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| Augmented Law's Order || 515 || [[File:laws order bastard sword icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Bastard Sword]][[File:laws order kite shield icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield]] || [[File:laws order labrys icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Labrys]] || [[File:laws order zweihander icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Zweihander]] || [[File:laws order manatrigger icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Manatrigger]] || [[File:laws order cane icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Cane]] || [[File:laws order codex icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Codex]] || [[File:laws order astrometer icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Astrometer]] || [[File:laws order knuckles icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Knuckles]] || [[File:laws order spear icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Spear]] || [[File:laws order knives icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Knives]] || [[File:laws order samurai blade icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Samurai Blade]] || [[File:laws order composite bow icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Composite Bow]] || [[File:laws order revolver icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Revolver]] || [[File:laws order chakrams icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Chakrams]] || [[File:laws order rod icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Rod]] || [[File:laws order index icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Index]] || [[File:laws order rapier icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Rapier]]
| Augmented Law's Order || 515 || [[File:laws order bastard sword icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Bastard Sword]][[File:laws order kite shield icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield]] || [[File:laws order labrys icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Labrys]] || [[File:laws order zweihander icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Zweihander]] || [[File:laws order manatrigger icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Manatrigger]] || [[File:laws order cane icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Cane]] || [[File:laws order codex icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Codex]] || [[File:laws order astrometer icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Astrometer]] || [[File:laws order knuckles icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Knuckles]] || [[File:laws order spear icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Spear]] || [[File:laws order knives icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Knives]] || [[File:laws order samurai blade icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Samurai Blade]] || [[File:laws order composite bow icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Composite Bow]] || [[File:laws order revolver icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Revolver]] || [[File:laws order chakrams icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Chakrams]] || [[File:laws order rod icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Rod]] || [[File:laws order index icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Index]] || [[File:laws order rapier icon1.png|link=Augmented Law's Order Rapier]]
| Blade's || 535 || [[File:blades honor icon1.png|link=Blade's Honor]][[File:blades fortitude icon1.png|link=Blade's Fortitude]] || [[File:blades valor icon1.png|link=Blade's Valor]] || [[File:blades justice icon1.png|link=Blade's Justice]] || [[File:blades resolve icon1.png|link=Blade's Resolve]] || [[File:blades mercy icon1.png|link=Blade's Mercy]] || [[File:blades wisdom icon1.png|link=Blade's Wisdom]] || [[File:blades providence icon1.png|link=Blade's Providence]] || [[File:blades serenity icon1.png|link=Blade's Serenity]] || [[File:blades glory icon1.png|link=Blade's Glory]] || [[File:blades subtlety icon1.png|link=Blade's Subtlety]] || [[File:blades fealty icon1.png|link=Blade's Fealty]] || [[File:blades muse icon1.png|link=Blade's Muse]] || [[File:blades ingenuity icon1.png|link=Blade's Ingenuity]] || [[File:blades euphoria icon1.png|link=Blade's Euphoria]] || || ||  
| Blade's || 535 || [[File:blades honor icon1.png|link=Blade's Honor]][[File:blades fortitude icon1.png|link=Blade's Fortitude]] || [[File:blades valor icon1.png|link=Blade's Valor]] || [[File:blades justice icon1.png|link=Blade's Justice]] || [[File:blades resolve icon1.png|link=Blade's Resolve]] || [[File:blades mercy icon1.png|link=Blade's Mercy]] || [[File:blades wisdom icon1.png|link=Blade's Wisdom]] || [[File:blades providence icon1.png|link=Blade's Providence]] || [[File:blades serenity icon1.png|link=Blade's Serenity]] || [[File:blades glory icon1.png|link=Blade's Glory]] || [[File:blades subtlety icon1.png|link=Blade's Subtlety]] || [[File:blades fealty icon1.png|link=Blade's Fealty]] || [[File:blades muse icon1.png|link=Blade's Muse]] || [[File:blades ingenuity icon1.png|link=Blade's Ingenuity]] || [[File:blades euphoria icon1.png|link=Blade's Euphoria]] || [[File:blades fury icon1.png|link=Blade's Fury]] || [[File:blades acumen icon1.png|link=Blade's Acumen]] || [[File:blades temperance icon1.png|link=Blade's Temperance]]
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[[Category:Shadowbringers]] [[Category:Patch 5.25 Features]] [[Category:Patch 5.35 Features]] [[Category:Patch 5.45 Features]] [[Category:Save the Queen]]
[[Category:Shadowbringers]] [[Category:Patch 5.25 Features]] [[Category:Patch 5.35 Features]] [[Category:Patch 5.45 Features]] [[Category:Save the Queen]]

