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Eden's Gate: Inundation (Savage)

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See also: Eden's Gate (Savage) and Eden's Gate: Inundation


Eden's Gate: Inundation (Savage)

Eden's Gate Inundation (Savage).png
80 (Sync: 80)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Savage Raids (Shadowbringers)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 15 
Req. quest
Feature quest Nor Any Drop to Drink
The Nereus Trench
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
Permanent +20%

At first glance, the faintly glowing crystal brought back from Eden's core appears to be little more than a pretty bauble. As you gaze deep within, however, you are bombarded with images of your encounters in the Empty─but your adversaries have been twisted into monstrosities far more ferocious than those in your memory. Though you know these to be naught more than illusions, you find yourself compelled to see them through...

— In-game description

Eden's Gate: Inundation (Savage) is a level 80 raid introduced in patch 5.05 with Shadowbringers. The raid is also known as E3S.

Phases & Abilities

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Heritor of the Whorl: Leviathan

NOTE: It is possible to fall off the edge of the arena and plummet to an early doom during the entire encounter. However, should any participant fall, they can be raised after a moderate delay.

  • Tidal Roar blasts the entire raid with unavoidable AoE damage.
  • Rip Current selects Leviathan's main target and prepares to shoot them with two consecutive blasts that each deal tremendous damage and inflict debuffs on anyone caught in their wake. A tank-swap is advised, though you can also use an immunity cooldown to absorb both blasts if possible. Be mindful that the blast is aimed from Leviathan towards the target, so be sure to stand away from the group so that nobody is clipped by the line-attack.
  • Tidal Wave will place a torrent of water at the eastern or western side of the arena that will inflict a knockback, much like normal mode. Players should either utilize a knockback immunity or move close to the torrent to avoid being punted out of the arena to a watery death. In Extreme, this Tidal Wave will overlap with Undersea Quake.
  • Undersea Quake will cause Leviathan to charge up a platform-smashing attack, just like normal mode. After a brief delay, Leviathan destroys the platform aligned with its two heads, instantly killing anyone caught in the attack or whom fall over the edge as a result. Unlike normal mode, however, Undersea Quake will overlap with the above Tidal Wave. As a result, players should move to the very edge of where the platform is going to be destroyed (rather than next to the torrent itself).
  • Temporary Current causes Leviathan to move to a diagonal angle and prepare a massive AoE blast across the platform, just like normal mode. Once players realize which side Leviathan is preparing to blast, players should move to the opposite side to avoid a watery instant-death.
  • Drenching Pulse will spawn AoE circles under each individual player after a brief delay. Due to the smaller size of the platform (and the upcoming Freak Wave mechanic, which slightly overlaps), players should bait these AoE circles by grouping up in the middle of the arena, giving everyone enough room to fan out for the next mechanic after the circles have been dropped.
  • Freak Wave will place an AoE marker on each individual player, forcing them to spread out and avoid clipping their teammates. Due to arriving after Drenching Pulse, there will be very little room to spread out. Assigning positions before the encounter can be a huge help.
  • Temporary Current causes Leviathan to prepare another diagonal AoE blast across the platform as soon as Freak Wave has concluded, giving everyone a small window to run to the safe corner and avoid a watery grave. Bear in mind that Leviathan will blast in the opposite direction of the first Temporary Current.
  • Assuming the raid survive, the platform will revert to its normal size and Maelstrom will be cast. Just like normal mode, Leviathan will dive under the platform and disappear while small puddles of water form on the platform. After a brief delay, the puddles will grow much larger and inflict damage and heavy on anyone attempting to walk through them. Simultaneously, two watery portals will form at the sides of the arena, indicating where (and in what order) Leviathan will dash across the platform. The raid must be ready to traverse between the puddles and avoid Leviathan's dive-bombs - a process that will repeat a second time before concluding.
  • Tidal Roar blasts the entire raid with unavoidable AoE damage in an attempt to finish off anyone unfortunate enough to be crippled by the previous mechanics.

