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Doman Reconstruction: Minazuki

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Doman Reconstruction: Minazuki

Quest giver
The Doman Enclave (X:5.5, Y:5.7)
Quest line
Doman Reconstruction
Gil 160,000 donated to Donation Basket
Experience 0
Gil 0
Previous quest
Other QuestDoman Reconstruction: Ihase
Next quest
Other QuestDoman Reconstruction: Mauto

At the completion of the Enclave Demesne, the Shazenkai initiate an ambitious plan to revive an important place of learning─ Rissai-juku, a school for those with a thirst for knowledge!

— In-game description

Doman Reconstruction: Minazuki is a level 70 quasi-quest and a part of the Doman Reconstruction storyline. Specifically, this quest covers the restoration of the Rissai-juku. There are no true steps to this quest, but donating more items continues the story and further improves the school. In addition, completing parts of this quest will increase the rate of gratuities paid for donations (200%), as well as the weekly budget (25,000 gil per week).

The first part of the quest starts after players have donated items worth a total of 160,000 gil to the Donation Basket. After that, subsequent parts of the quest occur at 165,000 gil and 185,000 gil donated.


160,000 Gil Donated

Kozakura: On behalf of the Shazenkai, [Player], I thank you for your support.

Kozakura: Although construction of the school is proceeding quicker than expected, it is still little more than a place for the students to gather. Nonetheless, Minazuki has already started tutoring there.

Kozakura: The sheer enthusiasm on the faces of the children is a sight to behold! I am sure that Minazuki will not mind if you call in to observe one of the lessons.

Kozakura: I recommend going to the school to see what a positive change your donations have brought about. And who knows─you may even learn something while you are there!

Shimogare: Minazuki has asked me to help look after the children, but they are generally so well behaved there is not much for me to do.

Hachisuba: The most important thing when building a playground is to make it safe. No sharp corners for the children to bash their heads on!

Ishibushi: I have a feeling the ceiling is a bit higher than we need it...

Yozan: I heard you've been making lots of donations! That's what Miss Minazuki says anyway.

Shiun: History's interesting but I like doing sums. There's always a right answer!

Koharu: It's funny sitting in a school while it's still being built! Maybe there's something we can do to help?

Rokka: I love school! Can we still come here when we're older?

Minazuki: Oh, this is a welcome surprise! So, what do you think of our school? With a roof and sturdy walls, we can study without worrying about the weather.

Minazuki: On the other hand, the bookshelves are looking rather empty. I have my own copies of most of the texts, but listening to me reading them aloud does nothing for the children's literacy.

Minazuki: Luckily, for today's lesson on Rissai, we have all the books we need. Are you familiar with this pivotal figure?

Yozan: Really? Then why don't you join our lesson?

Koharu: "Never pass up an opportunity to learn.“ That's what Miss Minazuki always says!

Minazuki: Would you like to take a seat?

Minazuki: Rissai was a renowned samurai who once served Doma.

Minazuki: Not only was he a loyal and gifted swordsman, he was also a master tactician and well versed in the use of firearms. Above all else, however, he was a learned man, and spent much of his time reading.

Minazuki: When his days as his lord's vassal came to an end, he established a school that became known as “Rissai-juku.”

Minazuki: Unlike most others at the time, it was not only for the children of samurai or those of high social standing, but for everyone. Rich or poor, all were accepted as students.

Minazuki: The school held a special place in our community and remained open after his death, with some of his former pupils becoming tutors themselves.

Rokka: So that's where our school got its name...

Koharu: Ah! Miss Minazuki was one of his students!

Minazuki: Yes, I was. I spent many happy years at the Rissai-juku, first as a pupil and later as a teacher. But all that came to an end when the Garleans invaded. They closed the school and sought to undo all the good it had done.

Minazuki: Even so, some of the older generation, such as myself, continued to teach Doman values in secret. The lessons we used to have together were one such example.

Minazuki: But now that the Empire is gone, we can teach as we please, without fear of reprisal. That is why I decided to reopen Rissai-juku.

Minazuki: The decades of oppression could not crush the Doman spirit. Much like the shazenso, we survive even under the harshest conditions. When they cut us down, we sprout anew, because our roots are strong.

Yozan: We'll never give in to those dogs! Doma forever!

Minazuki: My sentiments exactly. Now, who would like to read the next chapter to the class?

Children: Me! Me!

System: Lessons are being held at Rissai-juku, and the students are eager to learn more of Doma's history and traditions.

System: As you continue to contribute to the Shazenkai and the reconstruction effort, in what other ways might the Doman Enclave grow and change?

System: Furthermore, as a result of the enclave's expansion, the rate of gratuities paid for donations has increased, as well as the weekly budget.

Minazuki: It brings me great joy to have such attentive pupils. Were it not for your donations, we would have nowhere to study. May the kami bless you.

165,000 Gil Donated

Kozakura: On behalf of the Shazenkai, [Player], I thank you for your support.

Kozakura: Your contributions have lead to truly remarkable improvements at Rissai-juku!

Kozakura: Of course, “seeing is believing,” as the saying goes. Minazuki would like nothing more than to show you the improvements to the school.

Kozakura: It appears that the school has changed a great deal since the last time you went to see Minazuki. Why not see for yourself?

Minazuki: Ah, the savior of Rissai-juku! I expect you have come to see what we have done with the school.

Minazuki: The building is a lot more grand, as you can plainly see, we have a lot more books to use in our lessons.

Minazuki: I was also delighted to find that the children had taken it upon themselves to gather everything they need to practice calligraphy.

Yozan: Tsuranuki gave us some soot to make ink!

