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Revision as of 12:40, 26 December 2019

Item Icon Level Item Level Damage Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Flame Private's Axe Flame privates axe icon1.png 21 22 15 3.20 16.00 0 Strength +4, Vitality +4, Determination +3
Serpent Private's Axe Serpent privates axe icon1.png 21 22 15 3.20 16.00 0 Strength +4, Vitality +4, Determination +3
Storm Private's Axe Storm privates axe icon1.png 21 22 15 3.20 16.00 0 Strength +4, Vitality +4, Determination +3
Aetherial Iron Bill Aetherial iron bill icon1.png 23 23 16 3.36 17.92 0 Strength +4, Vitality +5
Iron Bill Iron bill icon1.png 23 23 14 3.36 15.68 2 Strength +4, Vitality +4, Direct Hit Rate +4
Elmlord's Tusk Elmlords tusk icon1.png 24 26 17 3.20 18.13 0 Strength +5, Vitality +5, Critical Hit +6, Determination +3
Aetherial Thunderstorm Axe Aetherial thunderstorm axe icon1.png 25 25 17 3.20 18.13 0 Strength +5, Vitality +5
Thunderstorm Axe Thunderstorm axe icon1.png 25 25 15 3.20 16.00 2 Strength +5, Vitality +4, Skill Speed +5
Aetherial Spiked Steel Labrys Aetherial spiked steel labrys icon1.png 28 28 18 3.36 20.16 0 Strength +6, Vitality +6
Spiked Steel Labrys Spiked steel labrys icon1.png 28 28 16 3.36 17.92 2 Strength +5, Vitality +5, Direct Hit Rate +6
Charred Axe Charred axe icon1.png 28 30 19 3.20 20.26 0 Strength +6, Vitality +7, Determination +4, Direct Hit Rate +8
Paw of the Crimson Cat Paw of the crimson cat icon1.png 30 30 19 3.44 21.78 0 Strength +6, Vitality +7
Flame Private's Labrys Flame privates labrys icon1.png 30 31 20 3.36 22.40 0 Strength +7, Vitality +7, Determination +6
Serpent Private's Labrys Serpent privates labrys icon1.png 30 31 20 3.36 22.40 0 Strength +7, Vitality +7, Determination +6
Storm Private's Labrys Storm privates labrys icon1.png 30 31 20 3.36 22.40 0 Strength +7, Vitality +7, Determination +6