Difference between revisions of "Duty Achievements"

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{{see also|Exploration Achievements}}
{{see also|Exploration Achievements}}
{| {{STDT| sortable align-left}}
{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left}}
{{achievement table header}}
! Achievement
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Sastasha}}
! Points
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Tam-Tara Deepcroft}}
! Task
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Copperbell Mines}}
! Reward
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Halatali}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Sastasha}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Sastasha]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Haukke Manor}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Brayflox's Longstop}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Tam-Tara Deepcroft}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Tam-Tara Deepcroft]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Sunken Temple of Qarn}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Cutter's Cry}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Copperbell Mines}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Copperbell Mines]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Stone Vigil}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Dzemael Darkhold}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Halatali}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Halatali]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Aurum Vale}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Wanderer's Palace}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Castrum Meridianum}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Praetorium}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Haukke Manor}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Haukke Manor]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Amdapor Keep}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Pharos Sirius}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Brayflox's Longstop}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Brayflox's Longstop]].||
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Copperbell Mines}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Haukke Manor}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Sunken Temple of Qarn}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Sunken Temple of Qarn]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Lost City of Amdapor}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Halatali}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Cutter's Cry}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Cutter's Cry]].||
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Brayflox's Longstop}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Hullbreaker Isle}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Stone Vigil}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Stone Vigil]].||
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Tam-Tara Deepcroft}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Stone Vigil}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Dzemael Darkhold}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Dzemael Darkhold]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Snowcloak}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Sastasha}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Aurum Vale}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Aurum Vale]].||
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Sunken Temple of Qarn}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Keeper of the Lake}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Wanderer's Palace}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Wanderer's Palace]].||
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: The Wanderer's Palace}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Amdapor Keep}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Castrum Meridianum}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Castrum Meridianum]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Dusk Vigil}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Sohm Al}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Praetorium}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Praetorium]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Aery}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Vault}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Amdapor Keep}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Amdapor Keep]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Great Gubal Library}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Aetherochemical Research Facility}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Pharos Sirius}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Pharos Sirius]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Neverreap}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Fractal Continuum}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Copperbell Mines}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Copperbell Mines (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Saint Mocianne's Arboretum}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Pharos Sirius}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Haukke Manor}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Haukke Manor (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Antitower}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: The Lost City of Amdapor}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Lost City of Amdapor}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Lost City of Amdapor]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Sohr Khai}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Hullbreaker Isle}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Halatali}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Halatali (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Xelphatol}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: The Great Gubal Library}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Brayflox's Longstop}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Baelsar's Wall}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Sohm Al}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Hullbreaker Isle}}||10|| Discover every location on [[Hullbreaker Isle]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Ship Graveyard}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Shisui of the Violet Tides}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Tam-Tara Deepcroft}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Bardam's Mettle}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Doma Castle}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Stone Vigil}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Stone Vigil (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Castrum Abania}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Ala Mhigo}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Snowcloak}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Snowcloak]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Kugane Castle}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Temple of the Fist}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Sastasha}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Sastasha (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Skalla}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Hells' Lid}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Sunken Temple of Qarn}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Fractal Continuum}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Swallow's Compass}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Keeper of the Lake}}||10|| Discover every location within [[The Keeper of the Lake|the fallen Agrius]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Burn}}
