Difference between revisions of "Template:Action infobox"

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(16 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
<includeonly>{{#set:Has context=Action}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{release|}}}}}|heavensward = {{Heavensward expansion content}}|stormblood = {{Stormblood expansion content}}|shadowbringers = {{Shadowbringers expansion content}}|endwalker = {{Endwalker expansion content}}|dawntrail = {{Dawntrail expansion content}}}}{{#if:{{{release|}}}||{{#switch:{{{patch|}}}|1.0|2.0|2.05|2.1|2.15|2.16|2.2|2.21|2.25|2.28|2.3|2.35|2.38|2.4|2.41|2.45|2.5|2.51|2.55|2.56|2.57=|#default=[[Category:Missing release]]}}}}{{#vardefine:has-gcd|{{#if: {{{gcd|}}}||{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}|ability||y}}}}}}{{#if:{{{pet|}}}||{{#switch:{{lc:{{{acquired|}}}}}| marauder | gladiator | warrior | paladin | dark knight | conjurer | white mage | scholar | astrologian | pugilist | lancer | archer | rogue | thaumaturge | arcanist | monk | dragoon | bard | black mage | summoner | ninja | machinist | samurai | red mage | blue mage | gunbreaker | dancer | reaper | sage = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{pvp|n}}}}}
<includeonly>{{#set:Has context=Action}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{release|}}}}}|heavensward = {{Heavensward expansion content}}|stormblood = {{Stormblood expansion content}}|shadowbringers = {{Shadowbringers expansion content}}|endwalker = {{Endwalker expansion content}}|dawntrail = {{Dawntrail expansion content}}}}{{#if:{{{release|}}}||{{#switch:{{{patch|}}}|1.0|2.0|2.05|2.1|2.15|2.16|2.2|2.21|2.25|2.28|2.3|2.35|2.38|2.4|2.41|2.45|2.5|2.51|2.55|2.56|2.57=|#default=[[Category:Missing release]]}}}}{{#vardefine:has-gcd|{{#if: {{{gcd|}}}||{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{type|}}}}}|ability||y}}}}}}{{#if:{{{pet|}}}||{{#switch:{{lc:{{{acquired|}}}}}| marauder | gladiator | warrior | paladin | dark knight | conjurer | white mage | scholar | astrologian | pugilist | lancer | archer | rogue | thaumaturge | arcanist | monk | dragoon | bard | black mage | summoner | ninja | machinist | samurai | red mage | blue mage | gunbreaker | dancer | reaper | sage | viper | pictomancer = {{#switch:{{lc:{{{pvp|n}}}}}
| y = {{otheruses|the [[PvP]] action|the [[PvE]] action|{{trim|{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}|(PvP)|}}}}}}
| y = {{otheruses|the [[PvP]] action|the [[PvE]] action|{{trim|{{#replace:{{PAGENAME}}|(PvP)|}}}}}}
| c = {{otheruses|the [[PvE]] action|the [[PvP]] action|{{PAGENAME}} (PvP)}}  
| c = {{otheruses|the [[PvE]] action|the [[PvP]] action|{{PAGENAME}} (PvP)}}  
}} }} }}
}} }} }}
<!-- Is a combat action? -->{{#vardefine:combat-action|{{#switch:{{#explode:{{lc:{{{acquired|}}}}}|,|0}}| marauder | gladiator | warrior | paladin | dark knight | conjurer | white mage | scholar | astrologian | pugilist | lancer | archer | rogue | thaumaturge | arcanist | monk | dragoon | bard | black mage | summoner | ninja | machinist | samurai | red mage | blue mage | gunbreaker | dancer | tank | healer | magic ranged dps | physical ranged dps | melee dps = y|#default=}}}}<!-- CSS classes for styling colors --><div class="infobox-n action {{#if:{{{acquired|}}}|{{#switch:{{lc:{{{acquired}}}}}
