Crafted By
Purchased From / Acquired By
Used For
Anden III Horn |
Anden III
Blackjack Identification Key |
Gold Saucer Attendant |
Chrysomallos Horn |
Edelina |
Dharmic Rain |
Rashti |
Flamecloaked Barding |
Level 90*** Weaver |
Gold Plating |
Level 80 Blacksmith Level 80 Armorer Level 80 Goldsmith |
Island Alligator Horn |
Horrendous Hoarder |
Island Alligator
Logistics Node Identification Key |
Logistics Node
Lynx of Righteous Fire Flute |
Lynx Of Righteous Fire
Magitek Avenger A1 Identification Key |
Out of Hiding |
Magitek Avenger A1
Magitek Avenger G1 Identification Key |
Edelina |
Magitek Avenger G1
Mechanical Lotus Ignition Key |
Mechanical Lotus
Phaethon Horn |
Nesvaaz |
Pinky Identification Key |
Nesvaaz |
Starlight Steed Horn |
The Ghost of Starlight Present |
Starlight Steed
Miw Miisv Horn |
N-0598 |
Miw Miisv
Sil'dihn Throne |
Trisassant |
Sil'dihn Throne
Silkie Whistle |
Dig Deep: The Sil'dihn Subterrane |
Moonshine Brine |
Djole, Mylenie |
Moonshine Shine |
Djole, Mylenie |
Moonshine Twine |
Djole, Mylenie |
A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm |
A Day in the Life: Beyond the Rift |
Abigail Barding |
Adamantoise Whistle |
Aerodynamics System Identification Key |
Aerodynamo Component |
Level 6 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Aerodynamo Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Aetherial Amplifier |
Level 85 Carpenter Level 85 Leatherworker Level 85 Weaver |
Aetherial Conductor |
Level 88 Carpenter Level 88 Leatherworker Level 88 Weaver |
Aetherial Lens |
Level 83 Carpenter Level 83 Leatherworker Level 83 Weaver |
Aetherial Sealant |
Hismena, Auriana |
Aetheric Shielding |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Aetheric Shielding Materials |
Aetheric Shielding, Aetheric Shielding, Aetheric Shielding, Aetheric Shielding, Aetheric Shielding, Aetheric Shielding, Aetheric Shielding, Aetheric Shielding
Aetheryte Pendulum |
Aetheryte Ticket |
Aetheryte Ticket allows the player to teleport for free.
Air Force Identification Key |
Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage) |
Aithon Whistle |
Used to summon Aithon, a mount
Al-iklil Identification Key |
A Complete History |
Ala Mhigan Barding |
Albino Karakul Horn |
Enie |
Albino Karakul
Alchemy for Beginners |
Level 50 Alchemist |
Resets Alchemy Desynthesis skill to 1.
Alkonost Whistle |
Nesvaaz |
Alnairan Salmon |
Alte Roite Prism |
Deltascape V4.0 (Savage) |
Amaro Barding Repair Materials |
Level 75 Carpenter Level 75 Leatherworker Level 75 Weaver |
Amaro Horn |
Amber Draught Chocobo Whistle |
Calamity Salvager |
Amh Araeng Riding Map |
Ancient Animal Skin |
Anemos Crystal |
Angelic Barding |
Animal Droppings |
Level 73 Mining, Level 73 Harvesting |
Animal Trace |
Level 70 Quarrying, Level 70 Harvesting |
Antelope Doe Horn |
Enie |
Antelope Doe
Antelope Stag Horn |
Enie |
Antelope Stag
Antique Breeches |
Traded to Kakalan in Mor Dhona (x22,y5) for 1 former Allagan Tomestone of Mythology Leg Armor.
Antique Gauntlets |
Traded to Kakalan in Mor Dhona (x22,y5) for 1 former Allagan Tomestone of Mythology Hand Armor.
Antique Helm |
Traded to Kakalan in Mor Dhona (x22,y5) for 1 former Allagan Tomestone of Mythology Head Armor.
Antique Mail |
Traded to Kakalan in Mor Dhona (x22,y5) for 1 former Allagan Tomestone of Mythology Body Armor.
Antique Sollerets |
Traded to Kakalan in Mor Dhona (x22,y5) for 1 former Allagan Tomestone of Mythology Feet Armor.
Antique Tassets |
Traded to Kakalan in Mor Dhona (x22,y5) for 1 former Allagan Tomestone of Mythology Waist Armor.
Aquamarine Carbuncle Whistle |
Aquamarine Cross |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Archon Throne |
Gold Saucer Attendant |
Argos Horn |
Arion Horn |
Armor Identification Key |
Unlocks Magitek Armor (Mount)
Armoring for Beginners |
Level 50 Alchemist |
Resets Armoring Desynthesis skill to 1.
Arrhidaeus Master Key |
Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage) |
Ascorbic Additive |
Level 88 Alchemist Level 88 Culinarian |
Astral Nodule |
Astrope Whistle |
Atma of the Archer |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Bull |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Crab |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Fish |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Goat |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Lion |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Maiden |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Ram |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Scales |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Scorpion |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Twins |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Water-bearer |
Used to upgrade Zenith Zodiac Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Auspicious Kamuy Fife |
EschinaThe Jade Stoa (Extreme) |
Austere Offering |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Austere Offering Materials |
Austere Offering, Austere Offering, Austere Offering, Austere Offering, Austere Offering, Austere Offering, Austere Offering, Austere Offering
Authentic Starlight Barding |
Automaton Worker Materials |
Automaton Worker Supplies, Automaton Worker Supplies, Automaton Worker Supplies, Automaton Worker Supplies, Automaton Worker Supplies, Automaton Worker Supplies, Automaton Worker Supplies, Automaton Worker Supplies
Auxiliary Aerodynamo Component |
Level 16 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Auxiliary Aerodynamo Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Azim Steppe Riding Map |
Estrild |
Azys Lla Riding Map |
Ardolain |
Ballast Component |
Level 6 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Ballast Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Ballroom Etiquette - Uncouth Congratulations |
Enie |
Barding of Divine Light |
Level 90★ Weaver |
Barding of Eternal Darkness |
Level 90★ Armorer |
Barding of Light |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Basket Component |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Basket Component Materials |
Basket Component, Basket Component, Basket Component, Basket Component, Basket Component, Basket Component, Basket Component, Basket Component
Battle Bear Horn |
Battle Lion Horn |
Battle Panther Bell |
Battle Tiger Horn |
Behemoth Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Behemoth Warhorn |
Unlocks the Behemoth Mount.
Bennu Horn |
Berube Feed |
Level 78 Alchemist Level 78 Culinarian |
Big Shell Whistle |
Enie |
Big Shell
Bitter Memory of the Dying |
Black Aethersand |
Black Chocobo Whistle |
Black Mage Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Blacksmithing for Beginners |
Level 50 Alchemist |
Resets Blacksmithing Desynthesis skill to 1.
