Heavensward content

Difference between revisions of "The Void Ark"

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(added duty dialogue)
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| size = alliance
| size = alliance
| time-limit = 120
| time-limit = 120
| duty-finder = Alliance Raids (Heavensward)
| roulette = alliance raid
| roulette = alliance raid
| tomestones = 100 poetics
| tomestones = 100 poetics + 60 aesthetics + 8 heliometry
| req-quest = To Rule the Skies
| req-quest = To Rule the Skies
| entrance = The Sea of Clouds
| entrance-coordinates = 25.5, 5.1
| location = The Void Ark
| region = Abalathia's Spine
| patch = 3.1
| patch = 3.1
| release = heavensward
| release = heavensward
}} It is the first part of [[Shadow of Mhach]].
{{TOC limit|3}}
==General Information==
[[The Void Ark]] is a level 60 [[raid]] released in [[patch 3.1]]. It is the first 24-player raid of the [[Heavensward]] expansion. Void Ark requires the players to have item levels of 175 or higher. The raid composition is 3 tanks, 6 healers and 15 DPS (1:2:5 ratio).
#Clear the sterncastle deck.
#Slay [[Cetus (Boss)|Cetus]].
'''Rewards''': As of [[Patch 3.2]], the weekly limitations on [[#Loot|loot]] have been lifted and players may roll on as many items as they wish.
#Clear the forward port ventilator.
#Clear the modification cell.
#Clear the central Conveyance unit.
*Quest {{questlink|feature|To Rule the Skies}}
#Slay [[Cuchulainn]].
*Quest-giver Location: [[Utata]] - [[The Sea of Clouds]] (x25,y5)
#Slay [[Echidna]].
*Prerequisite Quest: {{questlink|feature|Sky Pirates}}

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Cetus]]===
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Cetus (Boss)|Cetus]]===
This fight is a simple DPS check. Cetus will randomly drop bubbles that create small persistent AoEs on the ground. It will also cast body slam in a random area, has a room-wide electric AoE where you must be in close proximity of Cetus to avoid damage. During the fight, Cetus will spawn adds, take them down. It will also spawn smaller adds with a long-range AoE charge; the targeted raid member should go into melee range to prevent damage to other members. As these adds are up Cetus will fly across the map dropping large AoE bubbles that deal massive damage and knockback. Near the end of the fight Cetus fly into the middle of the map, stun everyone and pull half the raid party into the middle. It will create an impassable wall and spawn four adds that are linked to its core in the middle. The raid members will have a timer to destroy all the adds outside and the one inside or else they will KO.
* '''Electric Swipe''': A narrow cone from Cetus's rear that deals moderate damage and inflicts a weak {{status effect|electrocution}} '''[[Electrocution]]''' damage over time debuff for 25 seconds.
* '''Body Slam''': A circle AoE targeted below a random player. Cetus leaps and slams down onto the area indicated.
* '''Immersion''': Unavoidable party-wide damage combined with watery orbs that appear over several random players. After a few seconds, these orbs will drop onto the floor, dealing moderate damage and leaving small water puddles that inflict {{status effect|dropsy}} '''[[Dropsy]]'''.
* '''Symbiosis''': Cetus summons three '''Hybodus''' adds and becomes untargetable. When all of the Hybodus are dead, Cetus will become targetable and use '''Body Slam'''.
* '''Hydrobomb''': While the Hybodus are still alive, Cetus will mark a random player with a green crosshair and begin slowly chasing them, dropping circle AoEs behind itself as it travels. The hydrobombs deal minor damage and knocks back players hit from the point of impact.
* '''Electric Whorl''': A ring AoE that leaves only Cetus's hitbox safe. Deals moderate damage and inflicts {{status effect|electrocution}} '''[[Electrocution]]'''.
* '''Expulsion''': A circle AoE centered on Cetus. Deals moderate damage, strong knockback, and inflicts {{status effect|windburn}} '''[[Windburn]]'''.
* '''Hydrocore''': Cetus stuns the entire alliance and becomes untargetable, then pulls one party into the center of the arena while pushing the other two parties to the edge. A barrier will form in the center of the arena, separating the parties. A '''Hydrocore''' add will spawn inside the barrier, while four '''Hydrosphere''' adds will appear on the outside and tether to the core. The Hydrospheres grant a stack of '''Vulnerability Down''' to the Hydrocore while they're alive. While the Hydrocore is alive it will periodically cast '''Water''' on its primary target, dealing moderate damage. Once the Hydrocore is destroyed, Cetus will once again become targetable and use '''Body Slam'''.

