Pharos Sirius

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See also: Pharos Sirius (Hard)

Pharos Sirius

Pharos Sirius.png
50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
48 (Sync: 110)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Level 50/60/70"Level 50/60/70" is not in the list (Expert, Leveling, Main Scenario, Trials, Guildhests, Frontline, Mentor, Normal Raids, Alliance Raids, High-level Dungeons, ...) of allowed values for the "Is available for duty roulette" property.
Req. quest
Feature quest Sirius Business
Western La Noscea (X:16, Y:30)

The once-proud Pharos Sirius is twice dishonored--once by the Calamity, and now by the deadly siren of Umbra, who plots to hold the lighthouse as a personal stronghold with the aid of her minions. Silence her lunatic song, dispatch the usual suspects--ashkin and winged monstrosities--and reclaim the light of the civilized world.

— In-game description

Pharos Sirius is a level 50 dungeon introduced in patch 2.1.


Level 50 players need to talk to Diamanda in Aleport, Western La Noscea (x26,y26), to start the quest Feature QuestSirius Business to unlock the dungeon.
The quest is available after the completion of the main scenario quest Main Scenario QuestThe Ultimate Weapon.


  1. Clear the Aether Pump 0/1
  2. Clear the Second Spire 0/1
  3. Clear the Fuel Chamber 0/1
  4. Clear the Aether Compressor 0/1
  5. Defeat the Siren 0/1

Pharos Sirius Guide


Pharos Sirius Guide

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Symond the Unsinkable

Abilities in this encounter add a stack of Corrupting Crystal to each player. At three stacks, it will explode, dealing damage to all nearby players.

Stay spread out, avoid the long, narrow column attack, and kill the hounds as quickly as possible to limit stacks.

When the large circles appear, quickly move to one side of the room. It can be beneficial for the ranged to go to one side, while the melee go to the other to prevent an explosion from killing everyone. These circles will leave a persistent yellow pool which adds more stacks of the debuff.

If you reach 3 stacks of the debuff, run away from everyone. Since you are at 3 stacks, you can run into the yellow pool if you have to.

Around 15% HP, either use the melee LB to end the boss, or use the caster LB to kill the 3-4 hounds that spawn.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Zu

Tank: Face the boss away from the group.

Healer: Be prepared for a lot of AoE healing.

There are two types of eggs, spotted and plain. The plain eggs spawn an add that does a minor AoE while the spotted eggs spawn an add that channels onto a player. Ignore the eggs until the emote "The egg is threatening to hatch," which will cause 2-3 eggs to start to glow purple. Only kill one of them. If one of them is a spotted egg, kill it. If more than one is killed, Zu will bodyslam a party member, which can easily kill someone.

When Zu flies into the air, kill any adds that are alive. While in the air, Zu will place ground effects under the tank.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Tyrant

Tank: Face the boss away from the group and pick up the Sailor adds.

Move out of the circular AoE that appears under Tyrant during Bombination.

The boss seems to have quite low HP. Either AoE the adds with the boss or just burn the boss down.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Siren

Tank: Position the boss near the center of the room and be ready to pick up the Zombie Storm Privates. Kite the Zombie Storm Sergeants.

Healer: A debuff, Siren Song (Ghost Face Icon), will be placed on random party members. You have 12 seconds to heal them to full HP or they will become charmed for a period of time. You should also remove the bleed debuff, which is applied to the tank periodically.

Along with Storm Privates, Zombie Storm Sergeants will also spawn. These will slowly move towards a target and should be kited while the DPS kill them. If they reach their target, they will stun them. When Siren vanishes, she will either appear in the center of the room or on an edge. If she is in the middle, stack on top of her to avoid getting hit with an AoE Siren Song debuff. If she is on an edge, move out from in front of her to avoid a charge.

Interrupt Lunatic Voice to avoid an AoE healing reduction debuff. It is remove it with Esuna/Leeches if it does go off.


Name Drops
Corrupted Slime
Corrupted Sprite
Corrupted Pudding Pudding Flesh
Drifting Soul
Siren Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 15 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
Sirius Elbst
Name Drops
Sirius Leech
Sirius Pugil
Sirius Uragnite
Symond the Unsinkable Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 5 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
Zu Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
Zombie Barber
Zombie Sailor



Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Demagogue Choker Demagogue choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Intelligence +8, Determination +8, Spell Speed +8, ,
Demagogue Earrings Demagogue earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Intelligence +8, Accuracy +11, Determination +5, ,
Demagogue Ring Demagogue ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Intelligence +8, Accuracy +11, Determination +5, ,
Demagogue Wristlets Demagogue wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Intelligence +8, Critical Hit Rate +11, Spell Speed +8, ,
Hoplite Choker Hoplite choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Vitality +8, Parry +8, Determination +8, ,
Hoplite Earrings Hoplite earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Vitality +8, Parry +8, Accuracy +11, ,
Hoplite Ring Hoplite ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Vitality +8, Parry +8, Accuracy +11, ,
Hoplite Wristlets Hoplite wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Vitality +8, Parry +8, Accuracy +11, ,
Peltast Choker Peltast choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Strength +8, Determination +8, Skill Speed +8, ,
Peltast Earrings Peltast earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Strength +8, Determination +5, Skill Speed +11, ,
Peltast Ring Peltast ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Strength +8, Accuracy +8, Skill Speed +11, ,
Peltast Wristlets Peltast wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Strength +8, Accuracy +8, Critical Hit Rate +11, ,
Strategos Choker Strategos choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Mind +8, Determination +8, Spell Speed +8, ,
Strategos Earrings Strategos earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Mind +8, Piety +5, Spell Speed +11, ,
Strategos Ring Strategos ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Mind +8, Piety +5, Spell Speed +11, ,
Strategos Wristlets Strategos wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Mind +8, Piety +7, Spell Speed +8, ,
Toxotes Choker Toxotes choker icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Necklace 1 1 Dexterity +8, Determination +8, Skill Speed +8, ,
Toxotes Earrings Toxotes earrings icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Earrings 1 1 Dexterity +8, Accuracy +8, Skill Speed +11, ,
Toxotes Ring Toxotes ring icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Ring 1 1 Dexterity +8, Accuracy +8, Determination +8, ,
Toxotes Wristlets Toxotes wristlets icon1.png 60 All Classes
Level 50
Bracelets 1 1 Dexterity +8, Determination +8, Skill Speed +8, ,


Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Austere Cowl Austere cowl icon1.png 60 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Body 90 172 Vitality +26 Intelligence +26 Critical Hit Rate +39 Spell Speed +28
Austere Ringbands Austere ringbands icon1.png 60 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN
Level 50
Hands 38 72 Vitality +10 Intelligence +10 Critical Hit Rate +15 Spell Speed +11
Blessed Espadrilles Blessed espadrilles icon1.png 60 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Feet 38 72 Vitality +10 Mind +10 Critical Hit Rate +15 Determination +7
Blessed Gown Blessed gown icon1.png 60 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Body 53 100 Vitality +16 Mind +16 Piety +10 Critical Hit Rate +24
Blessed Monocle Blessed monocle icon1.png 60 CNJ, WHM, SCH
Level 50
Head 38 72 Vitality +10 Mind +10 Critical Hit Rate +11 Determination +10
Demagogue Chausses Demagogue chausses icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Legs 53 100 Vitality +16 Intelligence +16 Determination +12 Spell Speed +24
Demagogue Pattens Demagogue pattens icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Feet 38 72 Vitality +10 Intelligence +10 Determination +7 Spell Speed +15
Demagogue Rope Belt Demagogue rope belt icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Waist 33 62 Vitality +7 Intelligence +8 Accuracy +11 Determination +5
Hetairoi Jackboots Hetairoi jackboots icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG
Level 50
Feet 72 38 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +11 Critical Hit Rate +15
Hetairos Elmo Hetairos elmo icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG
Level 50
Head 72 38 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +11 Skill Speed +15
Hetairos Mail Hetairos mail icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, LNC, PLD, WAR, DRG
Level 50
Body 100 53 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +17 Critical Hit Rate +24
Hoplite Circlet Hoplite circlet icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Head 106 106 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Parry +11 Accuracy +15
Hoplite Sabatons Hoplite sabatons icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Feet 106 106 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +11 Determination +10
Hoplite Trousers Hoplite trousers icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Legs 148 148 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Parry +24 Critical Hit Rate +17
Lord's Cuirass Lords cuirass icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Body 148 148 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Parry +17 Determination +17
Lord's Gauntlets Lords gauntlets icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Hands 106 106 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Determination +10 Skill Speed +11
Lord's Plate Belt Lords plate belt icon1.png 60 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR
Level 50
Waist 92 92 Strength +8 Vitality +8 Parry +8 Determination +8
Noble's Brais Nobles brais icon1.png 60 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Legs 76 76 Dexterity +16 Vitality +18 Critical Hit Rate +17 Determination +17
Noble's Goggles Nobles goggles icon1.png 60 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Head 55 55 Dexterity +10 Vitality +11 Determination +10 Skill Speed +11
Noble's Leg Guards Nobles leg guards icon1.png 60 ARC, BRD
Level 50
Feet 55 55 Dexterity +10 Vitality +11 Determination +10 Skill Speed +11
Peltast Acton Peltast acton icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Body 76 76 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +24 Determination +12
Peltast Helm Peltast helm icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Head 55 55 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +15 Determination +7
Peltast Mitts Peltast mitts icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Hands 55 55 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +11 Skill Speed +15
Strategos Belt Strategos belt icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Waist 33 62 Vitality +7 Mind +8 Piety +7 Spell Speed +8
Strategos Breeches Strategos breeches icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Legs 53 100 Vitality +16 Mind +16 Piety +15 Spell Speed +17
Strategos Gloves Strategos gloves icon1.png 60 Disciples of Magic
Level 50
Hands 38 72 Vitality +10 Mind +10 Piety +9 Spell Speed +11
Thick Skirt Thick skirt icon1.png 60 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Legs 100 53 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +24 Determination +12
Thick Tassets Thick tassets icon1.png 60 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Waist 62 33 Strength +8 Vitality +8 Critical Hit Rate +11 Skill Speed +8
Thick Vambraces Thick vambraces icon1.png 60 LNC, DRG
Level 50
Hands 72 38 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Accuracy +15 Critical Hit Rate +11
Toxotes Belt Toxotes belt icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Waist 47 47 Dexterity +8 Vitality +8 Accuracy +8 Skill Speed +11
Toxotes Bracers Toxotes bracers icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Hands 55 55 Dexterity +10 Vitality +11 Critical Hit Rate +11 Skill Speed +15
Toxotes Tunic Toxotes tunic icon1.png 60 Disciples of War
Level 50
Body 76 76 Dexterity +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +24 Critical Hit Rate +17
War Caligae War caligae icon1.png 60 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Feet 55 55 Strength +10 Vitality +11 Critical Hit Rate +11 Skill Speed +15
War Sash War sash icon1.png 60 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Waist 47 47 Strength +8 Vitality +8 Accuracy +8 Determination +8
War Subligar War subligar icon1.png 60 PGL, MNK
Level 50
Legs 76 76 Strength +16 Vitality +18 Accuracy +17 Skill Speed +24
