Velvet Bottoms of Casting Star velvet bottoms of casting icon1.png 60 250 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 170 297 2 Vitality +128, Intelligence +130, Accuracy +106, Spell Speed +74
Star Velvet Bottoms of Healing Star velvet bottoms of healing icon1.png 60 250 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 170 297 2 Vitality +128, Mind +130, Piety +76, Spell Speed +106
Starlight Tights Starlight tights icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Storm Elite's Breeches Storm elites breeches icon1.png 50 70 Disciples of Magic Legs 57 105 0 Vitality +20, Intelligence +20, Mind +20, Critical Hit Rate +27, Determination +13
Storm Elite's Skirt Storm elites skirt icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 153 153 0 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Accuracy +27, Determination +13
Storm Elite's Trousers Storm elites trousers icon1.png 50 70 Disciples of War Legs 81 81 0 Strength +20, Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Determination +18, Skill Speed +19
Storm Private's Chausses Storm privates chausses icon1.png 27 28 All Classes Legs 22 45 0 Control +18
Storm Private's Slops Storm privates slops icon1.png 27 28 All Classes Legs 22 45 0 Gathering +19
Storm Private's Trousers Storm privates trousers icon1.png 31 32 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 79 79 0 Strength +7, Vitality +7, Skill Speed +9
Storm Sergeant's Breeches Storm sergeants breeches icon1.png 34 35 All Classes Legs 29 59 0 Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Spell Speed +10
Storm Sergeant's Hose Storm sergeants hose icon1.png 44 46 Disciples of War Legs 63 63 0 Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Vitality +12, Skill Speed +18
Storm Sergeant's Kecks Storm sergeants kecks icon1.png 34 35 Disciples of War Legs 44 44 0 Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Vitality +8, Accuracy +10
Storm Sergeant's Sarouel Storm sergeants sarouel icon1.png 44 46 All Classes Legs 42 84 0 Control +25
Storm Sergeant's Skirt Storm sergeants skirt icon1.png 34 35 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 88 88 0 Strength +7, Vitality +8, Accuracy +10
Storm Sergeant's Trousers Storm sergeants trousers icon1.png 44 46 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 127 127 0 Strength +11, Vitality +12, Determination +12
Strategos Breeches Strategos breeches icon1.png 50 60 Disciples of Magic Legs 53 100 0 Vitality +16, Mind +16, Piety +15, Spell Speed +17
Strife Bags Strife bags icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Striped Cotton Slops Striped cotton slops icon1.png 13 13 All Classes Legs 10 20 0 Vitality +1, Intelligence +2, Mind +2, Accuracy +2
Striped Summer Tanga Striped summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Fire Resistance +1
Striped Summer Trunks Striped summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Fire Resistance +1
Striped Velveteen Slops Striped velveteen slops icon1.png 25 25 All Classes Legs 16 32 2 Vitality +3, Intelligence +4, Mind +4, Accuracy +4
Subjugator's Brais Subjugators brais icon1.png 60 215 ROG, NIN Legs 252 252 0 Dexterity +106, Vitality +113, Accuracy +68, Determination +93
Summer Evening Trunks Summer evening trunks icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Fire Resistance +1
Summer Morning Tanga Summer morning tanga icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0 Fire Resistance +1
Summoner's Waistclout Summoners waistclout icon1.png 50 90 SMN Legs 62 110 0 Vitality +29, Intelligence +29, Accuracy +34, Determination +17
Sunburst Brais of Maiming Sunburst brais of maiming icon1.png 60 265 LNC, DRG Legs 335 263 0 Strength +163, Vitality +182
Sunburst Brais of Striking Sunburst brais of striking icon1.png 60 265 PGL, MNK Legs 263 263 0 Strength +163, Vitality +182
Sunburst Breeches of Fending Sunburst breeches of fending icon1.png 60 265 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 478 478 0 Strength +163, Vitality +182