Bladder Component |
Level 1 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Bladder Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Bladder Lining Component |
Level 1 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Bladder Lining Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Blank Invitation |
Bleak Memory of the Dying |
Blissful Barding |
Level 70★ Goldsmith |
Blissful Kamuy Fife |
Bluefeather Barding |
Level 90★ Armorer |
Bluefeather Lynx Flute |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria |
Bluefeather Lynx
Bomb Palanquin Horn |
Kobold Vendor |
Unlocks Bomb Palanquin mount
Book of Skylight |
Boreas Whistle |
Boreas Mount
Bozjan Barding |
Bozjan Southern Front Riding Map |
Resistance Quartermaster |
Brewery Materials |
Brewery Supplies, Brewery Supplies, Brewery Supplies, Brewery Supplies, Brewery Supplies, Brewery Supplies, Brewery Supplies, Brewery Supplies
Broken Heart Pendant (Left) |
Broken Heart Pendant (Right) |
Broth Ingredients |
Doman Udon Broth
Bustier Materials |
Seductive Bustier
Bustle Materials |
Elegant Bustle
Butlery Barding |
Byakko Barding |
Level 70★★★ Goldsmith |
Calming Checkered Parasol |
Calydontis Horn |
Khloe Aliapoh |
Canvas Repair Materials |
Level 70 Carpenter Level 70 Leatherworker Level 70 Weaver |
Carboncoat |
Used to upgrade Ironworks Armor into Augmented Ironworks Armor.
Carbontwine |
Used to upgrade Ironworks Magitek Weapons into Augmented Ironworks Magitek Weapons. Used to upgrade Ironworks Accessories into Augmented Ironworks Accessories.
Carpentry for Beginners |
Level 50 Alchemist |
Resets Carpentry Desynthesis skill to 1.
Central Shroud Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Central Thanalan Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Centurio Tiger Horn |
Cerberus Horn |
Savage Queen of Swords I |
Ceremony Chocobo Whistle |
Ceremony Invitation |
Ceruleum Tank Component |
Level 15 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Ceruleum Tank Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Cheerful Checkered Parasol |
Enie |
Chocobo Carriage Whistle |
Chocobo Carriage
Chocobo Raincoat |
Scrip Exchange |
Chocobo Training Manual - Breather I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Breather II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Breather III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Calm I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Calm II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Calm III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Cure I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Cure II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Cure III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Dash I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Dash II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Dash III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Drain I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Drain II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Drain III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Ease I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Ease II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Ease III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Esuna I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Esuna II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Esuna III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Reflect I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Reflect II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Reflect III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Reraise I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Reraise II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Reraise III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Shock I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Shock II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Shock III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Silence I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Silence II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Silence III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Steal I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Steal II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Choco Steal III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Dressage I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Dressage II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Dressage III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Enfeeblement Clause I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Enfeeblement Clause II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Enfeeblement Clause III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Feather Field I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Feather Field II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Feather Field III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Heavy Resistance I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Heavy Resistance II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Heavy Resistance III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Heavy Resistance IV |
Chocobo Training Manual - Heavy Resistance V |
Chocobo Training Manual - Increased Stamina I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Increased Stamina II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Increased Stamina III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Level Head I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Level Head II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Level Head III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Level Head IV |
Chocobo Training Manual - Level Head V |
Chocobo Training Manual - Mimic I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Mimic II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Mimic III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Paradigm Shift |
Chocobo Training Manual - Speedy Recovery I |
Chocobo Training Manual - Speedy Recovery II |
Chocobo Training Manual - Speedy Recovery III |
Chocobo Training Manual - Super Sprint |
Chocobo Whistle |
Unlocks Company Chocobo mount
Chocorpokkur Whistle |
Chronometer Materials |
Sample Chronometer
Churning Mists Riding Map |
Ardolain |
Circus Resonator |
Circus Ahriman
Citrine Carbuncle Whistle |
Cloud Mallow Seeds |
Mogmul Mogbelly |
Cloudfish Lure |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Cloudfish Tackle Materials |
Cloudfish Lure, Cloudfish Lure, Cloudfish Lure, Cloudfish Lure, Cloudfish Lure, Cloudfish Lure, Cloudfish Lure, Cloudfish Lure
Cockpit Exterior Component |
Level 6 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Cockpit Exterior Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Cockpit Interior Component |
Level 6 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Cockpit Interior Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Coerthas Central Highlands Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Coerthas Western Highlands Riding Map |
Ardolain |
Coeurl Bell |
Unlocks Coeurl (Mount)
Commercial Engineering Manual |
Commercial Survival Manual |
Compact Axle |
Compact Spring |
Company-issue Engineering Manual |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Increases Crafting experience gained by 50% for 3 hours. Maximum bonus EXP gained is 20,000.
Company-issue Engineering Manual II |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Increases Crafting experience gained by 50% for 3 hours. Maximum bonus EXP gained is 40,000.
Company-issue Survival Manual |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Increases Gathering experience gained by 50% for 3 hours. Maximum bonus EXP gained is 20,000.
Company-issue Survival Manual II |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Increases Gathering experience gained by 50% for 3 hours. Maximum bonus EXP gained is 40,000.
Conceptual Logogram |
Construct 14 Identification Key |
Resistance Quartermaster |
Construct 14
Construct VI-S Core |
Faux Commander |
Construct VI-S
Construct VII Core |
Construct VII
Construction Component Materials |
Repurposed Construction Component, Repurposed Construction Component, Repurposed Construction Component, Repurposed Construction Component, Repurposed Construction Component, Repurposed Construction Component, Repurposed Construction Component, Repurposed Construction Component
Cooking for Beginners |
Level 50 Alchemist |
Resets Cooking Desynthesis skill to 1.
Covering Permission G1-F |
Covering Permission G1-M |
Covering Permission G2-F |
Covering Permission G2-M |
Covering Permission G3-F |
Covering Permission G3-M |
Covering Permission G4-F |
Covering Permission G4-M |
Covering Permission G5-F |
Covering Permission G5-M |
Covering Permission G6-F |
Covering Permission G6-M |
Covering Permission G7-F |
Covering Permission G7-M |
Covering Permission G8-F |
Covering Permission G8-M |
Covering Permission G9-F |
Covering Permission G9-M |
Crafting Tool Component |
Level 3 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Crafting Tool Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Crucible Rain |
Rashti |
Cruise Chaser Identification Key |
Cruise Chaser
Crypt Dusting |
Ghul Gul, Yhal Yal |
Crypt Ester |
Ghul Gul, Yhal Yal |
Crypt Twine |
Ghul Gul, Yhal Yal |
Crystal Cannon Materials |
Crystal Cannon Supplies, Crystal Cannon Supplies, Crystal Cannon Supplies, Crystal Cannon Supplies, Crystal Cannon Supplies, Crystal Cannon Supplies, Crystal Cannon Supplies, Crystal Cannon Supplies
Crystalline Ester |
Crystalline Glaze |
Crystalline Rain |
Hillicen |
Crystalline Twine |
Curative Logogram |
Custom-made Hammer |
Level 68 Blacksmith |
Dancer Barding |
Dark Lanner Whistle |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage |
Dashing Dhalmelskin Jacket |
Level 68 Leatherworker |
Deck Component |
Level 3 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Deck Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Decorative Plating Component |