{{achievement table row|Remapping the Realm: Saint Mocianne's Arboretum}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: The Wanderer's Palace}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Wanderer's Palace (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Ghimlyt Dark}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Holminster Switch}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Amdapor Keep}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Amdapor Keep (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Dohn Mheg}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Qitana Ravel}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Dusk Vigil}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Dusk Vigil]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Malikah's Well}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Mt. Gulg}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Sohm Al}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Sohm Al]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Amaurot}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Twinning}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Aery}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Aery]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Akadaemia Anyder}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Grand Cosmos}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Vault}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Vault]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Anamnesis Anyder}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Heroes' Gauntlet}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Great Gubal Library}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Great Gubal Library]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Matoya's Relict}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Paglth'an}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Aetherochemical Research Facility}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Aetherochemical Research Facility]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Tower of Zot}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Tower of Babil}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Neverreap}}||10|| Discover every location on [[Neverreap]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Vanaspati}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Ktisis Hyperboreia}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Fractal Continuum}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Fractal Continuum]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Aitiascope}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Dead Ends}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Saint Mocianne's Arboretum}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Saint Mocianne's Arboretum]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Smileton}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Stigma Dreamscape}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Pharos Sirius}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Pharos Sirius (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Alzadaal's Legacy}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Fell Court of Troia}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Antitower}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Antitower]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Labyrinth of the Ancients}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Syrcus Tower}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: The Lost City of Amdapor}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The World of Darkness}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut I}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Sohr Khai}}||10|| Discover every location in [[Sohr Khai]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut II}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut III}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Hullbreaker Isle}}||10|| Discover every location in [[Hullbreaker Isle (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut V}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Second Coil of Bahamut I}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Xelphatol}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Xelphatol]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Second Coil of Bahamut II}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Second Coil of Bahamut III}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: The Great Gubal Library}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Great Gubal Library (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Final Coil of Bahamut I}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Final Coil of Bahamut II}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Baelsar's Wall}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Baelsar's Wall]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Void Ark}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Weeping City of Mhach}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Sohm Al}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Sohm Al (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Dun Scaith}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Gordias I}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Ship Graveyard}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Ship Graveyard]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Gordias II}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Gordias III}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Shisui of the Violet Tides}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Shisui of the Violet Tides]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Midas I}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Midas II}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Bardam's Mettle}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Bardam's Mettle]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Midas III}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Alexander I}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Doma Castle}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Doma Castle]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Alexander II}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Alexander III}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Castrum Abania}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Castrum Abania]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Rabanastre}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Ridorana Lighthouse}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Ala Mhigo}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Ala Mhigo]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Orbonne Monastery}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Copied Factory}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Kugane Castle}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Kugane Castle]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Puppets' Bunker}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Tower at Paradigm's Breach}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Temple of the Fist}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Temple of the Fist]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Aglaia}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Diadem}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Skalla}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Drowned City of Skalla]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Eureka Anemos}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Eureka Pagos}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Hells' Lid}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Hells' Lid]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Eureka Pyros}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Eureka Hydatos}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Fractal Continuum}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Fractal Continuum (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Making the Most of Anemos}}