Sunburst Culottes of Aiming Sunburst culottes of aiming icon1.png 60 265 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 263 263 0 Dexterity +163, Vitality +182
Sunburst Culottes of Scouting Sunburst culottes of scouting icon1.png 60 265 ROG, NIN Legs 263 263 0 Dexterity +163, Vitality +182
Sunburst Skirt of Casting Sunburst skirt of casting icon1.png 60 265 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 191 335 0 Vitality +164, Intelligence +163
Sunburst Skirt of Healing Sunburst skirt of healing icon1.png 60 265 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 191 335 0 Vitality +164, Mind +163
Sunstreak Bottoms of Casting Sunstreak bottoms of casting icon1.png 60 235 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 186 326 0 Vitality +123, Intelligence +126
Sunstreak Bottoms of Healing Sunstreak bottoms of healing icon1.png 60 235 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 186 326 0 Vitality +123, Mind +126
Sunstreak Gaskins of Fending Sunstreak gaskins of fending icon1.png 60 235 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 466 466 0 Strength +126, Vitality +137
Sunstreak Gaskins of Maiming Sunstreak gaskins of maiming icon1.png 60 235 LNC, DRG Legs 326 256 0 Strength +126, Vitality +137
Sunstreak Halfslops of Aiming Sunstreak halfslops of aiming icon1.png 60 235 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 256 256 0 Dexterity +126, Vitality +137
Sunstreak Trousers of Scouting Sunstreak trousers of scouting icon1.png 60 235 ROG, NIN Legs 256 256 0 Dexterity +126, Vitality +137
Sunstreak Trousers of Striking Sunstreak trousers of striking icon1.png 60 235 PGL, MNK Legs 256 256 0 Strength +126, Vitality +137
Survival Halfslops Survival halfslops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Swanliege Hose Swanliege hose icon1.png 50 110 CNJ, WHM Legs 67 115 2 Vitality +41, Mind +39, Determination +29, Spell Speed +29, Morale +20
Swansgrace Hose Swansgrace hose icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM Legs 65 112 2 Vitality +35, Mind +34, Piety +20, Spell Speed +38, Morale +10
Tacklekeep's Gaskins Tacklekeeps gaskins icon1.png 60 180 FSH Legs 144 252 0 Gathering +73, Perception +7
Taffeta Loincloth Taffeta loincloth icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Tantalus Breeches Tantalus breeches icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Tantra Galligaskins Tantra galligaskins icon1.png 60 210 MNK Legs 251 251 0 Strength +101, Vitality +107, Determination +90, Skill Speed +66
Temple Gaskins Temple gaskins icon1.png 45 50 MNK Legs 72 72 0 Strength +12, Vitality +13, Accuracy +22, Determination +10
Thaliak's Slops of Casting Thaliaks slops of casting icon1.png 60 205 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 176 308 2 Vitality +92, Intelligence +97, Critical Hit Rate +90, Determination +60, Morale +35
Thaliak's Slops of Healing Thaliaks slops of healing icon1.png 60 205 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 176 308 2 Vitality +92, Mind +97, Determination +86, Spell Speed +63, Morale +35
Thavnairian Sarouel Thavnairian sarouel icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Thavnairian Tights Thavnairian tights icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
The Emperor's New Breeches The emperors new breeches icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
The Guardian's Breeches of Maiming The guardians breeches of maiming icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG Legs 112 88 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Accuracy +26, Determination +27
The Guardian's Breeches of Striking The guardians breeches of striking icon1.png 50 100 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 88 88 0 Strength +34, Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Accuracy +26, Skill Speed +38
The Legs of Pressing Darkness The legs of pressing darkness icon1.png 60 235 DRK Legs 466 466 2 Strength +126, Vitality +137, Determination +73, Skill Speed +109, Morale +35