Level 16 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Decorative Plating Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Deepshadow Barding |
Deepshadow Coating |
Ghul Gul, Yhal Yal |
Deepshadow Solvent |
Ghul Gul, Yhal Yal |
Deepshadow Twine |
Ghul Gul, Yhal Yal |
Defragmented Tomestone |
Ghul Gul, Yhal Yal |
Deinonychus Horn |
Demi-Ozma |
Demi-Phoinix Horn |
Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage) |
Demonic Barding |
Demonic Lanner Whistle |
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) |
Dhalmel Whistle |
Diamond Barding |
Level 80★★★★ Armorer |
Diamond Dust |
Diamond Gwiber Trumpet |
The Cloud Deck (Extreme) |
Diamond Gwiber
Direwolf Whistle |
Ixali Vendor |
Unlocks Direwolf mount
Discal Tomestone |
Djole, Mylenie, Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage) |
Disembodied Head Resonator |
Disposal Unit Component |
Level 15 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Disposal Unit Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Dissolvent Ingredients |
Potent Dissolvent
Dodo Horn |
Doman Reiyaku |
Enna |
Doman Rice Balls |
Level 63 Culinarian |
Doman Sukiyaki |
Level 70 Culinarian |
Doman Udon Broth |
Level 65 Culinarian |
Doman Urushi |
Doman Whetstone |
Dragonscale Rasp |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Dragonscale Rasp Materials |
Dragonscale Rasp, Dragonscale Rasp, Dragonscale Rasp, Dragonscale Rasp, Dragonscale Rasp, Dragonscale Rasp, Dragonscale Rasp, Dragonscale Rasp
Drake Horn |
Amalj'aa Vendor |
Unlocks Calvary Drake
Draught Chocobo Whistle |
Dravanian Forelands Riding Map |
Ardolain |
Dravanian Hinterlands Riding Map |
Ardolain |
Dreadnaught Identification Key |
Dressing Case Materials |
Lavish Dressing Case
Early Model Tomestone |
East Shroud Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Eastern La Noscea Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Eastern Thanalan Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Eden Crystal |
Edible Antidote |
Level 70 Alchemist Level 70 Culinarian |
Eerie Barding |
Egg Harness |
Egg Hunter Barding |
Eggshilaration System Identification Key |
Ehll Tou Whistle |
Ehll Tou
Elbst Horn |
Sahagin Vendor |
Unlocks Cavalry Elbst
Eldthurs Horn |
Electuary Ingredients |
Elegant Bustle |
Level 63 Weaver |
Elpis Riding Map |
Aisara |
Elpis Staple |
Level 88 Mining, Level 88 Harvesting |
Emerald Barding |
Level 80★★★★ Armorer |
Emerald Bough |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Emerald Gwiber Trumpet |
Castrum Marinum (Extreme) |
Emerald Gwiber
Emerald Leaf |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Enbarr Whistle |
Unlocks Enbarr mount
Enchanting Ring |
Level 80 Blacksmith Level 80 Armorer Level 80 Goldsmith |
Enchanting Ring Materials |
Enchanting Ring, Enchanting Ring, Enchanting Ring
Encrypted Tomestone |
Used to purchase item level 120 Ironworks Magitek Weapons from Rowena in Mor Dhona (x22, y6)
Engine Casing Component |
Level 3 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Engine Casing Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Engine Jointing Component |
Level 6 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Engine Jointing Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Epimetheus Identification Key |
Escape Flyer Component |
Level 16 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Escape Flyer Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Eternity Ring Material |
Euphonious Kamuy Fife |
Hells' Kier (Extreme) |
Eurekan Petrel Horn |
Examination Uchigatana |
Level 70 Blacksmith |
Exhaust Outlet Component |
Level 15 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Exhaust Outlet Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Expanse Barding |
Level 60★ Armorer |
Exploding Kupo Nut |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Exploding Kupo Nut Materials |
Exploding Kupo Nut, Exploding Kupo Nut, Exploding Kupo Nut, Exploding Kupo Nut, Exploding Kupo Nut, Exploding Kupo Nut, Exploding Kupo Nut, Exploding Kupo Nut
Eyewear Materials |
Precision Spectacles
Fabled Kamuy Fife |
Fae Gwiber Trumpet |
Fake Kupo Nut |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Fake Kupo Nut Materials |
Fake Kupo Nut, Fake Kupo Nut, Fake Kupo Nut, Fake Kupo Nut, Fake Kupo Nut, Fake Kupo Nut, Fake Kupo Nut, Fake Kupo Nut
Falcon Ignition Key |
Far Eastern Barding |
Fat Black Chocobo Whistle |
Fat Black Chocobo
Fat Chocobo Whistle |
Unlocks Fat Chocobo mount
Fat Moogle Bugle |
Fatter Cat Bugle |
Fatter Cat
Featherlight Shortsword |
Level 63 Blacksmith |
Fenrir Horn |
Figurehead Component |
Level 18 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Figurehead Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Finishing Component |
Level 18 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Finishing Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Firebird Whistle |
Firmament Aetheryte Ticket |
Fishcake Ingredient Supplies |
Sharlayan Fishcake Ingredient, Sharlayan Fishcake Ingredient
Flame Chocobo Issuance |
Required for My Little Chocobo (Immortal Flames) quest
Flame Warsteed Horn |
Unlocks Flame Warsteed mount
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G1-F |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G1-M |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G2-F |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G2-M |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G3-F |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G3-M |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G4-F |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G4-M |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G5-F |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G5-M |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G6-F |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G6-M |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G7-F |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G7-M |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G8-F |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G8-M |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G9-F |
Fledgling Chocobo Registration G9-M |
Flyer Shaffron |
Flying Chair |
Level 7★★ Alchemist |
Flying Cumulus Seed |
Forgiven Reticence Horn |
Ilfroy, Xylle |
Forgiven Reticence
Forgotten Fragment of Artistry |
Where Eagles Roost |
Forgotten Fragment of Awakening |
On the offensive |
Forgotten Fragment of Becoming |
Forgotten Fragment of Caprice |
Forgotten Fragment of Care |
On the offensive |
Forgotten Fragment of Caution |
Resistance QuartermasterLost No Longer |
Forgotten Fragment of Clarity |
Resistance Quartermaster |
Forgotten Fragment of Compassion |
Signature Acquired |
Forgotten Fragment of Contention |
Resistance Quartermaster |
Forgotten Fragment of Cunning |
Forgotten Fragment of Deception |
Forgotten Fragment of Desperation |
In Their Shadow |
Forgotten Fragment of Divinity |
Resistance Quartermaster |
Forgotten Fragment of Ferocity |
Resolve Unshaken |
Forgotten Fragment of Finesse |
Resistance Quartermaster |
Forgotten Fragment of Fortitude |
Resistance Quartermaster |
Forgotten Fragment of Heroism |
Forgotten Fragment of History |
Resolve Unshaken |
Forgotten Fragment of Hope |
Resistance Quartermaster, Where Eagles Roost |
Forgotten Fragment of Ingenuity |
On the offensive |
Forgotten Fragment of Inspiration |
In Their Shadow |
Forgotten Fragment of Loss |
Forgotten Fragment of Mastery |
Forgotten Fragment of Moonlight |
Where Eagles Roost |
Forgotten Fragment of Observation |
Resistance Quartermaster, A Sign of What's to Come |
Forgotten Fragment of Preparation |
Lost No Longer |
Forgotten Fragment of Rage |
Resolve Unshaken |
Forgotten Fragment of Resolve |
Signature Acquired |
Forgotten Fragment of Revelation |
Forgotten Fragment of Sagacity |
Forgotten Fragment of Skill |
Lost No Longer |
Forgotten Fragment of Superstition |
Forgotten Fragment of Support |
Pressing Forward |
Forgotten Fragment of Tenacity |
In Their Shadow |
Forgotten Fragment of Transcendence |
Forgotten Fragment of Violence |
Pressing Forward |
Fortifying Soup |
Level 75 Alchemist Level 75 Culinarian |
Foundation Component |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Foundation Component Materials |
Foundation Component, Foundation Component, Foundation Component, Foundation Component, Foundation Component, Foundation Component, Foundation Component, Foundation Component
Fringes Riding Map |
Estrild |
Frosted Protean Crystal |
Fundamental Logogram |
Fylgja Horn |
Gabriel Mark III Identification Key |
Gabriel Mark III
Gabriel α Identification Key |
Gabriel Α
Gambler Barding |
Garlean Staple |
Level 83 Quarrying, Level 83 Logging |
Garlean Synthetic Fabric |
Garlemald Riding Map |
Garlond GL-II Ignition Key |
Horrendous Hoarder |
Garlond GL-II
Gathering Tool Component |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Gathering Tool Component Materials |
Gathering Tool Component, Gathering Tool Component, Gathering Tool Component, Gathering Tool Component, Gathering Tool Component, Gathering Tool Component, Gathering Tool Component, Gathering Tool Component
Gilded Armor Identification Key |
Unlocked Gilded Magitek Armor mount
Gilded Mikoshi Flute |
Edelina |
Gilded Mikoshi
Ginga Pipe |
Gloria Ignition Key |
Gobwalker Gear |
Alexander - The Burden of the Father (Savage) |
Gold Cog |
Level 83 Blacksmith Level 83 Armorer Level 83 Goldsmith |
Gold Connector |
Level 90 Blacksmith Level 90 Armorer Level 90 Goldsmith |
Gold Connector Material |
Gold Connector, Gold Connector, Gold Connector
Gold Core |
Level 85 Blacksmith Level 85 Armorer Level 85 Goldsmith |
Gold Core Material |
Gold Core, Gold Core, Gold Core
Gold Mechanical Voice Box |
Level 88 Blacksmith Level 88 Armorer Level 88 Goldsmith |
Gold Motor Component |
Level 85 Blacksmith Level 85 Armorer Level 85 Goldsmith |
Gold Scales |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Golden Ronkan Flute |
Tabeth |
Resplendent Vessel of Ronka
Golden Spice |
Level 85 Alchemist Level 85 Culinarian |
Golden Spice Ingredients |
Golden Spice, Golden Spice
Goldsmithing for Beginners |
Level 50 Alchemist |
Resets Goldsmithing Desynthesis skill to 1.
