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Template:NPC Infobox Bertana is a Vendor NPC introduced in patch 3.0.

Locations and Quests

Location Coordinate Started Quests Involved in Quests
Idyllshire (x5,y5)

Items For Sale

Bismarck Extreme Weapons

Required - 10 Expanse Totem

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Expanse Astrometer Expanse astrometer icon1.png 60 175 AST 95 (Magical) 3.20 72.53 0 Vitality +73, Mind +83, Piety +65, Spell Speed +49
Expanse Battleaxe Expanse battleaxe icon1.png 60 175 MRD WAR 68 (Physical) 3.36 76.16 0 Strength +83, Vitality +81, Critical Hit Rate +71, Determination +48
Expanse Cane Expanse cane icon1.png 60 175 CNJ WHM 95 (Magical) 3.36 76.16 0 Vitality +73, Mind +83, Piety +46, Critical Hit Rate +71
Expanse Codex Expanse codex icon1.png 60 175 SCH 95 (Magical) 3.12 70.72 0 Vitality +73, Mind +83, Piety +65, Spell Speed +49
Expanse Greatsword Expanse greatsword icon1.png 60 175 DRK 68 (Physical) 2.96 67.09 0 Strength +83, Vitality +81, Determination +68, Skill Speed +49
Expanse Grimoire Expanse grimoire icon1.png 60 175 ACN SMN 95 (Magical) 3.12 70.72 0 Vitality +73, Intelligence +83, Determination +68, Spell Speed +49
Expanse Handgonne Expanse handgonne icon1.png 60 175 MCH 61 (Physical) 2.76 56.12 0 Dexterity +83, Vitality +81, Critical Hit Rate +49, Determination +68
Expanse Longbow Expanse longbow icon1.png 60 175 ARC BRD 61 (Physical) 3.28 66.69 0 Dexterity +83, Vitality +81, Determination +48, Skill Speed +71
Expanse Longpole Expanse longpole icon1.png 60 175 THM BLM 95 (Magical) 3.36 76.16 0 Vitality +73, Intelligence +83, Critical Hit Rate +71, Determination +48
Expanse Machetes Expanse machetes icon1.png 60 175 ROG NIN 68 (Physical) 2.40 54.40 0 Dexterity +83, Vitality +81, Critical Hit Rate +71, Skill Speed +49
Expanse Partisan Expanse partisan icon1.png 60 175 LNC DRG 68 (Physical) 2.80 63.46 0 Strength +83, Vitality +81, Determination +68, Skill Speed +49
Expanse Patas Expanse patas icon1.png 60 175 PGL MNK 68 (Physical) 2.40 54.40 0 Strength +83, Vitality +81, Critical Hit Rate +49, Determination +68
Expanse Sword Expanse sword icon1.png 60 175 GLA PLD 68 (Physical) 2.24 50.77 0 Strength +59, Vitality +58, Parry +35, Determination +49


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Expanse Shield Expanse shield icon1.png 60 175 GLA, PLD Shield 515 167 0 Strength +24, Vitality +23, Determination +14, Skill Speed +20

