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!Item Level
!Item Level
!Block Strength
!Block Strength
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!Stats and Attributes
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Shield of the Savage]] ||  || 30 || [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] || [[Gladiator|GLA]] [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Paladin|PLD]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] <br /> Level 28 || 13 || 57 ||align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +2, [[Intelligence]] +2, [[Mind]] +2, [[Accuracy]] +2, [[Spell Speed]] +2
|[[Shield of the Savage]] ||  || 30 || [[Gladiator|GLA]] [[Conjurer|CNJ]] [[Thaumaturge|THM]] [[Paladin|PLD]] [[White Mage|WHM]] [[Black Mage|BLM]] <br /> Level 28 || 13 || 57 ||align = "left" | [[Vitality]] +2, [[Intelligence]] +2, [[Mind]] +2, [[Accuracy]] +2, [[Spell Speed]] +2
|[[Waning Sun Pelta]] ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||align = "left" |  
|[[Waning Sun Pelta]] ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||align = "left" |  

Revision as of 14:34, 3 February 2014

Haukke Manor Guide
Haukke Manor Ground Floor
Haukke Manor Second Floor
Haukke Manor Cellarage
Haukke manor1.jpg
Haukke manor2.jpg
See also: Haukke Manor (Hard)

Haukke Manor is a level 28 - 31 dungeon located in Central Shroud. It requires a light party of 4 players. It is unlocked through the main story quests.

  • Players who are level 32 or above will be level sync'd down to level 31 upon entrance.


Manor Claviger

Manor Claviger has a melee cleaver attack. The attack can do massive physical damage to lightly armored party members. Make sure your tanks have her attention. Claviger can cast Void Fire II, a ranged AoE spell. Throughout the fight, a large red circle will appear underneath the feet of party members. Move out of the circle as soon as possible.

Manor Jester and Manor Steward

Manor Jester and Manor Steward are two bosses located in the same room. Jester is the spell caster and Steward is the tank. Players should kill Jester first because it deals more damage and has less HP. Stewart is tankier and has an interrupt-able AoE attack.

Lady Amandine

Lady Amandine, a elezen duskwight thaumaturge, is the main boss of Haukke Manor. In the boss room, there are 4 lanterns. During the fight, the lanterns will periodically light up, doing AoE damage to the entire party. Players should turn off the lanterns as soon as possible. Lady Amandine will cast Void Fire and Void Thunder. Interrupt her spell cast if possible. Throughout the fight, She will summon Bombs into the room. Kill the bombs asap. If you leave them alone, they will explode after a while. Be sure to get out of the large red circle when the bomb explodes. When Lady Amandine is low on health, she will summon a group of adds and become invincible for a short time. AoE the adds down, use limit breaks if needed.



Item Icon Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Stats and Attributes
Aetherial Silver Circlet (Goshenite) 28 Level 28 Head 16 32 Vitality +3, Intelligence +3, Mind +3
Aetherial Toadskin Voyager's Belt 30 Disciples of War
Level 28
Waist 22 22 Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Vitality +3

All aetherial items will have up to three additional random bonus stats when dropped.


Item Icon Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Stats and Attributes
Shield of the Savage 30 GLA CNJ THM PLD WHM BLM
Level 28
13 57 Vitality +2, Intelligence +2, Mind +2, Accuracy +2, Spell Speed +2
Waning Sun Pelta


Item Icon Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Auto-attack Delay Stats and Attributes
Charred Axe
Heart of House d'Arlendre
Joukil's Guile
Pupil's Leather Grimoire 30 ARC SMN SCH
Level 28
36 (Magic) 17.73 2.80 Vitality +6, Intelligence +6, Mind +6, Accuracy +6, Determination +5
Tenfinger Tallstaff
Unbreakable Knuckles 30 PGL MNK
Level 28
19 (Physical) 15.20 2.40 Strength +6, Vitality +7, Accuracy +8, Determination +4
Warden's Dagger
Aetherial Elm Macuahuitl 28 GLA PLD
Level 28
18 (Physical) 12.00 2.00 Strength +4, Vitality +4
Aetherial Silver Scepter 28 THM BLM
Level 28
34 (Magic) 14.40 2.40 Vitality +4, Intelligence +4

All aetherial items will have up to three additional random bonus stats when dropped.


Once used by seedseers as a place for spiritual reflection and meditation, Haukke Manor was long frowned upon by the people of Gridania as a symbol of excess. After years of protest, the building was finally sold to a wealthy duskwight by the name of Lady Amandine.

While little is known of the Lady, it was said that she was exceptionally vain, and that to maintain her impeccable beauty, she would spare no expense. From facial creams concocted from rare Coerthas honeys to shampoos derived from the milk of exotic phurbles, her daily ritual of beauty treatments escalated until it was rumored she was bathing in the blood of her virgin maidservants. No amount of man-made tinctures, however could hide the hideous scars she eventually suffered during the Calamity, and from that day forth she was forced to turn to a darker solution, signing away her very soul in a final effort to "save face".