Revision as of 16:38, 20 July 2021

(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Phantom Weapons: DT.png

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Cosmic Tools: DT.png
See also: Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr, Zodiac Weapons and Anima Weapons

Resistance Weapons are the level 80 Relic Weapons for Shadowbringers released in Patch 5.25. Players need to complete the Resistance Weapons quest chain to obtain one of the relics, and they are heavily tied in with the Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr storyline. As players advance through the Resistance Weapons quests they will be able to obtain job-specific weapons which can be enhanced as they progress. Certain Resistance Weapon quests employ a system which will require players to proceed using the same class or job with which they accepted the quest.


For years, Bozja─homeland of the Hrothgar─has remained at the mercy of Garlean rulers. But the Empire has fallen into disarray, and the people of Doma and Ala Mhigo have risen up to challenge their authority. The Bozjans, while heartened at this news, yet lack the means to join the rebellion. To that end, they seek a standard under which their people may gather. A weapon of legend...

Resistance Weapons (iLvl 485)

Main article: Resistance Weapons/Quest

To unlock the quest chain, players need to be level 80 with a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic and complete the Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestShadowbringers, as well as Feature QuestThe City of Lost Angels. Players can obtain one of the relics for free by speaking to Zlatan in Gangos and completing the Side Quest chain (Feature QuestHail to the Queen> Feature QuestPath to the Past > Feature QuestThe Bozja Incident > Feature QuestFire in the Forge). For subsequent relics you will need to complete the Repeatable Quest Repeatable Feature QuestResistance Is (Not) Futile), in which Zlatan requires you to obtain and turn in 4 Thavnairian Scalepowder Thavnairian Scalepowders (Available at Auriana in Revenant's Toll (x: 22.7 - y: 6.7), Hismena in Idyllshire (x: 5.8 - y:5.2), or Sundry Splendors near the main Aetheryte in any major city except the Crystarium for 250 Allagan Tomestone of PoeticsAllagan Tomestones of Poetics each, or Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1,000 total).

Resistance Weapons (iLvl 485)
Honorbound Honorbound (PLD) Tenacity Tenacity (PLD) Samsara Samsara (MNK)
Skullrender Skullrender (WAR) Dreizack Dreizack (DRG) Brilliance Brilliance (BRD)
Honeshirazu Honeshirazu (NIN) Ingrimm Ingrimm (WHM) Soulscourge Soulscourge (BLM)
Espiritus Espiritus (SMN) Akademos Akademos (SCH) Woeborn Woeborn (DRK)
Lawman Lawman (MCH) Solstice Solstice (AST) Hoshikiri Hoshikiri (SAM)
Talekeeper Talekeeper (RDM) Crownsblade Crownsblade (GNB) Enchufla Enchufla (DNC)

Augmented Resistance Weapons (iLvl 500)

Main article: Augmented Resistance Weapons/Quest

To upgrade their weapons, players need to be level 80 with a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic and the Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestVows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty and both the Side Quest Feature QuestA Sober Proposal and the Side Quest Feature QuestWhere Eagles Nest, as well as own one of the Resistance Weapons obtained in the Side Quest Feature QuestFire in the Forge.