Ravana Extreme Weapons

Required - 10 Hive Totem

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Hive Battleaxe Hive battleaxe icon1.png 60 190 MRD WAR 72 (Physical) 3.36 80.64 0 Strength +92, Vitality +94, Parry +58, Determination +80
Hive Bow Hive bow icon1.png 60 190 ARC BRD 65 (Physical) 3.04 65.86 0 Dexterity +92, Vitality +94, Critical Hit Rate +83, Determination +56
Hive Cane Hive cane icon1.png 60 190 CNJ WHM 100 (Magical) 3.36 80.64 0 Vitality +85, Mind +92, Determination +80, Spell Speed +58
Hive Claws Hive claws icon1.png 60 190 PGL MNK 72 (Physical) 2.40 57.60 0 Strength +92, Vitality +94, Critical Hit Rate +83, Determination +56
Hive Claymore Hive claymore icon1.png 60 190 DRK 72 (Physical) 2.96 71.04 0 Strength +92, Vitality +94, Critical Hit Rate +83, Skill Speed +58
Hive Codex Hive codex icon1.png 60 190 SCH 100 (Magical) 3.12 74.88 0 Vitality +85, Mind +92, Critical Hit Rate +83, Spell Speed +58
Hive Grimoire Hive grimoire icon1.png 60 190 ACN SMN 100 (Magical) 3.12 74.88 0 Vitality +85, Intelligence +92, Critical Hit Rate +83, Determination +56
Hive Kris Hive kris icon1.png 60 190 ROG NIN 72 (Physical) 2.64 63.36 0 Dexterity +92, Vitality +94, Determination +80, Skill Speed +58
Hive Longpole Hive longpole icon1.png 60 190 THM BLM 100 (Magical) 3.28 78.72 0 Vitality +85, Intelligence +92, Critical Hit Rate +58, Determination +80
Hive Musketoon Hive musketoon icon1.png 60 190 MCH 65 (Physical) 2.64 57.20 0 Dexterity +92, Vitality +94, Determination +56, Skill Speed +83
Hive Planisphere Hive planisphere icon1.png 60 190 AST 100 (Magical) 3.20 76.80 0 Vitality +85, Mind +92, Critical Hit Rate +83, Spell Speed +58
Hive Shamshir Hive shamshir icon1.png 60 190 GLA PLD 72 (Physical) 2.08 49.92 0 Strength +66, Vitality +67, Determination +57, Skill Speed +41
Hive Spear Hive spear icon1.png 60 190 LNC DRG 72 (Physical) 2.80 67.20 0 Strength +92, Vitality +94, Critical Hit Rate +83, Skill Speed +58


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Hive Scutum Hive scutum icon1.png 60 190 GLA, PLD Shield 533 183 0 Strength +26, Vitality +27, Parry +24, Skill Speed +17

King Thordan Extreme Weapons

Required - 10 Heavens' Ward Helm Fragment

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Axe of the Heavens Axe of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 MRD WAR 75 (Physical) 3.44 86.00 0 Strength +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +68, Skill Speed +97
Bow of the Heavens Bow of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 ARC BRD 68 (Physical) 3.04 68.90 0 Dexterity +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +68, Determination +93
Cane of the Heavens Cane of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 CNJ WHM 104 (Magical) 3.44 86.00 0 Vitality +99, Mind +105, Piety +75, Spell Speed +97
Claymore of the Heavens Claymore of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 DRK 75 (Physical) 2.96 74.00 0 Strength +105, Vitality +110, Parry +68, Critical Hit Rate +97
Codex of the Heavens Codex of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 SCH 104 (Magical) 3.12 78.00 0 Vitality +99, Mind +105, Piety +75, Determination +93
Daggers of the Heavens Daggers of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 ROG NIN 75 (Physical) 2.64 66.00 0 Dexterity +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +68, Determination +93
Grimoire of the Heavens Grimoire of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 ACN SMN 104 (Magical) 3.12 78.00 0 Vitality +99, Intelligence +105, Critical Hit Rate +97, Determination +65
Halberd of the Heavens Halberd of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 LNC DRG 75 (Physical) 2.88 72.00 0 Strength +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +97, Determination +65
Heavensfire Heavensfire icon1.png 60 205 MCH 68 (Physical) 2.48 56.21 0 Dexterity +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +68, Determination +93
Heavensmeter Heavensmeter icon1.png 60 205 AST 104 (Magical) 3.20 80.00 0 Vitality +99, Mind +105, Piety +75, Critical Hit Rate +97
Knuckles of the Heavens Knuckles of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 PGL MNK 75 (Physical) 2.56 64.00 0 Strength +105, Vitality +110, Critical Hit Rate +97, Determination +65
Staff of the Heavens Staff of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 THM BLM 104 (Magical) 3.28 82.00 0 Vitality +99, Intelligence +105, Critical Hit Rate +68, Spell Speed +97
Sword of the Heavens Sword of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 GLA PLD 75 (Physical) 2.24 56.00 0 Strength +75, Vitality +79, Critical Hit Rate +49, Determination +66


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Shield of the Heavens Shield of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 GLA, PLD Shield 549 199 0 Strength +30, Vitality +31, Parry +19, Skill Speed +28

