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[[file:elezen female1.jpg|400px|Elezen Female]]
{{see also|Non-playable races}}
[[file:elezen male1.jpg|400px|Elezen Male]]
[[hyur female1.jpg|400px|Hyur Female]]
[[Final Fantasy XIV]] features eight playable [[races]]: [[Hyur]], [[Elezen]], [[Lalafell]], [[Miqo'te]], [[Roegadyn]], [[Au Ra]], [[Viera]], and [[Hrothgar]]. Each playable race is divided into two '''clans'''.
[[hyur male1.jpg|400px|Hyur Male]]
[[file:lalafell female1.jpg|400px|Lalafell Female]]
[[file:lalafell male1.jpg|400px|Lalafell Male]]
:''Main article: [[Hyur]]
[[file:miqote female1.jpg|400px|Miqo'te Female]]
This [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hominin hominin] race is average in height and build. The Hyur are the most populous and widespread of the playable races.
[[file:miqote male1.jpg|Miqo'te Male]]
[[file:roegadyn female1.jpg|400px|Roegadyn Female]]
The Hyur are divided into [[Midlanders]] and [[Highlanders]]. Female [[Highlanders]] were first added with ''[[A Realm Reborn]]''.
[[file:roegadyn male1.jpg|400px|Roegadyn Male]]
Playable races in A Realm Reborn consist of [[Elezen]], [[Hyur]], [[Lalafell]], [[Miqo'te]] and [[Roegadyn]].
In [[the First]], the '''Hume''' are the most similar race.

:''Main article: [[Elezen]]
:''Main article: [[Elezen]]
The elf-like race is tall and slender. They have longer life spans when compared to Hyur. Before the arrival of Hyur, Elezen was the sole dominion of [[Eorzea]].
This elfin race is tall and slender. They have slightly longer life spans when compared to the other races. The Elezen believe that they originated in [[Eorzea]], and that it was once their sole dominion.  
Elezen is divided to [[Wildwood]] and [[Duskwight]].  

The Elezen are divided into [[Wildwood]] and [[Duskwight]] clans.
:''Main article: [[Hyur]]
The human-like race is average in height and build. They have migrated to Eorzea recently. In Eorzea, Hyur is the most populous and culturally diverse of all races.

Hyur is dived to [[Midlanders]] and [[Highlanders]].  
In the First, the '''Elves''' are the most similar race.

:''Main article: [[Lalafell]]
:''Main article: [[Lalafell]]
Lalafell is a tiny race from seas south of Eorzea. They possess child-like appearances and welcoming attitudes.  
The Lalafell are a diminutive race from seas south of Eorzea. They possess child-like appearances and cheerful attitudes.
Lalafell are divided into [[Plainsfolk]] and [[Dunesfolk]].  

Lalafell is divided to [[Plainsfolk]] and [[Dunesfolk]].  
In the First, the '''[[Dwarves]]''' are the most similar race.

:''Main article: [[Miqo'te]]
:''Main article: [[Miqo'te]]''
The cat-like race possess large ears and feline tails. They migrated to Eorzea during the Age of Endless Frost in the Fifth Umbral Era.  
This feline race possesses large ears and furred tails. They migrated to Eorzea during the Age of Endless Frost in the Fifth Umbral Era.
Miqo'te are divided into [[Seekers of the Sun]] and [[Keepers of the Moon]].  Male [[Miqo'te]] were first added with ''[[A Realm Reborn]]''.

Miqo'te is divided to [[Seekers of the Sun]] and [[Keepers of the Moon]].  
In the First, the '''Mystel''' are the most similar race.

