Difference between revisions of "The Labyrinth of the Ancients"

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(→‎Enemies and Bosses: copyediting, add JP/NA strat differences, refactor obsolete mechanics)
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| entrance = Mor Dhona
| entrance = Mor Dhona
| entrance-coordinates = 35.7, 20.0
| entrance-coordinates = 35.7, 20.0
| location = Labyrinth of the Ancients
| location = The Labyrinth of the Ancients
| region = Mor Dhona
| region = Mor Dhona
| req-quest = Labyrinth of the Ancients
| req-quest = Labyrinth of the Ancients
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#Defeat [[Phlegethon]]: 0/1
#Defeat [[Phlegethon]]: 0/1

==Beginners Key Points (Essentials Mini-Walkthrough)==
==Enemies and Bosses==
If you are unfamiliar with this mission/it's your first raid, keep these ten essential points in mind.
{{#ev:youtube|P1mgTFDkQ-Q|350|right|Updated Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide}}
{{#ev:youtube|RzEvQ-Ruj5w|350|right|Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide Part 1}}
{{#ev:youtube|ac7UGobsFqQ|350|right|Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide Part 2}}
Owing its lack of an IL sync, the first two Crystal Tower alliance raids have become tediously easy duties that are often completed with little difficulty, to the point where mechanics on several bosses are ignored or outright skipped. As a result the guide below includes mechanics that players will normally not experience unless on Minimum IL mode.

===The Pools===
Sometimes you fight as one big group, as three separate groups ("'''Alliances'''"), or as one big group with separate goals for each group.
'''The Pools of Folly'''
* Understand which Alliance you are; it's important for later. For reference, Alliance A starts on the left, Alliance B in the middle, Alliance C on the right. You can double-check which Alliance you are, after the mission starts, because it'll be the "name" on top of your party list.

===Allegan Teleporters===
Enemies: [[Earth Homunculus]], [[Fire Homunculus]], [[Ice Homunculus]], [[Lightning Homunculus]], [[Valefor]] x2, [[Water Homunculus]], [[Wind Homunculus]]
'''Allegan Teleporters''' in this mission can help you catch up with the rest of the group if you are left behind. If you are not left behind, ignore them.
* If you die during the fight and wish to go back to the beginning instead of waiting for a [[Raise]], you can use the teleporters to catch up with the team.

===Navigating The Labyrinth of the Ancients===
The first four rooms of enemies have raised green platforms. The ground will fill with poison after a certain period of time, making the platforms safe. The Valefors will use '''Tail Drive''', a large telegraphed rear cone AoE, and '''The Look''', an instant untelegraphed frontal conal AoE.
The mission starts with a three-way fork, but the three Alliances do NOT split yet here. At the '''first fork everyone will go left'''. You'll be back at this fork later, and everyone will go right; then back here a third and final time and everyone will go middle.

The first path (again, left) leads to a series of '''three fights''' that culminate with the '''Bone Dragon''' boss (fourth fight). The three Alliances will fight together during this sequence. If you are not a tank, just enjoy these four fights.
'''The Pools of Demise'''

===Bone Dragon===
Enemies: [[Greater Demon]] x2, [[Valar]] x8
If you are a tank, for the first three fights you have no special task, but ideally you want to pull the enemies together so they can all get hit by massive AoE damage. More importantly, the "gimmick" of the fight against Bone Dragon will directly concern you as tank.

During the fight, many big skeletons ("Platinal") will spawn from different corners of the room. You want to '''make sure that at least one tank is keeping these skeletons lured away from the boss'''. If you are a beginner, chances are that someone else will tank-pull the boss to the edge of the arena, so your job will be to focus on the minions (keep them near the middle of the arena, where they spawn). Keeping the minions away from the boss will become very important after the boss "dies" (they will run to the boss's corpse, and if they reach it everyone will take potentially fatal damage), so do what you can to keep them away, and then kill them as fast as possible once the boss dies. You'll have to do this twice; the third time (flying-eye enemies will spawn instead of the usual skeletons) you can just focus on the boss to end the fight quickly. Please note that the tank alone won't be enough to keep the enemies in the middle, so make sure there are also a good amount of strong dps characters keeping the minions' numbers and health low for when the boss dies.
The Greater Demons will occasionally use an attack that knocks back their target.

===Atomos Mini-Bosses===
'''The Pools of Oblivion'''
You'll teleport back to the entrance and '''take the right path''' this time.

The next fight will be fought separately by each of the three Alliances, and as you go down the path you will clearly see floating letters "A" (left), "B" (center), "C" (right) indicating where each Alliance needs to go. Make sure you '''go down your Alliance's path''', and don't start the fight before everyone has arrived (if you're not sure, let someone else lead the charge). If there are not enough Alliance members distributed among the paths, it is possible to wipe the raid.
Enemies: [[Cursed Eye]] x3, [[Dira]] x3

Each second has a platform and an '''Atomos''' that will spawn mobs. The platforms will glow a color that will match a corresponding Atomos for one of the other Alliances. At least '''four players from each Alliance must stand on the glowing platform''' near the bottom of the stairs otherwise the Atomos for another Alliance will become invulnerable. (Alliance A unlocks damage to Alliance B's Atomos, Alliance B unlocks damage to Alliance C's Atomos, and Alliance C unlocks damage to Alliance A's Atomos)
The Dira will occasionally use an instant untelegraphed frontal conal cleave ('''Sweet Steel''').