  • Tsunami will bombard the surroundings with a persistent water effect that deals unavoidable AoE damage to the raid and inflicts each surviving player with two debuffs:
  • Splashing Waters marks all players unaffected by Sundering Tsunami with a lethal debuff, similar to Doom. If not cleansed by the Sundering Tsunami, affected players will receive lethal damage.
  • Sundering Tsunami will target one random player. Once the debuff expires, anyone in front of the marked player will be knocked back. Additionally, everyone knocked back will also be cleansed of the Splashing Waters debuff.
  • Smothering Tsunami will effect both healers, forcing them to group up and share upcoming damage with the rest of the group.
  • Swirling Waters will effects tanks and damage dealers, causing a donut AoE around each marked individual.

NOTE: To handle the overlapping mechanics, the group should group up in the centre of the platform, allowing the one player marked by Sundering Tsunami to move behind the entire group so that everyone can be knocked back (and cleansed of Splashing Waters). Bear in mind that Leviathan will also cast an Undersea Quake which will destroy the middle of the platform. Once players have been knocked away and cleansed, the group should split and move to the sides (one healer each). Beware - a Temporary Current (diagonal blast) will follow shortly after.

If all has gone well, players should remain grouped up on their side of the platform so that the donut AoE from each individual player's Swirling Waters goes off safely with everyone inside the donut, as well as each healer having three other players nearby to soak the damage from Smothering Tsunami.

  • With all the debuffs resolved, Leviathan will cast another Tidal Roar (unavoidable AoE damage).
  • Rip Current, the double tank-buster from earlier, will follow. Be sure to single-soak with immunity or tank-swap if none are available. Remember to aim it away from the party so that nobody else is caught in the blast.
  • Temporary Current - the diagonal blast from Leviathan - will follow shortly after. Be sure to move towards one of two safe spots as soon as possible.
  • Tidal Roar blasts the entire raid with unavoidable AoE damage as the platform once again returns to its original shape.
  • Refreshing Shower provides Leviathan with a buff that empowers upcoming mechanics.
  • Tidal Rage - an enhanced version of Tidal Roar - blasts the entire raid with unavoidable AoE damage. This will happen twice in succession, so be ready to mitigate or heal through the damage.
  • Another Tidal Wave and Undersea Quake combo, just like earlier, will force players to move so that they do not get knocked off the platform while Leviathan destroys the sides. Remember - you can use knockback immunity in a pinch.
  • Temporary Current - the diagonal blast - will now be enhanced. After a brief delay, Leviathan will blast the chosen side and then immediately move to the other side for another blast. Players must be ready to move from one safe spot to the other as soon as possible as these attacks will have very limited telegraphs.
  • Drenching Pulse will once again spawn AoE circles under each individual player after a brief delay. Players should (again) bait these AoE circles by grouping up in the middle of the arena, giving everyone enough room to fan out for the next mechanic once the circles are dropped. Unlike the previous version, Drenching Pulse will overlap with an enhanced version of Freak Wave.
  • Freak Wave will place an AoE marker on each individual player, forcing them to spread out and avoid clipping their teammates, just like earlier. However, due to being enhanced by Refreshing Shower, AoE markers will now leave behind a persistent puddle that inflicts a devastating DoT on anyone who remains within one. Make sure that you do not drop these circles too close to the corner safe-spots - they'll be needed to avoid upcoming Temporary Current blasts.
  • Temporary Current - the diagonal blast (enhanced) - will shoot twice in a row in quick succession to test the placement of Freak Wave puddles. Move to the safe-spot once Leviathan has picked a direction and move immediately to the other safe-spot after the first has been fired. If any Freak Wave puddles have been left in either of these safe-spots, the results will likely be fatal.

  • Maelstrom will be cast once more, except it is now enhanced by Refreshing Shower. Small puddles of water will form on the platform just like before and grow much larger after a brief delay, inflicting damage and heavy on anyone attempting to walk through them. Unlike before, three watery portals will form at sides of the arena (instead of two from earlier), indicating where (and in what order) Leviathan will dash across the platform. The raid must be ready to traverse between the puddles and avoid Leviathan's triple dive-bombs.