The Legs of Undying Twilight The legs of undying twilight icon1.png 60 235 MRD, WAR Legs 466 466 2 Strength +126, Vitality +137, Determination +104, Skill Speed +76, Morale +35
The Legs of the Golden Wolf The legs of the golden wolf icon1.png 60 235 GLA, PLD Legs 466 466 2 Strength +126, Vitality +137, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +109, Morale +35
The Legs of the Silver Wolf The legs of the silver wolf icon1.png 60 235 ROG, NIN Legs 256 256 2 Dexterity +126, Vitality +137, Determination +104, Skill Speed +76, Morale +35
The Legs of the White Night The legs of the white night icon1.png 60 235 LNC, DRG Legs 326 256 2 Strength +126, Vitality +137, Determination +73, Skill Speed +109, Morale +35
Thick Skirt Thick skirt icon1.png 50 60 LNC, DRG Legs 100 76 0 Strength +16, Vitality +18, Accuracy +24, Determination +12
Thormoen's Subligar Thormoens subligar icon1.png 50 52 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 144 144 0 Strength +13, Vitality +14, Parry +23, Critical Hit Rate +16
Tights of Eternal Devotion Tights of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Tights of Eternal Innocence Tights of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Tights of Eternal Passion Tights of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Toadskin Brais Toadskin brais icon1.png 30 30 Disciples of War Legs 29 29 2 Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Vitality +5, Accuracy +6
Toadskin Breeches Toadskin breeches icon1.png 32 32 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG, DRK Legs 63 63 2 Strength +6, Vitality +6, Accuracy +7
Toadskin Culottes Toadskin culottes icon1.png 30 30 All Classes Legs 19 39 2 Gathering +17
Tonban of Divine Death Tonban of divine death icon1.png 50 80 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 60 107 0 Vitality +25, Intelligence +25, Accuracy +21, Critical Hit Rate +30
Tonban of the Divine Harvest Tonban of the divine harvest icon1.png 50 80 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 60 107 0 Vitality +25, Mind +25, Piety +22, Critical Hit Rate +21
Torrent Tights of Aiming Torrent tights of aiming icon1.png 60 230 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 255 255 2 Dexterity +121, Vitality +131, Critical Hit Rate +74, Skill Speed +106
Torrent Tights of Scouting Torrent tights of scouting icon1.png 60 230 ROG, NIN Legs 255 255 2 Dexterity +121, Vitality +131, Critical Hit Rate +106, Skill Speed +74
Toxotes Kecks Toxotes kecks icon1.png 50 60 Disciples of War Legs 76 76 0 Dexterity +16, Vitality +18, Accuracy +17, Critical Hit Rate +24
Trailblazer's Slops Trailblazers slops icon1.png 58 130 All Classes Legs 72 119 0 Gathering +55
Trousers of the Daring Duelist Trousers of the daring duelist icon1.png 60 185 LNC, DRG Legs 263 207 0 Strength +82, Vitality +82, Critical Hit Rate +51, Skill Speed +73
Trousers of the Defiant Duelist Trousers of the defiant duelist icon1.png 60 185 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 376 376 0 Strength +82, Vitality +82, Parry +73, Determination +49
Trousers of the Ghost Thief Trousers of the ghost thief icon1.png 60 185 ROG, NIN Legs 207 207 0 Dexterity +82, Vitality +82, Critical Hit Rate +73, Determination +49
Trousers of the Lost Thief Trousers of the lost thief icon1.png 60 185 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 207 207 0 Dexterity +82, Vitality +82, Accuracy +73, Critical Hit Rate +51
Trousers of the Red Thief Trousers of the red thief icon1.png 60 185 PGL, MNK Legs 207 207 0 Strength +82, Vitality +82, Accuracy +73, Determination +49
Uraeus Breeches Uraeus breeches icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Uraeus Skirt Uraeus skirt icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Valentione Skirt Valentione skirt icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Valentione Trousers Valentione trousers icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Valerian Dragoon's Trousers Valerian dragoons trousers icon1.png 60 160 LNC, DRG Legs 224 176 0 Strength +71, Vitality +67, Accuracy +40, Skill Speed +57