Ideally, healers and ranged dps should and stand on the platform, while tank and melee dps attack the Atomos. Depending on party composition, dps with the highest HP or damage should attack the Atomos (if there isn't enough melee). While the adds spawn, the tank should '''drag them back to the platform so the remaining Alliance members can damage them'''. The players on the platform can then kill the mobs, while the rest of the team focuses on Atomos.
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Bone Dragon]]===
Bone Dragon is the first boss of the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Players will encounter the Dragon when they take the left path from the entrance. The Bone Dragon must be killed 3 times before it is finally defeated.

If an Atomos dies, players may still need to stand on the platform so the other Alliance groups can finish mechanics. Once the light on the platform fades, it is no longer required to stand on it.
The arena has platforms similar to previous rooms. Poison will occasionally fill all lower areas of the room so be aware of this. The boss will spawn 3 waves of '''[[Platinal]]''' skeleton adds, which should be killed. Once the Bone Dragon dies, all skeleton adds will respawn and move towards the dragon. If two skeletons were too close to each other when they died, they will move too fast to be killed. Each skeleton that reaches the boss will do 1000 unblockable damage to the raid. This phase will repeat once.  

The second time that the dragon comes back to life, it will spawn '''[[Rotting Eye]]s''' instead. Ignore these adds and just burn the boss down.
After the Atomos, you'll fight '''Thanatos''' with everyone (Alliances A, B, C) together again.  

'''Only one Alliance at the time''' will be able to attack the main boss throughout the fight. The Alliance that is able to attach the boss will receive a tether from the '''Magic Pots''' and a buff that indicates that they are '''transparent'''. The Alliance that is transparent is able to attack the boss - if other Alliance try to attack it, the boss will be invincible to them.
*The convention of where to position the Bone Dragon will vary by data center:
**Players on the JP data centers will tank the Bone Dragon on the center platform. This allows for an even spread of adds around the room, while minimizing confusion on where to pull the adds as 1 spawns per "path". This will also reduce damage taken by the DPS, as they will spend more time on the raised sections out of the poison.
**Players on the NA/EU data centers will tank the Bone Dragon on the far edge of the arena directly behind its spawn, as this will give DPS enough time to kill the Platinals even if they are racing towards the Bone Dragon due to being positioned incorrectly.
*Kill the Platinals before they reach the Bone Dragon.
*Healers should be prepared to heal the party if/when the skeletons reach the dragon.

For Alliances that are not transparent, attack and destroy all adds that spawn during the fight. Tanks may need to alternate on who is the Main Tank in the fight base on the changes in transparency.
===The Walk of Lament===
[[File:Alliance information.png|250px|thumb|right|The party letter the player is assigned to can be viewed on the party list.]]
Enemies: [[Atomos]] x3

====Thanatos: Magic Pots====
The raid will need to divide into their 3 groups based on their party (A, B, C): 1 for each path, which each has a platform. 4 people need to stand on each platform (preferably ranged dps and healers) to allow the other groups to kill Atomos. Atomos does not need to be tanked but will continuously spawn adds ([[Valefor]]s and [[Dira]]s) that should be killed. The tanks should move these adds within range of the players on the platforms. If a sector does not contain enough people to stand on the platform, once the room is sealed, several [[Iron Giant]]s will spawn and quickly wipe the raid in order for the encounter to reset.
If the Magic Pots start to take damage and move away from the platform, healers should completely top off the Magic Pot in order to return it to it's former location. DPS should destroy any adds that attack the pots. If the Magic Pot is destroyed, that Alliance will not receive the transparency buff.

===Vassago Mini-Bosses===
It is common for A, B, and C [[waymark]]s to be placed from left to right in front of the entrance to a sector as a reminder for where to go based on your party.
Teleport back to the entrance, and go to the middle path at last. Divide each Alliance to take one of Vassago each - no tank should hold aggro more than one Vassago. If the mini-bosses are not kept separate, it can potentially wipe the raid.  

During the fight, adds will spawn. If you are a dps character, make sure you '''kill these adds (bomb'''-type enemies) as soon as possible -- if they reach the middle, they will do potentially fatal damage to everyone. Tank can stay focused on the Vassago.
*Go to your party's assigned sector. Do not cross the purple line before the alliance has all arrived, that will start the encounter and force the late players to teleport into the left chamber.
*4 people stand on each colored platform, which will remove the corresponding color-coded barrier around an Atomos from a different party, making it vulnerable. The other four focus on killing Atomos.

Once the Vassago adds are destroyed, the bomb in the middle of the room will become targetable. Destroy the bomb in the middle of the room to move to the next level.
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Thanatos]]===
Thanatos is the third boss of the dungeon. Players will encounter the boss when they take the right path from the labyrinth entrance.

===King Behemoth===
Thanatos is a ghostly iron giant that is surrounded by three [[Magic Pot]]s on the corner of his chamber. The Magic Pots are friendly mobs, and should be healed if they're damaged. If all three die, then you will be unable to harm the boss and will wipe. (For typical Duty Finder runs, it is usually not necessary to heal the Magic Pots due to the speed at which the boss is killed.)
Next enemy will be '''King Behemoth'''. Throughout the fight, players will be marked with a green marker - these players will be hit with a comet. These comets must be spread around the platform. Do '''not''' place the comets directly in the boss hitbot. Comets can be place in max-melee range or max-caster range.