  • Tidal Rage - an enhanced version of Tidal Roar - blasts the entire raid with unavoidable AoE damage. This will happen twice in succession, so be ready to mitigate or heal through the damage.
  • Rip Current, the double tank-buster from earlier, will follow. Be sure to single-soak with immunity or tank-swap if none are available. Remember to aim it away from the party so that nobody else is caught in the blast.
  • Stormy Horizon will begin spawning x5 circle AoE's consecutively beneath every player, one after the other, followed by an enhanced Temporary Current as the final circle AoEs are being dropped. Midway through this overlap, one tank will also be marked with Breaking Wave - a proximity marker - forcing them to split from the group and move to the back of the arena. Much like Drenching Pulse, the group must bait the circles in a manner that allows them freedom to move around the platform (away from safe-spots needed to avoid the diagonal blasts of Temporary Current), while the tank marked by Breaking Wave splits off and uses the safe-spots at the south of the arena by themselves. Bear in mind that enhanced Temporary Current will fire a diagonal blast and then immediately swap to the other side for another blast, so be ready to move as soon as possible.
  • Plunging Wave will mark a random player with a stack-line marker that must be absorbed by the entire group. After a short delay, Leviathan will shoot an AoE in a line 5 times, all of which should be absorbed by the entire raid. Due to being a stack-line, even the tank who moved to the south of the arena due to Breaking Wave can help absorb the upcoming attack by simply moving in-line with the rest of the group.
  • Tidal Rage - an enhanced version of Tidal Roar - blasts the entire raid with unavoidable AoE damage. This will happen twice in succession, so be ready to mitigate or heal through the damage.

  • Drenching Pulse will once again spawn AoE circles under each individual player after a brief delay. Players should (again) bait these AoE circles by grouping up in the middle of the arena, giving everyone enough room to fan out for the next mechanic once the circles are dropped. Drenching Pulse will once again overlap with an enhanced version of Freak Wave.
  • Freak Wave will place an AoE marker on each individual player, forcing them to spread out and avoid clipping their teammates, just like earlier. Due to being enhanced by Refreshing Shower, AoE markers will still leave behind a persistent puddle. Unlike before, players should move to the outer edges of the arena, drop the puddles, then move back to the centre before Leviathan destroys the outer platform via Undersea Quake. If done correctly, the puddles - placed where the platform will be destroyed - will pose no further threat to the group.

  • Tsunami will bombard the surroundings with a persistent water effect that deals unavoidable AoE damage to the raid and inflicts each surviving player with two debuffs -- except this time, the overlaps are treated much differently.
  • Splashing Waters marks all players unaffected by Sundering Tsunami with a lethal debuff, similar to Doom. If not cleansed by the Sundering Tsunami, affected players will receive lethal damage.
  • Sundering Tsunami will now target two players instead of one - a tank and damage-dealer. Once the debuff expires, anyone in front of the marked players will be knocked back. Additionally, everyone knocked back will also be cleansed of the Splashing Waters debuff.
  • Scouring Tsunami (which did not happen during the first Tsunami) will be placed on the tank not marked by Sundering Tsunami. Once expired, a massive pointblank AoE will be unleashed at their location.
  • Smothering Tsunami will effect one healer and one damage dealer (instead of both healers), forcing them to group up and share upcoming damage with the rest of the group.
  • Sweeping Tsunami (which did not happen during the first Tsunami will be placed on the healer not marked by Smothering Tsunami, as well as one random damage dealer. Once expired, marked players will emit a conal AoE towards the player furthest away from them, dishing out moderate damage to everyone caught in the blast.
  • Surging Tsunami will be placed on a damage dealer, inflicting a knock back on expiration, much like the version in normal mode.