{{achievement table row|Making the Most of Pagos}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Swallow's Compass}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Swallow's Compass]].||
{{achievement table row|Making the Most of Pyros}}
{{achievement table row|Making the Most of Hydatos}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Burn}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Burn]].||
{{achievement table row|Really Making the Most of Hydatos}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Bozjan Southern Front}}
|{{item icon|Remapping the Realm: Saint Mocianne's Arboretum}}||10|| Discover every location in [[Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard)]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Zadnor}}
{{achievement table row|Annals of War}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Ghimlyt Dark}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Ghimlyt Dark]].||
{{achievement table row|Annals of Archaeology}}
{{achievement table row|Annals of Liberation}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Holminster Switch}}||10|| Discover every location in [[Holminster Switch]].||
{{achievement table row|A Complete History}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Sil'dihn Subterrane}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Dohn Mheg}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Dohn Mheg]].||
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: Another Sil'dihn Subterrane}}
{{achievement table row|Dig Deep: The Sil'dihn Subterrane}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Qitana Ravel}}||10|| Discover every location within the [[Qitana Ravel]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Malikah's Well}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Malikah's Well]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Mt. Gulg}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Mt. Gulg]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Amaurot}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Amaurot]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Twinning}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Twinning]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Akadaemia Anyder}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Akadaemia Anyder]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Grand Cosmos}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Grand Cosmos]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Anamnesis Anyder}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Anamnesis Anyder]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Heroes' Gauntlet}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Heroes' Gauntlet]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Matoya's Relict}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Matoya's Relict]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Paglth'an}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Paglth'an]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Tower of Zot}}||10|| Discover every location within the [[Tower of Zot]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Tower of Babil}}||10|| Discover every location within the [[Tower of Babil]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Vanaspati}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Vanaspati]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Ktisis Hyperboreia}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Ktisis Hyperboreia]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Aitiascope}}||10|| Discover every location within the [[Aitiascope]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Dead Ends}}||10|| Discover every location within the [[Dead Ends]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Smileton}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Smileton]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Stigma Dreamscape}}||10|| Discover every location within the [[Stigma Dreamscape]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Alzadaal's Legacy}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alzadaal's Legacy]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Fell Court of Troia}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Fell Court of Troia]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Labyrinth of the Ancients}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Labyrinth of the Ancients]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Syrcus Tower}}||10|| Discover every location in [[Syrcus Tower]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The World of Darkness}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the World of Darkness]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut I}}||10|| Discover every location within [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1|the first turn]] of [[the Binding Coil of Bahamut]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut II}}||10|| Discover every location within[[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2|the second turn]] of [[the Binding Coil of Bahamut]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut III}}||10|| Discover every location within [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3|the third turn]] of [[the Binding Coil of Bahamut]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut V}}||10|| Discover every location within [[The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5|the fifth turn]] of [[the Binding Coil of Bahamut]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Second Coil of Bahamut I}}||10|| Discover every location within [[The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1|the first turn]] of [[the Second Coil of Bahamut]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Second Coil of Bahamut II}}||10|| Discover every location within [[The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2|the second turn]] of [[the Second Coil of Bahamut]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Second Coil of Bahamut III}}||10|| Discover every location within [[The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3|the third turn]] of [[the Second Coil of Bahamut]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Final Coil of Bahamut I}}||10|| Discover every location within [[The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1|the first turn]] of [[the Final Coil of Bahamut]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Final Coil of Bahamut II}}||10|| Discover every location within [[The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2|the second turn]] of [[the Final Coil of Bahamut]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Void Ark}}||10|| Discover every location on the [[Void Ark]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Weeping City of Mhach}}||10|| Discover every location in [[the Weeping City of Mhach]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Dun Scaith}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Dun Scaith]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Gordias I}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alexander - The Fist of the Father|Alexander: Gordias - the Fist of the Father]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Gordias II}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alexander - The Cuff of the Father|Alexander: Gordias - the Cuff of the Father]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Gordias III}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alexander - The Arm of the Father|Alexander: Gordias - the Arm of the Father]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Midas