===Forward Port Ventilator===
===Forward Port Ventilator===
Each group will take one of the buttons, and attack the adds on either side. Prioritize the Pagan's Knots first, and clear other adds as you can. If the Knots take too long to die, they will put poison in the air. You can clear this standing on the buttons. Do not stand on the buttons when there is static or you will die.
Each group will take one of the buttons, and attack the adds on either side. Prioritize the Pagan's Knots first, and clear other adds as you can. If the Knots take too long to die, they will put poison in the air. You can clear this standing on the buttons. Do not stand on the buttons when there is static or you will die.

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Irminsul]] and [[Sawtooth]]===
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Irminsul]] and [[Sawtooth (Enemy)|Sawtooth]]===
This fight is a little confusing for first-timers, one tank has to hold Irminsul, and another holds Sawtooth. The soil under the adds will shift during the fight, kill the adds before they are consumed, or move them away. If they are consumed the boss will get points and if it reaches the max amount, the party will wipe. Avoid being eaten, you will become infected with a plant, if you are infected it will become hard to control your character, and it will attempt to infect everyone close by with a short cone AoE. Irminsul does a circle AoE and Sawtooth occasionally swings its tail. Random raid members will be marked with a yellow circle with a large AoE radius around them, they will tether and bind nearby raid members and make them unable to perform actions. Break this by having unaffected raid members run through the tethers. Sawtooth will have red electricity around it and begin casting a long spell, everyone MUST go behind Irminsul AWAY from Sawtooth's line of sight to avoid damage, as it is a KO ability.
* '''Life Tether''': Irminsul and Sawtooth are permanently tethered to each other. When the HP difference between the two grows too large, Sawtooth will drain health from or transfer health to Irminsul, equalizing their HP totals.
* '''Resistances''': As the battle starts, both Irminsul and Sawtooth will each gain one of either '''Ranged Resistance''' or '''Magic Resistance''' buffs, rendering that boss invincible to attack from Physical Ranged DPS jobs, or Caster and Healer jobs, respectively. Which boss receives each resistance is random.
* '''White Breath''': A wide cone from Sawtooth's front, dealing moderate damage.
* '''Mucus Bomb''': Three random players are marked with large green-yellow circle AoEs. After a short delay, balls of mucus splatter over the targeted players and anyone inside the AoEs, dealing minor damage, tethering affected players to up to two other affected players, and inflicting them with '''Seized''' for 20 seconds, rendering them unable to move or perform actions. Players who are not seized can walk through the mucus tethers to break them, and once a player is no longer tethered to anyone else, the Seized debuff is dispelled.
* '''Mucus Spray''': A small untelegraphed ring attack around Sawtooth with the same effects as Mucus Bomb.
* '''Shockwave Stomp''': Irminsul becomes shielded and '''Invincible''' to all damage, while Sawtooth slowly charges the attack. At the end of the cast, Sawtooth slams the ground, dealing 30,000 damage to all players not hiding behind Irminsul.
* '''Sawtooth Feeds''': Several very weak '''Ark Ked''' adds will appear. After a few moments, Sawtooth will bury its heads into the ground and cause large circular rumbling dirt AoEs to appear below the Keds (or random players if the Keds are dead). Any players hit are '''Devoured''', removing them from the fight temporarily. A few moments later, the devoured players are regurgitated with a '''Parasite''' plant attached to their head for 15 seconds, and are forced to walk toward allies and '''attack''' them with short range cone AoEs. Other players hit by these attacks are in turn also infested with a '''Parasite'''.
* '''Pulse of the Void''': A circle AoE centered on Irminsul that it uses periodically. Players hit are dealt minor damage and inflicted with {{status effect|poison}} '''[[Poison]]'''. This is Irminsul's only method of direct attack.

