Alisaie's Stones
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Alisaie's Stones
- Quest giver
- Hirase
- Location
- The Ruby Sea (X:22.1, Y:9.4)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario
- Level
- 62
- Required items
- 1 Rotting Fish
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Solace of the Sea
The Arrows of Misfortune
The Last Voyage
- Next quest
Under the Sea
A Dance with Snakes
In Cold Blood
Pirate Stew
The Soul's Remembrance
Fight or Flight
Pulling Double Booty
Unfinished Business
The Girl with the Pearl Ring
Family Affairs
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 424 / 960 (44.2%)
Stormblood Progress: 45 / 162 (27.8%)
“Hirase is impressed by your industrious nature.
— In-game description
- In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:
- 1 Gyuki Leather Gloves of Aiming
- 1 Gyuki Leather Dress Gloves
- 1 Ruby Cotton Fingerless Gloves of Casting
- 3 Savage Might Materia V
- Take the rotting fish.
- Use the rotting fish to lure out aggressive sharks and slay them.
- Search for the industrious pirate.
- Rescue the industrious pirate.
- Report to Alisaie.
- Speak with Rasho.
- Hirase is impressed by your industrious nature.
Accepting the quest:
Hirase: You've been busy, haven't you? And now you're here to ask if I need help with anything? Heh, now that you mention it...
Hirase: Lately we've had trouble with ravenous sharks that've been leaping out of the water and making off with our fish. Damndest thing, I know, but you wouldn't doubt it if you saw it.
Hirase: We've got to cull the thieving bastards regularly─so happens I sent three of my mates out there before you came along. Still, the more the merrier. If you can kill two or so, that ought to be enough.
Hirase: Take a few of those rotting fish as bait. I'll not be needing them. Oh, and maybe see if you can't find the other group. They've been away longer than I like.
Speaking with the industrious pirate:
Industrious Pirate: Oh, kami be praised! I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come along.
Industrious Pirate: My partners and I got separated when we fled. You haven't seen them, have you?
Industrious Pirate: Damn... Before the Kojin started chasing us, their leader asked us if we were Doman...
Industrious Pirate: They're Yotsuyu's catchers, I know it! First Isari, and now this! I've got to tell Rasho and the others!
Rescue the industrious pirate:
Alisaie: Ah, there you are, [Forename]. I heard you went shark hunting?
Alisaie: We too did our fair share of beast culling─though I think Lyse made a stronger impression when she bested a drunken pirate in a sparring match. Fastest knockout to date, I am told.
Alisaie: I should like to think we have proven ourselves to be rather─ Hm. Why do I get the feeling you have something important to tell me?
Alisaie: Kojin mercenaries rounding up Doman Confederates? Surely Yotsuyu has crossed the line now...
Alisaie: We must go and speak with Rasho immediately. Even he cannot deny that this changes everything.
Alisaie: At least, I should like to think that he cannot...
Speaking with Rasho:
Tansui: Our most compassionate acquaintances return. For your deeds, we owe you many thanks.
Tansui: ...But something tells me our thanks are not sufficient. The strange thing is, I was certain you understood our position. And yet here you are with that same look in your eyes─and those same words upon your lips, I'll wager.
Alisaie: I speak only the truth. The Confederacy will not be spared Yotsuyu's wrath. You have always known this─that one day you would have no choice but to stand up to the Empire. I say to you that day is today, and come once more to ask that you join us in the fight.
Tansui: How convenient that recent events should lend such credence to your claims. Tell me, do death and destruction always follow in your wake?
Rasho: They had no part in it, Tansui. You know this. We all know this.
Rasho: They came and took our Doman brothers. They will torture them for her sport─murder them for her satisfaction.
Rasho: So we attack, and get butchered for our trouble...or do naught, and let them have their pound of flesh.
Rasho: If this be our choice, I say we suffer the ignominy. We endure. We survive. There is no better path.
Rasho: Until the day our enemy is grown weaker, and we stronger, there can be no retribution. We will wait for a sign. Such is the judgment of the Confederacy.
Lyse: So that's it, then. You're just going to abandon them. To her.
Lyse: They'd die for you, you know─for the Confederacy. They would die for you, but you wouldn't even think to risk your lives for theirs!
Alisaie: I have one last idea, if you will allow. I'm afraid it's not very good as ideas go─it's exceedingly reckless, in fact, and you may well come to despise me for ever having suggested it. Assuming we survive, that is.
Alisaie: The question being: do you trust me?
Q: What will you say?
A1: Do you even need to ask? A2: Ask me again later. Lyse: We can't stand by and let innocent people suffer─here or anywhere else. I'll do whatever it takes.1
1The dialogue is the same regardless of the chosen answer.
Alisaie: Then let us roll the dice.
Alisaie: If it's a sign you want, we shall give you one. One rousing enough to make you drive every Garlean out of Isari without a second thought.
Alisaie: You are wary of invoking the ire of the imperial forces stationed in Doma, correct?
Alisaie: Know then that once we have rescued our comrade and freed Isari, we mean to liberate the nation as a whole.
Alisaie: You will doubtless require assurances that we are capable of achieving this─and that is only fair. Accordingly, we shall demonstrate our seriousness by depriving the Garleans of a key ally: the Kojin.
Tansui: What, the three of you? Just like that?
Alisaie: Actually, my esteemed colleague here will attend to it on [him/her] own. But the how of it is not your concern─only the outcome.
Alisaie: If we succeed, you help us liberate Isari. If we fail, you lose nothing. A simple enough wager─if you have the stones for it.
Tansui: The little miss does make it hard to refuse, does she not?
Rasho: Words are air. We will weigh you by your deeds.