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{{other uses|the level 70 story-mode [[raid]]|the (Savage) version|Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage)|the second tier of [[Omega]] in general|Omega: Sigmascape}}
{{Duty infobox
{{see also|Omega: Sigmascape (Savage)|Omega: Sigmascape}}
| name = Sigmascape V3.0
| description = Known simply as the “Guardian,” this foe is described by Cid as the machine responsible for defending a capital city. As a creation of otherworldly engineering it is impossible to know exactly what weapons it will bring to bear─only that this will be a contest of force versus overwhelming brute force.
| image = Sigmascape V3.0.png
| type = raid
| level = 70
| level-sync = 70
| ilvl = 325
| ilvl-sync =
| difficulty = normal
| size = full
| time-limit = 90
| duty-finder = Normal Raids (Stormblood)
| roulette = normal raids
| tomestones = 10 Poetics
| entrance = The Yawn
| entrance-coordinates =
| location = Lower Tower of Ruin, Sigmascape V3.0
| region = Gyr Abania
| req-quest = Won't Let You Pass
| patch = 4.2
| release = stormblood
| stone-sky-sea = Omega: Sigmascape
}} The raid is also known as '''O7N'''. {{TOC limit|3}}
{{#ev:youtube|5ccTteTx2h4|350|right|Sigmascape V3.0 (Normal) Guide}}
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Guardian (boss)|Guardian]]===
Players will find themselves in an otherworldly location, akin to a mechanical factory, within a square-shaped arena. Unlike the two previous encounters in Sigmascape, V3.0 involves a dangerous outer wall that should be avoided at all costs. Any player who touches the edges of the arena will suffer moderate damage and a [[File:Shocked icon.png|link=]] '''Shocked''' debuff, which is similar to [[Paralysis]] but also causes damage-over-time for several seconds.

In Sigmascape V3.0 / O7 (Normal), a team of 8 players will engage and defeat Guardian.
Whilst facing off against this literal death-machine, players will also notice large '''monitors''' outside of the arena which will give some visual hints regarding upcoming mechanics. Be sure to glance at them whenever the Guardian begins to '''Load''' a program, as the images indicate upcoming mechanics and will allow the raid to preemptively organize themselves ahead of time. ''Final Fantasy'' enthusiasts will likely recognize the images as sprites from ''Final Fantasy VI''.

Recommendation: Tank the Guardian at it's spawnpoint. Handle each ADD's according to it's abilities.
====General Mechanics====
*'''Magitek Ray''' - Guardian turns to face a random player and - after an animated wind-up - emits a straight-line AoE across the arena. As a rule of thumb, if the Guardian turns to face you or your general direction unexpectedly and you notice blue energy forming by its cannon, a hefty side-step can take you out of danger. Any player hit by the beam will suffer high damage and be afflicted with a stackable {{status effect|vulnerability up}} '''[[Vulnerability Up]]''' debuff.
*'''Arm & Hammer''' - a tankbuster against Guardian's current target. Be sure to mitigate the blow with cooldowns whenever possible.

The fight could be separated in two (2) phases:
*'''Diffractive Laser''' - raidwide AoE attack. Bear in mind that '''Diffractive Laser''' will often be used as a 'loaded-program' filler.

'''Phase 1:''' Just the Guardian. Uses abilities at own discretion.
*'''Prey Missile''' - places a noticeably large orange-red marker on a random DPS. After a brief delay, the marked target will suffer moderate damage and a flaming debuff.

'''Phase 2:''' Guardian + ADD (or ADD's if you botched it.)
*'''Load Program''' - as mentioned before, the monitors outside of the arena will display an image that represents which program is being loaded. There are four possible programs - each being represented by a recognizable sprite of '''Dadaluma''', '''Ultros''', '''Air Force''', and '''Bibliotaph'''. Bear in mind that loaded programs are not always in a static order, so instead, we'll describe each one individually.
Guardian will use abilities according to the chosen ADD.
After each phase change, the Guardian will fly up and target a random spot in the area (visible by a fiery line from Guardian to the target). After a few seconds a pulsing marker will indicate the target. The target will get hit by a blast, dealing AOE damage. Move away to reduce the damage suffered.

The Guardian will start in Phase 1. After the first transition to Phase 2, this phase will repeat, each time with a new ADD and set of abilities used by the Guardian.
''Now that you know the Guardian's basic mechanics, let's take a look at each program it can load throughout the encounter.''