Goobbue Horn |
Unlocks Goobbue (Mount)
Goten Pipe |
Grani Horn |
Gridanian Barding |
Serpent Quartermaster |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Gridanian Crested Barding |
Serpent Quartermaster |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Gridanian Half Barding |
Serpent Quartermaster |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Griffin Horn |
Grizzly Bear Gloves |
Level 65 Leatherworker |
Guild-forged Ingot |
Custom-made Hammer
Gullfaxi Whistle |
Unlocks Gullfaxi mount
Gwiber of Light Trumpet |
The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) |
Gwiber of Light
Gyrodrive Component |
Level 3 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Gyrodrive Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Hades Barding |
Level 80★★ Armorer |
Hagoromo Materials |
Tennyo Hagoromo
Hairpin Material |
Hallowed Kamuy Fife |
The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme) |
Hannish Staple |
Level 81 Quarrying, Level 81 Harvesting |
Hara-ate Materials |
Lominsan Hara-ate
Harrowing Memory of the Dying |
Haunting Memory of the Dying |
Heat Vent Component |
Level 10 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Heat Vent Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Heavy Uchigatana |
Level 65 Blacksmith |
Helm Component |
Level 15 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Helm Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Hengr Dhalmel Hide |
Large Dhalmel Cape
High-capacity Tomestone |
Highland Barding |
Level 40 Leatherworker |
Hingan Barding |
Hippo Cart Horn |
Ghanta |
Hippo Cart
Hive Barding |
Level 60★ Armorer |
Horde Barding |
Level 60★★★ Leatherworker |
Horn Component |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Horn Component Materials |
Horn Component, Horn Component, Horn Component, Horn Component, Horn Component, Horn Component, Horn Component, Horn Component
Hraesvelgr Attire Coffer |
Hraesvelgr Hat, Hraesvelgr Jacket, Hraesvelgr Gloves, Hraesvelgr Trousers, Hraesvelgr Boots
Hull Interior Component |
Level 1 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Hull Interior Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Hybodus Horn |
Hydatos Cluster |
Hydatos Crystal |
Hyperconductor Component |
Level 16 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Hyperconductor Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Ice Barding |
Level 50 Leatherworker |
Chocobo Barding
Il Mheg Riding Map |
Illuminati Dark Gobcoat |
Illuminati Darkest Gobcoat |
HismenaAlexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage) |
Illuminati Deep Gobdip |
Illuminati Deepest Gobdip |
HismenaAlexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage) |
Illuminati Gobcoat |
Illuminati Gobdip |
Illuminati Gobtwine |
Illuminati Taut Gobtwine |
Illuminati Tautest Gobtwine |
HismenaAlexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage) |
Immortal Flames Aetheryte Ticket |
, Flame Quartermaster |
Incitatus Whistle |
Faux Commander, Khloe Aliapoh |
Inimical Logogram |
Innocence Barding |
Level 80★ Armorer |
Innocent Gwiber Trumpet |
Instrument Panel Component |
Level 6 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Instrument Panel Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Intellectuary |
Level 63 Alchemist |
Intricate Censer |
Level 75 Blacksmith Level 75 Armorer Level 75 Goldsmith |
Intricate Censer Materials |
Intricate Censer, Intricate Censer, Intricate Censer
Ironfrog Mover Ignition Key |
Ishgardian Barding |
Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany Materials |
Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany, Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany, Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany, Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany, Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany, Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany, Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany, Ishgardian Cuisine Miscellany
Ishgardian Half Barding |
Island Eggplant Knight |
Horrendous Hoarder |
Island Eggplant Knight
Island Mandragora |
Horrendous Hoarder |
Island Mandragora
Island Onion Prince |
Horrendous Hoarder |
Island Onion Prince
Isle Pioneer's Barding |
Horrendous Hoarder |
Isolator Component |
Level 16 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Isolator Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Ixion Barding |
Eschina |
Ixion Clarion |
Jacket Materials |
Dashing Dhalmelskin Jacket
Jibanyan Couch Medal |
Jibanyan Couch
Juedi Horn |
Juice Ingredients |
Twice-fermented Mun-Tuy Juice
Kholusia Riding Map |
Kholusian Rain |
Hillicen |
Kingly Peacock Horn |
Kingly Peacock
Kirin Fife |
Kongamato Whistle |
Korpokkur Kolossus Horn |
Gold Saucer Attendant |
Kote Materials |
Titanium Kote
Labyrinthos Riding Map |
Lakeland Riding Map |
Lamp Component |
Level 15 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Lamp Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Landerwaffe Flute |
The Dragon Made |
Lapis Cross |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Larboard Hull Component |
Level 1 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Larboard Hull Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Larboard Wing Component |
Level 10 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Larboard Wing Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Larboard Wing Control Component |
Level 10 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Larboard Wing Control Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Large Dhalmel Cape |
Level 63 Leatherworker |
Large Gagana Cape |
Level 70 Leatherworker |
Large Gagana Skin |
Large Gagana Cape
Laurel Goobbue Horn |
Sylphic Vendor |
Unlocks Laurel Goobbue
Lavish Dressing Case |
Level 63 Carpenter |
Leatherworking for Beginners |
Level 50 Alchemist |
Resets Leatherworking Desynthesis skill to 1.
