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* '''Soul Grasp''': Telegraphed, multi-hit, shared AoE tankbuster that targets the highest enmity player. Can be shared with mitigation or taken solo with an invulnerabilty cooldown.
* '''Soul Grasp''': Telegraphed, multi-hit, shared AoE tankbuster that targets the highest enmity player. Can be shared with mitigation or taken solo with an invulnerabilty cooldown.
* '''Dividing Wings''': Spawns two winged rods in the middle of the center platform. One will tether a random DPS and the other will tether a random support, indicating they will target them with wide conal AoEs ('''Dividing Wings''') that deal damage, inflict {{status effect|bleed}} '''Bleeding''', and {{status effect|magic vulnerability up}} '''[[Magic Vulnerability Up]]'''.
* '''Dividing Wings''': Spawns two winged rods in the middle of the center platform. One will tether a random DPS and the other will tether a random support, indicating they will target them with wide conal AoEs ('''Dividing Wings''') that deal damage, inflict {{status effect|bleed}} '''Bleeding''', and {{status effect|magic vulnerability up}} '''[[Magic Vulnerability Up]]'''.
* '''Steel Web''': At the same time, one random support and one random DPS will receive a stack marker and a telegraphed web AoE under them. Each stack must be shared by them and two other people (i.e., players not tethered). Players in the stack must not be too close to each other. All players in each stack will be webbed together, requiring a player to break each web by running through the web tether, which will free the trapped players. These will be handled by the players who had the '''Dividing Wings''' tether. Players who are webbed will be unable to move and will quickly gain stacks of [[File:Binding soul snare icon1.png|link=]] '''Binding Soul Snare'''. When it reaches 5 stacks, the players will die.
** '''Steel Web''': At the same time, one random support and one random DPS will receive a stack marker and a telegraphed web AoE under them. Each stack must be shared by them and two other people (i.e., players not tethered). Players in the stack must not be too close to each other. All players in each stack will be webbed together, requiring a player to break each web by running through the web tether, which will free the trapped players. These will be handled by the players who had the '''Dividing Wings''' tether. Players who are webbed will be unable to move and will quickly gain stacks of [[File:Binding soul snare icon1.png|link=]] '''Binding Soul Snare'''. When it reaches 5 stacks, the players will die.
**Note that if the stacks are too close together, players in each stack are too close, or if there are more than 3 players in the stack, the webs will be pink and be impossible to break, which will kill any webbed players.
***Note that if the stacks are too close together, players in each stack are too close, or if there are more than 3 players in the stack, the webs will be pink and be impossible to break, which will kill any webbed players.
**Players who break the web traps will gain a stack of [[File:Heavy soul snare icon1.png|link=]] '''Heavy Soul Snare''', dealing damage-over-time. Therefore, it is advisable for each player to break no more than 3 web traps.
***Players who break the web traps will gain a stack of [[File:Heavy soul snare icon1.png|link=]] '''Heavy Soul Snare''', dealing damage-over-time. Therefore, it is advisable for each player to break no more than 3 web traps.
*The boss will next use one of two attacks. Note that the AoE indicators will only very briefly appear so players will need to react to the cast bar name.
**'''Circles of Pandæmonium''': A donut AoE with the safe region inside part of the boss's hitbox.
**'''Pandæmon's Holy''': A point-blank AoE with the safe region slightly outside the boss's hitbox.
*'''Wicked Step''': Two tankbuster towers will spawn to the left and right, requiring one tank to take each with mitigation. These do high damage and inflict a damage-over-time debuff, [[File:Stab wound icon.png|link=]] '''Stab Wound'''. The tanks will also be sent flying from the center of the tower and will need to position themselves to be knocked to the side platform further from the tower they take. Note that it is possible to be knocked off the arena boundaries to their death.
*'''Entangling Web''': Both tanks, one random healer, and one random DPS will receive a telegraphed circular AoE. After several seconds, the AoEs will lock in and should be avoided. The targeted players will need to drop the AoEs at the posts to the left/right of the arena (one pair left and one pair right), while ensuring that the AoEs overlap. If they do, the posts will be webbed and create a web bridge that allows players to cross between the center and side platform safely.
