Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm
- See also: Eden's Verse and Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm (Savage)
Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm
- Level
- 80 (Sync: ?"?" is not a number.)
- Item Level
- 455 (Sync: ?"?" is not a number.)
- Difficulty
- Normal
- Party size
- Full Party
8 man • 22
- Unsyncing
- Allowed
- Time limit
- 90 minutes
- Req. quest
Heart of Darkness
- Entrance
- ????? (X:00, Y:00)
- Patch
- 5.2
“As you and your comrades prepare to restore the last of the six elements, Gaia's mind is suddenly seized in the grip of an unknown and malevolent force. Dark aether swirls around her, and slowly coalesces into an ominous glyph, hovering high above Eden. From nowhere, a vast swarm of sin eaters circles around it, as moths to a flame, and a voice that emanates from within the core claims to hold dominion over these creatures of Light. While its true purpose remains unknown, one thing is abundantly clear: it must be vanquished before it is allowed to place your mission in jeopardy.
— In-game description
Eden's Verse: Iconoclasm is a level 80 raid introduced in patch 5.2 with Shadowbringers.
The Idol of Darkness
Phase 1
- Empty Wave Hevy raidwide AOE damage
- Unshadowed Stake Tankbuster that must be aimed away from the group, as it shoots a beam when it's cast completes.
- Words of Motion Four groups of birds will form across the northern edge of the platform and will shoot across in the order that they form. Position in the later bird's zone and dodge to safety when the first clump has shot across.
- Words of Motion + Red / Blue Portals Red and blue portals will form along one side of the platform, as well as one of each color in the middle. Whichever color the birds go into first is the same color that will "shoot" from the edge line of portals first. Just as you did with Words of Motion, dodge to the safe lanes after the first attacks go off. This mechanic will begin stacking with other mechanics as the fight progresses.
- Away With Thee All players are marked with a purple teleportation marker that is fixed relative to the position of their character. Turn and align yourself so that you are not going to go off the platform when the mechanic goes off.
- False Twilight puts AOE markers under all party members feet
- Silver Sledge Stack-up markers are put on two players, and the group must split to share the damage.
- Unjoined Aspect applies astral (white) or umbral (purple) debuffs on all party members. During this phase, players can only take damage from the opposite color that they are marked with.
- Words of Night Astral and Umbral groups of birds form at one edge of the platform. Players must position themselves so that they are in a lane of the opposing color of their debuff. Every time a player is hit by their opposite color, their debuff will swap, so be ready to quickly readjust.
Phase 2
The two Idolatry adds will spawn on the east and west of the platform during this phase. They must be tanked apart from one another.
- 1st Strength in Numbers Doughnut shaped AOE around each Idolatry. Away With Thee is cast at the same time, and players must position themselves so they are teleported into a safe zone.
- Silver Shot marks all players with AOEs. Spread apart to avoid overlapping.
- 2nd Strength in Numbers Large AOE around each Idolatry
- Explosion Kill the Idolatry before this goes off.
- Empty Flood Stack in the middle for shields, CDs and heals. Massive party AOE damage.
Phase 3
- Portals + Umbral/Astral Birds Each portal will now absorb/eject the umbral and astral birds, so players must quickly position themselves so that they will be hit by the correct color when the beam passes both ways. This requires some quick thinking, due to the beam switching the player's debuff color every time they are hit by the attack.
- Black Smoke forms two towers that must have several players standing in them to absorb damage. At the same time that this is cast, another Away With Thee will go out, allowing players to align themselves so that they can teleport directly into the area that the orb is dropping.
- 1 Helm of Golden Antiquity
- 2 Armor of Golden Antiquity
- 1 Gauntlets of Golden Antiquity
- 2 Chausses of Golden Antiquity
- 2 Bangle of Golden Antiquity