Players can take the first step to upgrading their relics by speaking to Zlatan in Gangos and completing the Repeatable Quest Repeatable Feature QuestFor Want of a Memory by trading in 20 Tortured Memory of the Dying Tortured Memories of the Dying, 20 Sorrowful Memory of the Dying Sorrowful Memories of the Dying and 20 Harrowing Memory of the Dying Harrowing Memories of the Dying obtained as random drops from Skirmishes, Critical Engagements, and enemies found in The Bozjan Southern Front or as guaranteed drops from FATEs located in Heavensward areas. You do not need to have your Resistance weapon equipped, or even be the same job, to earn tortured/sorrowful/harrowing memories.

Although Critical Engagements may not be the fastest way to collect memories of the dying, it's highly recommended that you run Critical Engagements anyway until you reach rank 10, because that's required for one of the later steps.

Augmented Resistance weapons look identical to their non-augmented versions, but can be dyed.

Augmented Resistance Weapons (iLvl 500)
Augmented Honorbound Augmented Honorbound (PLD) Augmented Tenacity Augmented Tenacity (PLD) Augmented Samsara Augmented Samsara (MNK)
Augmented Skullrender Augmented Skullrender (WAR) Augmented Dreizack Augmented Dreizack (DRG) Augmented Brilliance Augmented Brilliance (BRD)
Augmented Honeshirazu Augmented Honeshirazu (NIN) Augmented Ingrimm Augmented Ingrimm (WHM) Augmented Soulscourge Augmented Soulscourge (BLM)
Augmented Espiritus Augmented Espiritus (SMN) Augmented Akademos Augmented Akademos (SCH) Augmented Woeborn Augmented Woeborn (DRK)
Augmented Lawman Augmented Lawman (MCH) Augmented Solstice Augmented Solstice (AST) Augmented Hoshikiri Augmented Hoshikiri (SAM)
Augmented Talekeeper Augmented Talekeeper (RDM) Augmented Crownsblade Augmented Crownsblade (GNB) Augmented Enchufla Augmented Enchufla (DNC)

Recollection Weapons (iLvl 500)

Main article: Recollection Weapons/Quest

Players can fully upgrade their weapons by completing the Repeatable Quest Repeatable Feature QuestThe Will to Resist by trading in 6 Bitter Memory of the Dying Bitter Memories of the Dying obtained from Level 60 Dungeons, once per day from Duty Roulette: Leveling or as a random drop from enemies found in The Bozjan Southern Front. You do not need to have your Augmented Resistance weapon equipped, or even be the same job, to earn bitter memories. Please note that unlike with previous relic weapon dungeon quests, you cannot use the Undersized Party option to run the level 60 Heavensward dungeons unsynced. You have to do them "properly", with a party at level 60. You CAN use the Undersized Party option with the Level Sync option, though.

Recollection weapons gain an aetheric glowing effect, and can be dyed.

Recollection Weapons (iLvl 500)
Honorbound Recollection Honorbound Recollection (PLD) Tenacity Recollection Tenacity Recollection (PLD) Samsara Recollection Samsara Recollection (MNK)
Skullrender Recollection Skullrender Recollection (WAR) Dreizack Recollection Dreizack Recollection (DRG) Brilliance Recollection Brilliance Recollection (BRD)
Honeshirazu Recollection Honeshirazu Recollection (NIN) Ingrimm Recollection Ingrimm Recollection (WHM) Soulscourge Recollection Soulscourge Recollection (BLM)
Espiritus Recollection Espiritus Recollection (SMN) Akademos Recollection Akademos Recollection (SCH) Woeborn Recollection Woeborn Recollection (DRK)
Lawman Recollection Lawman Recollection (MCH) Solstice Recollection Solstice Recollection (AST) Hoshikiri Recollection Hoshikiri Recollection (SAM)
Talekeeper Recollection Talekeeper Recollection (RDM) Crownsblade Recollection Crownsblade Recollection (GNB) Enchufla Recollection Enchufla Recollection (DNC)

Law's Order Weapons (iLvl 510)

Main article: Law's Order Weapons/Quest

Before you can proceed, you will first need to raise your Resistance Rank in Bozja to 10 and complete Castrum Lacus Litore. Then you'll need to complete the one-time Side Quests Feature QuestA Sign of What's to Come, Feature QuestFit for a Queen, and Feature QuestIn the Queen's Image to advance the Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr story. This will require completing a solo story instanced duty, as well as clearing the Delubrum Reginae raid.