Valerian Fusilier's Sarouel Valerian fusiliers sarouel icon1.png 60 160 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 176 176 0 Dexterity +71, Vitality +67, Accuracy +57, Critical Hit Rate +40
Valerian Rogue's Gaskins Valerian rogues gaskins icon1.png 60 160 ROG, NIN Legs 176 176 0 Dexterity +71, Vitality +67, Accuracy +57, Determination +38
Valerian Shaman's Smalls Valerian shamans smalls icon1.png 60 160 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 128 224 0 Vitality +61, Mind +71, Piety +50, Determination +38
Valerian Smuggler's Gaskins Valerian smugglers gaskins icon1.png 60 160 PGL, MNK Legs 176 176 0 Strength +71, Vitality +67, Accuracy +57, Critical Hit Rate +40
Valerian Terror Knight's Trousers Valerian terror knights trousers icon1.png 60 160 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 320 320 0 Strength +71, Vitality +67, Parry +57, Accuracy +40
Valerian Wizard's Longkilt Valerian wizards longkilt icon1.png 60 160 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 128 224 0 Vitality +61, Intelligence +71, Accuracy +40, Determination +55
Valkyrie's Brais of Fending Valkyries brais of fending icon1.png 60 225 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 462 462 2 Strength +116, Vitality +125, Accuracy +103, Skill Speed +72
Valkyrie's Brais of Maiming Valkyries brais of maiming icon1.png 60 225 LNC, DRG Legs 324 254 2 Strength +116, Vitality +125, Critical Hit Rate +72, Determination +98
Valkyrie's Trousers of Aiming Valkyries trousers of aiming icon1.png 60 225 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 254 254 2 Dexterity +116, Vitality +125, Accuracy +72, Critical Hit Rate +103
Valkyrie's Trousers of Casting Valkyries trousers of casting icon1.png 60 225 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 185 324 2 Vitality +112, Intelligence +116, Critical Hit Rate +103, Spell Speed +72
Valkyrie's Trousers of Healing Valkyries trousers of healing icon1.png 60 225 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 185 324 2 Vitality +112, Mind +116, Piety +112, Critical Hit Rate +72
Valkyrie's Trousers of Scouting Valkyries trousers of scouting icon1.png 60 225 ROG, NIN Legs 254 254 2 Dexterity +116, Vitality +125, Critical Hit Rate +72, Determination +98
Valkyrie's Trousers of Striking Valkyries trousers of striking icon1.png 60 225 PGL, MNK Legs 254 254 2 Strength +116, Vitality +125, Accuracy +103, Critical Hit Rate +72
Valor Cuisses Valor cuisses icon1.png 50 90 PLD Legs 158 158 0 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Parry +34, Accuracy +24
Vanu Vanu Waist Vanu vanu waist icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 8 16 0
Vanya Breeches of Casting Vanya breeches of casting icon1.png 50 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 46 84 2 Vitality +16, Intelligence +18, Determination +15, Spell Speed +15
Vanya Breeches of Healing Vanya breeches of healing icon1.png 50 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 46 84 2 Vitality +16, Mind +18, Determination +15, Spell Speed +15
Vanya Trousers Vanya trousers icon1.png 50 70 LNC, DRG Legs 84 65 2 Strength +18, Vitality +18, Critical Hit Rate +15, Skill Speed +21
Varlet's Breeches Varlets breeches icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 160 160 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +38, Determination +19
Velveteen Bottom Velveteen bottom icon1.png 28 28 All Classes Legs 18 36 2 Control +16
Velveteen Chausses Velveteen chausses icon1.png 24 24 All Classes Legs 15 31 2 Control +14
Velveteen Gaskins Velveteen gaskins icon1.png 31 31 All Classes Legs 20 40 2 Vitality +5, Intelligence +5, Mind +5, Accuracy +7
Velveteen Sarouel Velveteen sarouel icon1.png 25 25 Disciples of War Legs 24 24 2 Strength +4, Dexterity +4, Vitality +4, Critical Hit Rate +4
Velveteen Sarouel of Gathering Velveteen sarouel of gathering icon1.png 25 25 All Classes Legs 16 32 2 Gathering +15
Velveteen Tights Velveteen tights icon1.png 27 27 All Classes Legs 17 35 2 Vitality +4, Intelligence +5, Mind +5, Determination +3