Legacy Chocobo Whistle |
Unlocks Legacy Chocobo
Legendary Kamuy Fife |
EschinaThe Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain |
Lethe Water |
Level Checker Identification Key |
Level Checker
Levin Barding |
Level 50★★★ Leatherworker |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Lightweight Tomestone |
Loathsome Memory of the Dying |
Lochs Riding Map |
Estrild |
Logistics System Identification Key |
Lominsan Barding |
Storm Quartermaster |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Lominsan Crested Barding |
Storm Quartermaster |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Lominsan Half Barding |
Storm Quartermaster |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Lominsan Hara-ate |
Level 70 Armorer |
Lone Faehound Whistle |
Lone Hellhound Whistle |
Lost Allagan Glaze |
SatsuyaDeltascape V2.0 (Savage) |
Lost Allagan Roborant |
SatsuyaDeltascape V3.0 (Savage) |
Lost Allagan Twine |
SatsuyaDeltascape V3.0 (Savage) |
Lower La Noscea Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Luminol |
Level 68 Alchemist |
Luminol Ingredients |
Luminous Earth Crystal |
Luminous Fire Crystal |
Luminous Ice Crystal |
Luminous Lightning Crystal |
Luminous Water Crystal |
Luminous Wind Crystal |
Lunar Barding |
Level 70★★★ Weaver |
Lunar Kamuy Fife |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain |
Lunar Lamenter |
Lunar Staple |
Level 85 Mining, Level 85 Harvesting |
Lunar Whale Identification Key |
Lunar Whale
Lurid Memory of the Dying |
Lute Modification Component |
Level 80 Carpenter Level 80 Leatherworker Level 80 Weaver |
Lute Modification Component Materials |
Lute Modification Component, Lute Modification Component, Lute Modification Component
Lute Repair Materials |
Level 78 Carpenter Level 78 Leatherworker Level 78 Weaver |
Lynx of Divine Light Flute |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call |
Lynx of Divine Light
Lynx of Eternal Darkness Flute |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's Fall |
Lynx of Eternal Darkness
Lynx of Imperious Wind Flute |
Lynx of Imperious Wind
Machinist Barding |
Enie |
Maelstrom Aetheryte Ticket |
, Storm Quartermaster |
Magicked Bed |
Level 80★ Carpenter |
Magicked Bed
Magicked Card |
The Adventurer with All the Cards |
Magicked Card
Magicked Carpet |
Magicked Carpet
Magitek Avenger A-1 Identification Key |
Magitek Avenger Identification Key |
Magitek Conveyor Identification Key |
Magitek Death Claw Identification Key |
Jonathas |
Magitek Hyperconveyor Identification Key |
Magitek Hyperconveyor
Magitek Predator Identification Key |
Magitek Sky Armor Identification Key |
Storm Sergeant |
Magna Roader Identification Key |
Makeshift Toy Airship |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Makeshift Toy Airship Materials |
Makeshift Toy Airship, Makeshift Toy Airship, Makeshift Toy Airship, Makeshift Toy Airship, Makeshift Toy Airship, Makeshift Toy Airship, Makeshift Toy Airship, Makeshift Toy Airship
Manacutter Key |
Managarm Horn |
Calamity Salvager |
Mandervillian Barding |
Gold Saucer Attendant |
Mare Lamentorum Riding Map |
Marid Horn |
Madhura |
Markab Whistle |
Unlocks Markab mount
Master Alchemist I |
Talan |
Unlocks Alchemist Recipes
Master Alchemist II |
Unlocks Alchemist Recipes
Master Alchemist III |
Master Alchemist IV |
Master Alchemist IX |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Alchemist V |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Alchemist VI |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Alchemist VII |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Alchemist VIII |
Master Alchemist X |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Alchemist: Demimateria |
Talan |
Unlocks Alchemist Demimateria Recipes
Master Alchemist: Glamours |
Tataroga |
Unlocks Alchemist Glamour Recipes
Master Armorer I |
Talan |
Unlocks Armorer Recipes
Master Armorer II |
Unlocks Armorer Recipes
Master Armorer III |
Master Armorer IV |
Master Armorer IX |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Armorer V |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Armorer VI |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Armorer VII |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Armorer VIII |
Master Armorer X |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Armorer: Demimateria |
Talan |
Unlocks Armorer Demimateria Recipes
Master Armorer: Glamours |
Tataroga |
Unlocks Armorer Glamour Recipes
Master Blacksmith I |
Talan |
Unlocks Blacksmith Recipes
Master Blacksmith II |
Unlocks Blacksmith Recipes
Master Blacksmith III |
Master Blacksmith IV |
Master Blacksmith IX |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Blacksmith V |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Blacksmith VI |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Blacksmith VII |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Blacksmith VIII |
Master Blacksmith X |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Blacksmith: Demimateria |
Talan |
Unlocks Blacksmith Demimateria Recipes
Master Blacksmith: Glamours |
Tataroga |
Unlocks Blacksmith Glamour Recipes
Master Carpenter I |
Talan |
Unlocks Carpenter Recipes
Master Carpenter II |
Unlocks Carpenter Recipes
Master Carpenter III |
Master Carpenter IV |
Master Carpenter IX |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Carpenter V |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Carpenter VI |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Carpenter VII |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Carpenter VIII |
Master Carpenter X |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Carpenter: Demimateria |
Talan |
Unlocks Carpenter Demimateria Recipes
Master Carpenter: Glamours |
Tataroga |
Unlocks Carpenter Glamour Recipes
Master Culinarian I |
Talan |
Unlocks Culinarian Recipes
Master Culinarian II |
Unlocks Culinarian Recipes
Master Culinarian III |
Master Culinarian IV |
Master Culinarian IX |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Culinarian V |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Culinarian VI |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Culinarian VII |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Culinarian VIII |
Master Culinarian X |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Goldsmith I |
Talan |
Unlocks Goldsmith Recipes
Master Goldsmith II |
Unlocks Goldsmith Recipes
Master Goldsmith III |
Master Goldsmith IV |
Master Goldsmith IX |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Goldsmith V |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Goldsmith VI |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Goldsmith VII |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Goldsmith VIII |
Master Goldsmith X |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Goldsmith: Demimateria |
Talan |
Unlocks Goldsmith Demimateria Recipes
Master Goldsmith: Glamours |
Tataroga |
Unlocks Goldsmith Glamour Recipes
Master Leatherworker I |
Talan |
Unlocks Leatherworker Recipes
Master Leatherworker II |
Unlocks Leatherworker Recipes
Master Leatherworker III |
Master Leatherworker IV |
Master Leatherworker IX |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Leatherworker V |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Leatherworker VI |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Leatherworker VII |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Leatherworker VIII |
Master Leatherworker X |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Leatherworker: Demimateria |
Talan |
Unlocks Leatherworker Demimateria Recipes
Master Leatherworker: Glamours |
Tataroga |
Unlocks Leatherworker Glamour Recipes
Master Weaver I |
Talan |
Unlocks Weaver Recipes
Master Weaver II |
Unlocks Weaver Recipes
Master Weaver III |
Master Weaver IV |
Master Weaver IX |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Weaver V |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Weaver VI |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Weaver VII |
Scrip Exchange |
Master Weaver VIII |
Master Weaver X |
Anna, Diana, Mowen's Merchant, Sanana, Rowena's Representative, Scrip Exchange |
Master Weaver: Demimateria |
Talan |
Unlocks Weaver Demimateria Recipes
Master Weaver: Glamours |
Tataroga |
Unlocks Weaver Glamour Recipes
Maxima Roader Identification Key |
Maxima Roader
Megafauna Leftovers |
Level 75 Mining, Level 75 Harvesting |
Megafauna Trace |
Level 78 Mining, Level 78 Harvesting |
Megalotragus Horn |
Enie |
Megashiba Flute |
Mogstation |
Menoetius Identification Key |
Metal Gauntlets |
Level 70 Blacksmith Level 70 Armorer Level 70 Goldsmith |
Metal Trident |
Level 75 Blacksmith Level 75 Armorer Level 75 Goldsmith |
Metal Worm Jar |
Level 73 Blacksmith Level 73 Armorer Level 73 Goldsmith |
Micro Tomestone |
HismenaAlexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage) |
Middle La Noscea Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Mikoshi Flute |
Gyosho |
Military-grade Tomestone |
GelfradusAlphascape V2.0 (Savage) |
Mirror of the Whorl |
Used to upgrade Wave Weapons into Tidal Wave Weapons
Mitigative Logogram |
Model O Identification Key |
Alphascape V4.0 (Savage) |
Modern Aesthetics - Saintly Style |
Enie |
Mogstew Miscellany |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Mogstew Miscellany Materials |
Mogstew Miscellany, Mogstew Miscellany, Mogstew Miscellany, Mogstew Miscellany, Mogstew Miscellany, Mogstew Miscellany, Mogstew Miscellany, Mogstew Miscellany