Sephirot Extreme Weapons

Required - 10 Fiend Totem

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Axe of the Sephirot Axe of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 MRD WAR 77 (Physical) 3.44 88.29 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Determination +103, Skill Speed +76
Blade of the Sephirot Blade of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 GLA PLD 77 (Physical) 2.24 57.49 1 Strength +85, Vitality +91, Parry +54, Skill Speed +77
Bow of the Sephirot Bow of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 ARC BRD 69 (Physical) 3.04 69.92 2 Dexterity +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +108
Cane of the Sephirot Cane of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 CNJ WHM 106 (Magical) 3.44 88.29 2 Vitality +115, Mind +119, Critical Hit Rate +108, Spell Speed +76
Edge of the Sephirot Edge of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 DRK 77 (Physical) 2.96 75.97 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Determination +103, Skill Speed +76
Fire of the Sephirot Fire of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 MCH 69 (Physical) 2.64 60.72 2 Dexterity +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +108, Skill Speed +76
Fists of the Sephirot Fists of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 PGL MNK 77 (Physical) 2.56 65.70 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +108
Pike of the Sephirot Pike of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 LNC DRG 77 (Physical) 2.88 73.92 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +108
Points of the Sephirot Points of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 ROG NIN 77 (Physical) 2.56 65.70 2 Dexterity +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +108, Skill Speed +76
Song of the Sephirot Song of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 SCH 106 (Magical) 3.12 80.08 2 Vitality +115, Mind +119, Determination +72, Spell Speed +108
Staff of the Sephirot Staff of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 THM BLM 106 (Magical) 3.28 84.18 2 Vitality +115, Intelligence +119, Determination +72, Spell Speed +108
Star of the Sephirot Star of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 AST 106 (Magical) 3.20 82.13 2 Vitality +115, Mind +119, Critical Hit Rate +76, Determination +103
Word of the Sephirot Word of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 ACN SMN 106 (Magical) 3.12 80.08 2 Vitality +115, Intelligence +119, Critical Hit Rate +108, Determination +72

Eikonic Weapons

Required = 10 Rowena's Token (Lore) + 1 High-Capacity Tomestone

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Hailstorm Astrometer Hailstorm astrometer icon1.png 60 230 AST 108 (Magical) 3.20 84.26 2 Vitality +127, Mind +130, Piety +86, Spell Speed +114
Hailstorm Cane Hailstorm cane icon1.png 60 230 CNJ WHM 108 (Magical) 3.44 90.58 2 Vitality +127, Mind +130, Piety +86, Spell Speed +114
Hailstorm Codex Hailstorm codex icon1.png 60 230 SCH 108 (Magical) 3.12 82.16 2 Vitality +127, Mind +130, Piety +86, Determination +109
Hailstorm Grimoire Hailstorm grimoire icon1.png 60 230 ACN SMN 108 (Magical) 3.12 82.16 2 Vitality +127, Intelligence +130, Critical Hit Rate +114, Spell Speed +80
Hailstorm Rod Hailstorm rod icon1.png 60 230 THM BLM 108 (Magical) 3.28 86.37 2 Vitality +127, Intelligence +130, Critical Hit Rate +114, Spell Speed +80
Hellfire Battleaxe Hellfire battleaxe icon1.png 60 230 MRD WAR 79 (Physical) 3.44 90.58 2 Strength +130, Vitality +141, Parry +80, Skill Speed +114
Hellfire Blade Hellfire blade icon1.png 60 230 GLA PLD 79 (Physical) 2.24 58.98 1 Strength +93, Vitality +101, Parry +57, Critical Hit Rate +81
Hellfire Claws Hellfire claws icon1.png 60 230 PGL MNK 79 (Physical) 2.56 67.41 2 Strength +130, Vitality +141, Critical Hit Rate +114, Skill Speed +80
Hellfire Guillotine Hellfire guillotine icon1.png 60 230 DRK 79 (Physical) 2.96 77.94 2 Strength +130, Vitality +141, Parry +80, Critical Hit Rate +114
Slipstream Partisan Slipstream partisan icon1.png 60 230 LNC DRG 79 (Physical) 2.88 75.84 2 Strength +130, Vitality +141, Critical Hit Rate +114, Skill Speed +80
Torrent Kris Torrent kris icon1.png 60 230 ROG NIN 79 (Physical) 2.56 67.41 2 Dexterity +130, Vitality +141, Critical Hit Rate +114, Determination +76
Torrent Longbow Torrent longbow icon1.png 60 230 ARC BRD 71 (Physical) 3.04 71.94 2 Dexterity +130, Vitality +141, Determination +76, Skill Speed +114
Torrent Musketoon Torrent musketoon icon1.png 60 230 MCH 71 (Physical) 2.64 62.48 2 Dexterity +130, Vitality +141, Critical Hit Rate +114, Determination +76