Velveteen Trousers Velveteen trousers icon1.png 28 28 Disciples of War Legs 27 27 2 Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Vitality +4, Skill Speed +6
Vermilion Skirt Vermilion skirt icon1.png 50 55 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 146 146 0 Strength +14, Vitality +15, Parry +23, Accuracy +16
Viking Hose Viking hose icon1.png 60 215 LNC, DRG Legs 321 252 0 Strength +106, Vitality +113, Determination +93, Skill Speed +68
Vintage Hose Vintage hose icon1.png 43 46 Disciples of War Legs 51 51 3 Strength +10, Dexterity +10, Vitality +9, Determination +10
Void Ark Breeches of Aiming Void ark breeches of aiming icon1.png 60 200 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 233 233 0 Dexterity +93, Vitality +97, Critical Hit Rate +86, Determination +57
Void Ark Breeches of Casting Void ark breeches of casting icon1.png 60 200 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 170 297 0 Vitality +87, Intelligence +93, Accuracy +86, Spell Speed +60
Void Ark Breeches of Healing Void ark breeches of healing icon1.png 60 200 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 170 297 0 Vitality +87, Mind +93, Piety +92, Critical Hit Rate +60
Void Ark Breeches of Maiming Void ark breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 200 LNC, DRG Legs 297 233 0 Strength +93, Vitality +97, Accuracy +86, Determination +57
Void Ark Breeches of Scouting Void ark breeches of scouting icon1.png 60 200 ROG, NIN Legs 233 233 0 Dexterity +93, Vitality +97, Critical Hit Rate +60, Skill Speed +86
Void Ark Skirt of Fending Void ark skirt of fending icon1.png 60 200 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 424 424 0 Strength +93, Vitality +97, Critical Hit Rate +86, Determination +57
Void Ark Trousers of Striking Void ark trousers of striking icon1.png 60 200 PGL, MNK Legs 233 233 0 Strength +93, Vitality +97, Accuracy +86, Determination +57
War Subligar War subligar icon1.png 50 60 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 76 76 0 Strength +16, Dexterity +16, Vitality +18, Accuracy +17, Skill Speed +24
Warlock's Tights Warlocks tights icon1.png 50 55 Disciples of Magic Legs 50 98 0 Vitality +14, Intelligence +14, Mind +14, Accuracy +23, Determination +11
Warrior's Breeches Warriors breeches icon1.png 50 90 WAR Legs 158 158 0 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Parry +24, Determination +24
Warwolf Breeches of Aiming Warwolf breeches of aiming icon1.png 50 70 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 81 81 2 Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Critical Hit Rate +19, Skill Speed +27, Morale +10
Warwolf Chausses of Casting Warwolf chausses of casting icon1.png 50 70 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 57 105 2 Vitality +20, Intelligence +20, Critical Hit Rate +27, Spell Speed +19, Morale +10
Warwolf Gaskins of Healing Warwolf gaskins of healing icon1.png 50 70 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 57 105 2 Vitality +20, Mind +20, Critical Hit Rate +19, Spell Speed +27, Morale +10
Warwolf Kecks of Striking Warwolf kecks of striking icon1.png 50 70 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 81 81 2 Strength +20, Dexterity +20, Vitality +22, Critical Hit Rate +27, Skill Speed +19, Morale +10
Warwolf Skirt of Maiming Warwolf skirt of maiming icon1.png 50 70 LNC, DRG Legs 105 81 2 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Critical Hit Rate +19, Determination +18, Morale +10
Warwolf Trousers of Fending Warwolf trousers of fending icon1.png 50 70 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 153 153 2 Strength +20, Vitality +22, Determination +13, Skill Speed +27, Morale +10
Weathered Astrum Hose Weathered astrum hose icon1.png 50 100 LNC, DRG Legs 112 88 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Critical Hit Rate +38, Skill Speed +26