I}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alexander - The Fist of the Son|Alexander: Midas - the Fist of the Son]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Midas II}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alexander - The Cuff of the Son|Alexander: Midas - the Cuff of the Son]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Midas III}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alexander - The Arm of the Son|Alexander: Midas - the Arm of the Son]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Alexander I}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator|Alexander - the Eyes of the Creator]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Alexander II}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alexander - The Breath of the Creator|Alexander - the Breath of the Creator]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Alexander III}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Alexander - The Heart of the Creator|Alexander - the Heart of the Creator]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Rabanastre}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Royal City of Rabanastre]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Ridorana Lighthouse}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Ridorana Lighthouse]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Orbonne Monastery}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Orbonne Monastery]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Copied Factory}}||10|| Discover every location within the [[Copied Factory]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Puppets' Bunker}}||10|| Discover every location within the [[Puppets' Bunker]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Tower at Paradigm's Breach}}||10|| Discover every location within the [[Tower at Paradigm's Breach]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Aglaia}}||10|| Discover every location within [[Aglaia]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Diadem}}||10|| Discover every location in the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Foot in the Clouds I}}||5|| Receive an evaluation of 200 or better on an exploratory mission to the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Foot in the Clouds II}}||10|| Receive an evaluation of 200 or better on a total of 10 exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Foot in the Clouds III}}||20|| Receive an evaluation of 200 or better on a total of 100 exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Hand in the Clouds I}}||5|| Receive an evaluation of 400 or better on an exploratory mission to the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Hand in the Clouds II}}||10|| Receive an evaluation of 400 or better on a total of 10 exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Hand in the Clouds III}}||20|| Receive an evaluation of 400 or better on a total of 100 exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Head in the Clouds I}}||5|| Receive an evaluation of 600 or better on an exploratory mission to the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Head in the Clouds II}}||10|| Receive an evaluation of 600 or better on a total of 10 exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Head in the Clouds III}}||20|| Receive an evaluation of 600 or better on a total of 100 exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Crown of Thorns I}}||5|| Slay a notorious monster on an exploratory mission to the [[Diadem]] of any difficulty.||
|{{item icon|Crown of Thorns II}}||5|| Slay a total of 5 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]] of any difficulty.||
|{{item icon|Crown of Thorns III}}||5|| Slay a total of 10 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]] of any difficulty.||
|{{item icon|Crown of Thorns IV}}||10|| Slay a total of 50 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]] of any difficulty.||
|{{item icon|Crown of Thorns V}}||20|| Slay a total of 100 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the [[Diadem]] of any difficulty.|| Title: Notorious Monster Slayer
|{{item icon|Have a Haillenarte I}}||5|| Complete a Haillenarte exploratory operation in the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Have a Haillenarte II}}||5|| Complete 10 Haillenarte exploratory operations in the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Have a Haillenarte III}}||10|| Complete 30 Haillenarte exploratory operations in the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Have a Haillenarte IV}}||20|| Complete 100 Haillenarte exploratory operations in the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Crowning Achievement I}}||5|| Successfully complete 30 [[FATEs]] in the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Crowning Achievement II}}||5|| Successfully complete 100 [[FATEs]] in the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Crowning Achievement III}}||10|| Successfully complete 300 [[FATEs]] in the [[Diadem]].||
|{{item icon|Gem and the Hallowed Lands}}||10|| Successfully complete a Haillenarte exploratory operation on the [[Missing Gem]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Eureka Anemos}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Eureka Pagos}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Eureka Pyros}}||10|| Discover every location within [[the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros]].||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Eureka Hydatos}}||10|| Discover every location within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos.||
|{{item icon|Making the Most of Anemos}}||10|| Complete all the scenario quests within [[the Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos]].||
|{{item icon|Making the Most of Pagos}}||10|| Complete all the scenario quests within [[the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos]].||
|{{item icon|Making the Most of Pyros}}||10|| Complete all the scenario quests within [[the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros]].||
|{{item icon|Making the Most of Hydatos}}||10|| Complete all the story objectives within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos.|| Title: Eurekan Explorer
|{{item icon|Really Making the Most of Hydatos}}||0|| Truly complete all the story objectives within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos.||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Bozjan Southern Front}}||10|| Discover every location at the Bozjan southern front.||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Zadnor}}||10|| Discover every location in Zadnor.||
|{{item icon|Annals of War}}||10|| Complete all Bozjan southern front entries in your field record.||
|{{item icon|Annals of Archaeology}}||10|| Complete all Delubrum Reginae entries in your field record.||
|{{item icon|Annals of Liberation}}||10|| Complete all Zadnor entries in your field record.||
|{{item icon|A Complete History}}||20|| Obtain the achievements [[Annals of War]], [[Annals of Archaeology]] and [[Annals of Liberation]].|| {{item icon|Al-iklil Identification Key}}
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: The Sil'dihn Subterrane}}||10||Discover every location within the Sil'dihn Subterrane variant dungeon.||
|{{item icon|Mapping the Realm: Another Sil'dihn Subterrane}}||10||Discover every location within Another Sil'dihn Subterrane.||
|{{item icon|Dig Deep: The Sil'dihn Subterrane}}||10|| Unlock all survey records in the Sil'dihn Subterrane.|| {{item icon|Silkie Whistle}}
The following achievements are from the original version of [[The Diadem/Old|The Diadem]] and are no longer obtainable.
{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Foot in the Clouds I}}
{{achievement table row|Foot in the Clouds II}}
{{achievement table row|Foot in the Clouds III}}
{{achievement table row|Hand in the Clouds I}}
{{achievement table row|Hand in the Clouds II}}
{{achievement table row|Hand in the Clouds III}}
{{achievement table row|Head in the Clouds I}}
