Template:Dungeon Infobox
- See also: The Stone Vigil
"Too long has the Stone Vigil been ravished by the Dravinians and their thralls; too long has House Durendaire suffered this infamy. Time has come for its dragoons to retake the fortress, ten hundred lances and a thousand dreams of vengeance strong. Though the knights of Ishgard breach the gate to find a lodgment within the Vigil, the enemy is well-defended and amply supplied. This deadlock must be broken─and who better than those who once made free of the fortress under the dragons' very noses, and lived to tell the tale?" — Game Description
Level 50 players need to talk to Faillicie in Revenant's Toll, Mor Dhona (x21,y8), to start the quest
Blood for Stone to unlock the dungeon.
The quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest
The Ultimate Weapon.
- Slay Gorynich: 0/1
- Slay Cuca Fera: 0/1
- Obtain the main storage vault key: 0/1
- Slay Giruveganaus: 0/1
The Stone Vigil (Hard) Guide
Gorynich fight is similar to the first boss fight in the normal Stone Vigil. He moves around and uses Swinge. Use Sprint to stay behind him to not get hit. When he spawns adds, the adds will automatically attack the healer. DPS should kill the adds ASAP. Please note that these adds will perform an AoE on death (one is a large conal in front and the other is a large circle around them). If the boss is in range of these AoE's, it will gain Haste and Damage Up.
Try to tank the boss in a corner and place your healer away from him.
Cuca Fera
For this Cuca Fera, the players will operate 4 cannons in the 4 corners to the room to attack the boss. These cannons have two abilities. First ability is a normal damaging shot with low cooldown. The second ability is a shot that stuns the boss but has long cooldown. Use the normal shots to damage the boss but Do NOT fire at it when it turtles. You can notice it's turtling when its shell glows red. While turtled, your shots will bounce back, hurting you instead of the boss.
Designate two people to be "stunners". The Boss has a group wide AoE called Hard Stomp. Use the second ability of the cannon to interrupt its casting. Two people rotating the stuns should be enough to let CD's recharge. The boss has an attack where it sets itself on fire and charges a cannon. Very easy to avoid if you're paying attention.
When adds spawn, players should kill them with their cannons. Because cannons cannot fire at targets nearby, party members should help each other to clean up the adds.
Do not allow all of the NPCs die. If they do, the boss will do an unstunnable Hard Stomp that instantly wipes the party.
Giruveganaus is a fairly straightforward fight. He has an AoE that I think hits behind and in front of him that give infirmity (the Hydra debuff). He has another move where he braces his shoulder and does a flaming tackle forward. About a minute into the fight, he summons a clone of himself through a roar. Let the tank pick up its aggro, then focus on the first boss and kill him first. Next turn your attentions to the second one. Use Melee LB to finish it. Not sure what the tell is for the infirmity AoE, but once you see the flaming shoulder tackle tell, you'll see it coming from a mile away.
Armor and Accessories
Item Level
Magic Defence
Stats and Attributes
Belt of the Divine Harvest |
80 |
CNJ, WHM, SCH Level 50 |
Waist |
37 |
66 |
Vitality +11 Mind +11 Piety +7 Critical Hit Rate +14
Belt of the Divine Hero |
80 |
PGL, MNK Level 50 |
Waist |
52 |
52 |
Strength +11 Vitality +13 Accuracy +14 Skill Speed +10
Belt of the Divine Light |
80 |
ARC, BRD Level 50 |
Waist |
52 |
52 |
Dexterity +11 Vitality +13 Critical Hit Rate +14 Skill Speed +10
Boots of the Divine Light |
80 |
ARC, BRD Level 50 |
Feet |
60 |
60 |
Dexterity +15 Vitality +17 Accuracy +13 Critical Hit Rate +19
Bracelet of Divine Wisdom |
80 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Bracelets |
1 |
1 |