Moogle Mollifier |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Moogle Mollifier Materials |
Moogle Mollifier, Moogle Mollifier, Moogle Mollifier, Moogle Mollifier, Moogle Mollifier, Moogle Mollifier, Moogle Mollifier, Moogle Mollifier
Moogle Statuette |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Moogle Statuette Materials |
Moogle Statuette, Moogle Statuette, Moogle Statuette, Moogle Statuette, Moogle Statuette, Moogle Statuette, Moogle Statuette, Moogle Statuette
Moogle Tool Component |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Moogle Tool Component Materials |
Moogle Tool Component, Moogle Tool Component, Moogle Tool Component, Moogle Tool Component, Moogle Tool Component, Moogle Tool Component, Moogle Tool Component, Moogle Tool Component
Mor Dhona Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Morbol Horn |
Mystic Panda Pipe |
Nezha Barding |
Nezha Chariot Dizi |
Night Pegasus Whistle |
Nightmare Whistle |
Unlocks Nightmare mount
Nigiri-zushi |
Level 68 Culinarian |
Noble Barding |
North Shroud Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Northern Thanalan Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Nullifying Neckpiece |
Level 78 Blacksmith Level 78 Armorer Level 78 Goldsmith |
Nutrient-Rich Porridge |
Level 73 Alchemist Level 73 Culinarian |
Nutrient-rich Porridge |
Level 73 Alchemist Level 73 Culinarian |
OFC Whistle |
Obscure Logogram |
Offensive Logogram |
Offering of Sweets |
Level 75 Alchemist Level 75 Culinarian |
Oil of Time |
Aelina |
Used to upgrade item level 100 Weathered Accessories into their item level 110 versions.
On the Properties of Beastmen |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Orchestrion Materials |
Tribute Orchestrion
Ornate Partition |
Level 68 Carpenter |
Orthodox Barding |
Level 56 Weaver |
Outer La Noscea Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Pack Faehound Whistle |
Pack Hellhound Whistle |
Pagos Crystal |
Paladin Mail |
Level 63 Armorer |
Panaloaf Oil |
Level 85 Alchemist Level 85 Culinarian |
Panaloaf Sweetener |
Level 80 Alchemist Level 80 Culinarian |
Panaloaf Yeast |
Level 83 Alchemist Level 83 Culinarian |
Panther Bell |
Papa Paissa Whistle |
Mogstation |
Papa Paissa
Parade Chocobo Whistle |
Parade Chocobo Mount
Paramour Barding |
Partition Materials |
Ornate Partition
Peaks Riding Map |
Estrild |
Pegasus Whistle |
Perdurable Tomestone |
Petit Pteranodon |
Petit Pteranodon
Pipe Box Materials |
Stylish Pipe Box
Plate Mail Materials |
Paladin Mail
Platinum Scales |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Plumed Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Pod 602 Identification Key |
Gold Saucer Attendant |
Pod 602
Polar Bear Horn |
Polar Bear
Portly Porxie Horn |
Jul Oul |
Portly Porxie
Porxie King Horn |
Porxie King
Postmoogle Barding |
Love's Labors |
Potent Dissolvent |
Level 70 Alchemist |
Precision Spectacles |
Level 65 Goldsmith |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Capacity |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Company |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Confrontation |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Dedication |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Efficiency |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Industry |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Initiation |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Longeing |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Nutriment |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Observation |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Permanence |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Pilgrimage |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Precision |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Productivity |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Recreation |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Revival |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Rivalry |
Primed Grade 1 Wheel of Swiftness |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Capacity |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Company |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Confrontation |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Dedication |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Efficiency |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Industry |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Initiation |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Longeing |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Nutriment |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Observation |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Permanence |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Pilgrimage |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Precision |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Productivity |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Recreation |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Revival |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Rivalry |
Primed Grade 2 Wheel of Swiftness |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Capacity |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Company |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Confrontation |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Dedication |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Efficiency |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Industry |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Longeing |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Nutriment |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Observation |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Permanence |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Pilgrimage |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Precision |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Productivity |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Recreation |
Primed Grade 3 Wheel of Rivalry |
Proof of Covering |
Propulsion Engine Component |
Level 3 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Propulsion Engine Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Protean Crystal |
Protective Logogram |
Prototype Conveyor Identification Key |
Prototype Roader Identification Key |
Prototype Roader
Prototype Tomestone |
GelfradusSigmascape V2.0 (Savage) |
Pteranodon Horn |
Castle in the Sky |
Pyros Crystal |
Queen's Guard Barding |
Race Barding |
Radiant Coating |
Djole, Mylenie |
Radiant Roborant |
Djole, Mylenie |
Radiant Twine |
Djole, Mylenie |
Raigo Pipe |
Rak'tika Greatwood Riding Map |
Ramuh Crystal |
Rathalos Whistle |
SmithyThe Great Hunt (Extreme) |
Raw Doman Urushi |
Raw Emotion |
Red Baron Identification Key |
Red Hare Horn |
Red Mage Barding |
Refabrication Component |
Level 16 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Refabrication Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Regalia Type-G Title |
Regalia Type-G
Repurposed Construction Component |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Retired Chocobo Registration G1-F |
Retired Chocobo Registration G1-M |
Retired Chocobo Registration G2-F |
Retired Chocobo Registration G2-M |
Retired Chocobo Registration G3-F |
Retired Chocobo Registration G3-M |
Retired Chocobo Registration G4-F |
Retired Chocobo Registration G4-M |
Retired Chocobo Registration G5-F |
Retired Chocobo Registration G5-M |
Retired Chocobo Registration G6-F |
Retired Chocobo Registration G6-M |
Retired Chocobo Registration G7-F |
Retired Chocobo Registration G7-M |
Retired Chocobo Registration G8-F |
Retired Chocobo Registration G8-M |
Retired Chocobo Registration G9-F |
Retired Chocobo Registration G9-M |
Reveler's Barding |
Level 70★ Armorer |
Reveling Kamuy Fife |
Revised Engineering Manual |
Scrip Exchange, Sanana |
Revised Survival Manual |
Scrip Exchange, Sanana |
Rice Ball Ingredients |
Doman Rice Balls
Rigging Component |
Level 3 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Rigging Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Ring Materials |
Sample Silver Ring
Rolling Tankard Ignition Key |
Mizutt |
Rolling Tankard
Ronkan Flute |
Great Vessel of Ronka
Rose Lanner Whistle |
Round Lanner Whistle |
Round Table Barding |
Rowena's Token (Poetics) |
Rowena |
Used to purchase item level 120 Ironworks Magitek Weapons from Rowena in Mor Dhona (x22, y6)
Rowena's Token (Soldiery) |
Rowena |
Used to purchase item level 100 Weathered Weapons from Rowena in Mor Dhona (x22, y6)
Rubellite Carbuncle Whistle |
Rubellite Carbuncle
Ruby Barding |
Level 80★★ Armorer |
Ruby Gwiber Trumpet |
Cinder Drift (Extreme) |
Ruby Gwiber
Ruby Sea Riding Map |
Estrild |
Rusted Iron Scrap |
Heavy Uchigatana
Ryumyaku Polish |
GelfradusSigmascape V2.0 (Savage) |
Ryumyaku Solvent |
GelfradusSigmascape V3.0 (Savage) |
Ryumyaku Twine |
GelfradusSigmascape V3.0 (Savage) |
SDS Fenrir Key |
Sabertooth Tiger Horn |
Sabotender Emperador Horn |
Gold Saucer Attendant |
Safeguard System Identification Key |
Saintly Barding |
Sample Chronometer |
Level 68 Goldsmith |
Sample Silver Ring |
Level 63 Goldsmith |
Samurai Barding |
Sanction |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Increases the stats of Grand Company armor for 3 hours.