During the fight, Behemoth will cast '''Meteor'''. Players must stand line of sight behind the comets in order to avoid the attack. This is a oneshot mechanic that will destroy any players not behind a comet. Tanks are not able to invuln this attack.
Thanatos is “ghostly” and cannot be harmed ordinarily.  At the beginning of the fight, one of the Magic Pots will shoot green lines out to several alliance members, giving them an buff called [[File:Astral realignment icon1.png|link=]] '''Astral Realignment'''. The first group to receive the buff is always A. [[File:Astral realignment icon1.png|link=]] '''Astral Realignment''' allows you to deal damage to the boss. A tank with the buff should pick up the boss immediately, and a tank swap should occur whenever a tank picks up [[File:Astral realignment icon1.png|link=]] '''Astral Realignment''' and the one on the boss loses it. Thanatos does have a cleave, so he should be faced away from the group and the pots.

Iron Giants and other adds will spawn during the fight. If the Iron Giants are not destroyed, they will wonder around the platform and destroy the comets. The off-tanks should aggro the Iron Giants and hold them in place for the DPS to burn down.
Anyone who doesn't have [[File:Astral realignment icon1.png|link=]] '''Astral Realignment''' should focus on killing the adds ([[Sandman (Enemy)|Sandman]], [[Nemesis]]) that spawn throughout the fight. They will charge the Pots and attack, and occasionally will have a red line connecting them to a pot.  Anytime you see this, these adds must be killed immediately.  While that red line is active, Thanatos will be pulling the Pot to himself with a giant Holmgang chain -- if he gets it to him, he will kill it pretty fast.  Once the adds connected to the Pot die and the Pot is healed, it can escape back to its safe spot.

This fight progresses fairly straightforwardly from here, just repeating the basic mechanics until he dies or all three Pots die.
For fighting '''Phlegethon''', take note of the platforms on the outside of the room. Each Alliance should know where their platform is throughout the fight.

The main tank will hold the boss in the middle of the room. Phlegethon will cast a few raid-wide and aoe attacks that can be easily avoided. A claw will spawn on each of the platforms and trap one player. The rest of the group must destroy the claw add in order to free the trapper player.
*If you have [[File:Astral realignment icon1.png|link=]] '''Astral Realignment''' and are ghostly, DPS the boss. If not, kill adds. Healers should keep the pots alive.
*The party should avoid pulling the boss early (at least until Alliance A has arrived) as this can potentially cause some players in A to miss the buff, prolonging the fight.

When the boss casts '''Ancient Flare''', immediately run to the Alliance platform on the outside of the room. Any players left in the room when the caster resolves will be instantly killed. If enough people do not stand on the platforms, the whole raid will be destroyed. Destroy the adds that appear on the outside of the room and the shield around Phlegethon will drop, allowing players to return to damaging the boss.
===The Walk of Fire===
Enemies: [[Allagan Bomb]], [[Vassago]] x3

Allagan Bomb initially does nothing. Each group takes one of the large sword adds (A left, B north, C right - waymarks may sometimes be used to denote each party's add). Those [[Vassago]]s WILL NOT aggro anyone automatically, so each tank should stand in front of each adds to avoid the boss running to the middle. The boss will periodically spawn [[Allagan Balloon]] adds that need to be killed (high priority) before they reach the center, or they will explode and cause the Allagan Bomb to enlarge. If the bomb enlarges too much, it will explode and wipe the raid. In addition, an [[Allagan Napalm]] add may spawn and will have the highest priority to kill. The boss can be damaged once the 3 adds are down.
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Bone Dragon]]===
{{#ev:youtube|P1mgTFDkQ-Q|350|right|Updated Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide}}
{{#ev:youtube|RzEvQ-Ruj5w|350|right|Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide Part 1}}
{{#ev:youtube|ac7UGobsFqQ|350|right|Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide Part 2}}
Bone Dragon is the 1st boss of the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Players will encounter the Dragon when they take the left path from the entrance. Bone Dragon must be killed 3 times before it is finally defeated.

The arena has platforms similar to previous rooms. Poison will occasionally fill all lower areas of the room so be aware of this. The boss will spawn 3 waves of skeleton adds. Each group should stand in a separate side of the room and pull one add to the outside of the room on a platform. Each add must be killed on a separate platform. Once the bone dragon dies, all skeleton adds will respawn and move towards the dragon. If two skeletons were close to each other when they died, they will move too fast to be killed. Each skeleton that reaches the boss will do 1500 unblockable damage to the raid. This phase will repeat once. The second time the dragon comes back to life, he will spawn floating eyes instead. These should be picked up by tanks but dps should focusing on killing boss instead of adds then the dragon will die for good this time.  
A Vassago will get invulnerability if it has too little HP compared to the healthiest Vassago. However, this condition is ''extremely'' rare and will almost never happen on a typical run.