*'''Pandæmoniac Pillars''': Eight towers will spawn in the center platform: three to the left, two in the middle, and three to the right. These must be soaked by one player each, which will inflict minor damage ('''Bury'''). Failing to do so will inflict high raidwide damage, {{status effect|magic vulnerability up}} '''Magic Vulnerability Up''', and {{status effect|sustained damage}} '''[[Sustained Damage]]'''. Missing more than one tower will wipe the raid due to the Magic Vulnerability Up. The tanks should return to the center platform using the web bridges and take the northwest/northeast tower, the healers should take the middle towers, the melee DPS should take the east/west towers, and the the ranged DPS should take the southeast/southwest towers.
**The southeast/southwest towers will then always spawn '''skull''' adds that will do a line AoE through the bottom of the arena ('''Peal of Damnation'''), always making that region unsafe.
**The other towers will spawn one of two hovering adds:
***If the add has a '''spiked crown''' and begins forming a '''cage''', it will do a small point-blank AoE ('''Imprisonment''').
***If the add has a '''halo''' and begins forming '''purple lasers''', it will do a donut AoE ('''Cannonspawn''').
**At the same time, the boss will either use '''Circles of Pandæmonium''' or '''Pandæmon's Holy'''.
**The party will need to identify the safe row and then dodge the add AoEs, usually by finding a donut. Note that if two donut AoEs are next to each other, players will need to dodge to the side of the donut safe spot away from the other donut, as they partially overlap.
*'''Silkspit''': Each player will be a large telegraphed web AoE that deals high damage (requiring shields/mitigation) and inflicts {{status effect|magic vulnerability up}} '''Magic Vulnerability Up'''.
**Similar to '''Steel Web''', if players are too close to each other, they will be webbed together. However, if players are too close to the posts, they will also be webbed. The party should drop the AoEs so everyone is fully spread and no web traps form.
**One method is for melees/tanks to spread to the side platforms, while the ranged DPS/healers are at the center platform on the cardinals.
*'''Pandæmoniac Bonds''': Assigns various debuffs to players, which will resolve when the debuff timers expire:
**[[File:Dæmoniac bonds icon1.png|link=]] '''Dæmoniac Bonds''': The player will be hit with a medium sized AoE that requires them to be spread. Will be assigned to the entire party with the same timer.
**[[File:Duodæmoniac bonds icon1.png|link=]] '''Duodæmoniac Bonds''': The player will be hit with a medium sized AoE that requires them to share with exactly one other player, or all players in the AoE will take lethal damage. Either all supports or all DPS may receive this debuff, so one support should stack with one DPS to resolve.
**[[File:Tetradæmoniac bonds icon1.png|link=]] '''Tetradæmoniac Bonds''': The player will be hit with a medium sized AoE that requires them to share with exactly three other players, or all players in the AoE will take lethal damage. One random support and one random DPS may receive this debuff, so all supports should stack and all DPS should stack to resolve.
**For the first usage of '''Pandæmoniac Bonds''', the party will always receive [[File:Dæmoniac bonds icon1.png|link=]] '''Dæmoniac Bonds''' and '''either''' [[File:Duodæmoniac bonds icon1.png|link=]] '''Duodæmoniac Bonds''' or [[File:Tetradæmoniac bonds icon1.png|link=]] '''Tetradæmoniac Bonds'''. The order that these will resolve in is random, so players need to keep track of debuff timers to determine which one will resolve first.
*'''Pandæmoniac Meltdown''': A random player will receive a line stack marker, while two other random players will each receive an orange overhead marker. Players without the orange markers should stack, while the orange marked players should stay out, as they will be targeted with line AoEs that inflict {{status effect|magic vulnerability up}} '''Magic Vulnerability Up''', making overlap lethal. The line stack inflicts high damage and should be mitigated.
*'''Touchdown''': A telegraphed, expanding AoE that will hit the middle platform and kill anyone hit, requiring the party to dodge to the side platforms.
**For this first usage, the entire party can dodge to one of the side platforms. Shortly after the dodge, the '''Pandæmoniac Bonds''' debuffs will resolve, requiring the party to position accordingly (e.g., spread -> partners; partners -> spread; spread-> role stacks; role stacks -> spread).