{{achievement table row|Head in the Clouds II}}
{{achievement table row|Head in the Clouds III}}
{{achievement table row|Crown of Thorns I}}
{{achievement table row|Crown of Thorns II}}
{{achievement table row|Crown of Thorns III}}
{{achievement table row|Crown of Thorns IV}}
{{achievement table row|Crown of Thorns V}}
{{achievement table row|Have a Haillenarte I}}
{{achievement table row|Have a Haillenarte II}}
{{achievement table row|Have a Haillenarte III}}
{{achievement table row|Have a Haillenarte IV}}
{{achievement table row|Crowning Achievement I}}
{{achievement table row|Crowning Achievement II}}
{{achievement table row|Crowning Achievement III}}
{{achievement table row|Gem and the Hallowed Lands}}
[[Category:Exploration achievements]]

Revision as of 04:18, 26 December 2022

See also: Exploration Achievements
Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm sastasha icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Sastasha 10 Discover every location within Sastasha. - 2.0
Mapping the realm tam-tara deepcroft icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Tam-Tara Deepcroft 10 Discover every location within the Tam-Tara Deepcroft. - 2.0
Mapping the realm copperbell mines icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Copperbell Mines 10 Discover every location within Copperbell Mines. - 2.0
Mapping the realm halatali icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Halatali 10 Discover every location within Halatali. - 2.0
Mapping the realm thousand maws of toto-rak icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak 10 Discover every location within the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak. - 2.0
Mapping the realm haukke manor icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Haukke Manor 10 Discover every location within Haukke Manor. - 2.0
Mapping the realm brayflox's longstop icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Brayflox's Longstop 10 Discover every location within Brayflox's Longstop. - 2.0
Mapping the realm sunken temple of qarn icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Sunken Temple of Qarn 10 Discover every location within the Sunken Temple of Qarn. - 2.0
Mapping the realm cutter's cry icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Cutter's Cry 10 Discover every location within Cutter's Cry. - 2.0
Mapping the realm stone vigil icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Stone Vigil 10 Discover every location within the Stone Vigil. - 2.0
Mapping the realm dzemael darkhold icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Dzemael Darkhold 10 Discover every location within Dzemael Darkhold. - 2.0
Mapping the realm aurum vale icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Aurum Vale 10 Discover every location within the Aurum Vale. - 2.0
Mapping the realm the wanderer's palace icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Wanderer's Palace 10 Discover every location within the Wanderer's Palace. - 2.0
Mapping the realm castrum meridianum icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Castrum Meridianum 10 Discover every location within Castrum Meridianum. - 2.0
Mapping the realm praetorium icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Praetorium 10 Discover every location within the Praetorium. - 2.0
Mapping the realm amdapor keep icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Amdapor Keep 10 Discover every location within Amdapor Keep. - 2.0
Mapping the realm pharos sirius icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Pharos Sirius 10 Discover every location within Pharos Sirius. - 2.1
Remapping the realm copperbell mines icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Copperbell Mines 10 Discover every location within Copperbell Mines (Hard). - 2.1
Remapping the realm haukke manor icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Haukke Manor 10 Discover every location within Haukke Manor (Hard). - 2.1
Mapping the realm the lost city of amdapor icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Lost City of Amdapor 10 Discover every location within the Lost City of Amdapor. - 2.2
Remapping the realm halatali icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Halatali 10 Discover every location within Halatali (Hard). - 2.2
Remapping the realm brayflox's longstop icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Brayflox's Longstop 10 Discover every location within Brayflox's Longstop (Hard). - 2.2
Mapping the realm hullbreaker isle icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Hullbreaker Isle 10 Discover every location on Hullbreaker Isle. - 2.3
Remapping the realm tam-tara deepcroft icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Tam-Tara Deepcroft 10 Discover every location in the Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard). - 2.3
Remapping the realm stone vigil icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Stone Vigil 10 Discover every location in the Stone Vigil (Hard). - 2.3
Mapping the realm snowcloak icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Snowcloak 10 Discover every location within Snowcloak. - 2.4
Remapping the realm sastasha icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Sastasha 10 Discover every location within Sastasha (Hard). - 2.4
Remapping the realm sunken temple of qarn icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Sunken Temple of Qarn 10 Discover every location within the Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard). - 2.4
Mapping the realm the keeper of the lake icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Keeper of the Lake 10 Discover every location within the fallen Agrius. - 2.5
Remapping the realm the wanderer's palace icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: The Wanderer's Palace 10 Discover every location within the Wanderer's Palace (Hard). - 2.5
Remapping the realm amdapor keep icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Amdapor Keep 10 Discover every location within Amdapor Keep (Hard). - 2.5
Mapping the realm dusk vigil icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Dusk Vigil 10 Discover every location in the Dusk Vigil. - 3.0
Mapping the realm sohm al icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Sohm Al 10 Discover every location within Sohm Al. - 3.0
Mapping the realm the aery icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Aery 10 Discover every location in the Aery. - 3.0
Mapping the realm the vault icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Vault 10 Discover every location within the Vault. - 3.0
Mapping the realm great gubal library icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Great Gubal Library 10 Discover every location in the Great Gubal Library. - 3.0
Mapping the realm aetherochemical research facility icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Aetherochemical Research Facility 10 Discover every location in the Aetherochemical Research Facility. - 3.0
Mapping the realm neverreap icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Neverreap 10 Discover every location on Neverreap. - 3.0
Mapping the realm fractal continuum icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Fractal Continuum 10 Discover every location in the Fractal Continuum. - 3.0
Mapping the realm saint mocianne's arboretum icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Saint Mocianne's Arboretum 10 Discover every location within Saint Mocianne's Arboretum. - 3.1
Remapping the realm pharos sirius icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Pharos Sirius 10 Discover every location within Pharos Sirius (Hard). - 3.1
Mapping the realm the antitower icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Antitower 10 Discover every location within the Antitower. - 3.2
Remapping the realm the lost city of amdapor icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: The Lost City of Amdapor 10 Discover every location within the Lost City of Amdapor (Hard). - 3.2