*Tank the Bone Dragon on the center platform. This allows for an even spread of adds around the room, while minimizing confusion on where to pull the adds as 1 spawns per "path". This will also reduce damage taken by the DPS, as they will spend more time on the raised sections out of the poison.
*Kill skeletons on different platforms, kill skeletons before they reach dragon.
*Attack your party's correct Vassago.
*Pick the floating eyes, leave them with tank only
*Non-tanks should not be directly in front of a Vassago, because they will periodically used untelegraphed frontal cleaves.
*Kill Priority for adds: Napalm first, Balloon second and Sword third.

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[King Behemoth]]===
The raid will need to divide into their 3 groups: 1 for each path, which each has a platform. 4 people need to stand on each platform (preferably including 2 healers) to allow the other groups to kill Atomos. Atomos does not need to be tanked but will continuously spawn adds. The tanks need to position these adds within range of the DPS on the platforms; alternatively, a regen effect on the forward tank/DPS will automatically let the healer pull the adds to the platform if no one in front touches them.
King Behemoth is the third boss of the raid. Players will encounter Behemoth when they take the center path from the entrance.

Note: Do not stand on the pads before the alliance has all arrived, that will start the raid and force the late players to teleport into the left chamber.
[[Iron Giant]] adds will spawn early in the fight. The tanks who are not tanking the boss should pick these up and face them away from other players or meteors that drop later, as they will use untelegraphed frontal cleaves.

*4 people stand on each colored platform. The other four focus on killing Atomos.
The arena contains interact-able towers. Each tower should be covered by one ranged DPS or healer, activating it when it begins to glow. (For a typical Duty Finder run, this mechanic can be ignored). [[Puroboros]] (bomb) adds will also spawn and move towards the towers, but they are less important than Iron Giants.

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Thanatos]]===
The only mechanic that is likely to kill unsuspecting players is '''Ecliptic Meteor'''. King Behemoth will target a few players with a comet (green mark above head). These players should be outside the boss's targeting ring and drop the comet to be used later. Adds will continually spawn and attempt to reach the towers. These need to be killed as soon as possible. In addition, an iron giant will spawn that will try to destroy the comets. The giant needs to be killed before all comets are destroyed or you will wipe. When King Behemoth stands up, it will begin casting '''Ecliptic Meteor'''. Each player must stand behind a meteor to block line-of-sight with the boss, of they will instantly die. Rinse and repeat and the fight is done.
Thanatos is the 3rd boss of the dungeon. Players will encounter the boss when they take the right path from the labyrinth entrance.

Thanatos is a ghostly iron giant that is surrounded by three Magic Pots on the corner of his chamber. The Magic Pots are friendly mobs, and should be healed if they're damaged. If all three die, then you will be unable to harm the boss and will wipe.
Comets that are placed inside the targeting ring of the Behemoth will not provide protection from Ecliptic Meteor.

Thanatos is “ghostly” and cannot be harmed ordinarily. At the beginning of the fight, one of the Magic Pots will shoot green lines out to several alliance members, giving them an “Intangible” debuff. The first group to receive buff is always A. This debuff allows you to deal damage to the boss. A tank with the debuff should pick up the boss immediately, and a tank swap should occur whenever a tank picks up the debuff and the one on the boss loses it. Thanatos does have a cleave, so he should be faced away from the group and the pots.
*Tanks should face the Iron Giants away from other players and from the comets.
*Marked players should drop their rocks outside of the boss's targeting ring.
*Hide behind a comet when the boss stands up and starts casting '''Ecliptic Meteor'''.

Anyone not having that debuff should focus on killing the adds that spawn throughout the fight.  They will charge the Pots and attack, and occasionally will have a red line connecting them to a pot.  Anytime you see this, these adds must be killed immediately. While that red line is active, Thanatos will be pulling the Pot to himself with a giant Holmgang chain -- if he gets it to him, he will kill it pretty fast.  Once the adds connected to the Pot die and the Pot is healed, it can escape back to its safe spot.
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Phlegethon]]===
Phlegethon is the final boss of Labyrinth of the Ancients. The boss room is unlocked from defeating the other 3 bosses.

This fight progresses fairly straightforwardly from here, just repeating the basic mechanics until he dies or all three Pots die.
Each group should take a position ahead of time (A on the left, B center, C on the right) before pulling the boss - it is common for A, B, and C waymarks to be placed on the appropriate platforms.  

*If you're a ghost (invisible), DPS the boss. If you're visible, kill adds. Healers should keep the pots alive.
Non-tanks should avoid standing in front of Phlegethon due to its untelegraphed frontal cleave. Aside from this, it will use some clearly telegraphed AoEs to avoid.

====[[Allagan Bomb]]====
Phlegethon has only 1 big move to watch out for: '''Ancient Flare'''. At around 40-50% HP, Phlegethon will move to the center and start casting Ancient Flare. Each group needs to immediately move to its assigned platform. Doing this will put up a barrier to block his 'Ancient Flare' attack, which is otherwise a wipe. If there is not enough people on each platform, the barrier will not form, and the raid will wipe. Once the barrier spawns, an [[Iron Giant]] add will spawn on each platform and should be killed. At around 5-15% HP, he will do this again; either run back to the platform to repeat the mechanic or burn him down (do so if he starts the cast with < 6% HP).  
Allagan Bomb initially does nothing. Each group takes one of the large sword adds. Those [[Vassago]]s WILL NOT aggro anyone automatically, so MT should stand in front of each adds to avoid the boss running to the middle. The boss will periodically spawn balloon adds that need to be killed before they explode (high priority). In addition, a Napalm add may spawn and will have the highest priority to kill. The boss can be damaged once the 3 adds are down.