:''Main article: [[Roegadyn]]
:''Main article: [[Roegadyn]]''
Roegadyn's massive and muscular frames make them distinguishable from afar. Descended from maritime people that roamed the northern seas, they are often considered a barbaric race.  
The Roegadyn's massive muscular frames make them distinguishable from afar. Descended from maritime people that roamed the northern seas, they are sometimes considered a barbaric race.  
Roegadyn are divided into [[Sea Wolves]] and [[Hellsguard]]. Female [[Roegadyn]] were first added with ''[[A Realm Reborn]]''.
In the First, the '''Galdjent''' are the most similar race.
==Au Ra==
{{main|Au Ra}}
Introduced in ''[[Heavensward]]'', the Au Ra are a superficially reptilian race with horns, scales and tails.
The [[Au Ra]] are divided into [[Raen]] and [[Xaela]] clans.
In the First, the '''Drahn''' are the most similar race.
Introduced in ''[[Shadowbringers]]'', the Viera were originally female only. Male Viera were added with ''[[Endwalker]]''. They are a superficially leporine race, with long fur-covered ears and lithe features.
[[Viera]] are divided into [[Rava]] and [[Veena]] clans.
In the First, the '''Viis''' are the most similar race.
Introduced in ''[[Shadowbringers]]'', the Hrothgar were originally male only. They are a large leonine race with a fearsome bestial appearance.
Female Hrothgar were added with ''[[Dawntrail]]''.
They were the final new race to be added.
[[Hrothgar]] are divided into [[Helions]] and [[The Lost]] "clans", although it is more accurate to say that these are social groups instead of implying a geographical origin as in a traditional clan.
In the First, the '''Ronso''' are the most similar race.
==Regional distribution==
{| {{STDT|npc sortable align-center}}
|+ City population, percentage breakdown by race
! scope="col" rowspan="2" width="16%"| Cities
! scope="col" colspan="2" width="16%"| [[Elezen]]
! scope="col" colspan="2" width="16%"| [[Hyur]]
! scope="col" colspan="2" width="16%"| [[Lalafell]]
! scope="col" colspan="2" width="16%"| [[Miqo'te]]
! scope="col" colspan="2" width="16%"| [[Roegadyn]]
! scope="col" colspan="2" width="16%"| [[Au Ra]]
! scope="col" colspan="2" width="16%"| [[Viera]]
! scope="col" colspan="2" width="16%"| [[Hrothgar]]
! scope="col" | [[Wildwood]]
! scope="col" | [[Duskwight]]
! scope="col" | [[Midlanders]]
! scope="col" | [[Highlanders]]
! scope="col" | [[Plainsfolk]]
! scope="col" | [[Dunesfolk]]
! scope="col" | [[Seekers of the Sun]]
! scope="col" | [[Keepers of the Moon]]
! scope="col" | [[Sea Wolves]]
! scope="col" | [[Hellsguard]]
! scope="col" | [[Raen]]
! scope="col" | [[Xaela]]
! scope="col" | [[Rava]]
! scope="col" | [[Veena]]
! scope="col" | [[Helion]]
! scope="col" | [[The Lost]]
! scope="row" | [[Gridania]]
| 30% || 10% || 40% || * || * || * || * || 10% || * || * || * || * || * || * || * || *
! scope="row" | [[Limsa Lominsa]]
| * || * || 10% || * || 20% || * || 20% || * || 40% || * || * || * || * || * || * || *
! scope="row" | [[Ul'dah]]
| * || * || 30% || 10% || * || 40% || * || * || * || 10% || * || * || * || * || * || *
! scope="row" | [[Ishgard]]
| colspan="2" width="16%"| 70% "Ishgardian" || 20% || * || * || * || * || * || * || * || * || * || * || * || * || *
! scope="row" | [[Ala Mhigo]]
| * || * || 10% || 60% || * || * || 10% || * || * || 10% || * || * || * || * || * || *
! scope="row" | [[Doma]]
| * || * || colspan="2" width="16%"| 60% "Far Eastern" || * || * || * || * || colspan="2" width="16%"| 10% "Far Eastern" || 10% || * || * || * || * || *
! scope="row" | [[Sharlayan]]
| colspan="16 | Unknown. Note: Though its citizens are diverse, Sharlayan does not make population statistics public in the interest of equality
! scope="row" | [[Werlyt]]
| * || * || colspan="2" | 80% "Ilsabardian" || * || * || * || * || * || * || colspan="2" | 15% "Near Eastern" || * || * || * || *
! scope="row" | [[Bozja]]
| * || * || colspan="2" | 10% "Ilsabardian" || * || * || * || * || colspan="2" | 10% "Ilsabardian" || * || * || * || * || colspan="2" | 75%
! scope="row" | [[Radz-at-Han]]**
| * || * || colspan="2" | 50% "Near Eastern" || * || * || * || * || * || * || colspan="2" | 25% "Near Eastern" || * || * || * || *
*These minority races and others collectively make up the remaining percentage.