Revision as of 20:35, 11 June 2023

See also: Anabaseios (Savage) and Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle


Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage)

Anabaseios The Tenth Circle (Savage).png
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Raid Finder
Req. quest
Feature quest Guided by the Past
The Dæmons's Nest
The Northern Empty
Stone, Sky, Sea

Stone and steel moving by means of magicks or technology is hardly cause to raise an eyebrow, but the idea of inanimate objects being imbued with life is fantastic indeed. Nemjiji seems to agree, and to see the flourishes she adds to your report of the battle with Pandæmonium, you wonder if her power to create may rival even Athena's.

— In-game description

Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage) is a level 90 raid introduced in patch 6.4 with Endwalker. The raid is also known as P10S.

Phases & Abilities

Animated guide by Hector Hectorson

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Dæmoniac Dungeon: Pandæmonium

Please note that players can fall off the arena to their death, although they can be resurrected after a moderate delay. Players should avoid stepping into the poison pools joining the left and right platforms, as they will be inflicted with a ??? debuff that deals massive damage-over-time and lasts for almost a minute.

Players should assign light parties, partners consisting of one DPS and one support, Silkspit spread positions, Pandæmoniac Pillars tower positions, and Pandæmoniac Turrets tower positions.


  • Ultima: High raidwide damage that inflicts Bleed icon1.png Bleeding damage-over-time. Should be mitigated.
  • Soul Grasp: Telegraphed, multi-hit, shared AoE tankbuster that targets the highest enmity player. Can be shared with mitigation or taken solo with an invulnerabilty cooldown.
  • Dividing Wings: Spawns two winged rods in the middle of the center platform. One will tether a random DPS and the other will tether a random support, indicating they will target them with wide conal AoEs (Dividing Wings) that deal damage, inflict Bleed icon1.png Bleeding, and Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up.
    • Steel Web: At the same time, one random support and one random DPS will receive a stack marker and a telegraphed web AoE under them. Each stack must be shared by them and two other people (i.e., players not tethered). Players in the stack must not be too close to each other. All players in each stack will be webbed together, requiring a player to break each web by running through the web tether, which will free the trapped players. These will be handled by the players who had the Dividing Wings tether. Players who are webbed will be unable to move and will quickly gain stacks of Binding soul snare icon1.png Binding Soul Snare. When it reaches 5 stacks, the players will die.
      • Note that if the stacks are too close together, players in each stack are too close, or if there are more than 3 players in the stack, the webs will be pink and be impossible to break, which will kill any webbed players.
      • Players who break the web traps will gain a stack of Heavy soul snare icon1.png Heavy Soul Snare, dealing damage-over-time. Therefore, it is advisable for each player to break no more than 3 web traps.
  • The boss will next use one of two attacks. Note that the AoE indicators will only very briefly appear so players will need to react to the cast bar name.
    • Circles of Pandæmonium: A donut AoE with the safe region inside part of the boss's hitbox.
    • Pandæmon's Holy: A point-blank AoE with the safe region slightly outside the boss's hitbox.
  • Wicked Step: Two tankbuster towers will spawn to the left and right, requiring one tank to take each with mitigation. These do high damage and inflict a damage-over-time debuff, File:Stab wound icon.png Stab Wound. The tanks will also be sent flying from the center of the tower and will need to position themselves to be knocked to the side platform further from the tower they take. Note that it is possible to be knocked off the arena boundaries to their death.
  • Entangling Web: Both tanks, one random healer, and one random DPS will receive a telegraphed circular AoE. After several seconds, the AoEs will lock in and should be avoided. The targeted players will need to drop the AoEs at the posts to the left/right of the arena (one pair left and one pair right), while ensuring that the AoEs overlap. If they do, the posts will be webbed and create a web bridge that allows players to cross between the center and side platform safely.