<!-- Is a combat action? -->{{#vardefine:combat-action|{{#switch:{{#explode:{{lc:{{{acquired|}}}}}|,|0}}| marauder | gladiator | warrior | paladin | dark knight | conjurer | white mage | scholar | astrologian | pugilist | lancer | archer | rogue | thaumaturge | arcanist | monk | dragoon | bard | black mage | summoner | ninja | machinist | samurai | red mage | blue mage | gunbreaker | dancer | reaper | sage | viper | pictomancer | tank | healer | magic ranged dps | physical ranged dps | melee dps = y|#default=}}}}<!-- CSS classes for styling colors --><div class="infobox-n action {{#if:{{{acquired|}}}|{{#switch:{{lc:{{{acquired}}}}}
| marauder | gladiator | warrior | paladin | dark knight | gunbreaker | tank = tanker
| marauder | gladiator | warrior | paladin | dark knight | gunbreaker | tank = tanker
| conjurer | white mage | scholar | astrologian | sage | healer = healer
| conjurer | white mage | scholar | astrologian | sage | healer = healer
| pugilist | lancer | archer | rogue | thaumaturge | arcanist | monk | dragoon | bard | black mage | summoner | ninja | machinist | samurai | red mage | blue mage | dancer | reaper | melee dps | physical ranged dps | magic ranged dps = dps
| pugilist | lancer | archer | rogue | thaumaturge | arcanist | monk | dragoon | bard | black mage | summoner | ninja | machinist | samurai | red mage | blue mage | dancer | reaper | viper | pictomancer | melee dps | physical ranged dps | magic ranged dps = dps
| carpenter | blacksmith | armorer | goldsmith | leatherworker | weaver | alchemist | culinarian = crafting
| carpenter | blacksmith | armorer | goldsmith | leatherworker | weaver | alchemist | culinarian = crafting
| botanist | fisher | miner = gathering
| botanist | fisher | miner = gathering
Line 40: Line 40:
| reaper = {{Reaper|name=y}}{{#set:Is for job=Reaper}}{{#set:Is acquired by=Reaper}}
| reaper = {{Reaper|name=y}}{{#set:Is for job=Reaper}}{{#set:Is acquired by=Reaper}}
| sage = {{Sage|name=y}}{{#set:Is for job=Sage}}{{#set:Is acquired by=Sage}}
| sage = {{Sage|name=y}}{{#set:Is for job=Sage}}{{#set:Is acquired by=Sage}}
| viper = {{Viper|name=y}}{{#set:Is for job=Viper}}{{#set:Is acquired by=Viper}}
| pictomancer = {{Pictomancer|name=y}}{{#set:Is for job=Pictomancer}}{{#set:Is acquired by=Pictomancer}}
| astrologian | bard | dragoon | monk | machinist | ninja | samurai | scholar | summoner | paladin | warrior = {{@@@|name=y}}{{#set:Is for job={{ucfirst:@@@}}}}{{#set:Is acquired by={{ucfirst:@@@}}}}
| astrologian | bard | dragoon | monk | machinist | ninja | samurai | scholar | summoner | paladin | warrior = {{@@@|name=y}}{{#set:Is for job={{ucfirst:@@@}}}}{{#set:Is acquired by={{ucfirst:@@@}}}}
| #default = <!-- Other general action -->{{#vardefine:other_action|y}}}}{{#if:{{#var:other_action}}||&nbsp;<small>([[List of {{lc:@@@}} actions|actions]])</small>}}|<br>}} }} }}<!--
| #default = <!-- Other general action -->{{#vardefine:other_action|y}}}}{{#if:{{#var:other_action}}||&nbsp;<small>([[List of {{lc:@@@}} actions|actions]])</small>}}|<br>}} }} }}<!--
Line 79: Line 81:
-->{{#if: {{{number|}}} |
-->{{#if: {{{number|}}} |
:{{{number}}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{acquired|}}}}}|blue mage|{{#set:Has blue magic spell number={{{number|}}}}}|{{#set:Has action index={{{number|}}}}} }}
:{{{number}}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{acquired|}}}}}|blue mage|{{#set:Has blue magic spell number={{{number|}}}}}|{{#set:Has action index={{{number|}}}}} }}
Line 96: Line 98:
-->{{#if: {{{damage-type|}}} |
-->{{#if: {{{damage-type|}}} |
;Damage Type