A Vassago will get invulnerability if it has too little HP compared to the healthiest Vassago.
During the fight [[Iron Claws (Enemy)|Iron Claws]] adds will spawn, and should be killed. These adds stun a nearby target.

*MT should stand in front of Vassago before starting fight
It may be useful for healers to {{action icon|Rescue}} players who may be lagging behind when running to the platform.
*Kill Priority for adds: Napalm first, Balloon second and Sword third.

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[King Behemoth]]===
King Behemoth is the 3rd boss of the labyrinth. Players will encounter Behemoth when they take the center path from the entrance.
*Go to your party's assigned platform before pulling the boss.
*Run back to your platform when the boss moves to the center of the room and starts casting '''Ancient Flare'''.
Each tower should be covered by one ranged DPS or healer, activating it when it begins to glow; DPS priority is [[Iron Giant]]/Moving adds, and then boss. King behemoth will target a few players with a comet (green mark above head). These players need to run to the center and drop the comet to be used later. Adds will continually spawn and attempt to reach the towers. These need to be killed as soon as possible. In addition, an iron giant will spawn that will try to destroy the comets. The giant needs to be killed before all comets are destroyed or you will wipe. When King Behemoth stands up, he is casting meteor. The entire raid needs to drop what they're doing and get behind a comet (put a comet between you and him). Rinse and repeat and the fight is done.
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Phlegethon]]===
Phlegethon is the final boss of Labyrinth of the Ancients. The boss room is unlocked from defeating the other 3 bosses.
Phlegethon has only 1 big move to watch out for: Ancient Flare. Each group should take a position ahead of time (A on the left, B center, C on the right). At around 40-50% HP, Phlegethon will move to the center and start casting Ancient Flare. Each group needs to immediately move to its assigned platform. Doing this will put up a barrier to block his 'Ancient Flare' attack, which is otherwise a wipe. At around 5-15% HP, he will do this again; run back to the platform to repeat the mechanic or burn him down (do so if he starts the cast with < 6% HP).
During the fight adds will spawn, and should be killed. Iron Hand adds stun a nearby target.
* Have each group stand on one of the circles the adds spawned from to block Ancient Flare.

{{see also|The Labyrinth of the Ancients Armor}}
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Bone Dragon]]===
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Bone Dragon]]===
*{{Item reward|10|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*{{Item reward|10|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*10182 {{exp}} [[Experience Points]]
{{Drops list|Bone Dragon}}
{{Drops list|Bone Dragon}}

===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Thanatos]]===
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Thanatos]]===
*{{Item reward|20|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*{{Item reward|20|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*15283 {{exp}} [[Experience Points]]
{{Drops list|Thanatos}}
{{Drops list|Thanatos}}

===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[King Behemoth]]===
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[King Behemoth]]===
*{{Item reward|30|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*{{Item reward|30|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*20384 {{exp}} [[Experience Points]]
{{Drops list|King Behemoth}}
{{Drops list|King Behemoth}}

===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Phlegethon]]===
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Phlegethon]]===
*{{Item reward|40|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*{{Item reward|40|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*56055 {{exp}} [[Experience Points]]
*{{Item icon|Phlegethon Card}} (Drops at a fixed rate)
*{{Item icon|Phlegethon Card}} (Drops at a fixed rate)
====Treasure Coffer 1====
{{Drops list|Phlegethon}}
{{Drops list|Phlegethon}}

====Treasure Coffer 2====
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Dimension Blade Fragment}}
{{Drops table row|Dimension Blade Fragment}}
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File:crystal tower4.jpg
File:crystal tower4.jpg
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File:crystal tower7.jpg
===Concept Art===
<gallery heights=200px mode="packed">
File:Labyrinth of the ancients bosses concept art.png
File:Bone Dragon concept.png
File:Thanatos concept.png
File:King Behemoth concept.png
File:Phlegethon concept.png

{{Duties nav|raid}}
{{Duties nav|raid}}

Latest revision as of 19:50, 2 February 2025

Disambig icon.png This article is about the level 50 Alliance Raid. For the Feature Quest, see Labyrinth of the Ancients.

The Labyrinth of the Ancients

50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
Party size
24 man 3 Tank role.png 6 Healer role.png 15 DPS role.png
Time limit
120 minutes
Duty Finder
Alliance Raids (A Realm Reborn)
Alliance Raids
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 
Req. quest
Feature quest Labyrinth of the Ancients
Mor Dhona (X:35.7, Y:20.0)
The Labyrinth of the Ancients
Mor Dhona

With the help of Cid nan Garlond, members of the expedition to the Crystal Tower have successfully penetrated the defenses of the Eight Sentinels. The ancient Allagan structure is not so easily entered, however, and the Labyrinth of the Ancients now awaits the fellowship of NOAH as they seek the ultimate prize.

— In-game description

The Labyrinth of the Ancients is a level 50 raid introduced in patch 2.1. It is the first part of Crystal Tower.