Shiun: I had to wash my hands about three times to get them clean again, but it was lots of fun! We can show you how it's done, if you like.

Koharu: We got some paper from Araragi, too! And best of all, he gave it to us for free! He said it had “fallen just short of perfection” or something... Good enough for us to practice with, though!

Rokka: He gave me a pinwheel, as well.

Yozan: What!? Why didn't I get one!?

Minazuki: They've always been energetic, but they've become so outgoing and independent during their time in Mor Dhona.

Minazuki: They have been through so much, at such a young age, which often forces children to grow up quickly. But it is more than that, I feel.

Minazuki: I think that all that hardship has taught them to appreciate the good times. Perhaps they have come to truly understand the joy that freedom can bring.

Minazuki: It is a delight to see the smiles on their faces. Many others around the enclave feel the same way. It fills us with hope for better days to come.

Minazuki: Actually, I thought this might be a good time to mention that the children have been planning something special for the school.

Minazuki: They have been trying to keep it a secret from me, so I shall have to remember to act surprised when it is finally unveiled. If my guess is correct, I have a feeling that you will want to see it too.

System: Rissai-juku has undergone a remarkable transformation, and its students are more motivated than ever.

System: As you continue to contribute to the Shazenkai and the reconstruction effort, in what other ways might the Doman Enclave grow and change?

Minazuki: The students not only help around the school, but have been running various errands about the enclave, too. They are as determined as anyone to get Doma back on its feet.

185,000 Gil Donated

Kozakura: Your contributions have, as always, had a profound effect on the enclave.

Kozakura: Minazuki informs me that Rissai-juku now has everything it needs. All of the necessary books and writing materials have been procured, and the school itself is the perfect environment for learning. Shall we go to see it for ourselves?

Hozan: While it was not my intention to eavesdrop, I could not help overhearing that you might be visiting the school. I did have a message for you, but it seems it no longer needs to be delivered.

Kozakura: Oh my! Your clothes!

Hozan: Come now, what is so strange about seeing a Doman man dressed in the traditional manner? Truth be told, most of us former refugees were glad for the chance to put on something more comfortable.

Hozan: All except the children, that is. They have grown so accustomed to their Eorzean clothing that they are reluctant to wear anything else! Far be it from me to deny them when they are so adamant...

Hozan: Oh yes, that reminds me. The little ones wanted me to bring you to the school. Apparently, they have something to show you.

Kozakura: I wonder what it could be? Thank you for letting us know, Hozan. Well then, [Player], shall we adjourn?

Kozakura: I cannot for the life of me imagine what the children wish to show us! There is only one way to find out, I suppose!

Yozan: Where should I go on my first adventure? Maybe I can go to see Mister Boulder!

Shiun: The enclave would be a great place to play hide-and-seek, don't you think? We should play after school!

Koharu: I can't wait to be grown-up and go wherever I like! Then I'll travel all around the world!

Rokka: I want to help Yozan and Koharu when they get in trouble. If I read lots of books, I can give them good advice!

Kozakura: Hozan mentioned that the students have something they would like us to see. May I ask what it is?

Minazuki: Perhaps I should let the children explain...

Yozan: Look! Up on the wall!

Yozan: Miss F'lhaminn gave it to us when we left Revenant's Toll. It's so we don't forget Eorzea, and all the adventures we had there.

Rokka: We asked some of the grown-ups to frame it and hang it on the wall. You like it too, don't you, Miss?

Minazuki: Yes, anything that tells us about the world beyond our borders is welcome here.

Minazuki: And it brings me great relief to know that there are those in Eorzea who would go out of their way to aid Domans like us.

Minazuki: But surely such a large and meticulously crafted map is worth a substantial amount of gil? There must be some way we can repay your friend.

Shiun: Well, she said she didn't need it anymore. We still thanked her, though.

Shiun: Have you never seen a map like this before, Miss? Lot of people have them in Revenant's Toll. Big ones, small ones, all sorts.

Minazuki: I must admit that this is the first time I have seen one of this sort. Until recently, we had few chances to lay our eyes on anything Eorzean.

Koharu: We can show you all kinds of treasures! There's one for making small things look bigger, and another for reading the stars.

Koharu: And I've got a chocobo! Well, a stuffed toy, anyway. They're big birds you can ride like horses!

Yozan: Hey, Miss─do you see the big desert on the map? That's where Ul'dah is, and Revenant's Toll is next to it!

Yozan: Maybe one day, we could travel to lots of new places, like [Player]. We can explore the lands under those white clouds!

Minazuki: It sounds like I could stand to learn a few things from you, my dears!

Minazuki: You and the other former refugees have much and more to share with the rest of Doma. Perhaps we should compile your experiences in a tome?

Kozakura: Minazuki was not exaggerating when she told me how well the children had taken to the new Rissai-juku. It is another sign that life is returning to the way it was prior to the occupation.

Kozakura: Even with the Empire driven from this land, we must remain vigilant to problems within and without our borders. Which reminds me, the Shazenkai has received another proposal.

Kozakura: A number of Domans who were once conscripted into the Garlean forces have banded together to patrol the enclave, to keep the area free from trouble. They wish to establish their own barracks by the Kienkan.

Kozakura: My comrades and I agree that this is indeed a worthwhile endeavor, and shall be channeling funds towards its development. Please come to the Shazenkai if you would like to know more.

System: Rissai-juku complete!

System: Rissai-juku is now complete and Kozakura has already begun preparations for the Enclave Barracks.

Minazuki: I hope that these children never have to live under oppression again. Therefore, I will do everything in my power to educate them, so that they will grow up to defend the freedom that so many died for.