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| location = The Rising Stones
| location = The Rising Stones
| coordinates = 6.1,5.2
| coordinates = 6.1,5.2
| title =
| title = The Antecedent
| gender = Female
| gender = Female
| age = 27
| age = 27

Revision as of 21:15, 9 October 2022

Journal icon1.png


Minfilia ARR.png

The Antecedent
Female ♀
Hyur (Highlander)
The Rising Stones (6.1,5.2)
Ala Mhigo
Path of the Twelve
Scions of the Seventh Dawn
F'lhaminn (adoptive mother)
Quest NPC
Voiced by (JP)
Miyuki Sawashiro
Voiced by (EN)
Amy Bolton (ARR),
Zoë Tapper

"Come what may, we Scions will never give up the fight."

A woman whose gentle eyes and caring demeanor conceal a steely determination. Amidst the chaos that reigns in the wake of the Calamity, Minfilia seeks to find a hero who will help to usher in an era of enduring peace. She is said to harbor a keen interest in preternatural phenomena.

— In-game description

Minfilia is a Hyur in The Rising Stones.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Wild Rose by Any Other Name Main Scenario quest 17 Minfilia Warde
Life, Materia and Everything Main Scenario quest 19 Minfilia Warde
Lord of the Inferno Main Scenario quest 20 Minfilia Warde
A Hero in the Making Main Scenario quest 20 Minfilia Warde
Sylph-management Main Scenario quest 20 Minfilia Warde
Shadow of Darkness Main Scenario quest 24 Minfilia Warde
Meeting with the Resistance Main Scenario quest 26 Minfilia Warde
Terror at Fallgourd Main Scenario quest 27 Minfilia Warde
Wrath of the Titan Main Scenario quest 30 Minfilia Warde
The Black Wolf's Ultimatum Main Scenario quest 46 Minfilia Warde
Operation Archon Main Scenario quest 49 Minfilia Warde
The Price of Principles Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Moving On Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Laying the Foundation Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
The Gifted Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Build on the Stone Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Still Waters Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
The Sea Rises Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
The Great Divide Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Lord of Levin Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Guardian of Eorzea Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Heretical Harassment Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Traitor in the Midst Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
A Simple Plan Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
The Instruments of Our Deliverance Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
The Reason Roaille Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Good Intentions Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
In Memory of Moenbryda Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Mask of Grief Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Volunteer Dragonslayers Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Administrative Decision Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
An Unexpected Ambition Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Where We Are Needed Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
A Time to Every Purpose Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Come, but Not Gone Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
A Recurring Problem Feature quest 50 Minfilia Warde

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Dressed to Deceive Main Scenario quest 19 Isembard
Back from the Wood Main Scenario quest 24 Vorsaile Heuloix
Foot in the Door Main Scenario quest 25 Gisilbehrt
Back to Square One Main Scenario quest 27 Gundobald
Skeletons in Her Closet Main Scenario quest 28 Ursandel
All Good Things Main Scenario quest 34 Y'shtola
Escape from Castrum Centri Main Scenario quest 46 Cid
What Little Gods Are Made Of Main Scenario quest 50 Serpent Lieutenant
Through the Maelstrom Main Scenario quest 50 Yugiri
The Ultimate Weapon Main Scenario quest 50 Raubahn

The Rising Chorus Main Scenario quest 50 Tataru
The Least among Us Main Scenario quest 50 Unsettled Scholar
Stories We Tell Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
In Flagrante Delicto Main Scenario quest 50 Ilberd
Into the Heart of the Whorl Main Scenario quest 50 Merlwyb
It's Possibly a Primal Main Scenario quest 50 Slafborn
Let Us Cling Together Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
Lord of the Whorl Main Scenario quest 50 Eynzahr Slafyrsyn
On the Properties of Primals Main Scenario quest 50 Raya-O-Senna
Rock the Castrum Main Scenario quest 50 Edelstein
Eyes Unclouded Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
Committed to the Cause Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
Coming to Terms Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
An Uninvited Ascian Main Scenario quest 50 Edelstein
All Things in Time Main Scenario quest 50 F'lhaminn
Best Laid Schemes Main Scenario quest 50 Ilberd
Ancient Ways, Timeless Wants Main Scenario quest 50 Tataru
All Due Respect Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
Aether on Demand Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud

Additional Information

Though canonically a Highlander, female Highlanders weren't playable during the 1.x era of Final Fantasy XIV. Given that, Minfilia and Yda use Midlander models, emotes, and gear textures.