;Damage Type
: {{#switch:{{{damage-type}}}
  | Physical = [[File:Physical Damage.png|24px|link=]] Physical
  | Magical | Magic = [[File:Magical Damage.png|24px|link=]] Magical
  | {{{damage-type}}}
-->{{#if: {{{aspect|}}} |
-->{{#if: {{{aspect|}}} |
: {{#switch:{{{aspect}}}
  | Wind | Fire | Ice | Lightning | Water | Earth = {{Eurekaelement icon|{{{aspect}}}}} {{{aspect}}}
  | Piercing, Fire = Piercing, {{Eurekaelement icon|Fire}} Fire
  | {{{aspect}}}
Line 147: Line 157:
-->{{#if: {{#var:combat-action}}{{{recast|}}}|
-->{{#if: {{#var:combat-action}}{{{recast|}}}|
; Recast
; {{#ifeq: {{#var:is-charged}}|true|Charge Time|Recast}}
: {{#if: {{{recast|}}}|{{#ifeq: {{{recast|0}}}|0|Instant{{#set:Has recast time=0}}|[[Has recast time::{{{recast}}}]]}}s|Instant{{#set:Has recast time=0}}}} {{#if:{{#var:has-gcd}}|<small>([[GCD]])</small>{{#set:Has global cooldown=true}}|{{#set:Has global cooldown=false}}}}
: {{#if: {{{recast|}}}|{{#ifeq: {{{recast|0}}}|0|Instant{{#set:Has recast time=0}}|[[Has recast time::{{{recast}}}]]}}s|Instant{{#set:Has recast time=0}}}} {{#if:{{#var:has-gcd}}|<small>([[GCD]])</small>{{#set:Has global cooldown=true}}|{{#set:Has global cooldown=false}}}}
Line 185: Line 195:
;Unlock Item
;Unlock Item
:{{#arraymap:{{{unlock-item|}}}|,|@@@|{{item icon|@@@}}|<br>}}
:{{#arraymap:{{{unlock-item|}}}|,|@@@|{{item icon|@@@}}|<br>}}
-->{{#if: {{{uses|}}} |
:{{{uses|}}}{{#set:Has action uses={{{uses}}}}}
-->{{#if: {{{weight|}}} |
:{{{weight|}}}{{#set:Has action weight={{{weight}}}}}
; Patch
; Patch
: [[Patch {{{patch}}}|{{{patch}}}]]
: [[Patch {{{patch}}}|{{{patch}}}]]
|[[Category:Actions and traits needing patch]]}}
Line 247: Line 265:
{{{facts-2|}}}}}{{#if: {{{description|}}}|{{#set:Has game description={{#replace:{{{description}}}|`|}}}}}}{{#if: {{{facts|}}}|{{#set:Has facts={{#replace:{{{facts}}}|`|}}}}}}{{#if: {{{facts-2|}}}|{{#set:Has facts 2={{#replace:{{{facts-2}}}|`|}}}}}}{{#if: {{{description-class|}}}|{{#set:Has game class description={{#replace:{{{description-class}}}|`|}}}}}}{{#if: {{{facts-class|}}}|{{#set:Has class facts={{#replace:{{{facts-class}}}|`|}}}}}}<!--
{{{facts-2|}}}}}{{#if: {{{description|}}}|{{#set:Has game description={{#replace:{{{description}}}|`|}}}}}}{{#if: {{{facts|}}}|{{#set:Has facts={{#replace:{{{facts}}}|`|}}}}}}{{#if: {{{facts-2|}}}|{{#set:Has facts 2={{#replace:{{{facts-2}}}|`|}}}}}}{{#if: {{{description-class|}}}|{{#set:Has game class description={{#replace:{{{description-class}}}|`|}}}}}}{{#if: {{{facts-class|}}}|{{#set:Has class facts={{#replace:{{{facts-class}}}|`|}}}}}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{{no-footer-text|}}}||'''{{{name|{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}''' is an action unlocked{{#if:{{{req-quest|}}}|&nbsp;by questing}}{{#if:{{{mount|}}}|&nbsp;while riding the [[{{{mount}}}]] [[mount]], which can be obtained}} at level {{{level|1}}}. It is available for {{#arraymap:{{{acquired}}}|,|@@@|{{#switch:{{lc:@@@}}
-->{{#if:{{{no-footer-text|}}}||'''{{{name|{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}''' is an action unlocked{{#if:{{{req-quest|}}}|&nbsp;by questing}}{{#if:{{{mount|}}}|&nbsp;while riding the [[{{{mount}}}|{{#show:{{{mount}}}|?Has canonical name}}]] [[mount]], which can be obtained}} at level {{{level|1}}}. It is available for {{#arraymap:{{{acquired}}}|,|@@@|{{#switch:{{lc:@@@}}
                                 | gladiator = [[Gladiator]] / [[Paladin]]
