Timeworn Peisteskin Map
Timeworn Peisteskin Map
- Item type
- Other
- Material type
- Miscellany
- Rarity
- Basic
- Vendor Value
- Patch
- 2.1
“This bottle is holding what appears to be a timeworn peisteskin map.
※Use the action Decipher to extract the map and examine its contents.
※Level 50 full party (eight players) recommended.
— In-game description
Found in level 50 gathering nodes / fishing holes, including:
- Botanist
- Level 50 Logging in Eastern La Noscea, Raincatcher Gully (X:17.3 Y:32.2)
- Level 50 Logging in Coerthas Western Highlands, Riversmeet (X:31.5 Y:32.3)
- Level 50 Logging in Middle La Noscea, Summerford (X:20.0 Y:21.1)
- Level 50 Logging in East Shroud, The Bramble Patch (X:16.7 Y:23.3)
- Level 50 Logging in Central Thanalan, The Clutch (X:29.1 Y:19.8)
- Level 50 Harvesting in Southern Thanalan, Sagolii Desert (X:14.2 Y:32.2)
- Miner
- Level 50 Mining in Northern Thanalan, Bluefog (X:22.8 Y:24.3)
- Level 50 Mining in Coerthas Western Highlands, Riversmeet (X:29.2 Y:27.9)
- Level 50 Quarrying in Western La Noscea, Quarterstone (X:35.6 Y:29.6)
- Level 50 Quarrying in East Shroud, The Bramble Patch (X:18.2 Y:24.7)
- Level 50 Quarrying in Lower La Noscea, The Gods' Grip (X:22.0 Y:34.9)
- Level 50 Quarrying in Western Thanalan, The Silver Bazaar (X:18.2 Y:28.8)
- Fishing (Snagging required)
Used For
- Main article: Treasure Hunt
- Fire Shard
- Ice Shard
- Wind Shard
- Earth Shard
- Lightning Shard
- Water Shard
- Unhidden Leather Map
- Blue Fox Hide
- Cutting Oil
- Belah'dian Silver
- Bluebird
- Chinchilla Hide
- Dress Material
- Frosted Glass Lens
- Astral Rock
- Coeurl Skin
- Minium
- Treant Sap
- Vampire Plant
- Astral Eye
- Undyed Felt
- Mega-Potion of Strength
- Mega-Potion of Dexterity
- Mega-Potion of Vitality
- Mega-Potion of Intelligence
- Mega-Potion of Mind