So it would be: Phase 1 -> Phase 2 -> Phase 2 -> ...
====Program: Dadaluma====
Once fully loaded, the '''Dadaluma''' program begins with an unavoidable '''Shockwave''', inflicting damage and knocking back the entire raid from the Guardian's current location. Seeing as the outer edge of the arena is dangerous, all players should position themselves so that they are not pushed into it. This knockback can be prevented with {{action icon|Arm's Length}} or {{action icon|Surecast}}.

'''''Do note that most, if not all, abilities will apply a stack of a debuff (Vulnerability Up) to anyone hit.''''' This debuff will increase the damage suffered. MT'ing with up to 3 stacks should be manageable, albeit not to be recommended. 4+ stacks will be very risky.
Once the knockback has concluded, '''Chakra Burst''' spawns eight yellow circles within the arena - each one displaying a slowly descending orb (meteor mechanic), indicating that at least one player must be standing within each circle before the orbs hit the platform. If one (or more) circles are uninhabited by the time the orbs finally descend, the entire raid will suffer damage and debuffs (relative to how many orbs were uncaught).

Further: Stay away from the edge of the area because the glowing line will do damage and add a Shocked debuff (paralyse) for about 15s. Healer should be able to remove that one.
Once '''Chakra Burst''' has ended, Dadaluma himself will spawn within the arena and should be picked up by an off-tank as soon as possible. Whilst active, he will occasionally unleash an '''Aura Cannon''' (straight-line AoE) that should be avoided.

Once Dadaluma has been defeated, the fight resumes as normal.

* '''Magitek Ray''': Long range line shaped AOE. This ability will be pointed away from the tank in the direction of one or more party members. The ability does not have a telegraphed area, so watch out for the cast bar. Stand behind or about 45° to the side of the front of Guardian to avoid being hit. Getting hit by this will do damage and apply one stack of debuff.
====Program: Ultros====
Once fully loaded, the '''Ultros''' program will unleash large AoE circles beneath all members of the raid simultaneously, forcing everyone to move. Excess damage can be avoided by having the raid stack together so that the circles are baited into one easily avoidable location, though this strategy is not entirely necessary. Shortly afterwards, more AoE circles will appear within the arena, except these will cause massive tentacles to erupt from the ground. Once the tentacles have appeared, each one will try to '''Wallop''' members of the raid, which involves large straight-line AoE telegraphs that should be avoided. Once '''Wallop''' has been cast, each tentacle will slam down across their telegraphed line and inflict tremendous damage on anyone caught in their wake.

* '''Arm and Hammer:''' Tank buster. This ability is directed at the MT only. Does moderate damage on a not debuffed tank.Healer should still pay special attention and the MT might consider using a damage mitigating ability.  
After '''Wallop''' has ended, Ultros himself will spawn within the arena as a mini-boss. As soon as '''Ultros''' spawns, the off-tank should grab enmity as soon as possible and lure Ultros into a corner. Meanwhile, the Guardian will have become untargetable and begin floating above the arena, targeting a random player with '''Chain Cannon''', represented by a tether-line from the Guardian to its target. If targeted by '''Chain Cannon''', stay on the move to avoid a barrage of AoE attacks. Once '''Chain Cannon''' has ceased, the Guardian will aim its '''Main Cannon''' at the previous location, dropping a proximity marker. All players will need to burn down Ultros whilst moving as far away from the point of impact as possible.

* '''Prey:''' Redish circular marker on one (1) player. Moderate damage to the player but will apply a buring DOT for 10s. Marked player - move away from others. Healer - shield & heal the damage and HOT & heal the DOT. The DOT, probably, can not be removed.
Once Ultros and the Guardian's cannon attacks have ended, the fight resumes as normal.
* '''Load:''' Transition from one ADD to another. Have a look at the cards at the front side of the area - the picture indicates the ADD and the abilites used by the Guardian (assumption). Also, the Guardian will give a little speach, indicating the name of the ADD and abilities used. "Running {InsertNameOfAddHere} Combat Program..." See ADD's. And do pay attention to the ADD, because Load will do something special for each type.
* '''Run Program:''' Summons ADD - according to the card displayed.
* '''Diffractive Plasma:''' Area wide AOE, moderate damage. Shield & heal.
====Program: Bibliotaph====
Once fully loaded, the '''Bibliotaph''' program will spawn six demonic circles within the arena - each one requiring three players to stand on them in order to quench them. The raid should quickly form three-man groups and sprint from one circle to another as quickly as possible, as any un-dispelled circles will eventually summon demonic adds that will also need to be dealt with.