Weathered Auroral Brais Weathered auroral brais icon1.png 50 100 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 88 88 0 Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Determination +19, Skill Speed +38
Weathered Daystar Breeches Weathered daystar breeches icon1.png 50 100 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 65 112 0 Vitality +35, Mind +34, Piety +20, Accuracy +8, Critical Hit Rate +38
Weathered Evenstar Tights Weathered evenstar tights icon1.png 50 100 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 65 112 0 Vitality +35, Intelligence +34, Accuracy +26, Determination +27
Weathered Gloam Brais Weathered gloam brais icon1.png 50 100 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 88 88 0 Strength +34, Dexterity +34, Vitality +39, Accuracy +38, Determination +19
Weathered Noct Breeches Weathered noct breeches icon1.png 50 100 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 160 160 0 Strength +34, Vitality +39, Parry +38, Critical Hit Rate +26
Weathered Shepherd's Slops Weathered shepherds slops icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Weaver's Trousers Weavers trousers icon1.png 50 55 WVR Legs 40 78 2 Craftsmanship +3, Control +27
Welkin Breeches Welkin breeches icon1.png 60 210 AST Legs 182 319 0 Vitality +96, Mind +101, Piety +75, Determination +90
Wild Rose Breeches Wild rose breeches icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Wind Silk Bottoms Wind silk bottoms icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 6 13 0
Wizard's Tonban Wizards tonban icon1.png 45 50 BLM Legs 48 96 0 Vitality +12, Intelligence +12, Critical Hit Rate +15, Spell Speed +22
Woad Skychaser's Breeches Woad skychasers breeches icon1.png 53 130 ROG, NIN Legs 95 95 0 Dexterity +50, Vitality +59, Accuracy +47, Critical Hit Rate +33
Woad Skydruid's Breeches Woad skydruids breeches icon1.png 53 130 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 72 119 0 Vitality +53, Mind +50, Piety +36, Determination +23
Woad Skyhunter's Breeches Woad skyhunters breeches icon1.png 53 130 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 95 95 0 Dexterity +50, Vitality +59, Determination +34, Skill Speed +33
Woad Skylancer's Breeches Woad skylancers breeches icon1.png 53 130 LNC, DRG Legs 119 95 0 Strength +50, Vitality +59, Accuracy +33, Critical Hit Rate +47
Woad Skyraider's Breeches Woad skyraiders breeches icon1.png 53 130 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 167 167 0 Strength +50, Vitality +59, Accuracy +47, Skill Speed +33
Woad Skywarrior's Breeches Woad skywarriors breeches icon1.png 53 130 PGL, MNK Legs 95 95 0 Strength +50, Vitality +59, Accuracy +33, Skill Speed +47
Woad Skywicce's Breeches Woad skywicces breeches icon1.png 53 130 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 72 119 0 Vitality +53, Intelligence +50, Accuracy +33, Critical Hit Rate +47
Wolf Brais Wolf brais icon1.png 50 55 PGL, ROG, MNK, NIN Legs 59 59 2 Strength +13, Dexterity +13, Vitality +12, Accuracy +19, Critical Hit Rate +16, Morale +10
Wolf Breeches Wolf breeches icon1.png 50 55 LNC, DRG Legs 78 59 2 Strength +13, Vitality +12, Accuracy +19, Skill Speed +13, Morale +10
Wolf Gaskins Wolf gaskins icon1.png 50 55 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 40 78 2 Vitality +11, Intelligence +13, Accuracy +19, Spell Speed +13, Morale +10
Wolf Kecks Wolf kecks icon1.png 50 55 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 59 59 2 Dexterity +13, Vitality +12, Determination +9, Skill Speed +19, Morale +10
Wolf Tights Wolf tights icon1.png 50 55 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 40 78 2 Vitality +11, Mind +13, Determination +12, Spell Speed +13, Morale +10
Wolf Trousers Wolf trousers icon1.png 50 55 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 117 117 2 Strength +13, Vitality +12, Critical Hit Rate +13, Skill Speed +19, Morale +10
Wolfliege Brais Wolfliege brais icon1.png 50 110 THM, BLM Legs 67 115 2 Vitality +41, Intelligence +39, Critical Hit Rate +41, Spell Speed +29, Morale +20