The Antecedent of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Minfilia (birth-name Ascilia) is a Highlander woman of twenty-seven years. Her father was a Garlean spy whose true loyalties lay with the Ala Mhigan Resistance. However, he perished shortly after their arrival in Ul'dah, gored by a beast that broke free of its fetters during a parade. Minfilia would have been alone in the world but for the kindness of the songstress F'lhaminn, who took her in. Even now, the smell of her adoptive mother's home-cooked meal brings a smile to Minfilia's face.
Around her seventeenth nameday, Minfilia first experienced her uncanny talent to see the past through others' eyes. The following year, she was introduced to Louisoix Leveilleur by her long-time companion, Thancred, and learned that her ability had a name—the Echo. Thereafter, she exchanged many letters with the Archon, working to find people with abilities similar to hers. Thus, she established the Path of the Twelve—an organization which offered sanctuary to those who exhibited traces of the Echo while exploring how best to put their talents to use for the good of the realm. Minfilia is described as a woman whose gentle eyes and caring demeanor conceal a steely determination. Amidst the chaos that reigns in the wake of the Calamity, Minfilia seeks to find a hero who will help usher in an era of enduring peace. She is said to harbor a keen interest in preternatural phenomena. Minfilia is also something of a Miner, and her favorite possession is a small piece of cat's-eye she unearthed as a child.

Mythril Knife: Thancred made a present for Minfilia upon her eighteenth nameday, that she might have something with which to defend herself should such a situation arise. Of Near Eastern design, its blade curves smoothly, and the hilt features a beautiful silver inlay courtesy of the Goldsmiths' Guild.

Initially, Minfilia wished to direct The Path to forging a bond with the Beast Tribes after the Garlean Empire labeled them "The enemy of Eorzea", claiming that their summoning would be used against any who stood against them. Public opinion of the Beast Tribes was already low, and those who could communicate with them via the Echo were looked on less than favorably. Most of the members of The Pathrejected Minfilia's stance, save for a few members, including an Adventurer of high repute. Even following the Amalj'aa and Ifrit rejecting their proposal for peace, Minfilia maintained that the Empire is too strong to stand against if the inhabitants of Eorzea are divided.

Following the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Minfilia, at the behest of Louisoix Leveilleur, merged her remaining members of The Path and his Circle of Knowing to form the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. She was gifted the shards of Tupsimati, Louisoix's staff, which she kept in The Solar.

Five years later, after much efforts of rebuilding, the Scions made their base in Vesper Bay, a port town where they would receive news from all across the continent. Eventually, an adventurer would be invited to join their cause, and Minfilia would teach them about the Echo. After measuring their abilities, Minfilia assigns them to a mission to investigate shipments of crystals being attacked and stolen. These events led to the Amalj'aa kidnapping several Immortal Flames members and the adventurer to sacrifice to Ifrit. When the Primal is slain, Minfilia assigns them the task of keeping an eye out for any Primals that may appear and slay them.

When the Waking Sands are raided by Livia sas Junius and a group of Garlean Soldiers, Minfilia, alongside Tataru Taru, Papalymo and Urianger were kidnapped for the purpose of studying her Echo, while the other members of the Scions who were present were slain. When she wouldn't give them what they wanted, and wouldn't cooperate, she was rescued just before she was about to be transferred to Castrum Meridianum by the Warrior of Light and the other Scions. When Gaius van Baelsar issues an ultimatum to Eorzea: to join the Empire or be destroyed, Minfilia brought the city-state's leaders together to plan a counter offensive to take out not just Gaius, but also the Ultima Weapon, the Eikon-slaying machina created by the Allagan Empire long ago.

Following the thwarting of the Empire's attack, Minfilia worries they had become too public to do their job efficiently, that being to deal with matters without being beholden to any government. The Scions relocated to Revenant's Toll, a frontier settlement in Mor Dhona. Minfilia is also reunited with F'lhaminn, her adoptive mother who disappeared some time ago, and stays by her side at their new headquarters.

