The Singularity Reactor

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See also: The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign

The Singularity Reactor

The Singularity Reactor.png
60 (Sync: 60)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
60 minutes
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 
Req. quest
Main Scenario quest Heavensward

Taking the soul of the legendary King Thordan into his flesh, the archbishop transforms into a primal before your very eyes. Sustained by a millennium of prayer and the Eye's aether, he declares his intent to rule over the world with an iron fist and for all time. Standing at his side are the sworn brothers of the Heavens' Ward, who have likewise transcended their mortal limits by becoming incarnations of the knights twelve. Strike them down, and eradicate the root of the Dragonsong War.

— In-game description

The Singularity Reactor is a level 60 trial introduced in patch 3.0.


"Taking the soul of the legendary King Thordan into his flesh, the archbishop transforms into a primal before your very eyes. Sustained by a millennium of prayer and the Eye's aether, he declares his intent to rule over the world with an iron fist and for all time. Standing at his side are the sworn brothers of the Heavens' Ward, who have likewise transcended their mortal limits by becoming incarnations of the knights twelve. Strike them down, and eradicate the root of the Dragonsong War." — Game Description


The Singularity Reactor Guide


The Singularity Reactor is a fairly straightforward end-of-story trial. In general, dodge AoEs, kill adds when they do happen. It has three phases, although the most eventful are the first two.

Similar to Ramuh's Thunderstorm, four players at a time will be marked for a small lightning circle that will hit after them and everyone around them a few seconds. Simultaneously, Thordan will put AoE circles below the other four players. These will turn into icy patches on the ground that will inflict heavy on anyone going through them. Move away from other members of the party to avoid stacking AoEs and leaving room for movement.

He also casts Ancient Quaga throughout the fight, hitting for moderate party damage. Heal/shield through it as necessary.

After channelling The Dragon's Eye, he will be able to use The Dragon's Gaze, which inflicts a party-wide terror. As with any other gaze attack, turn your character away from him to avoid it completely.

He will cast Knights of the Round periodically as well, summoning different Knights of the Heavens' Ward who cannot be targeted to provide different mechanics to keep in mind. The first two will be Ser Janlenoux and Ser Adelphel, who will charge around the room, putting a bleeding debuff on everyone in their path and leaving behind orbs of light. These will deal damage to players upon exploding. Note that this debuff can be dispelled. Next will be Ser Vellguine who will stand outside of the platform and cast a column AoE that goes from one side to the other and can be easily avoided. Ser Hermenost will pop out next to Thordan with three small platforms that need to be stood upon. A single player for each one of them will suffice. Fail to do so and the entire party will be affected with paralyze. While the duration is not too long and this is not game-changing, your healers will thank you.

At around 15% to 10%, phase two will start. Thordan will leave the arena, letting his Knights have the spotlight.

Ser Zephirin: He appears in the middle and immediately starts casting an AoE attack. This cannot be interrupted; however, the less health he has at the end of the cast, the weaker it hits the party.

Ser Vellguine: Without waiting for Zephirin to be dealt with, Vellguine will appear somewhere at the edge of the arena. Again, he will perform a column charge through the middle. He cannot be targeted.

Ser Janlenoux and Ser Adelphel: They will once more appear at the same time. One of them will cast Holiest of Holy at random intervals, which will deal moderate damage to every player in the room. Something else to look out for is Rapid Sever, which will hit the tank for quite a bit of damage in a short span of time.

Ser Ignasse: He will show up shortly after the previous two, smashing the ground at a point on the edge of the arena. Damage taken is reduced the farther away you are from it, like the imperial airship crashes in the Ultima Weapon. He won't be seen again after this.

Ser Paulecrain and Ser Haumeric: These cannot be targeted. One of them will be in the middle, placing blue ice markers on players' heads, akin to those in the Shiva encounter. Try to drop them on the edges if possible, as they inflict heavy on players in contact with the frozen ground they create. The other Knight, who stands on the edge of the arena, has a column attack that is targeted on a player, who will take less damage the closer they are to the source, like Anchag's in Amdapor Keep (Hard) or Biblos' in the Great Gubal Library.

Ser Grinnaux: Also can't be targeted. He will cast four or five black AoE circles on the ground that will grow in size over time. In addition to the previous frozen circles, finding a safe spot can be difficult.

Ser Noudenet: Again cannot be targeted. His attack resembles Xande's meteorfall mechanic in Syrcus Tower; he will summon comet circles that will drop comets/meteors after a short while. There are four comet circles on the sides, and a meteor circle in the middle. Burn them before they drop their gifts.

Ser Guerrique: At the same time as dealing with the comets, Guerrique will appear in the middle, casting a progressive round AoE that proceeds in phases. Move into the next or previous row of rocks to avoid being hit.

After that, Thordan will reappear along with the Heavens' Ward outside of the arena, casting Light of Ascalon: a low hitting party-wide damage in succession that knocks everyone back. Once that's done, stack in the middle for heals and shields before he casts his ultimate.

Afterwards, his energy seems to be spent so he will only slash at random targets. Don't bother trying to get aggro at this point.