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{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
!Item Level
!Block Strength
!Block Rate
!Materia Slots
!Stats and Attributes
|[[Shield of the Sephirot]]||[[File:shield of the sephirot icon1.png]]||60||220||[[Gladiator|GLA]], [[Paladin|PLD]]||Shield||364||364||1||align = "left" |[[Strength]] +34, [[Vitality]] +37, [[Critical Hit Rate]] +31, [[Determination]] +21


Revision as of 23:56, 23 February 2016

Template:Dungeon Infobox

See also: Containment Bay S1T7






Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Axe of the Sephirot Axe of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 MRD WAR 77 (Physical) 3.44 88.29 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Determination +103, Skill Speed +76
Blade of the Sephirot Blade of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 GLA PLD 77 (Physical) 2.24 57.49 1 Strength +85, Vitality +91, Parry +54, Skill Speed +77
Bow of the Sephirot Bow of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 ARC BRD 69 (Physical) 3.04 69.92 2 Dexterity +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +108
Cane of the Sephirot Cane of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 CNJ WHM 106 (Magical) 3.44 88.29 2 Vitality +115, Mind +119, Critical Hit Rate +108, Spell Speed +76
Edge of the Sephirot Edge of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 DRK 77 (Physical) 2.96 75.97 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Determination +103, Skill Speed +76
Fire of the Sephirot Fire of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 MCH 69 (Physical) 2.64 60.72 2 Dexterity +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +108, Skill Speed +76
Fists of the Sephirot Fists of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 PGL MNK 77 (Physical) 2.56 65.70 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +108
Pike of the Sephirot Pike of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 LNC DRG 77 (Physical) 2.88 73.92 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +108
Points of the Sephirot Points of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 ROG NIN 77 (Physical) 2.56 65.70 2 Dexterity +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +108, Skill Speed +76
Song of the Sephirot Song of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 SCH 106 (Magical) 3.12 80.08 2 Vitality +115, Mind +119, Determination +72, Spell Speed +108
Staff of the Sephirot Staff of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 THM BLM 106 (Magical) 3.28 84.18 2 Vitality +115, Intelligence +119, Determination +72, Spell Speed +108
Star of the Sephirot Star of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 AST 106 (Magical) 3.20 82.13 2 Vitality +115, Mind +119, Critical Hit Rate +76, Determination +103
Word of the Sephirot Word of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 ACN SMN 106 (Magical) 3.12 80.08 2 Vitality +115, Intelligence +119, Critical Hit Rate +108, Determination +72


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Shield of the Sephirot Shield of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 GLA, PLD Shield 364 364 1 Strength +34, Vitality +37, Critical Hit Rate +31, Determination +21


Preserved upon the Allagan tomestone you received from Unukalhai was an extraordinary history─a detailed record of the battles fought between the eikon Sephirot and the armies of Allag. After feeding the account of this epic conflict into Azys Lla’s verification systems, you have succeeded in activating what the node describes as a “combat simulation.”

Can the enigmatic technology of the ancient empire truly manifest an enhanced simulacrum of the formidable Fiend? Can this artificial incarnation truly surpass the threat posed by the original Sephirot? There is but one way to know for certain...