Sands of Time |
Aelina |
Used to upgrade item level 100 Weathered Armor and Weathered Weapons into their item level 110 versions.
Sanuwa Horn |
Scaevan Ester |
GelfradusAlphascape V3.0 (Savage) |
Scaevan Shellac |
GelfradusAlphascape V2.0 (Savage) |
Scaevan Twine |
GelfradusAlphascape V3.0 (Savage) |
Sea Of Clouds Riding Map |
Ardolain |
Seductive Bustier |
Level 68 Weaver |
Seiryu Barding |
Level 7★★★★ Armorer |
Sephirotic Barding |
Level 60★★ Leatherworker |
Serpent Chocobo Issuance |
Required for My Little Chocobo (Twin Adder) quest
Serpent Warsteed Horn |
Unlocks Serpent Warsteed mount
Shadow Gwiber Trumpet |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy |
Shadow Gwiber
Sharlayan Fishcake Ingredient |
Level 90 Alchemist Level 90 Culinarian |
Shearing Machine Component |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Shearing Machine Component Materials |
Shearing Machine Component, Shearing Machine Component, Shearing Machine Component, Shearing Machine Component, Shearing Machine Component, Shearing Machine Component, Shearing Machine Component, Shearing Machine Component
Shinryu Barding |
Level 70★★ Armorer |
Shortsword Materials |
Featherlight Shortsword
Skyslipper Key |
Sleipnir Barding |
Aelina |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Sleipnir Horn |
Smoldering Protean Crystal |
Snowman Bell |
Starlit Smiles |
Somen Materials |
Tournament Somen
Sophic Barding |
Level 6★★★★ Goldsmith |
Sophic Lanner Whistle |
BertanaContainment Bay P1T6 (Extreme) |
Sorrowful Memory of the Dying |
South Shroud Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Southern Thanalan Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Sovereign Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Spare Tank Component |
Level 16 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Spare Tank Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Speaking Tube Component |
Level 15 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Speaking Tube Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Sphere Scroll: Artemis Bow |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade Artemis Bow Animus to Artemis Bow Novus
Sphere Scroll: Bravura |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade Bravura Animus to Bravura Novus
Sphere Scroll: Curtana |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade Curtana Animus to Curtana Novus
Sphere Scroll: Gae Bolg |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade Gae Bolg Animus to Gae Bolg Novus
Sphere Scroll: Holy Shield |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade Holy Shield Animus to Holy Shield Novus
Sphere Scroll: Omnilex |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade Omnilex Animus to Omnilex Novus
Sphere Scroll: Sphairai |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade Sphairai Animus to Sphairai Novus
Sphere Scroll: Stardust Rod |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade Stardust Rod Animus to Stardust Rod Novus
Sphere Scroll: The Veil of Wiyu |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade The Veil of Wiyu Animus to The Veil of Wiyu Novus
Sphere Scroll: Thyrus |
Hubairtin |
Used to upgrade Bravura Animus to Bravura Novus
Sphere Scroll: Yoshimitsu |
Hubairtin in Central Thanalan (x23,y13) |
Used to upgrade Yoshimitsu Animus to Yoshimitsu Novus
Spriggan Stonecarrier Horn |
Spriggan Stonecarrier
Spring Dress Materials |
Winsome Spring Dress
Squadron Battle Manual |
Squadron Engineering Manual |
Squadron Enlistment Manual |
, Storm Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Flame Quartermaster |
Squadron Gear Maintenance Manual |
Squadron Rationing Manual |
Storm Sergeant |
Squadron Spiritbonding Manual |
Squadron Survival Manual |
Starboard Hull Component |
Level 1 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Starboard Hull Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Starboard Wing Component |
Level 10 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Starboard Wing Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Starboard Wing Control Component |
Level 10 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Starboard Wing Control Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Starlens Brace |
Level 80 Carpenter Level 80 Leatherworker Level 80 Weaver |
Starlens Wand |
Level 90 Carpenter Level 90 Leatherworker Level 90 Weaver |
Starlens Wand Material |
Starlens Wand, Starlens Wand, Starlens Wand
Starlight Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Starlight Bear Horn |
Statue Supplies |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Statue Supplies Materials |
Statue Supplies, Statue Supplies, Statue Supplies, Statue Supplies, Statue Supplies, Statue Supplies, Statue Supplies, Statue Supplies
Steering Mechanism Component |
Level 15 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Steering Mechanism Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Stonemasonry Supplies |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Stonemasonry Supplies Materials |
Stonemasonry Supplies, Stonemasonry Supplies, Stonemasonry Supplies, Stonemasonry Supplies, Stonemasonry Supplies, Stonemasonry Supplies, Stonemasonry Supplies, Stonemasonry Supplies
Storm Chocobo Issuance |
Required for My Little Chocobo (Maelstrom) quest
Storm Warsteed Horn |
Unlocks Storm Warsteed mount.
