The Jade Stoa
- See also: The Jade Stoa (Extreme)
The Jade Stoa
- Level
- 70
- Item Level
- 325
- Difficulty
- Normal
- Party size
- Full Party
8 man • 22
- Unsyncing
- Allowed
- Time limit
- 60 minutes
- Roulette
- Trials
- Req. quest
An Auspicious Encounter
- Entrance
- The Ruby Sea (X:5.7, Y:15.8)
- Patch
- 4.2
“At the heart of every auspice is a duality: the aramitama, the primal rage; and the nigimitama, the boundless calm. Byakko of the Four Lords is on the verge of being consumed by his aramitama, and should this come to pass, he will forever be no more than a feral beast. And so it falls to you and yours to face the legendary auspice in battle─to quell the madness within and save his soul!
— In-game description
The Jade Stoa is a level 70 trial introduced in patch 4.2 with Stormblood.
- Quest: An Auspicious Encounter
- Quest-giver Location: Soroban - The Ruby Sea (X:5.7 Y:15.8)
- Prerequisites: Main Scenario Quest Hope on the Waves
The battle starts with the below abilities:
Storm Pulse - raid wide damage
Heavenly Strike - tankbuster
State of Shock - will grab a player and slam them on the far side of the platform, everyone else should run to them and stack to share damage. May happen twice in a row. Always followed by Sweep of the Leg.
Sweep of the Leg - 270 degree cone, move behind the boss to avoid.
The boss will then move into the centre of the platform and cast:
Unrelenting Anguish - red orbs will travel from boss outwards to the outside of the platform
Players should avoid the red orbs and continue attacking the boss - he will also cast fire and lightning towards the player in a large column attack which should be avoided.
He will then leap to the side of the platform and cast another fire and lightning column attack which again should be avoided.
The boss will then disappear and call his tiger Hakutei
Tanks should pick this up straight away and face away from the group as the tiger has a nasty Spicy Cleave. There will be AoE to watch out for as these inflict bleed damage.
White Herald - The tiger will then leap up into the air and mark his primary target. The player marked should run away from the group to lessen damage to others. Immediately after the tiger will cast another fire and lightening column that needs to be dodged.
Roar of Thunder - The tiger will then leap to the centre and begin slowly casting this. Players should try to do as much damage as possible to lessen the incoming damage once the tiger has completed the cast. Once the cast is complete all players will be inflicted with down for the count and unable to move and thrown into the air and then dropped from a great height - while falling you will have to dodge orbs and AOEs (similar to before but will falling).
You will hit the ground eventually and the boss will cast his ultimate. The fight then resumes ...
Hundredfold Havoc - The boss will cast two sets of lightning AOEs. Each set consists of 4 red arrow AoEs that start from the platform center and move to the outside, dodge these - if hit it will deal damage and paralysis.
Bombogenesis - at the same time as Hundredfold Havoc - players will be marked with orange markers and should spread out to avoid damage and should try and not overlap with someone else.
Distant Clap - players should be within very close range of boss (basically underneath him) or at max range to avoid this platform wide cast.
After this point in the duty you will have seen all mechanics of the fight and the boss will start to rotate them with more difficulty.
At the heart of every auspice is a duality: the aramitama, the primal rage; and the nigimitama, the boundless calm. Byakko of the Four Lords is on the verge of being consumed by his aramitama, and should this come to pass, he will forever be no more than a feral beast. And so it falls to you and yours to face the legendary auspice in battle─to quell the madness within and save his soul!