The next stage comes from the Repeatable Quest Repeatable Feature QuestChange of Arms. You will need to obtain and turn in 15 Loathsome Memory of the DyingLoathsome Memories of the Dying. They can be acquired from any of the following sources:

  • Defeating the final boss of Castrum Lacus Litore grants a guaranteed 5 memories.
  • Clearing any Crystal Tower alliance raid grants a guaranteed 1 memory.
  • Completing critical engagements in The Bozjan Southern Front has a chance of granting 1 memory.

As with previous steps, you do not need to have your Recollection weapon equipped, or even be the same job, to earn loathsome memories.

When upgraded to Law's Order, the weapons will have a new model, and will no longer glow.

First One-Time Grind

Before you can unlock the ability to augment your Law's Order weapon, you will need to complete the one-time Side Quest Feature QuestThe Resistance Remembers, which requires you to collect and turn in 18 Haunting Memory of the DyingHaunting Memories of the Dying and 18 Vexatious Memory of the DyingVexatious Memories of the Dying. This grind only needs to be done once, and does not need to be repeated for additional weapons.

Augmented Law's Order Weapons (iLvl 515)

Main article: Augmented Law's Order Weapons/Quest

Afterwards, to upgrade your weapon you will need to complete the Repeatable Quest Repeatable Feature QuestA New Path of Resistance, which requires you to collect and turn in 15 Timeworn ArtifactTimeworn Artifacts. Upon turning them in, you will need to decide how to allocate the stats on your weapon.

When upgraded to Augmented Law's Order, the weapons will gain a glow effect.

Reallocation of Stats (Optional)

Should you decide the stats on your Augmented Law's Order weapon need to be changed, you can do so by talking to the Allagan Node (x5.9, y4.8) in Gangos and selecting "Forged Anew". You will need to equip your Augmented Law's Order weapon and turn in 4 phials of Aetherial SealantAetherial Sealant, which can be purchased from Auriana in Revenant's Toll (x: 22.7 - y: 6.7) or Hismena in Idyllshire (x: 5.8 - y:5.2) for 100 Allagan Tomestone of PoeticsAllagan Tomestones of Poetics each, or Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 400 total.

Second One-Time Grind

Complete the one-time quest Feature QuestWhat Dreams Are Made Of, which explains the next steps and requires you to talk to some NPCs. After that you will need to complete the following one-time quests: Feature QuestSpare Parts, Feature QuestTell Me a Story, and Feature QuestA Fond Memory. This grind only needs to be done once, and does not need to be repeated for additional weapons.

Quest Source of Loot Item 1 Source of Loot Item 2
Feature QuestSpare Parts Compact AxleCompact Axle
1 per skirmish in Zadnor Southern Plateau (Zone 1)
1 per Alexander raid clear (1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10)
Compact AxleCompact Spring
2 per critical engagement in Zadnor Southern Plateau (Zone 1)
1 per Alexander raid clear (3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12)
Feature QuestTell Me a Story A Day in the Life: Battles for the RealmA Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm
1 per skirmish in Zadnor Western Plateau (Zone 2)
1 per Omega raid clear (1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10)
A Day in the Life: Beyond the RiftA Day in the Life: Beyond the Rift
2 per critical engagement in Zadnor Western Plateau (Zone 2)
1 per Omega raid clear (3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12)
Feature QuestA Fond Memory Bleak Memory of the DyingBleak Memory of the Dying
1 per skirmish in Zadnor Northern Plateau (Zone 3)
1 per Eden raid clear (1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10)
Lurid Memory of the DyingLurid Memory of the Dying
2 per critical engagement in Zadnor Northern Plateau (Zone 3)
1 per Eden raid clear (3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12)

For all three of these quests, you cannot use the Undersized Party option to run the raids unsynced. You have to run them "properly" with full parties at their appropriate levels.

After completing the three quests listed above, complete the one time quest Feature QuestA Done Deal.