  1. Activate the Allagan teleporters: 0/1
  2. Clear the Pools of Obllivion: 0/1
  3. Defeat the bone dragon: 0/1
  4. Clear the Walk of Lament: 0/1
  5. Defeat Thanatos: 0/1
  6. Clear the Walk of Fire: 0/1
  7. Defeat the king behemoth: 0/1
  8. Defeat Phlegethon: 0/1

Enemies and Bosses

Updated Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide
Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide Part 1
Labyrinth of the Ancients Guide Part 2

Owing its lack of an IL sync, the first two Crystal Tower alliance raids have become tediously easy duties that are often completed with little difficulty, to the point where mechanics on several bosses are ignored or outright skipped. As a result the guide below includes mechanics that players will normally not experience unless on Minimum IL mode.

The Pools

The Pools of Folly

Enemies: Earth Homunculus, Fire Homunculus, Ice Homunculus, Lightning Homunculus, Valefor x2, Water Homunculus, Wind Homunculus

The first four rooms of enemies have raised green platforms. The ground will fill with poison after a certain period of time, making the platforms safe. The Valefors will use Tail Drive, a large telegraphed rear cone AoE, and The Look, an instant untelegraphed frontal conal AoE.

The Pools of Demise

Enemies: Greater Demon x2, Valar x8

The Greater Demons will occasionally use an attack that knocks back their target.

The Pools of Oblivion

Enemies: Cursed Eye x3, Dira x3

The Dira will occasionally use an instant untelegraphed frontal conal cleave (Sweet Steel).

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Bone Dragon

Bone Dragon is the first boss of the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Players will encounter the Dragon when they take the left path from the entrance. The Bone Dragon must be killed 3 times before it is finally defeated.

The arena has platforms similar to previous rooms. Poison will occasionally fill all lower areas of the room so be aware of this. The boss will spawn 3 waves of Platinal skeleton adds, which should be killed. Once the Bone Dragon dies, all skeleton adds will respawn and move towards the dragon. If two skeletons were too close to each other when they died, they will move too fast to be killed. Each skeleton that reaches the boss will do 1000 unblockable damage to the raid. This phase will repeat once.

The second time that the dragon comes back to life, it will spawn Rotting Eyes instead. Ignore these adds and just burn the boss down.


  • The convention of where to position the Bone Dragon will vary by data center:
    • Players on the JP data centers will tank the Bone Dragon on the center platform. This allows for an even spread of adds around the room, while minimizing confusion on where to pull the adds as 1 spawns per "path". This will also reduce damage taken by the DPS, as they will spend more time on the raised sections out of the poison.
    • Players on the NA/EU data centers will tank the Bone Dragon on the far edge of the arena directly behind its spawn, as this will give DPS enough time to kill the Platinals even if they are racing towards the Bone Dragon due to being positioned incorrectly.
  • Kill the Platinals before they reach the Bone Dragon.
  • Healers should be prepared to heal the party if/when the skeletons reach the dragon.

The Walk of Lament

The party letter the player is assigned to can be viewed on the party list.

Enemies: Atomos x3

The raid will need to divide into their 3 groups based on their party (A, B, C): 1 for each path, which each has a platform. 4 people need to stand on each platform (preferably ranged dps and healers) to allow the other groups to kill Atomos. Atomos does not need to be tanked but will continuously spawn adds (Valefors and Diras) that should be killed. The tanks should move these adds within range of the players on the platforms. If a sector does not contain enough people to stand on the platform, once the room is sealed, several Iron Giants will spawn and quickly wipe the raid in order for the encounter to reset.

It is common for A, B, and C waymarks to be placed from left to right in front of the entrance to a sector as a reminder for where to go based on your party.


  • Go to your party's assigned sector. Do not cross the purple line before the alliance has all arrived, that will start the encounter and force the late players to teleport into the left chamber.
  • 4 people stand on each colored platform, which will remove the corresponding color-coded barrier around an Atomos from a different party, making it vulnerable. The other four focus on killing Atomos.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Thanatos

Thanatos is the third boss of the dungeon. Players will encounter the boss when they take the right path from the labyrinth entrance.

Thanatos is a ghostly iron giant that is surrounded by three Magic Pots on the corner of his chamber. The Magic Pots are friendly mobs, and should be healed if they're damaged. If all three die, then you will be unable to harm the boss and will wipe. (For typical Duty Finder runs, it is usually not necessary to heal the Magic Pots due to the speed at which the boss is killed.)

Thanatos is “ghostly” and cannot be harmed ordinarily. At the beginning of the fight, one of the Magic Pots will shoot green lines out to several alliance members, giving them an buff called Astral realignment icon1.png Astral Realignment. The first group to receive the buff is always A. Astral realignment icon1.png Astral Realignment allows you to deal damage to the boss. A tank with the buff should pick up the boss immediately, and a tank swap should occur whenever a tank picks up Astral realignment icon1.png Astral Realignment and the one on the boss loses it. Thanatos does have a cleave, so he should be faced away from the group and the pots.

Anyone who doesn't have Astral realignment icon1.png Astral Realignment should focus on killing the adds (Sandman, Nemesis) that spawn throughout the fight. They will charge the Pots and attack, and occasionally will have a red line connecting them to a pot. Anytime you see this, these adds must be killed immediately. While that red line is active, Thanatos will be pulling the Pot to himself with a giant Holmgang chain -- if he gets it to him, he will kill it pretty fast. Once the adds connected to the Pot die and the Pot is healed, it can escape back to its safe spot.

