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See also: AAC Light-Heavyweight Tier (Savage) and The Arcadion

General Information

AAC Light-Heavyweight Tier is the 1st section of The Arcadion, the main 8-player raid in Dawntrail. To be released on July 16, 2024, AAC Light-Heavyweight Tier requires players with item level of ??? or higher to enter. Once unlocked, the raid can be queued from the Duty Finder. The savage-difficulty version of the raid, Raid AAC Light-Heavyweight Tier (Savage), will be released two weeks later with patch 7.05.


Completion of the level 100 quest chain starting with Feature Quest??? by talking to ??? in ??? (X:? Y:?). Players first must complete Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestDawntrail.

To unlock each floor after the first, continue the quest line and complete the consecutive floor. Each floor is listed separately.


Level Requirement

  • Disciple of War or Magic level 100

Party Size

  • Eight players
Duty Abbreviation Min IL Boss(es) Tomestones Time Limit
Raid ??? R1N ??? Black Cat ??? 90 min
Raid ??? R2N ??? ??? ??? 90 min
Raid ??? R3N ??? ??? ??? 90 min
Raid ??? R4N ??? ??? ??? 90 min


Treasure coffers that appear upon completing AAC Light-Heavyweight Tier will not yield gear, but instead yield tokens that can be traded for gear of your choosing.

You can only receive one token per individual Light-Heavyweight raid each week. In the event you are awarded a token from the loot list, you relinquish your right to vie for all remaining tokens regardless of whether you selected Need or Greed.

Also note that there is no weekly restriction on entering the tier.

Reward eligibility will be reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. (PDT).

Item Exchange

The items obtained from treasure coffers can be exchanged for gear by speaking with ??? in ??? (X:? Y:?).

Item Type Required Token / Number of Tokens ??? ??? ??? ???
Completion Reward
20px  ??? Tomestone 20px  ??? x 7 0 0 0 All*
Head 20px  ??? x 2 2 1 1 0
Body 20px  ??? x 4 1 1 2 2
Hands 20px  ??? x 2 1 1 1 1
Legs 20px  ??? x 4 1 1 2 2
Feet 20px  ??? x 2 1 2 0 1
Accessories 20px  ??? x 1 2 2 2 2

Completion Reward

Upon completing ???, players will also earn an 20px  ???. Seven of these can be exchanged with ??? in ??? (X:? Y:?) for Hermetic tomestone icon1.png  Hermetic Tomestones, which can in turn be exchanged for weapons using 500 Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry Allagan Tomestones of Heliometry, which will be released in patch 7.05.

  • Reward eligibility will be reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) / 8:00 (GMT) / 18:00 (AEST).



Main article: ??? Armor


Main article: ??? Accessories


Gear Images

Other Images

Concept Art


The name of the tier appears to reference the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship wrestling tournament.