**[[Matanga]] and [[Arkasodara]] make up 20% of Radz-at-Han's population.
===Regional distribution in the First===
{| {{STDT|npc sortable align-center}}
|+ City population, percentage breakdown by race
! scope="col" | Cities
! scope="col" | [[Hume]]
! scope="col" | [[Elf]]
! scope="col" | [[Galdjent]]
! scope="col" | [[Mystel]]
! scope="col" | [[Viis]]
! scope="col" | [[Ronso]]
! scope="col" | [[Drahn]]
! scope="col" | [[Zun]] ([[Amalj'aa]])
! [[The Crystarium]]
| 30% || 25% || 10% || 10% || 5% || 5% || || 5%
! [[Eulmore]]
| 40% || 5% || 5% || 35% || 5% || || 10% ||
[[Dwarves]], the equivalent of Lalafell in the First, primarily live in the mountains of [[Kholusia]].
==Starting Attributes==
Note that these differences are quite insignificant as they do not affect stat growth, especially at end-game when you have many hundreds to thousands of points of each stat.
{{main|Starting Attributes}}
{{Starting attributes}}
{| {{STDT|npc sortable align-center}}
! rowspan="2" | Race
! rowspan="2" | Gender
! colspan="2" | 0%
! colspan="2" | 50%
! colspan="2" | 100%
! data-sort-type="number" | US (ft/in)
! data-sort-type="number" | Metric (cm)
! data-sort-type="number" | US (ft/in)
! data-sort-type="number" | Metric (cm)
! data-sort-type="number" | US (ft/in)
! data-sort-type="number" | Metric (cm)
|[[Roegadyn]] || ♂ || 7' 0.1" || 213.5 || 7' 3.4" || 222.0 || 7' 6.7" || 230.4
|[[Roegadyn]] || ♀ || 6' 3.6" || 192.0 || 6' 9.6" || 207.3 || 7' 3.7" || 222.7
|[[Au Ra]] || ♂ || 6' 7.9" || 203.0 || 6' 10.6" || 210.0 || 7' 1.4" || 217.0
|[[Hrothgar]] || ♂ || 6' 5.2" || 196.2 || 6' 8.6" || 204.6 || 6' 11.8" || 212.9
|[[Hrothgar]] || ♀ || 6' 0.6" || 184.4 || 6' 3.5" || 191.8 || 6' 6.5" || 199.4
|[[Elezen]] || ♂ || 6' 4.4" || 194.1 || 6' 7.5" || 202.0 || 6' 10.2" || 209.8
|[[Elezen]] || ♀ || 6' 0.2" || 183.5 || 6' 3.8" || 191.0 || 6' 6.8" || 198.4
|[[Highlander]] || ♂ || 6' 0.2" || 184.8 || 6' 3.8" || 192.5 || 6' 6.8" || 200.2
|[[Viera]] || ♀ || 5' 10.4" || 178.8 || 6' 1" || 185.1 || 6' 3.4" || 191.4
|[[Viera]] || ♂ || 5' 7.8" || 172.2 || 5′ 10.5" || 179.3 || 6′ 1.4" || 186.5
|[[Highlander]] || ♀ || 5' 8.2" || 173.1 || 5' 11.0" || 180.4 || 6' 1.8" || 187.6
|[[Midlander]] || ♂ || 5' 6.1" || 168.0 || 5' 8.9" || 175.0 || 5' 11.6" || 182.0
|[[Miqo'te]] || ♂ || 5' 2.7" || 159.2 || 5' 5.4" || 166.2 || 5' 8.2" || 173.2
|[[Midlander]] || ♀ || 5' 2.0" || 157.4 || 5' 4.5" || 164.0 || 5' 7.1" || 170.5
|[[Miqo'te]] || ♀ || 4' 10.9" || 149.7 || 5' 1.4" || 156.0 || 5' 3.8" || 162.2
|[[Au Ra]] || ♀ || 4' 9.5" || 146.0 || 4' 11.9" || 152.2 || 5' 2.4" || 158.5
|[[Lalafell]] || ♂ || 2' 10.2" || 86.9 || 3' 0.2" || 92.0 || 3' 2.2" || 97.0
|[[Lalafell]] || ♀ || 2' 10.2" || 86.9 || 3' 0.2" || 92.0 || 3' 2.2" || 97.0
<gallery heights=200px mode=packed>
File:races male height comparison.jpg|Male Heights Comparison
File:races female height comparison.jpg|Female Heights Comparison
In addition to playable races, myriad other non-playable races exist in the game. These races may form groups that are known as ''tribes''.
<gallery heights=200px mode="packed-hover">
File:Hyur midlander.jpg|[[Midlander|Midlander Hyur]]
File:Hyur highlander.jpg|[[Highlander|Highlander Hyur]]
File:Elezen wildwood.jpg|[[Wildwood|Wildwood Elezen]]
File:Elezen duskwight.jpg|[[Duskwight|Duskwight Elezen]]
File:Lalafell plainsfolk.jpg|[[Plainsfolk|Plainsfolk Lalafell]]
File:Lalafell dunesfolk.jpg|[[Dunesfolk|Dunesfolk Lalafell]]
File:Miqote seekers of the sun.jpg|[[Seekers of the Sun|Seekers of the Sun Miqo'te]]
File:Miqote keepers of the moon.jpg|[[Keepers of the Moon|Keepers of the Moon Miqo'te]]
File:Roegadyn sea wolves.jpg|[[Sea Wolves|Sea Wolves Roegadyn]]
File:Roegadyn hellsguard.jpg|[[Hellsguard|Hellsguard Roegadyn]]
File:Au Ra raen.png|[[Raen|Raen Au Ra]]
File:Au Ra xaela.png|[[Xaela|Xaela Au Ra]]
File:Rava concept render1.jpg|[[Rava|Female Rava Viera]]
File:Male viera render1.png|[[Rava|Male Rava Viera]]
File:Viera Veena.png|[[Veena|Female Veena Viera]]
File:Male viera render2.png|[[Veena|Male Veena Viera]]
File:Helions concept render1.jpg|[[Helion|Male Helion Hrothgar]]
File:Hrothgar female concept art1.jpg|[[Helion|Female Helion Hrothgar]]
File:The lost concept render1.jpg|[[The Lost|Male The Lost Hrothgar]]
File:Hrothgar female concept art2.jpg|[[The Lost|Female The Lost Hrothgar]]

