Astrologian's Arm/Level 41 - 50

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Item Icon Level Item Level Damage Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Mythril Planisphere Mythril planisphere icon1.png 41 41 40 3.20 42.66 2 Vitality +10, Mind +9, Determination +13
Capella Capella icon1.png 41 43 47 3.20 50.13 0 Vitality +12, Mind +11, Critical Hit +17, Piety +12
Gridanian Planisphere Gridanian planisphere icon1.png 42 43 47 3.20 50.13 0 Vitality +12, Mind +11, Determination +17
Lominsan Planisphere Lominsan planisphere icon1.png 42 43 47 3.20 50.13 0 Vitality +12, Mind +11, Critical Hit +17
Ul'dahn Planisphere Uldahn planisphere icon1.png 42 43 47 3.20 50.13 0 Vitality +12, Mind +11, Spell Speed +17
Aetherial Electrum Star Globe Aetherial electrum star globe icon1.png 44 45 50 3.20 53.33 0 Vitality +13, Mind +11
Dzemael Planisphere Dzemael planisphere icon1.png 44 46 51 3.20 54.40 2 Vitality +14, Mind +12, Determination +14, Piety +20
Flame Sergeant's Star Globe Flame sergeants star globe icon1.png 44 46 51 3.20 54.40 0 Vitality +14, Mind +12, Piety +20
Serpent Sergeant's Star Globe Serpent sergeants star globe icon1.png 44 46 51 3.20 54.40 0 Vitality +14, Mind +12, Spell Speed +20
Storm Sergeant's Star Globe Storm sergeants star globe icon1.png 44 46 51 3.20 54.40 0 Vitality +14, Mind +12, Determination +20
Electrum Star Globe Electrum star globe icon1.png 45 45 45 3.20 48.00 2 Vitality +12, Mind +10, Spell Speed +17
Vega Vega icon1.png 47 49 56 3.20 59.73 0 Vitality +15, Mind +13, Determination +16, Piety +23
Cobalt Planisphere Cobalt planisphere icon1.png 48 48 49 3.20 52.26 2 Vitality +13, Mind +12, Critical Hit +20
Replica Allagan Star Globe Replica allagan star globe icon1.png 50 50 51 3.20 54.40 2 Vitality +13, Mind +12, Determination +22, Piety +15
Replica High Allagan Star Globe Replica high allagan star globe icon1.png 50 50 51 3.20 54.40 2 Vitality +13, Mind +12, Critical Hit +22, Direct Hit Rate +6, Piety +15
Senor Sabotender's Planisphere Senor sabotenders planisphere icon1.png 50 50 57 3.20 60.80 0 Vitality +15, Mind +13
Darklight Planisphere Darklight planisphere icon1.png 50 55 58 3.20 61.86 0 Vitality +17, Mind +15, Critical Hit +25, Piety +18
Flame Officer's Star Globe Flame officers star globe icon1.png 50 55 58 3.20 61.86 0 Vitality +17, Mind +15, Piety +25
Serpent Officer's Planisphere Serpent officers planisphere icon1.png 50 55 58 3.20 61.86 0 Vitality +17, Mind +15, Spell Speed +25
Storm Officer's Astrometer Storm officers astrometer icon1.png 50 55 58 3.20 61.86 0 Vitality +17, Mind +15, Determination +25
Wolf Planisphere Wolf planisphere icon1.png 50 55 52 3.20 55.46 2 Vitality +15, Mind +13, Critical Hit +16, Spell Speed +22
Ifrit's Star Globe Ifrits star globe icon1.png 50 60 58 3.20 61.86 0 Vitality +18, Mind +18, Determination +26, Piety +18
Flame Elite's Star Globe Flame elites star globe icon1.png 50 70 59 3.20 62.93 0 Vitality +22, Mind +22, Critical Hit +29
Garuda's Lift Garudas lift icon1.png 50 70 59 3.20 62.93 0 Vitality +22, Mind +22, Spell Speed +29, Piety +20
Giantsgall Star Globe Giantsgall star globe icon1.png 50 70 53 3.20 56.53 2 Vitality +20, Mind +20, Critical Hit +18, Determination +26
Serpent Elite's Planisphere Serpent elites planisphere icon1.png 50 70 59 3.20 62.93 0 Vitality +22, Mind +22, Critical Hit +29
Storm Elite's Astrometer Storm elites astrometer icon1.png 50 70 59 3.20 62.93 0 Vitality +22, Mind +22, Critical Hit +29
The Evening Star The evening star icon1.png 50 70 53 3.20 56.53 2 Vitality +20, Mind +20, Critical Hit +26, Piety +18
Warwolf Planisphere Warwolf planisphere icon1.png 50 70 59 3.20 62.93 2 Vitality +22, Mind +22, Critical Hit +29, Spell Speed +20