Blade's Weapons (iLvl 535)

Main article: Blade's Weapons/Quest

Next, you will need to do the repeatable quest Repeatable Feature QuestIrresistible, which requires you to collect 15 Raw EmotionRaw Emotions. These can be obtained from the following sources:

  • 3 per clear of The Dalriada.
  • 2 per clear of Delubrum Reginae.
  • 1 per clear of any level 70 Stormblood dungeon.
  • A chance of 1 per clear of any 10 floors of Heaven-on-High. The higher the floor, the greater the drop chance.

Upon turning in the quest, you will need to decide how to allocate the stats on your weapon.

This step will complete the Blade's weapon, which will gain a new model and a glow effect. In addition to the Replica that Regana sells, she will also offer a "Matte Replica" version of the Blade's weapon, which has the same model, but no glow effect. Replicas cost Gil 1,000 each.

Resistance Weapon Table

Resistance 485 Honorbound icon1.pngTenacity Skullrender icon1.png Woeborn icon1.png Crownsblade icon 1.png Ingrimm icon1.png Akademos icon1.png Solstice icon1.png Samsara icon1.png Dreizack icon1.png Honeshirazu icon1.png Hoshikiri icon1.png Brilliance icon1.png Lawman icon1.png Enchufla icon1.png Soulscourge icon1.png Espiritus icon1.png Talekeeper icon1.png
Augmented Resistance 500 Honorbound icon1.pngTenacity icon1.png Skullrender icon1.png Woeborn icon1.png Crownsblade icon 1.png Ingrimm icon1.png Akademos icon1.png Solstice icon1.png Samsara icon1.png Dreizack icon1.png Honeshirazu icon1.png Hoshikiri icon1.png Brilliance icon1.png Lawman icon1.png Enchufla icon1.png Soulscourge icon1.png Espiritus icon1.png Talekeeper icon1.png
Recollection 500 Honorbound icon1.pngTenacity icon1.png Skullrender icon1.png Woeborn icon1.png Crownsblade icon 1.png Ingrimm icon1.png Akademos icon1.png Solstice icon1.png Samsara icon1.png Dreizack icon1.png Honeshirazu icon1.png Hoshikiri icon1.png Brilliance icon1.png Lawman icon1.png Enchufla icon1.png Soulscourge icon1.png Espiritus icon1.png Talekeeper icon1.png
Law's Order 510 Laws order bastard sword icon1.pngLaws order kite shield icon1.png Laws order labrys icon1.png Laws order zweihander icon1.png Laws order manatrigger icon1.png Laws order cane icon1.png Laws order codex icon1.png Laws order astrometer icon1.png Laws order knuckles icon1.png Laws order spear icon1.png Laws order knives icon1.png Laws order samurai blade icon1.png Laws order composite bow icon1.png Laws order revolver icon1.png Laws order chakrams icon1.png Laws order rod icon1.png Laws order index icon1.png Laws order rapier icon1.png
Augmented Law's Order 515 Laws order bastard sword icon1.pngLaws order kite shield icon1.png Laws order labrys icon1.png Laws order zweihander icon1.png Laws order manatrigger icon1.png Laws order cane icon1.png Laws order codex icon1.png Laws order astrometer icon1.png Laws order knuckles icon1.png Laws order spear icon1.png Laws order knives icon1.png Laws order samurai blade icon1.png Laws order composite bow icon1.png Laws order revolver icon1.png Laws order chakrams icon1.png Laws order rod icon1.png Laws order index icon1.png Laws order rapier icon1.png
Blade's 535 Blades honor icon1.pngBlades fortitude icon1.png Blades valor icon1.png Blades justice icon1.png Blades resolve icon1.png Blades mercy icon1.png Blades wisdom icon1.png Blades providence icon1.png Blades serenity icon1.png Blades glory icon1.png Blades subtlety icon1.png Blades fealty icon1.png Blades muse icon1.png Blades ingenuity icon1.png Blades euphoria icon1.png Blades fury icon1.png Blades acumen icon1.png Blades temperance icon1.png