Strength +11 Critical Hit Rate +14 Skill Speed +10
Bracelet of the Divine Light |
80 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Bracelets |
1 |
1 |
Dexterity +11 Critical Hit Rate +10 Determination +10
Breeches of Divine Wisdom |
80 |
LNC, DRG Level 50 |
Legs |
107 |
60 |
Strength +25 Vitality +27 Critical Hit Rate +21 Skill Speed +30
Choker of the Divine War |
80 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Necklace |
1 |
1 |
Vitality +13 Critical Hit Rate +14 Skill Speed +10
Crakows of Divine Death |
80 |
THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Level 50 |
Feet |
43 |
77 |
Vitality +15 Intelligence +15 Critical Hit Rate +13 Spell Speed +19
Crakows of the Divine Harvest |
80 |
CNJ, WHM, SCH Level 50 |
Feet |
43 |
77 |
Vitality +15 Mind +15 Determination +9 Spell Speed +19
Cuffs of the Divine Hero |
80 |
PGL, MNK Level 50 |
Hands |
60 |
60 |
Strength +15 Vitality +17 Determination +13 Skill Speed +13
Cuffs of the Divine Light |
80 |
ARC, BRD Level 50 |
Hands |
60 |
60 |
Dexterity +15 Vitality +17 Accuracy +19 Skill Speed +13
Cuirass of Divine Wisdom |
80 |
LNC, DRG Level 50 |
Body |
107 |
60 |
Strength +25 Vitality +27 Critical Hit Rate +30 Determination +15
Cuirass of the Divine War |
80 |
GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Level 50 |
Body |
155 |
155 |
Strength +25 Vitality +27 Determination +15 Skill Speed +30
Earrings of the Divine Harvest |
80 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Earrings |
1 |
1 |
Mind +11 Piety +10 Critical Hit Rate +10
Earrings of the Divine War |
80 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Earrings |
1 |
1 |
Vitality +13 Parry +14 Determination +7
Eyepatch of the Divine Hero |
80 |
PGL, MNK Level 50 |
Head |
60 |
60 |
Strength +15 Vitality +17 Critical Hit Rate +19 Skill Speed +13
Halfgloves of Divine Death |
80 |
THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Level 50 |
Hands |
43 |
77 |
Vitality +15 Intelligence +15 Accuracy +19 Determination +9
Helm of the Divine War |
80 |
GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Level 50 |
Head |
111 |
111 |
Strength +15 Vitality +17 Parry +13 Critical Hit Rate +19
Mask of Divine Wisdom |
80 |
LNC, DRG Level 50 |
Head |
77 |
43 |
Strength +15 Vitality +17 Determination +13 Skill Speed +13
Monocle of Divine Death |
80 |
THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Level 50 |
Head |
43 |
77 |
Vitality +15 Intelligence +15 Determination +13 Spell Speed +13
Ring of Divine Death |
80 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Ring |
1 |
1 |
Intelligence +11 Accuracy +14 Spell Speed +10
Ring of Divine Wisdom |
80 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Ring |
1 |
1 |
Strength +11 Accuracy +10 Determination +10
Robe of the Divine Harvest |
80 |
CNJ, WHM, SCH Level 50 |
Body |
60 |
107 |
Vitality +25 Mind +25 Piety +22 Critical Hit Rate +21
Sabatons of the Divine War |
80 |
GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Level 50 |
Feet |
111 |
111 |
Strength +15 Vitality +17 Critical Hit Rate +19 Determination +9
Sarouel of the Divine Light |
80 |
ARC, BRD Level 50 |
Legs |
84 |
84 |
Dexterity +25 Vitality +27 Determination +21 Skill Speed +21
Shirt of the Divine Hero |
80 |
PGL, MNK Level 50 |
Body |
84 |
84 |
Strength +25 Vitality +27 Accuracy +30 Determination +15
Tassets of the Divine War |
80 |
GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR Level 50 |
Waist |
96 |
96 |
Strength +11 Vitality +13 Accuracy +10 Skill Speed +14
Tonban of Divine Death |
80 |
THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Level 50 |
Legs |
60 |
107 |
Vitality +25 Intelligence +25 Accuracy +21 Critical Hit Rate +30
Tonban of the Divine Harvest |
80 |
CNJ, WHM, SCH Level 50 |
Legs |
60 |
107 |
Vitality +25 Mind +25 Piety +22 Critical Hit Rate +21
Vambraces of Divine Wisdom |
80 |
LNC, DRG Level 50 |
Hands |
77 |
43 |
Strength +15 Vitality +17 Accuracy +19 Determination +9