Mapping the realm sohr khai icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Sohr Khai 10 Discover every location in Sohr Khai. - 3.3
Remapping the realm hullbreaker isle icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Hullbreaker Isle 10 Discover every location in Hullbreaker Isle (Hard). - 3.3
Mapping the realm xelphatol icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Xelphatol 10 Discover every location within Xelphatol. - 3.4
Remapping the realm the great gubal library icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: The Great Gubal Library 10 Discover every location within the Great Gubal Library (Hard). - 3.4
Mapping the realm baelsar's wall icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Baelsar's Wall 10 Discover every location within Baelsar's Wall. - 3.5
Remapping the realm sohm al icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Sohm Al 10 Discover every location within Sohm Al (Hard). - 3.5
Mapping the realm the ship graveyard icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Ship Graveyard 10 Discover every location within the Ship Graveyard. - 4.0
Mapping the realm shisui of the violet tides icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Shisui of the Violet Tides 10 Discover every location within Shisui of the Violet Tides. - 4.0
Mapping the realm bardam's mettle icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Bardam's Mettle 10 Discover every location within Bardam's Mettle. - 4.0
Mapping the realm doma castle icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Doma Castle 10 Discover every location within Doma Castle. - 4.0
Mapping the realm castrum abania icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Castrum Abania 10 Discover every location within Castrum Abania. - 4.0
Mapping the realm ala mhigo icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Ala Mhigo 10 Discover every location within Ala Mhigo. - 4.0
Mapping the realm kugane castle icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Kugane Castle 10 Discover every location within Kugane Castle. - 4.0
Mapping the realm the temple of the fist icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Temple of the Fist 10 Discover every location within the Temple of the Fist. - 4.0
Mapping the realm skalla icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Skalla 10 Discover every location within the Drowned City of Skalla. - 4.1
Mapping the realm hells' lid icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Hells' Lid 10 Discover every location within Hells' Lid. - 4.2
Remapping the realm fractal continuum icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Fractal Continuum 10 Discover every location in the Fractal Continuum (Hard). - 4.2
Mapping the realm the swallow's compass icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Swallow's Compass 10 Discover every location within the Swallow's Compass. - 4.3
Mapping the realm the burn icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Burn 10 Discover every location within the Burn. - 4.4
Remapping the realm saint mocianne's arboretum icon1.png  Remapping the Realm: Saint Mocianne's Arboretum 10 Discover every location in Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard). - 4.4
Mapping the realm the ghimlyt dark icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Ghimlyt Dark 10 Discover every location within the Ghimlyt Dark. - 4.5
Mapping the realm holminster switch icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Holminster Switch 10 Discover every location in Holminster Switch. - 5.0
Mapping the realm dohn mheg icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Dohn Mheg 10 Discover every location within Dohn Mheg. - 5.0
Mapping the realm the qitana ravel icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Qitana Ravel 10 Discover every location within the Qitana Ravel. - 5.0
Mapping the realm malikah's well icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Malikah's Well 10 Discover every location within Malikah's Well. - 5.0
Mapping the realm mt. gulg icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Mt. Gulg 10 Discover every location within Mt. Gulg. - 5.0
Mapping the realm amaurot icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Amaurot 10 Discover every location within Amaurot. - 5.0
Mapping the realm the twinning icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Twinning 10 Discover every location within the Twinning. - 5.0
Mapping the realm akadaemia anyder icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Akadaemia Anyder 10 Discover every location within Akadaemia Anyder. - 5.0
Mapping the realm the grand cosmos icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Grand Cosmos 10 Discover every location within the Grand Cosmos. - 5.1
Mapping the realm anamnesis anyder icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Anamnesis Anyder 10 Discover every location within Anamnesis Anyder. - 5.2
Mapping the realm the heroes' gauntlet icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Heroes' Gauntlet 10 Discover every location within the Heroes' Gauntlet. - 5.45
Mapping the realm matoya's relict icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Matoya's Relict 10 Discover every location within Matoya's Relict. - 5.45
Mapping the realm paglth'an icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Paglth'an 10 Discover every location within Paglth'an. - 5.5
Mapping the realm the tower of zot icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Tower of Zot 10 Discover every location within the Tower of Zot. - 6.0
Mapping the realm the tower of babil icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Tower of Babil 10 Discover every location within the Tower of Babil. - 6.0
Mapping the realm vanaspati icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Vanaspati 10 Discover every location within Vanaspati. - 6.0
Mapping the realm ktisis hyperboreia icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Ktisis Hyperboreia 10 Discover every location within Ktisis Hyperboreia. - 6.0
Mapping the realm the aitiascope icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Aitiascope 10 Discover every location within the Aitiascope. - 6.0
Mapping the realm the dead ends icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Dead Ends 10 Discover every location within the Dead Ends. - 6.0
Mapping the realm smileton icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Smileton 10 Discover every location within Smileton. - 6.0
Mapping the realm the stigma dreamscape icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Stigma Dreamscape 10 Discover every location within the Stigma Dreamscape. - 6.0
Mapping the realm alzadaal's legacy icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Alzadaal's Legacy 10 Discover every location within Alzadaal's Legacy. - 6.1
Mapping the realm the fell court of troia icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Fell Court of Troia 10 Discover every location within the Fell Court of Troia. - 6.2
Mapping the realm labyrinth of the ancients icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Labyrinth of the Ancients 10 Discover every location in the Labyrinth of the Ancients. - 2.1
Mapping the realm syrcus tower icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Syrcus Tower 10 Discover every location in Syrcus Tower. - 2.3
Mapping the realm the world of darkness icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The World of Darkness 10 Discover every location within the World of Darkness. - 2.5
Mapping the realm the binding coil of bahamut i icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut I 10 Discover every location within the first turn of the Binding Coil of Bahamut. - 2.0
Mapping the realm the binding coil of bahamut ii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut II 10 Discover every location within the second turn of the Binding Coil of Bahamut. - 2.0
Mapping the realm the binding coil of bahamut iii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut III 10 Discover every location within the third turn of the Binding Coil of Bahamut. - 2.0