Once the demonic circles have resolved, Bibliotaph will be summoned to the arena and should be picked up by the off-tank as soon as possible. Whilst active, Bibliotaph will occasionally unleash massive point-blank AoEs that should be avoided.

<big>'''Abilities of Guardian according to the chosen ADD '''</big>
Once Bibliotaph has been defeated, the fight resumes as normal.

*'''Tentacle Simulation (Ultros):''' Circular AOE's followed by tentacles around the Guardian. The tentacles will do line shaped AOE's.
====Program: Air Force====
Once fully loaded, the '''Air Force''' program begins with a point-blank AoE from the Guardian itself, forcing everyone in melee range to retreat. Anyone hit by the attack will suffer tremendous damage. Soon after, '''Missile Simulation''' will create multiple missiles at various edges of the arena that will slowly begin to travel from one side to the other, leaving only a few gaps for players to weave through them. Any player hit by a missile will suffer moderate damage and debuffs, so avoid at all costs.

*''' Diffractive Laser (Air Force):''' PBAOE around Guardian. Melee: Move out of it or suffer heavy damage, stun and one (1) stack of debuff.
As soon as the missiles have traveled across the arena, '''Bomb Deployment''' creates two defusable explosives within the arena - each one displaying a red and blue wire. To defuse a bomb, players must look to see which of the two colors is glowing brighter than the other and stand on that respective wire. However, should any player walk on the incorrect wire for any reason, the bomb will detonate prematurely, inflicting moderate AoE damage to those nearby.

*''' Missile Simulation (Air Force):''' A number of missiles will be moving (slowly) from left -> right, right -> left and behind -> front of the area. Avoid getting hit or suffer AOE damage.
With the bombs defused (or detonated), Air Force will spawn within the arena and should be picked up by the off-tank as soon as possible. Whilst active, Air Force can emit a huge cone-AoE across the platform that should be avoided.

*''' Bomb Deployment (Air Force):''' Places two (2) bombs, each with two (2) fuses attached. Stay away from the bombs until one (1) of the fuses starts glowing. One (1) player has to step into the active (glowing) fuse. The player will suffer some minor damage. Failure will result in moderate AOE damage and a stack of debuff.
Once Air Force has been defeated, the fight resumes as normal.

*''' Demon Simulation (Bibliotaph):''' Places six (6) panels with three (3) spots each around the area. Each and every one must be deactivate by 3 player standing in it. Failure will summon a demon per active circle, on top of     the Bibliotaph. Remember Gubal Library?
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 1===
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Sigmascape Lens}}
{{Drops table row|Sigmascape Shaft}}
{{Drops table row|Sigmascape Spring}}
{{Drops table row|Sigmascape Bolt}}
{{Table footer}}

*''' Shockwave (Dadaluma):''' Large AOE, moderate damage but knockback. Stay near the boss.  
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] Treasure Coffer 2===
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Sigmascape Shaft}}
{{Drops table row|Sigmascape Crank}}
{{Drops table row|Sigmascape Spring}}
{{Drops table row|Sigmascape Bolt}}
{{Drops table row|A Battle Decisively Orchestrion Roll}}
{{Table footer}}

<big>'''ADD types:'''</big>
*''' Ultros:''' Nothing special. Tank & spank. Load will end with circular AOE's placed around the group.
'''Cid:''' The Guardian will transition between a host of different combat programs. Try to keep track of which does what!
*''' Dadaluma:''' ''Ability:'' Aura Cannon - Long range line AOE. Face away from group. Load will place a number (8) of yellow circles around the area. Have one (1) player stand in each or suffer AOE damage for each free one.
*''' Air Force:''' ''Ability:'' Diffractive Laser - Long range cone shaped AOE in front of the mob. Face away from the group.
*''' Bibliotaph:''' 
** ''Ability:'' Magic Burst - Large PBAOE around the Bibliotaph. Move out of it.
** ''Ability:'' Deep Darkness - Area wide PBAOE around the Bibliotaph but with a save zone close the mob. Stay near the mob.
As for the order of the ADD's: It seems that an ADD is choosen at random.