Wolfseye Brais Wolfseye brais icon1.png 50 100 THM, BLM Legs 65 112 2 Vitality +35, Intelligence +34, Critical Hit Rate +26, Determination +27, Morale +10
Woolen Chausses Woolen chausses icon1.png 43 43 All Classes Legs 30 61 2 Control +21
Woolen Gaskins Woolen gaskins icon1.png 44 44 All Classes Legs 32 63 2 Vitality +8, Intelligence +9, Mind +9, Accuracy +13
Woolen Kecks Woolen kecks icon1.png 43 43 Disciples of War Legs 46 46 2 Strength +9, Dexterity +9, Vitality +9, Skill Speed +13
Woolen Sarouel Woolen sarouel icon1.png 40 40 Disciples of War Legs 41 41 2 Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Vitality +8, Accuracy +11
Woolen Sarouel of Gathering Woolen sarouel of gathering icon1.png 40 40 All Classes Legs 28 55 2 Gathering +21
Woolen Slops Woolen slops icon1.png 46 46 All Classes Legs 34 68 2 Control +22
Woolen Tights Woolen tights icon1.png 41 41 All Classes Legs 29 57 2 Vitality +7, Intelligence +8, Mind +8, Determination +8
Woolen Trousers Woolen trousers icon1.png 44 44 Disciples of War Legs 48 48 2 Strength +9, Dexterity +9, Vitality +9, Determination +9
Wrangler's Chaps Wranglers chaps icon1.png 60 215 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 252 252 0 Dexterity +106, Vitality +113, Determination +65, Skill Speed +97
Wyrm's Breeches Wyrms breeches icon1.png 50 90 DRG Legs 110 86 0 Strength +29, Vitality +33, Critical Hit Rate +24, Skill Speed +34
Wyvernskin Culottes Wyvernskin culottes icon1.png 53 80 All Classes Legs 54 97 2 Gathering +42
Yafaemi Brais of Aiming Yafaemi brais of aiming icon1.png 60 230 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 255 255 2 Dexterity +121, Vitality +131, Accuracy +106, Determination +71
Yafaemi Chain Hose of Fending Yafaemi chain hose of fending icon1.png 60 230 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 464 464 2 Strength +121, Vitality +131, Accuracy +106, Critical Hit Rate +74
Yafaemi Chain Hose of Maiming Yafaemi chain hose of maiming icon1.png 60 230 LNC, DRG Legs 325 255 2 Strength +121, Vitality +131, Accuracy +106, Skill Speed +74
Yafaemi Gaskins of Scouting Yafaemi gaskins of scouting icon1.png 60 230 ROG, NIN Legs 255 255 2 Dexterity +121, Vitality +131, Accuracy +106, Determination +71
Yafaemi Gaskins of Striking Yafaemi gaskins of striking icon1.png 60 230 PGL, MNK Legs 255 255 2 Strength +121, Vitality +131, Critical Hit Rate +106, Skill Speed +74
Yafaemi Trousers of Casting Yafaemi trousers of casting icon1.png 60 230 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 186 325 2 Vitality +118, Intelligence +121, Accuracy +106, Critical Hit Rate +74
Yafaemi Trousers of Healing Yafaemi trousers of healing icon1.png 60 230 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 186 325 2 Vitality +118, Mind +121, Piety +114, Critical Hit Rate +74
Yasha Haidate of Aiming Yasha haidate of aiming icon1.png 60 170 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 187 187 0 Dexterity +75, Vitality +72, Accuracy +44, Determination +60
Yasha Haidate of Fending Yasha haidate of fending icon1.png 60 170 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 340 340 0 Strength +75, Vitality +72, Parry +44, Determination +60
Yasha Haidate of Maiming Yasha haidate of maiming icon1.png 60 170 LNC, DRG Legs 238 187 0 Strength +75, Vitality +72, Determination +60, Skill Speed +44
Yasha Haidate of Scouting Yasha haidate of scouting icon1.png 60 170 ROG, NIN Legs 187 187 0 Dexterity +75, Vitality +72, Determination +60, Skill Speed +44
Yasha Haidate of Striking Yasha haidate of striking icon1.png 60 170 PGL, MNK Legs 187 187 0 Strength +75, Vitality +72, Accuracy +63, Critical Hit Rate +44
Yasha Hakama of Casting Yasha hakama of casting icon1.png 60 170 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 136 238 0 Vitality +65, Intelligence +75, Accuracy +63, Critical Hit Rate +44
Yasha Hakama of Healing Yasha hakama of healing icon1.png 60 170 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 136 238 0 Vitality +65, Mind +75, Piety +40, Determination +60
Zundu Waist Zundu waist icon1.png 1 1 All Classes Legs 8 16 0