                                 | gladiator = [[Gladiator]] / [[Paladin]]
                                 | marauder = [[Marauder]] / [[Warrior]]
                                 | marauder = [[Marauder]] / [[Warrior]]
Line 279: Line 297:
== Related actions ==
== Related actions ==
{{#arraymap:{{{actions}}}|,|@@@|* {{action icon|@@@}}{{#set:Has related action=@@@}}|\n}}
{{#arraymap:{{{actions}}}|,|@@@|* {{action icon|@@@}}{{#set:Has related action=@@@}}|\n}}
}}{{#set:Has history=false}}</includeonly><noinclude>__NOTOC__
== Description ==
== Description ==
<pre>{{Action infobox
<pre>{{Action infobox
Line 286: Line 304:
| description =  
| description =  
| facts =  
| facts =  
| facts-2 =
| acquired =  
| acquired =  
| pet =
| pet =
Line 325: Line 344:
; facts
; facts
: Action facts. See {{tl|action fact}} for examples.
: Action facts. See {{tl|action fact}} for examples.
; facts-2
: (Optional) Additional action facts for actions with very long tooltips that would cause the 1,000-character limit to be exceeded when displayed using a table template.
; acquired
; acquired
: Class/job/role that this action is acquired by. Accepts comma-separated: ''marauder'', ''gladiator'', ''warrior'', ''paladin'', ''dark knight'', ''conjurer'', ''white mage'', ''scholar'', ''astrologian'', ''pugilist'', ''lancer'', ''archer'', ''rogue'', ''thaumaturge'', ''arcanist'', ''monk'', ''dragoon'', ''bard'', ''black mage'', ''summoner'', ''ninja'', ''machinist'', ''samurai'', ''red mage'', ''blue mage'', ''physical ranged dps'', ''magic ranged dps'', ''melee dps'', ''tank'', ''healer'', ''carpenter'', ''blacksmith'', ''armorer'', ''goldsmith'', ''leatherworker'', ''weaver'', ''alchemist'', ''culinarian'', ''botanist'', ''fisher'', ''miner'', or ''any''.
: Class/job/role that this action is acquired by. Accepts comma-separated: ''marauder'', ''gladiator'', ''warrior'', ''paladin'', ''dark knight'', ''conjurer'', ''white mage'', ''scholar'', ''astrologian'', ''pugilist'', ''lancer'', ''archer'', ''rogue'', ''thaumaturge'', ''arcanist'', ''monk'', ''dragoon'', ''bard'', ''black mage'', ''summoner'', ''ninja'', ''machinist'', ''samurai'', ''red mage'', ''blue mage'', ''physical ranged dps'', ''magic ranged dps'', ''melee dps'', ''tank'', ''healer'', ''carpenter'', ''blacksmith'', ''armorer'', ''goldsmith'', ''leatherworker'', ''weaver'', ''alchemist'', ''culinarian'', ''botanist'', ''fisher'', ''miner'', or ''any''.
Line 380: Line 401:
: Optional. Set anything if the action has a positional dependence on its potency. Defaults to false if left empty.
: Optional. Set anything if the action has a positional dependence on its potency. Defaults to false if left empty.
; pvp
; pvp
: Optional. Applies only to combat classes/jobs. Set ''y'' to specify this action belongs to PvP and has a PvE counterpart, ''c'' to specify this PvE action has a PvP counterpart, ''n'' to specify this PvE action has no PvP counterpart, or ''yn''' to specify this PvP action has no PvE counterpart. Defaults to ''n''.
: Optional. Applies only to combat classes/jobs. Set ''y'' to specify this action belongs to PvP and has a PvE counterpart, ''c'' to specify this PvE action has a PvP counterpart, ''n'' to specify this PvE action has no PvP counterpart, or ''yn'' to specify this PvP action has no PvE counterpart. Defaults to ''n''.
; patch
; patch
: Optional. Patch number.
: Optional. Patch number.
Line 473: Line 494:
| gp-cost = 500
| gp-cost = 500