Mapping the realm the binding coil of bahamut v icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Binding Coil of Bahamut V 10 Discover every location within the fifth turn of the Binding Coil of Bahamut. - 2.0
Mapping the realm the second coil of bahamut i icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Second Coil of Bahamut I 10 Discover every location within the first turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut. - 2.2
Mapping the realm the second coil of bahamut ii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Second Coil of Bahamut II 10 Discover every location within the second turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut. - 2.2
Mapping the realm the second coil of bahamut iii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Second Coil of Bahamut III 10 Discover every location within the third turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut. - 2.2
Mapping the realm the final coil of bahamut i icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Final Coil of Bahamut I 10 Discover every location within the first turn of the Final Coil of Bahamut. - 2.4
Mapping the realm the final coil of bahamut ii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Final Coil of Bahamut II 10 Discover every location within the second turn of the Final Coil of Bahamut. - 2.4
Mapping the realm the void ark icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Void Ark 10 Discover every location on the Void Ark. - 3.1
Mapping the realm the weeping city of mhach icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Weeping City of Mhach 10 Discover every location in the Weeping City of Mhach. - 3.3
Mapping the realm dun scaith icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Dun Scaith 10 Discover every location within Dun Scaith. - 3.5
Mapping the realm gordias i icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Gordias I 10 Discover every location within Alexander: Gordias - the Fist of the Father. - 3.01
Mapping the realm gordias ii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Gordias II 10 Discover every location within Alexander: Gordias - the Cuff of the Father. - 3.01
Mapping the realm gordias iii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Gordias III 10 Discover every location within Alexander: Gordias - the Arm of the Father. - 3.01
Mapping the realm midas i icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Midas I 10 Discover every location within Alexander: Midas - the Fist of the Son. - 3.2
Mapping the realm midas ii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Midas II 10 Discover every location within Alexander: Midas - the Cuff of the Son. - 3.2
Mapping the realm midas iii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Midas III 10 Discover every location within Alexander: Midas - the Arm of the Son. - 3.2
Mapping the realm alexander i icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Alexander I 10 Discover every location within Alexander - the Eyes of the Creator. - 3.4
Mapping the realm alexander ii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Alexander II 10 Discover every location within Alexander - the Breath of the Creator. - 3.4
Mapping the realm alexander iii icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Alexander III 10 Discover every location within Alexander - the Heart of the Creator. - 3.4
Mapping the realm rabanastre icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Rabanastre 10 Discover every location within the Royal City of Rabanastre. - 4.1
Mapping the realm the ridorana lighthouse icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Ridorana Lighthouse 10 Discover every location within the Ridorana Lighthouse. - 4.3
Mapping the realm the orbonne monastery icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Orbonne Monastery 10 Discover every location within the Orbonne Monastery. - 4.5
Mapping the realm the copied factory icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Copied Factory 10 Discover every location within the Copied Factory. - 5.1
Mapping the realm the puppets' bunker icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Puppets' Bunker 10 Discover every location within the Puppets' Bunker. - 5.45
Mapping the realm the tower at paradigm's breach icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Tower at Paradigm's Breach 10 Discover every location within the Tower at Paradigm's Breach. - 5.5
Mapping the realm aglaia icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Aglaia 10 Discover every location within Aglaia. - 6.1
Mapping the realm the diadem icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Diadem 10 Discover every location in the Diadem. - 3.1
Mapping the realm eureka anemos icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Eureka Anemos 10 Discover every location within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos. - 4.25
Mapping the realm eureka pagos icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Eureka Pagos 10 Discover every location within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos. - 4.36
Mapping the realm eureka pyros icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Eureka Pyros 10 Discover every location within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros. - 4.45
Mapping the realm eureka hydatos icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Eureka Hydatos 10 Discover every location within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos. - 4.55
Making the most of anemos icon1.png  Making the Most of Anemos 10 Complete all the scenario quests within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos. - 4.25
Making the most of pagos icon1.png  Making the Most of Pagos 10 Complete all the scenario quests within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos. - 4.36
Making the most of pyros icon1.png  Making the Most of Pyros 10 Complete all the scenario quests within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros. - 4.45
Making the most of hydatos icon1.png  Making the Most of Hydatos 10 Complete all the story objectives within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos. Achievement title icon.png Eurekan Explorer 4.55
Really making the most of hydatos icon1.png  Really Making the Most of Hydatos 0 Truly complete all the story objectives within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos. - 4.55
Mapping the realm the bozjan southern front icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Bozjan Southern Front 10 Discover every location at the Bozjan southern front. - 5.45
Mapping the realm zadnor icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Zadnor 10 Discover every location in Zadnor. - 5.55
Annals of war icon1.png  Annals of War 10 Complete all Bozjan southern front entries in your field record. - 5.45
Annals of archaeology icon1.png  Annals of Archaeology 10 Complete all Delubrum Reginae entries in your field record. - 5.45
Annals of liberation icon1.png  Annals of Liberation 10 Complete all Zadnor entries in your field record. - 5.55
A complete history icon1.png  A Complete History 20 Obtain the achievements Annals of War, Annals of Archaeology and Annals of Liberation. Al-iklil identification key icon1.png  Al-iklil Identification Key 5.55
Mapping the realm the sil'dihn subterrane icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Sil'dihn Subterrane 10 Discover every location within the Sil'dihn Subterrane variant dungeon. - 6.25
Mapping the realm another sil'dihn subterrane icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Another Sil'dihn Subterrane 10 Discover every location within Another Sil'dihn Subterrane. - 6.25
Dig deep the sil'dihn subterrane icon1.png  Dig Deep: The Sil'dihn Subterrane 10 Unlock all survey records in the Sil'dihn Subterrane. Silkie whistle icon1.png  Silkie Whistle 6.25


The following achievements are from the original version of The Diadem and are no longer obtainable.