NOTE: To deal with this mass of overlaps, players should once again group up and move towards the front of the platform, except the player marked by Surging Tsunami, who should move slightly ahead of the group. Once Surging Tsumani has expired, the raid will be knocked back to the southern side of the platform. After being knocked back, players affected by Smothering Tsunami should each move to different sides of the northern edge arena. The group should then divide so that 3 people can stack with each affected player to absorb the upcoming blast. Once complete, tanks should run to opposite corners and allow the players affected by Sweeping Tsunami to shoot their conal AoE towards the tanks (and nobody else). If successful, everyone should group up in the mid-north once more.

With the group stacked up, the player marked by Sundering Tsunami should move slightly ahead of the group and turn towards them in order to knock the entire group back and cleanse them of Splashing Waters. After being cleansed, the tank marked with Scouring Tsunami must split from the group and move to the opposite side of the arena in order to drop the upcoming AoE blast, whilst the rest of the group huddle on the opposite end to avoid it. With only one more Sundering Tsunami to deal with, the south-side tank should run back to the group before the debuffed player knocks the party away one more time. From here, all Splashing Waters should be cleansed and no more debuffs should be present.

  • Temporary Current - the diagonal blast (enhanced) - will shoot twice in a row in quick succession. Move to the safe-spot once Leviathan has picked a direction and move immediately to the other safe-spot after the first has been fired.
  • Tidal Rage x2 - an enhanced version of Tidal Roar - blasts the entire raid with unavoidable AoE damage (twice).
  • Rip Current, the double tank-buster from earlier, will follow. Be sure to single-soak with immunity or tank-swap if none are available. Remember to aim it away from the party so that nobody else is caught in the blast.
  • Roiling Pulse - much like Drenching Pulse - creates baitable AoE circles beneath players. Be sure to stack in the middle to allow everyone space and freedom to split up after the circles are dropped.
  • Killer Wave marks two players with a stack-marker that must be absorbed by a divided group. Simultaneously, both tanks will be marked by another Breaking Wave (proximity marker). As a result, both tanks should move to the southern corners of the arena while everyone else evenly divides at the northern side to absorb the stack markers and avoid excessive damage from the proximity blasts. During the overlapping mechanics, Leviathan will destroy the mid-section of the platform via Undersea Quake, so make sure to have one tank and one healer on both sides beforehand.
  • Black Smokers targets both tanks and bombards them with repeated conal attacks after a brief delay. Much like Rip Current, tanks should aim the attacks away from the group and mitigate if necessary. Bear in mind that Black Smokers will overlap with Hydrothermal Vents.
  • Hydrothermal Vents will tether a player on each side of the divided platform and (after a brief delay) spew a puddle of water at them which will persist on the platform (repeating four times). Unlike other puddles from the encounter, these must be soaked by another player before they explode, wiping the raid. However, due to the debuffs inflicted by the puddles (including moderate damage and magic vulnerability up, the tethered player should not soak a puddle. Instead, the three players on each side of the platform (excluding the tanks, seeing as they are dealing with Black Smokers) should rotate one after another to soak the puddles. Once all puddles have been soaked, Leviathan will resume its assault.
  • Temporary Current - the diagonal blast (enhanced) - will shoot twice in a row in quick succession. Move to the safe-spot once Leviathan has picked a direction and move immediately to the other safe-spot after the first has been fired.
  • Tidal Rage blasts the entire raid with unavoidable AoE damage before the platform reforms, followed by yet another Tidal Rage.

  • The Calm marks the beginning of a soft-enrage, buffing Leviathan's damage before spewing forth a torrent of Tidal Rage attacks, each one buffing his damage even further. Should the group survive, Leviathan will begin channelling The Storm, resulting in a total raid wipe unless Leviathan is defeated before it is successfully cast.


Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Edengrace leg gear coffer (il 470) icon1.png  Edengrace Leg Gear Coffer (IL 470) Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Edengrace head gear coffer (il 470) icon1.png  Edengrace Head Gear Coffer (IL 470) Other N/A ABasic 1
Edengrace hand gear coffer (il 470) icon1.png  Edengrace Hand Gear Coffer (IL 470) Other N/A ABasic 1
Edengrace foot gear coffer (il 470) icon1.png  Edengrace Foot Gear Coffer (IL 470) Other N/A ABasic 1