[[Category:Infobox templates]]
[[Category:Infobox templates]]

Latest revision as of 21:17, 16 November 2024


{{Action infobox
| name = 
| icon = 
| description = 
| facts = 
| facts-2 = 
| acquired = 
| pet =
| mount = 
| level = 
| type = 
| lost-action-type = 
| number = 
| rank = 
| damage-type = 
| aspect = 
| mp-cost = 
| tp-cost = 
| gp-cost = 
| cp-cost = 
| casting = 
| recast = 
| range = 
| radius = 
| gcd = 
| traits = 
| actions = 
| req-quest = 
| unlock-item = 
| targeting = 
| movement =
| pvp = 
| patch = 
| release = 


Action name. Defaults to the page name.
Action icon to show. If not explicitly stated, displays File:<name>.png.
Action description. Check {{colorize}} template to learn how to add flavor color to the description text using special backticks markup.
Action facts. See {{action fact}} for examples.
(Optional) Additional action facts for actions with very long tooltips that would cause the 1,000-character limit to be exceeded when displayed using a table template.
Class/job/role that this action is acquired by. Accepts comma-separated: marauder, gladiator, warrior, paladin, dark knight, conjurer, white mage, scholar, astrologian, pugilist, lancer, archer, rogue, thaumaturge, arcanist, monk, dragoon, bard, black mage, summoner, ninja, machinist, samurai, red mage, blue mage, physical ranged dps, magic ranged dps, melee dps, tank, healer, carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, goldsmith, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, culinarian, botanist, fisher, miner, or any.
Pet that this action is acquired by. Accepts: emerald carbuncle, topaz carbuncle, garuda-egi, titan-egi, ifrit-egi, eos, selene, or any.
Mount that this action is used by.
Level required to learn an action. Defaults to 1.
Required. Action type. Accepts: spell, weaponskill, or ability.
For Lost Actions, accepts: beneficial, defensive, detrimental, item-related, offensive, restorative, tactical
Blue Mage spell's number (No.) based on the Blue Magic Spellbook
Rank of spell. Used by Blue Mage actions. Accepts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
type of damage. Used by Blue Mage actions. Accepts "Magical", or "Physical
aspect of damage. Used by Blue Mage actions.
Optional. Action MP cost. It has the following wildcards: "999999" or "10000" – displays "All".
Optional. Action TP cost.
Optional. Action GP cost.
Optional. Action CP cost.
Optional. Action casting time. Defaults to Instant.
Optional. Action cooldown/recast. Defaults to Instant.
Optional. Action range.
Optional. Action radius.
Optional. Comma-separated list of traits which directly affect this action.
Optional. Comma-separated list of active actions which are directly related to this action.
Optional. Set anything if the action does not share global cooldown. Defaults to false if type is ability, and true otherwise.
Optional. Quest required. Accepts varies when quest requirement varies between classes/jobs (note: it will link to <PAGENAME> unlock quests).
For Lost Actions, the item that unlocks it
Optional. The targeting funcionality for this action. Accepts: none (default), self, ally, enemy, pet, area (targeted area), pbaoe (point blank AoE, or around the caster).
Optional. Set anything if the action affects character movement. Defaults to false if left empty.
Optional. Set anything if the action has a positional dependence on its potency. Defaults to false if left empty.
Optional. Applies only to combat classes/jobs. Set y to specify this action belongs to PvP and has a PvE counterpart, c to specify this PvE action has a PvP counterpart, n to specify this PvE action has no PvP counterpart, or yn to specify this PvP action has no PvE counterpart. Defaults to n.
Optional. Patch number.
Optional. Expansion this action belongs to. Accepts: heavensward, or stormblood or shadowbringers or endwalker or dawntrail.


{{Action infobox
| name = Transpose
| icon = Transpose.png
| description = Swaps [[Astral Fire]] with a single [[Umbral Ice]] or [[Umbral Ice]] with a single [[Astral Fire]].
| facts = {{action fact|duration|14}}{{action fact|Causes ```[[Thaumaturge|elemental damage]]``` with each following spell.}}
| acquired = thaumaturge
| level = 4
| type = spell
| mp-cost = 
| tp-cost = 
| gp-cost = 
| cp-cost = 
| casting = 
| recast = 12
| range = 
| radius = 
| traits = Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Intelligence II
| actions = Dreadwyrm Trance, Tri-disaster
| req-quest = 
| targeting = self
| pvp = y
| patch = 
| release = 
Disambig icon.png This article is about the PvP action. For the PvE action, see Action infobox.


Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM (actions)
12s (GCD)

Swaps Astral Fire with a single Umbral Ice or Umbral Ice with a single Astral Fire.
Duration: 14s
Causes elemental damage with each following spell.

— In-game description

Transpose is an action unlocked at level 4. It is available for Thaumaturge / Black Mage.

Related traits

Related actions

Crafting and Gathering Example

{{Action infobox
| name = Basic Synthesis
| description = Increases progress.
| facts = {{action fact|efficiency|90}}{{action fact|success rate|100}}
| acquired = alchemist
| level = 1
| type = ability
| cp-cost = 0

Basic Synthesis

Alchemist frame icon.png ALC (actions)
CP Cost

Increases progress.
Efficiency: 90%
Success Rate: 100%

— In-game description

Basic Synthesis is an action unlocked at level 1. It is available for Alchemist.

{{Action infobox
| name = Blessed Harvest II
| icon = Blessed Harvest II.png
| description = Increases the number of items obtained during a single gathering attempt by two.
| acquired = botanist
| level = 40
| type = ability
| gp-cost = 500

Blessed Harvest II

Botanist frame icon.png BTN (actions)
GP Cost

Increases the number of items obtained during a single gathering attempt by two.

— In-game description

Blessed Harvest II is an action unlocked at level 40. It is available for Botanist.