Moonlit Moglobe Moonlit moglobe icon1.png 50 75 60 3.20 64.00 0 Vitality +23, Mind +24, Spell Speed +22, Piety +31
Star Globe of Crags Star globe of crags icon1.png 50 80 60 3.20 64.00 0 Vitality +25, Mind +27, Determination +23, Piety +33
Aldebaran Aldebaran icon1.png 50 90 61 3.20 65.06 0 Vitality +30, Mind +31, Determination +26, Piety +37
Direwolf Planisphere Direwolf planisphere icon1.png 50 90 61 3.20 65.06 2 Vitality +30, Mind +31, Spell Speed +37, Piety +26
Allagan Star Globe Allagan star globe icon1.png 50 95 62 3.20 66.13 0 Vitality +32, Mind +34, Determination +39, Piety +27
Inferno Star Globe Inferno star globe icon1.png 50 95 56 3.20 59.73 2 Vitality +29, Mind +31, Determination +35, Piety +24
Lift of the Vortex Lift of the vortex icon1.png 50 95 56 3.20 59.73 2 Vitality +29, Mind +31, Spell Speed +35, Piety +24
Moonlit Moggle Moglobe Moonlit moggle moglobe icon1.png 50 95 56 3.20 59.73 2 Vitality +29, Mind +31, Spell Speed +24, Piety +35
Tremor Star Globe Tremor star globe icon1.png 50 95 56 3.20 59.73 2 Vitality +29, Mind +31, Determination +24, Piety +35
Wave Torquetum Wave torquetum icon1.png 50 95 62 3.20 66.13 0 Vitality +32, Mind +34, Critical Hit +39, Piety +27
Owlsight Star Globe Owlsight star globe icon1.png 50 100 62 3.20 66.13 2 Vitality +34, Mind +37, Determination +40, Piety +28
Thunderdome Thunderdome icon1.png 50 100 62 3.20 66.13 0 Vitality +34, Mind +37, Critical Hit +28, Determination +40, Direct Hit Rate +8
Tidal Wave Torquetum Tidal wave torquetum icon1.png 50 100 62 3.20 66.13 0 Vitality +34, Mind +37, Critical Hit +40, Direct Hit Rate +8, Piety +28
Weathered Sirius Weathered sirius icon1.png 50 100 62 3.20 66.13 0 Vitality +34, Mind +37, Spell Speed +40, Direct Hit Rate +8, Piety +28
Mighty Thunderdome Mighty thunderdome icon1.png 50 110 57 3.20 60.80 2 Vitality +35, Mind +38, Critical Hit +28, Determination +40, Direct Hit Rate +9
Owlliege Star Globe Owlliege star globe icon1.png 50 110 63 3.20 67.20 2 Vitality +39, Mind +42, Critical Hit +44, Spell Speed +31
Platinum Planisphere Platinum planisphere icon1.png 50 110 57 3.20 60.80 2 Vitality +35, Mind +38, Determination +40, Spell Speed +28, Direct Hit Rate +11
Sirius Sirius icon1.png 50 110 63 3.20 67.20 0 Vitality +39, Mind +42, Spell Speed +44, Direct Hit Rate +9, Piety +31
True Ice Astrometer True ice astrometer icon1.png 50 110 63 3.20 67.20 0 Vitality +39, Mind +42, Determination +31, Direct Hit Rate +9, Piety +44
High Allagan Star Globe High allagan star globe icon1.png 50 115 64 3.20 68.26 0 Vitality +41, Mind +45, Critical Hit +46, Direct Hit Rate +9, Piety +32
Mythrite Star Globe Mythrite star globe icon1.png 50 115 58 3.20 61.86 2 Vitality +37, Mind +40, Spell Speed +41, Piety +29
Shiva's Diamond Astrometer Shivas diamond astrometer icon1.png 50 115 64 3.20 68.26 0 Vitality +41, Mind +45, Determination +32, Direct Hit Rate +9, Piety +46
Ironworks Magitek Orrery Ironworks magitek orrery icon1.png 50 120 64 3.20 68.26 0 Vitality +45, Mind +48, Critical Hit +33, Spell Speed +47, Direct Hit Rate +9
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Orrery Augmented ironworks magitek orrery icon1.png 50 130 65 3.20 69.33 0 Vitality +52, Mind +54, Critical Hit +36, Spell Speed +51, Direct Hit Rate +10
Flame Captain's Star Globe Flame captains star globe icon1.png 50 130 65 3.20 69.33 0 Vitality +52, Mind +54, Piety +51
Serpent Captain's Planisphere Serpent captains planisphere icon1.png 50 130 65 3.20 69.33 0 Vitality +52, Mind +54, Piety +51
Storm Captain's Astrometer Storm captains astrometer icon1.png 50 130 65 3.20 69.33 0 Vitality +52, Mind +54, Piety +51
Dreadwyrm Torquetum Dreadwyrm torquetum icon1.png 50 135 66 3.20 70.40 0 Vitality +53, Mind +55, Critical Hit +54, Direct Hit Rate +11, Piety +38