  • Pandæmoniac Pillars: Eight towers will spawn in the center platform: three to the left, two in the middle, and three to the right. These must be soaked by one player each, which will inflict minor damage (Bury). Failing to do so will inflict high raidwide damage, Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up, and Sustained damage icon1.png Sustained Damage. Missing more than one tower will wipe the raid due to the Magic Vulnerability Up. The tanks should return to the center platform using the web bridges and take the northwest/northeast tower, the healers should take the middle towers, the melee DPS should take the east/west towers, and the the ranged DPS should take the southeast/southwest towers.
    • The southeast/southwest towers will then always spawn skull adds that will do a line AoE through the bottom of the arena (Peal of Damnation), always making that region unsafe.
    • The other towers will spawn one of two hovering adds:
      • If the add has a spiked crown and begins forming a cage, it will do a small point-blank AoE (Imprisonment).
      • If the add has a halo and begins forming purple lasers, it will do a donut AoE (Cannonspawn).
    • At the same time, the boss will either use Circles of Pandæmonium or Pandæmon's Holy.
    • The party will need to identify the safe row and then dodge the add AoEs, usually by finding a donut. Note that if two donut AoEs are next to each other, players will need to dodge to the side of the donut safe spot away from the other donut, as they partially overlap.
  • Silkspit: Each player will be a large telegraphed web AoE that deals high damage (requiring shields/mitigation) and inflicts Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up.
    • Similar to Steel Web, if players are too close to each other, they will be webbed together. However, if players are too close to the posts, they will also be webbed. The party should drop the AoEs so everyone is fully spread and no web traps form.
    • One method is for melees/tanks to spread to the side platforms, while the ranged DPS/healers are at the center platform on the cardinals.
  • Pandæmoniac Bonds: Assigns various debuffs to players, which will resolve when the debuff timers expire:
    • Dæmoniac bonds icon1.png Dæmoniac Bonds: The player will be hit with a medium sized AoE that requires them to be spread. Will be assigned to the entire party with the same timer.
    • Duodæmoniac bonds icon1.png Duodæmoniac Bonds: The player will be hit with a medium sized AoE that requires them to share with exactly one other player, or all players in the AoE will take lethal damage. Either all supports or all DPS may receive this debuff, so one support should stack with one DPS to resolve.
    • Tetradæmoniac bonds icon1.png Tetradæmoniac Bonds: The player will be hit with a medium sized AoE that requires them to share with exactly three other players, or all players in the AoE will take lethal damage. One random support and one random DPS may receive this debuff, so all supports should stack and all DPS should stack to resolve.
    • For the first usage of Pandæmoniac Bonds, the party will always receive Dæmoniac bonds icon1.png Dæmoniac Bonds and either Duodæmoniac bonds icon1.png Duodæmoniac Bonds or Tetradæmoniac bonds icon1.png Tetradæmoniac Bonds. The order that these will resolve in is random, so players need to keep track of debuff timers to determine which one will resolve first.
  • Pandæmoniac Meltdown: A random player will receive a line stack marker, while two other random players will each receive an orange overhead marker. Players without the orange markers should stack, while the orange marked players should stay out, as they will be targeted with line AoEs that inflict Magic vulnerability up icon1.png Magic Vulnerability Up, making overlap lethal. The line stack inflicts high damage and should be mitigated.
  • Touchdown: A telegraphed, expanding AoE that will hit the middle platform and kill anyone hit, requiring the party to dodge to the side platforms.
    • For this first usage, the entire party can dodge to one of the side platforms. Shortly after the dodge, the Pandæmoniac Bonds debuffs will resolve, requiring the party to position accordingly (e.g., spread -> partners; partners -> spread; spread-> role stacks; role stacks -> spread).


Treasure Coffer

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Ascension head gear coffer (il 660) icon1.png  Ascension Head Gear Coffer (IL 660) Other N/A ABasic 1
Ascension hand gear coffer (il 660) icon1.png  Ascension Hand Gear Coffer (IL 660) Other N/A ABasic 1
Ascension foot gear coffer (il 660) icon1.png  Ascension Foot Gear Coffer (IL 660) Other N/A ABasic 1
Hermetic tomestone icon1.png  Hermetic Tomestone Other N/A ABasic 1
Divine shine icon1.png  Divine Shine Other N/A ABasic 1


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