Roegadyn is divided to [[Seawolves]] and [[Hells Guard]].
{{Playable Races}}

Latest revision as of 22:01, 16 July 2024

See also: Non-playable races

Final Fantasy XIV features eight playable races: Hyur, Elezen, Lalafell, Miqo'te, Roegadyn, Au Ra, Viera, and Hrothgar. Each playable race is divided into two clans.


Main article: Hyur

This hominin race is average in height and build. The Hyur are the most populous and widespread of the playable races.

The Hyur are divided into Midlanders and Highlanders. Female Highlanders were first added with A Realm Reborn.

In the First, the Hume are the most similar race.


Main article: Elezen

This elfin race is tall and slender. They have slightly longer life spans when compared to the other races. The Elezen believe that they originated in Eorzea, and that it was once their sole dominion.

The Elezen are divided into Wildwood and Duskwight clans.

In the First, the Elves are the most similar race.


Main article: Lalafell

The Lalafell are a diminutive race from seas south of Eorzea. They possess child-like appearances and cheerful attitudes.

Lalafell are divided into Plainsfolk and Dunesfolk.

In the First, the Dwarves are the most similar race.


Main article: Miqo'te

This feline race possesses large ears and furred tails. They migrated to Eorzea during the Age of Endless Frost in the Fifth Umbral Era.

Miqo'te are divided into Seekers of the Sun and Keepers of the Moon. Male Miqo'te were first added with A Realm Reborn.

In the First, the Mystel are the most similar race.


Main article: Roegadyn

The Roegadyn's massive muscular frames make them distinguishable from afar. Descended from maritime people that roamed the northern seas, they are sometimes considered a barbaric race.

Roegadyn are divided into Sea Wolves and Hellsguard. Female Roegadyn were first added with A Realm Reborn.

In the First, the Galdjent are the most similar race.

Au Ra

Main article: Au Ra

Introduced in Heavensward, the Au Ra are a superficially reptilian race with horns, scales and tails.

The Au Ra are divided into Raen and Xaela clans.

In the First, the Drahn are the most similar race.


Main article: Viera

Introduced in Shadowbringers, the Viera were originally female only. Male Viera were added with Endwalker. They are a superficially leporine race, with long fur-covered ears and lithe features.

Viera are divided into Rava and Veena clans.

In the First, the Viis are the most similar race.


Main article: Hrothgar

Introduced in Shadowbringers, the Hrothgar were originally male only. They are a large leonine race with a fearsome bestial appearance.

Female Hrothgar were added with Dawntrail. They were the final new race to be added.

Hrothgar are divided into Helions and The Lost "clans", although it is more accurate to say that these are social groups instead of implying a geographical origin as in a traditional clan.

In the First, the Ronso are the most similar race.