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Foot in the clouds i icon1.png  Foot in the Clouds I 5 Receive an evaluation of 200 or better on an exploratory mission to the Diadem. - 3.1
Foot in the clouds ii icon1.png  Foot in the Clouds II 10 Receive an evaluation of 200 or better on a total of 10 exploratory missions to the Diadem. - 3.1
Foot in the clouds iii icon1.png  Foot in the Clouds III 20 Receive an evaluation of 200 or better on a total of 100 exploratory missions to the Diadem. - 3.1
Hand in the clouds i icon1.png  Hand in the Clouds I 5 Receive an evaluation of 400 or better on an exploratory mission to the Diadem. - 3.1
Hand in the clouds ii icon1.png  Hand in the Clouds II 10 Receive an evaluation of 400 or better on a total of 10 exploratory missions to the Diadem. - 3.1
Hand in the clouds iii icon1.png  Hand in the Clouds III 20 Receive an evaluation of 400 or better on a total of 100 exploratory missions to the Diadem. - 3.1
Head in the clouds i icon1.png  Head in the Clouds I 5 Receive an evaluation of 600 or better on an exploratory mission to the Diadem. - 3.1
Head in the clouds ii icon1.png  Head in the Clouds II 10 Receive an evaluation of 600 or better on a total of 10 exploratory missions to the Diadem. - 3.1
Head in the clouds iii icon1.png  Head in the Clouds III 20 Receive an evaluation of 600 or better on a total of 100 exploratory missions to the Diadem. - 3.1
Crown of thorns i icon1.png  Crown of Thorns I 5 Slay a notorious monster on an exploratory mission to the Diadem of any difficulty. - 3.1
Crown of thorns ii icon1.png  Crown of Thorns II 5 Slay a total of 5 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem of any difficulty. - 3.1
Crown of thorns iii icon1.png  Crown of Thorns III 5 Slay a total of 10 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem of any difficulty. - 3.1
Crown of thorns iv icon1.png  Crown of Thorns IV 10 Slay a total of 50 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem of any difficulty. - 3.1
Crown of thorns v icon1.png  Crown of Thorns V 20 Slay a total of 100 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem of any difficulty. Achievement title icon.png Notorious Monster Slayer 3.1
Have a haillenarte i icon1.png  Have a Haillenarte I 5 Complete a Haillenarte exploratory operation in the Diadem. - 3.55b
Have a haillenarte ii icon1.png  Have a Haillenarte II 5 Complete 10 Haillenarte exploratory operations in the Diadem. - 3.55b
Have a haillenarte iii icon1.png  Have a Haillenarte III 10 Complete 30 Haillenarte exploratory operations in the Diadem. - 3.55b
Have a haillenarte iv icon1.png  Have a Haillenarte IV 20 Complete 100 Haillenarte exploratory operations in the Diadem. - 3.55b
Crowning achievement i icon1.png  Crowning Achievement I 5 Successfully complete 30 FATEs in the Diadem. - 3.55b
Crowning achievement ii icon1.png  Crowning Achievement II 5 Successfully complete 100 FATEs in the Diadem. - 3.55b
Crowning achievement iii icon1.png  Crowning Achievement III 10 Successfully complete 300 FATEs in the Diadem. - 3.55b
Gem and the hallowed lands icon1.png  Gem and the Hallowed Lands 10 Successfully complete a Haillenarte exploratory operation on the Missing Gem. - 3.55b