Minfilia was approached by the leader of the Ascians, Elidibus, who expressed that he understood the true nature of the Echo, and that it could eliminate the differences between them. When she tried to attack him, he simply rebuffed her.

When Yugiri Mistwalker arrived in Eorzea and her pleas for sanctuary for the Doman refugees were rejected by the Syndicate, Minfilia made arrangements for her and her people to live in Mor Dhona in exchange for frontier work. To show her thanks, Yugiri aided her and the Scions in their investigation of the Sahagin stealing crystals to summon their god, Leviathan. Minfilia joined the investigation in hopes of further understanding the Echo herself. There she witnesses the Sahagin leader using the Echo to escape death, transfer his consciousness into another tribesman, and finish the ritual to summon Leviathan.

Minfilia, with the help of Urianger, formulated a plot to trap the Ascians within White Auracite and prevent them from being reborn when they fall, now that they understand how thanks to the way the Sahagin leader was able to move from being to being. She enlists the assistance of Moenbryda, an expert in Aether. With this, she and the Warrior of Light are able to also track and attack Lady Iceheart, a woman leading a band of heretics from Ishgard on raids for crystal caravans.

When Nabriales attacks Minfilia to steal Tupsimati, their theory is put to the test, when the Warrior of Light defeated the Ascian, and she, the Warrior and Moenbryda used the White Auracite to destroy Nabriales, unfortunately at the cost of Moenbryda's life.

Minfilia joined the rest of the Scions at the banquet following the defending of Ishgard from Vishap and The Horde, but was accused of regicide along with her comrades in a bid by Teledji Adeledji and the Monetarists to seize control of Ul'dah, and pursued by the Brass Blades. She escaped at the side of the Warrior of Light, but suddenly told them to escape ahead of her. In that moment, she was contacted by Hydaelyn. She was brought before the Mothercrystal and bequeathed with part of her power, being chosen to act as The Word of the Mother, the voice of the goddess. She continues to watch over the Warrior of Light in their hardships in Ishgard.

Some time later, during the investigation into where the remaining Scions had disappeared, the Warrior of Light and Krile return to the last location Minfilia was seen, and the Warrior was brought before the Mothercrystal, and learned of Minfilia's fate, and why she was chosen by Hydaelyn. The Scions, after hearing this, choose to continue her mission to better Eorzea in her stead.

When the Warriors of Darkness appeared on Eorzea and began attacking Primals, and eventually came head-to-head with the Scions and the Warrior of Light, thanks to the machinations of Urianger, they were brought before Minfilia, who offered to use the power she was bestowed with to halt the Flood of Light that was destroying their home on The First. She says goodbye to her friends, knowing she most likely will never return.

On The First, with the help of the Warriors of Darkness, she is able to use the last of her power to halt The Flood. She leaves Ardbert's spirit on The First, telling him he has a greater mission to come. She becomes a figure of legend to the people of Norvrandt, and like the Ascians, is able to pass a part of her power to others in an attempt to aid the people in the battle against the Sin Eaters. This continued for a hundred years, until her most recent "reincarnation" was captured and held in prison by Vauthry, a man working in league with the Ascians to control the Sin Eaters to gain power over the remaining people. When the girl is rescued by Thancred after he is accidentally pulled into The First by the Crystal Exarch, she briefly enters the body of the girl, expressing that she has little time remaining, and intends to pass her powers on to her should she accept being the new Oracle of Light.

After the Warrior of Light arrives on The First and becomes involved in the incidents there, the young "Minfilia" realizes that she must accept the true Minfilia's power to effectively hunt the Lightwardens. She meets with Minfilia, and is blessed with the last vestiges of her power. She thanks her and the Warrior of Light for everything they've done, then passes away, back into aether and returns to the Lifestream. Hydaelyn, grateful for everything she did, returns her aether back to The Source.

Some time later, when the Warrior of Light and the Scions are making their way through The Aitiascope, Minfilia aids them on their way through, creating a path for them to walk. When the Warrior of Light walks alone to their final battle in Ultima Thule, they hear Minfilia's voice, reminding them they are not alone, and to keep walking their path to the end.