This fight progresses fairly straightforwardly from here, just repeating the basic mechanics until he dies or all three Pots die.


  • If you have Astral realignment icon1.png Astral Realignment and are ghostly, DPS the boss. If not, kill adds. Healers should keep the pots alive.
  • The party should avoid pulling the boss early (at least until Alliance A has arrived) as this can potentially cause some players in A to miss the buff, prolonging the fight.

The Walk of Fire

Enemies: Allagan Bomb, Vassago x3

Allagan Bomb initially does nothing. Each group takes one of the large sword adds (A left, B north, C right - waymarks may sometimes be used to denote each party's add). Those Vassagos WILL NOT aggro anyone automatically, so each tank should stand in front of each adds to avoid the boss running to the middle. The boss will periodically spawn Allagan Balloon adds that need to be killed (high priority) before they reach the center, or they will explode and cause the Allagan Bomb to enlarge. If the bomb enlarges too much, it will explode and wipe the raid. In addition, an Allagan Napalm add may spawn and will have the highest priority to kill. The boss can be damaged once the 3 adds are down.

A Vassago will get invulnerability if it has too little HP compared to the healthiest Vassago. However, this condition is extremely rare and will almost never happen on a typical run.


  • Attack your party's correct Vassago.
  • Non-tanks should not be directly in front of a Vassago, because they will periodically used untelegraphed frontal cleaves.
  • Kill Priority for adds: Napalm first, Balloon second and Sword third.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png King Behemoth

King Behemoth is the third boss of the raid. Players will encounter Behemoth when they take the center path from the entrance.

Iron Giant adds will spawn early in the fight. The tanks who are not tanking the boss should pick these up and face them away from other players or meteors that drop later, as they will use untelegraphed frontal cleaves.

The arena contains interact-able towers. Each tower should be covered by one ranged DPS or healer, activating it when it begins to glow. (For a typical Duty Finder run, this mechanic can be ignored). Puroboros (bomb) adds will also spawn and move towards the towers, but they are less important than Iron Giants.

The only mechanic that is likely to kill unsuspecting players is Ecliptic Meteor. King Behemoth will target a few players with a comet (green mark above head). These players should be outside the boss's targeting ring and drop the comet to be used later. Adds will continually spawn and attempt to reach the towers. These need to be killed as soon as possible. In addition, an iron giant will spawn that will try to destroy the comets. The giant needs to be killed before all comets are destroyed or you will wipe. When King Behemoth stands up, it will begin casting Ecliptic Meteor. Each player must stand behind a meteor to block line-of-sight with the boss, of they will instantly die. Rinse and repeat and the fight is done.

Comets that are placed inside the targeting ring of the Behemoth will not provide protection from Ecliptic Meteor.


  • Tanks should face the Iron Giants away from other players and from the comets.
  • Marked players should drop their rocks outside of the boss's targeting ring.
  • Hide behind a comet when the boss stands up and starts casting Ecliptic Meteor.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Phlegethon

Phlegethon is the final boss of Labyrinth of the Ancients. The boss room is unlocked from defeating the other 3 bosses.

Each group should take a position ahead of time (A on the left, B center, C on the right) before pulling the boss - it is common for A, B, and C waymarks to be placed on the appropriate platforms.

Non-tanks should avoid standing in front of Phlegethon due to its untelegraphed frontal cleave. Aside from this, it will use some clearly telegraphed AoEs to avoid.

Phlegethon has only 1 big move to watch out for: Ancient Flare. At around 40-50% HP, Phlegethon will move to the center and start casting Ancient Flare. Each group needs to immediately move to its assigned platform. Doing this will put up a barrier to block his 'Ancient Flare' attack, which is otherwise a wipe. If there is not enough people on each platform, the barrier will not form, and the raid will wipe. Once the barrier spawns, an Iron Giant add will spawn on each platform and should be killed. At around 5-15% HP, he will do this again; either run back to the platform to repeat the mechanic or burn him down (do so if he starts the cast with < 6% HP).

During the fight Iron Claws adds will spawn, and should be killed. These adds stun a nearby target.

It may be useful for healers to Rescue.png  Rescue players who may be lagging behind when running to the platform.


  • Go to your party's assigned platform before pulling the boss.
  • Run back to your platform when the boss moves to the center of the room and starts casting Ancient Flare.


See also: The Labyrinth of the Ancients Armor

Silver Coffer (small).png Bone Dragon

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Ballad boots icon1.png  Ballad Boots Feet 80 CBlue 1
Ballad crown icon1.png  Ballad Crown Head 80 CBlue 1
Crimson hat icon1.png  Crimson Hat Head 80 CBlue 1
Crimson shoes icon1.png  Crimson Shoes Feet 80 CBlue 1
Crown of light icon1.png  Crown of Light Head 80 CBlue 1
Fuma gantai icon1.png  Fuma Gantai Head 80 CBlue 1
Fuma kyahan icon1.png  Fuma Kyahan Feet 80 CBlue 1
Onion boots icon1.png  Onion Boots Feet 80 CBlue 1
Onion mask icon1.png  Onion Mask Head 80 CBlue 1
Royal crown icon1.png  Royal Crown Head 80 CBlue 1
Royal shoes icon1.png  Royal Shoes Feet 80 CBlue 1
Sabatons of light icon1.png  Sabatons of Light Feet 80 CBlue 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Thanatos