Regional distribution

City population, percentage breakdown by race
Cities Elezen Hyur Lalafell Miqo'te Roegadyn Au Ra Viera Hrothgar
Wildwood Duskwight Midlanders Highlanders Plainsfolk Dunesfolk Seekers of the Sun Keepers of the Moon Sea Wolves Hellsguard Raen Xaela Rava Veena Helion The Lost
Gridania 30% 10% 40% * * * * 10% * * * * * * * *
Limsa Lominsa * * 10% * 20% * 20% * 40% * * * * * * *
Ul'dah * * 30% 10% * 40% * * * 10% * * * * * *
Ishgard 70% "Ishgardian" 20% * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ala Mhigo * * 10% 60% * * 10% * * 10% * * * * * *
Doma * * 60% "Far Eastern" * * * * 10% "Far Eastern" 10% * * * * *
Sharlayan Unknown. Note: Though its citizens are diverse, Sharlayan does not make population statistics public in the interest of equality
Werlyt * * 80% "Ilsabardian" * * * * * * 15% "Near Eastern" * * * *
Bozja * * 10% "Ilsabardian" * * * * 10% "Ilsabardian" * * * * 75%
Radz-at-Han** * * 50% "Near Eastern" * * * * * * 25% "Near Eastern" * * * *

*These minority races and others collectively make up the remaining percentage.

**Matanga and Arkasodara make up 20% of Radz-at-Han's population.

Regional distribution in the First

City population, percentage breakdown by race
Cities Hume Elf Galdjent Mystel Viis Ronso Drahn Zun (Amalj'aa)
The Crystarium 30% 25% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5%
Eulmore 40% 5% 5% 35% 5% 10%

Dwarves, the equivalent of Lalafell in the First, primarily live in the mountains of Kholusia.

Starting Attributes

Note that these differences are quite insignificant as they do not affect stat growth, especially at end-game when you have many hundreds to thousands of points of each stat.

Main article: Starting Attributes
Race Strength Dexterity Vitality Intelligence Mind
Hyur Midlander 22 19 20 23 19
Highlander 23 20 22 18 20
Elezen Wildwood 20 23 19 22 19
Duskwight 20 20 19 23 21
Lalafell Plainsfolk 19 23 19 22 20
Dunesfolk 19 21 18 22 23
Miqo'te Seekers of the Sun 22 23 20 19 19
Keepers of the Moon 19 22 18 21 23
Roegadyn Sea Wolves 22 19 23 18 21
Hellsguard 20 18 23 20 22
Au Ra Raen 19 22 19 20 23
Xaela 23 20 22 20 18
Hrothgar Helions 23 17 23 17 23
The Lost 23 17 23 17 23
Viera Rava 20 23 18 21 21
Veena 19 20 19 23 22


Race Gender 0% 50% 100%
US (ft/in) Metric (cm) US (ft/in) Metric (cm) US (ft/in) Metric (cm)
Roegadyn 7' 0.1" 213.5 7' 3.4" 222.0 7' 6.7" 230.4
Roegadyn 6' 3.6" 192.0 6' 9.6" 207.3 7' 3.7" 222.7
Au Ra 6' 7.9" 203.0 6' 10.6" 210.0 7' 1.4" 217.0
Hrothgar 6' 5.2" 196.2 6' 8.6" 204.6 6' 11.8" 212.9
Hrothgar 6' 0.6" 184.4 6' 3.5" 191.8 6' 6.5" 199.4
Elezen 6' 4.4" 194.1 6' 7.5" 202.0 6' 10.2" 209.8
Elezen 6' 0.2" 183.5 6' 3.8" 191.0 6' 6.8" 198.4
Highlander 6' 0.2" 184.8 6' 3.8" 192.5 6' 6.8" 200.2
Viera 5' 10.4" 178.8 6' 1" 185.1 6' 3.4" 191.4
Viera 5' 7.8" 172.2 5′ 10.5" 179.3 6′ 1.4" 186.5
Highlander 5' 8.2" 173.1 5' 11.0" 180.4 6' 1.8" 187.6
Midlander 5' 6.1" 168.0 5' 8.9" 175.0 5' 11.6" 182.0
Miqo'te 5' 2.7" 159.2 5' 5.4" 166.2 5' 8.2" 173.2
Midlander 5' 2.0" 157.4 5' 4.5" 164.0 5' 7.1" 170.5
Miqo'te 4' 10.9" 149.7 5' 1.4" 156.0 5' 3.8" 162.2
Au Ra 4' 9.5" 146.0 4' 11.9" 152.2 5' 2.4" 158.5
Lalafell 2' 10.2" 86.9 3' 0.2" 92.0 3' 2.2" 97.0
Lalafell 2' 10.2" 86.9 3' 0.2" 92.0 3' 2.2" 97.0


Main article: Tribes

In addition to playable races, myriad other non-playable races exist in the game. These races may form groups that are known as tribes.