Striped Ray Conch |
Shikitahe |
Stylish Pipe Box |
Level 65 Carpenter |
Sukiyaki Ingredients |
Doman Sukiyaki
Sunforged Crystal |
Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage) |
Sunspun Cumulus Seed |
Sunspun Cumulus
Sushi Ingredients |
Suzaku Barding |
Level 70★★★★ Armorer |
Sweets Ingredients |
offering of Sweets, offering of Sweets
Syldra Horn |
Tablet Supplies |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Tablet Supplies Materials |
Tablet Supplies, Tablet Supplies, Tablet Supplies, Tablet Supplies, Tablet Supplies, Tablet Supplies, Tablet Supplies, Tablet Supplies
Tactical Logogram |
Teahouse Bench |
Level 70 Carpenter |
Teahouse Bench Materials |
Teahouse Bench
Tempest Riding Map |
Goushs Ooan |
Tennyo Hagoromo |
Level 70 Weaver |
Thavnair Riding Map |
Thavnairian Barding |
Thavnairian Rain |
Enna |
The Fury's Anthem |
Traded to Aelina in Mor Dhona (x22,y6) for 1485 Wolf Marks
The Keeper's Hymn |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Resets your Attribute points
Tidal Barding |
Level 50★★★ Armorer |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Timeworn Artifact |
Titania Barding |
Level 80★ Armorer |
Titanium Kote |
Level 65 Armorer |
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Abalathia's Spine |
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Coerthas |
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Dravania |
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Gyr Abania |
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty |
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Norvrandt |
Tome of Botanical Folklore - Othard |
Tome of Botanical Folklore - The Sea of Stars |
Splendors Vendor |
Tome of Botanical Folklore - The World Unsundered |
Splendors Vendor |
Tome of Geological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine |
Tome of Geological Folklore - Coerthas |
Tome of Geological Folklore - Dravania |
Tome of Geological Folklore - Gyr Abania |
Tome of Geological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty |
Tome of Geological Folklore - Norvrandt |
Tome of Geological Folklore - Othard |
Tome of Geological Folklore - The Sea of Stars |
Splendors Vendor |
Tome of Geological Folklore - The World Unsundered |
Splendors Vendor |
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine |
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Coerthas |
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Dravania |
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Gyr Abania |
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty |
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Norvrandt |
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Othard |
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The Sea of Stars |
Splendors Vendor |
Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The World Unsundered |
Splendors Vendor |
Tortured Memory of the Dying |
Tournament Somen |
Level 68 Armorer |
Training Supplies |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Training Supplies Materials |
Training Supplies, Training Supplies, Training Supplies, Training Supplies, Training Supplies, Training Supplies, Training Supplies, Training Supplies
Transmission Component |
Level 10 Carpenter and more |
Ixal Daily Quests
Transmission Component Materials |
Ixal Daily Quests
Treadwheel Crane Component Materials |
Treadwheel Crane Components, Treadwheel Crane Components, Treadwheel Crane Components, Treadwheel Crane Components, Treadwheel Crane Components, Treadwheel Crane Components, Treadwheel Crane Components, Treadwheel Crane Components
Treadwheel Crane Components |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Tribute Orchestrion |
Level 70 Goldsmith |
Triceratops Horn |
Troll Horn |
Faux Commander, Khloe Aliapoh |
True Barding of Light |
Level 80★★★ Armorer |
True Griffin Horn |
Madhura |
Twice-fermented Mun-Tuy Juice |
Level 65 Alchemist |
Twin Adder Aetheryte Ticket |
, Serpent Quartermaster |
Twintania Neurolink Key |
Calamity Salvager |
Typhon Horn |
Gold Saucer Attendant |
Tyrannosaur Horn |
Uchigatana Materials |
Examination Uchigatana
Ufiti Horn |
Enie |
Ul'dahn Barding |
Flame Quartermaster |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Ul'dahn Crested Barding |
Flame Quartermaster |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Ul'dahn Half Barding |
Flame Quartermaster |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Ultima Thule Riding Map |
N-1499 |
Ultralight Tomestone |
Djole, Mylenie |
Umbral Nodule |
Undersea Rain |
Hillicen |
Unicorn Whistle |
Unlocks Unicorn mount
Unidentified Allagan Tomestone |
Used to purchase item level 100 Weathered Weapons from Rowena in Mor Dhona (x22, y6)
Upholstery Repair Materials |
Level 73 Carpenter Level 73 Leatherworker Level 73 Weaver |
Upper La Noscea Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Velodyna Grizzly Bear Hide |
Grizzly Bear Gloves
Veneer Component |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Veneer Component Materials |
Veneer Component, Veneer Component, Veneer Component, Veneer Component, Veneer Component, Veneer Component, Veneer Component, Veneer Component
Vesper Bay Aetheryte Ticket |
The Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Back from the Wood, The Black Wolf's Ultimatum |
Vexatious Memory of the Dying |
Victor Whistle |
Endgame Hunter |
Vinegaroon Horn |
J'lakshai, Wilmetta |
Voidal Resonator |
Unlocks Ahriman (Mount)
Wall Repair Supplies |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Wall Repair Supplies Materials |
Wall Repair Supplies, Wall Repair Supplies, Wall Repair Supplies, Wall Repair Supplies, Wall Repair Supplies, Wall Repair Supplies, Wall Repair Supplies, Wall Repair Supplies
War Tiger Horn |
War Tiger
Warbear Horn |
Unlocks Warbear mount
Warlion Horn |
Unlocks Warlion mount
Warring Lanner Whistle |
Water Filter Component |
Level 50 Carpenter |
Water Filter Component Materials |
Water Filter Component, Water Filter Component, Water Filter Component, Water Filter Component, Water Filter Component, Water Filter Component, Water Filter Component, Water Filter Component
Weatherproof Gaelicat |
Weatherproof Gaelicat
Weaving for Beginners |
Level 50 Alchemist |
Resets Weaving Desynthesis skill to 1.
Western La Noscea Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Western Thanalan Riding Map |
Hunt Billmaster |
Whalaqee Angel Whisper Totem |
Whalaqee Angel's Snack Totem |
Whalaqee Doom Totem |
Whalaqee Dragon Force Totem |
Whalaqee Matra Magic Totem |
Whalaqee Mighty Guard Totem |
Whalaqee Moon Flute Totem |
Whalaqee Off-guard Totem |
Whalaqee Revenge Blast Totem |
Whalaqee Transfusion Totem |
Whalaqee White Wind Totem |
Whale Horn |
Whisper A-go-go Key |
Whisper-go Key |
White Devil Identification Key |
White Lanner Whistle |
Wild Rose Barding |
Windswept Barding |
Level 90** Leatherworker |
Winsome Spring Dress |
Level 65 Weaver |
Witch's Broom |
Wivre Horn |
Edelina |
Wolf Barding |
Crystal Quartermaster |
Wondrous Lanner Whistle |
Faux Commander, Khloe Aliapoh |
Wondrous Lanner
Workshop Expansion Materials |
Workshop Expansion Supplies, Workshop Expansion Supplies, Workshop Expansion Supplies, Workshop Expansion Supplies, Workshop Expansion Supplies, Workshop Expansion Supplies, Workshop Expansion Supplies, Workshop Expansion Supplies
Workshop Materials |
Workshop Supplies, Workshop Supplies, Workshop Supplies, Workshop Supplies, Workshop Supplies, Workshop Supplies, Workshop Supplies, Workshop Supplies
Workshop Sign |
Level 75 Carpenter Level 75 Leatherworker Level 75 Weaver |
Workshop Sign Materials |
Workshop Sign, Workshop Sign, Workshop Sign
Writing Utensil Materials |
Writing Utensils, Writing Utensils, Writing Utensils
Writing Utensils |
Level 85 Carpenter Level 85 Leatherworker Level 85 Weaver |
Wyvern Horn |
Xanthos Whistle |
Unlocks Xanthos mount
Yanxia Riding Map |
Estrild |
Yojimbo Barding |
Yol Whistle |
Zadnor Riding Map |
Resistance Quartermaster |
Zodiac Glass |
Zodiac Scroll |
Zodium |
Zu Horn |
Zun Culinary Components |
Zun-Style Amaro Feed, Zun-Style Amaro Feed
Zun-style Amaro Feed |
Level 80 Alchemist Level 80 Culinarian |
Zurvanite Barding |
Level 60★★★★ Armorer |