*[[Sigmascape Crank|Sigmascape Crank (Hands)]]
*[[Sigmascape Spring|Sigmascape Spring (Legs)]]
'''Guardian:''' WEAPON SYSTEMS ONLINE...
*[[Sigmascape Lens|Sigmascape Lens (Head)]]
'''Guardian:''' FLIGHT SYSTEMS ONLINE...

Known simply as the "Guardian", this foe is decribed by Cid as the machine responsible for defending a capital city. <br />

As a creation of otherworldy engineering it is impossible to know exactly what weapons it will bring to bear - only that this will be a contest of force versus overwhelming brute force.
{{Duties nav|raid}}

Latest revision as of 20:20, 3 November 2024

Disambig icon.png This article is about the level 70 story-mode raid. For the (Savage) version, see Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage). For the second tier of Omega in general, see Omega: Sigmascape.


Sigmascape V3.0

Sigmascape V3.0.png
70 (Sync: 70)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Normal Raids (Stormblood)
Normal Raids
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 
Req. quest
Feature quest Won't Let You Pass
The Yawn
Lower Tower of Ruin, Sigmascape V3.0
Gyr Abania
Stone, Sky, Sea

Known simply as the “Guardian,” this foe is described by Cid as the machine responsible for defending a capital city. As a creation of otherworldly engineering it is impossible to know exactly what weapons it will bring to bear─only that this will be a contest of force versus overwhelming brute force.

— In-game description

Sigmascape V3.0 is a level 70 raid introduced in patch 4.2 with Stormblood. The raid is also known as O7N.


Sigmascape V3.0 (Normal) Guide

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Guardian

Players will find themselves in an otherworldly location, akin to a mechanical factory, within a square-shaped arena. Unlike the two previous encounters in Sigmascape, V3.0 involves a dangerous outer wall that should be avoided at all costs. Any player who touches the edges of the arena will suffer moderate damage and a Shocked icon.png Shocked debuff, which is similar to Paralysis but also causes damage-over-time for several seconds.

Whilst facing off against this literal death-machine, players will also notice large monitors outside of the arena which will give some visual hints regarding upcoming mechanics. Be sure to glance at them whenever the Guardian begins to Load a program, as the images indicate upcoming mechanics and will allow the raid to preemptively organize themselves ahead of time. Final Fantasy enthusiasts will likely recognize the images as sprites from Final Fantasy VI.

General Mechanics

  • Magitek Ray - Guardian turns to face a random player and - after an animated wind-up - emits a straight-line AoE across the arena. As a rule of thumb, if the Guardian turns to face you or your general direction unexpectedly and you notice blue energy forming by its cannon, a hefty side-step can take you out of danger. Any player hit by the beam will suffer high damage and be afflicted with a stackable Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up debuff.
  • Arm & Hammer - a tankbuster against Guardian's current target. Be sure to mitigate the blow with cooldowns whenever possible.
  • Diffractive Laser - raidwide AoE attack. Bear in mind that Diffractive Laser will often be used as a 'loaded-program' filler.
  • Prey Missile - places a noticeably large orange-red marker on a random DPS. After a brief delay, the marked target will suffer moderate damage and a flaming debuff.
  • Load Program - as mentioned before, the monitors outside of the arena will display an image that represents which program is being loaded. There are four possible programs - each being represented by a recognizable sprite of Dadaluma, Ultros, Air Force, and Bibliotaph. Bear in mind that loaded programs are not always in a static order, so instead, we'll describe each one individually.

Now that you know the Guardian's basic mechanics, let's take a look at each program it can load throughout the encounter.

Program: Dadaluma

Once fully loaded, the Dadaluma program begins with an unavoidable Shockwave, inflicting damage and knocking back the entire raid from the Guardian's current location. Seeing as the outer edge of the arena is dangerous, all players should position themselves so that they are not pushed into it. This knockback can be prevented with Arm's Length.png  Arm's Length or Surecast.png  Surecast.

Once the knockback has concluded, Chakra Burst spawns eight yellow circles within the arena - each one displaying a slowly descending orb (meteor mechanic), indicating that at least one player must be standing within each circle before the orbs hit the platform. If one (or more) circles are uninhabited by the time the orbs finally descend, the entire raid will suffer damage and debuffs (relative to how many orbs were uncaught).