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Ballad gauntlets icon1.png  Ballad Gauntlets Hands 80 CBlue 1
Ballad sarouel icon1.png  Ballad Sarouel Legs 80 CBlue 1
Breeches of light icon1.png  Breeches of Light Legs 80 CBlue 1
Crimson breeches icon1.png  Crimson Breeches Legs 80 CBlue 1
Crimson celestial gloves icon1.png  Crimson Celestial Gloves Hands 80 CBlue 1
Fuma hakama icon1.png  Fuma Hakama Legs 80 CBlue 1
Fuma tekko icon1.png  Fuma Tekko Hands 80 CBlue 1
Gauntlets of light icon1.png  Gauntlets of Light Hands 80 CBlue 1
Onion gauntlets icon1.png  Onion Gauntlets Hands 80 CBlue 1
Onion sarouel icon1.png  Onion Sarouel Legs 80 CBlue 1
Royal breeches icon1.png  Royal Breeches Legs 80 CBlue 1
Royal celestial gloves icon1.png  Royal Celestial Gloves Hands 80 CBlue 1

Silver Coffer (small).png King Behemoth

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Armor of light icon1.png  Armor of Light Body 80 CBlue 1
Ballad boots icon1.png  Ballad Boots Feet 80 CBlue 1
Ballad corselet icon1.png  Ballad Corselet Body 80 CBlue 1
Crimson shoes icon1.png  Crimson Shoes Feet 80 CBlue 1
Crimson vest icon1.png  Crimson Vest Body 80 CBlue 1
Fuma koromo icon1.png  Fuma Koromo Body 80 CBlue 1
Fuma kyahan icon1.png  Fuma Kyahan Feet 80 CBlue 1
Onion armor icon1.png  Onion Armor Body 80 CBlue 1
Onion boots icon1.png  Onion Boots Feet 80 CBlue 1
Royal shoes icon1.png  Royal Shoes Feet 80 CBlue 1
Royal vest icon1.png  Royal Vest Body 80 CBlue 1
Sabatons of light icon1.png  Sabatons of Light Feet 80 CBlue 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Phlegethon

Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Allagan catalyst icon1.png  Allagan Catalyst Material N/A ABasic 1
Armor of light icon1.png  Armor of Light Body 80 CBlue 1
Ballad corselet icon1.png  Ballad Corselet Body 80 CBlue 1
Ballad crown icon1.png  Ballad Crown Head 80 CBlue 1
Ballad gauntlets icon1.png  Ballad Gauntlets Hands 80 CBlue 1
Ballad sarouel icon1.png  Ballad Sarouel Legs 80 CBlue 1
Breeches of light icon1.png  Breeches of Light Legs 80 CBlue 1
Crimson breeches icon1.png  Crimson Breeches Legs 80 CBlue 1
Crimson celestial gloves icon1.png  Crimson Celestial Gloves Hands 80 CBlue 1
Crimson hat icon1.png  Crimson Hat Head 80 CBlue 1
Crimson vest icon1.png  Crimson Vest Body 80 CBlue 1
Crown of light icon1.png  Crown of Light Head 80 CBlue 1
Faded copy of hubris icon1.png  Faded Copy of Hubris Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Faded copy of tumbling down icon1.png  Faded Copy of Tumbling Down Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
Fuma gantai icon1.png  Fuma Gantai Head 80 CBlue 1
Fuma hakama icon1.png  Fuma Hakama Legs 80 CBlue 1
Fuma koromo icon1.png  Fuma Koromo Body 80 CBlue 1
Fuma tekko icon1.png  Fuma Tekko Hands 80 CBlue 1
Gauntlets of light icon1.png  Gauntlets of Light Hands 80 CBlue 1
Onion armor icon1.png  Onion Armor Body 80 CBlue 1
Onion gauntlets icon1.png  Onion Gauntlets Hands 80 CBlue 1
Onion mask icon1.png  Onion Mask Head 80 CBlue 1
Onion sarouel icon1.png  Onion Sarouel Legs 80 CBlue 1
Royal breeches icon1.png  Royal Breeches Legs 80 CBlue 1
Royal celestial gloves icon1.png  Royal Celestial Gloves Hands 80 CBlue 1
Royal crown icon1.png  Royal Crown Head 80 CBlue 1
Royal vest icon1.png  Royal Vest Body 80 CBlue 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Dimension blade fragment icon1.png  Dimension Blade Fragment Material N/A ABasic 1


When originally released, players could receive only one reward item per week for completing duties in The Labyrinth of the Ancients. Weekly limits were lifted in patch 2.2.

Each party in the alliance will receive its own treasure chest, the contents of which will be identical regardless of the route taken.

  • Players cannot open a treasure chest belonging to another party.


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
You call that a labyrinth icon1.png  You Call That a Labyrinth 10 Complete the Labyrinth of the Ancients. - 2.1
Mapping the realm labyrinth of the ancients icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Labyrinth of the Ancients 10 Discover every location in the Labyrinth of the Ancients. - 2.1


Gear Images

Dungeon Images

Concept Art