Thornmarch (Hard)

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See also: Thornmarch (Extreme)

Thornmarch (Hard)

Thornmarch banner1.png
50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
60 minutes
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 12 
Req. quest
Main Scenario quest You Have Selected Regicide

Good King Moggle Mog, the Twelfth of His Name, has once more been called forth by the Mogglesguard. Though the king is not considered a primal in the strictest sense, he poses a threat not unlike that of the beastman gods, in that his influence could corrupt his people's peaceful nature. And so, like those other aether-starved beings, he too must be felled for the sake of the realm.

— In-game description

Thornmarch (Hard) is a level 50 trial introduced in patch 2.1. As of patch 6.2, extensive changes have been implemented.


Aggressive difficulty r6.png King of Moogles: Good King Moggle Mog XII

Phase 1

Moogles will gradually pop up over time, with only the PLD present at the start.

Phase 2


Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Morbid mogblade icon1.png  Morbid Mogblade Gladiator's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Malignant mogaxe icon1.png  Malignant Mogaxe Marauder's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Monstrous mogsword icon1.png  Monstrous Mogsword Dark Knight's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Melancholy mogfork icon1.png  Melancholy Mogfork Lancer's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Murderous mogfists icon1.png  Murderous Mogfists Pugilist's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Maliferous mogtana icon1.png  Maliferous Mogtana Samurai's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Mortal mogknives icon1.png  Mortal Mogknives Rogue's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Mischievous mogbow icon1.png  Mischievous Mogbow Archer's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Menacing mog gun icon1.png  Menacing Mog Gun Machinist's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Maleficent mogstaff icon1.png  Maleficent Mogstaff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Majestic mogtome icon1.png  Majestic Mogtome Arcanist's Grimoire 75 CBlue 1
Manipulative mogfoil icon1.png  Manipulative Mogfoil Red Mage's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Mighty mogrod icon1.png  Mighty Mogrod Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Munificent mogtome icon1.png  Munificent Mogtome Scholar's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Moonlit moglobe icon1.png  Moonlit Moglobe Astrologian's Arm 75 CBlue 1
Mogpon coffer (il 75) icon1.png  Mogpon Coffer (IL 75) Other N/A ABasic 1


Legend holds that, in a time long forgotten, mooglekind abided in the heavens as loyal servants of the gods.

However, a war of deific proportions would erupt, triggered by a feud over a single goblet of wine. Growing weary of the conflict, the reigning moogle monarch, Good King Moggle Mog XII, resolved to lead his people to the realm of mortals in secret, that they might again know a life of peace.

Alas, the distance to the land below proved too great for little moogle wings. After much deliberation, it was decided that the journey must be made by rope, the longest that has ever been woven. So it was that the king grasped onto one end of this lifeline as his subjects, one after the next, half clambered, half slid their way to the Promised Land. In this manner all the moogles were able to arrive at their destination, whole of body and joyous of spirit. That is, all of them save for Good King Moggle Mog XII, who had not the means to lower himself.

Mourning their lost king and touched by his sacrifice, the moogles have since abstained from naming a successor to the crown. Even now, they hold fast to the belief that their beloved monarch will one day return before them in all his might and majesty.