Once Chakra Burst has ended, Dadaluma himself will spawn within the arena and should be picked up by an off-tank as soon as possible. Whilst active, he will occasionally unleash an Aura Cannon (straight-line AoE) that should be avoided.

Once Dadaluma has been defeated, the fight resumes as normal.

Program: Ultros

Once fully loaded, the Ultros program will unleash large AoE circles beneath all members of the raid simultaneously, forcing everyone to move. Excess damage can be avoided by having the raid stack together so that the circles are baited into one easily avoidable location, though this strategy is not entirely necessary. Shortly afterwards, more AoE circles will appear within the arena, except these will cause massive tentacles to erupt from the ground. Once the tentacles have appeared, each one will try to Wallop members of the raid, which involves large straight-line AoE telegraphs that should be avoided. Once Wallop has been cast, each tentacle will slam down across their telegraphed line and inflict tremendous damage on anyone caught in their wake.

After Wallop has ended, Ultros himself will spawn within the arena as a mini-boss. As soon as Ultros spawns, the off-tank should grab enmity as soon as possible and lure Ultros into a corner. Meanwhile, the Guardian will have become untargetable and begin floating above the arena, targeting a random player with Chain Cannon, represented by a tether-line from the Guardian to its target. If targeted by Chain Cannon, stay on the move to avoid a barrage of AoE attacks. Once Chain Cannon has ceased, the Guardian will aim its Main Cannon at the previous location, dropping a proximity marker. All players will need to burn down Ultros whilst moving as far away from the point of impact as possible.

Once Ultros and the Guardian's cannon attacks have ended, the fight resumes as normal.

Program: Bibliotaph

Once fully loaded, the Bibliotaph program will spawn six demonic circles within the arena - each one requiring three players to stand on them in order to quench them. The raid should quickly form three-man groups and sprint from one circle to another as quickly as possible, as any un-dispelled circles will eventually summon demonic adds that will also need to be dealt with.

Once the demonic circles have resolved, Bibliotaph will be summoned to the arena and should be picked up by the off-tank as soon as possible. Whilst active, Bibliotaph will occasionally unleash massive point-blank AoEs that should be avoided.

Once Bibliotaph has been defeated, the fight resumes as normal.

Program: Air Force

Once fully loaded, the Air Force program begins with a point-blank AoE from the Guardian itself, forcing everyone in melee range to retreat. Anyone hit by the attack will suffer tremendous damage. Soon after, Missile Simulation will create multiple missiles at various edges of the arena that will slowly begin to travel from one side to the other, leaving only a few gaps for players to weave through them. Any player hit by a missile will suffer moderate damage and debuffs, so avoid at all costs.

As soon as the missiles have traveled across the arena, Bomb Deployment creates two defusable explosives within the arena - each one displaying a red and blue wire. To defuse a bomb, players must look to see which of the two colors is glowing brighter than the other and stand on that respective wire. However, should any player walk on the incorrect wire for any reason, the bomb will detonate prematurely, inflicting moderate AoE damage to those nearby.

With the bombs defused (or detonated), Air Force will spawn within the arena and should be picked up by the off-tank as soon as possible. Whilst active, Air Force can emit a huge cone-AoE across the platform that should be avoided.

Once Air Force has been defeated, the fight resumes as normal.


Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Sigmascape Lens.png  Sigmascape Lens Other N/A ABasic 1
Sigmascape shaft icon1.png  Sigmascape Shaft Other N/A ABasic 1
Sigmascape Spring.png  Sigmascape Spring Other N/A ABasic 1
Sigmascape Bolt Icon.png  Sigmascape Bolt Other N/A ABasic 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Sigmascape shaft icon1.png  Sigmascape Shaft Other N/A ABasic 1
Sigmascape Crank.png  Sigmascape Crank Other N/A ABasic 1
Sigmascape Spring.png  Sigmascape Spring Other N/A ABasic 1
Sigmascape Bolt Icon.png  Sigmascape Bolt Other N/A ABasic 1
A battle decisively orchestrion roll icon1.png  A Battle Decisively Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1



Cid: The Guardian will transition between a host of different combat programs. Try to keep track of which does what! 