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Cuchulainn]]===
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Cuchulainn]]===
Cuchulainn has multiple mechanics for his fight:
* All players are immediately given 1 stack of an indefinite {{status effect|bleed}} '''[[Bleed]]ing''' debuff that cannot be removed by any means.
*Everyone will have a non-curable bleeding debuff.  
* '''Corrosive Bile''': An untelegraphed cone attack from Cuchulainn's front. The attack lingers, dealing damage every second and inflicting a stack of {{status effect|poison}} '''[[Poison]]''' with every hit.
*First, you want to stay behind him because he will cast corrosive bile which deals a moderate amount of AoE damage in front of him.  
* '''Flailing Tentacles''': Cuchulainn lifts the four tentacles at the bottom of his body, then slams them down as line attacks in the diagonal directions from where he's facing. Deals moderate damage and inflicts a curable '''Concussion''' damage over time debuff.
*He will then spawn five statues that raise the bleeding stack to 5, if not destroyed in time they will explode. Destroying them will also reduce the bleeding stack back to 1.  
* '''Idol of Impurity''': Four '''Gyrtower''' adds appear in the arena. The towers each inflict an additional stack of {{status effect|bleed}} '''[[Bleed]]ing''' until they are destroyed.
*He will also throw out a large poison circle AoE, it's best to not stand on the raised platforms because of this. He will turn the ground green and then you must stand on a raised platform to avoid extreme damage.  
* '''Void Pact''': Void portals will appear over the raised platforms in the arena, eventually spawning '''Foobar''' adds. Cuchulainn gains '''Physical Stoneskin''' and '''Magical Stoneskin''' buffs, nullifying a certain amount of damage taken from physical or magical attacks, respectively. Each portal will spawn Foobars twice before they disappear.
*He will spawn Slime adds on the platforms, and attempt to eat them. Do not let him consume them. Whoever has enmity can pull the mobs away from his cone AoE. If he consumes an add he gains a stacking Damage Up buff.
* '''Beckon''': A cone attack directed at one of the Foobar adds. Any player or Foobar in the cone is pulled directly in front of Cuchulainn.
*After this phase he will cast a room-wide AoE, healers need to prepare AoEs because it deals moderate damage.  
* '''Devour''': Used immediately after '''Beckon''' if there are any Foobars in melee range. Cuchulainn devours the Foobar add, instantly killing it and boosting his next attack.
*He will also slam his tentacles on the ground and you have to be in between the tentacles to avoid corruption damage and a knockback.  
* '''Bile Below''': Arena-wide instant-kill attack immediately after the second wave of Foobars. To avoid it, stand on the raised platforms.
*He will cast black lung until the battle ends, which in addition to increasing the stack on the bleeding debuff is an AoE and spawns orbs. Members have to collect all the orbs or they will explode and bind everyone.
* '''Pestilence''': Cuchulainn sprays vomit all over the arena, dealing damage, which can be lessened by standing on the raised platforms. If Cuchulainn had eaten at least one Foobars, this attack deals extremely high damage, almost guaranteeing that players not standing on the platforms will die.
* '''Black Lung''': All players are given another stack of the indefinite {{status effect|bleed}} '''[[Bleed]]ing''' debuff, and eight '''Black Phlegm''' orbs will appear around the arena. These orbs must be touched to "defuse" them, dealing moderate damage to players near them, destroying the orbs in the process. If orbs are left alone for too long, they will explode with '''Grand Corruption''', dealing moderate damage to all players and inflicting '''Bind''' and '''Out of the Action''' for 9 seconds, and one stack of '''Magic Vulnerability Up''' for 60 seconds.

===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Echidna]]===
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] [[Echidna]]===
This is a very straightforward fight. She has a cleave and a circle AoE around her called "Abyssal Sickle". She will then jump in the air and target a random raid member with a large grey AoE circle with arrows pointing to the member. Everyone has to group up on the targeted member to reduce the damage they will take. She will also cast a room-wide petrifying AoE, to avoid it look away from her. She also casts two rectangular line AoEs with gaps in between and to the opposite sides of them. She will jump into the air and create multiple large circle AoEs which deal massive damage if caught.
* '''Sickle Strike''': Tankbuster.
* '''Sickle Slash''': Two rectangular AoEs to Echidna's left and right, leaving a safe area directly down the center. Inflicts moderate damage.
Around 70% and 40% she splits into three, each mob will target a tank from each raid party. It is good to set waymarks on opposite sides of the map to avoid their tether, which creates a stacking defense if they are too close to each other. The main body part will also cast the petrifying AoE. If you do not kill them in time the party will wipe. She also spawns adds twice throughout the fight.
* '''Demonic Descent''': Echidna leaves the arena and performs one of two attacks: A stack marker on a random player, or several large circle AoEs randomly placed around the arena.
* '''Nemesis Burst''': Instant circular cleave with knockback.
* '''Abyssal Reaper''': Circular cleave with knockback. Inflicts a {{status effect|vulnerability up}}[[Vulnerability Up]] stack. Has a castbar but no AoE indicator.
* '''Petrifaction''': Gaze attack that inflicts {{status effect|petrification}} '''[[Petrification]]''' and a {{status effect|vulnerability up}}[[Vulnerability Up]] stack.
* '''Add Phase''': Echidna separates into three targets: '''Echidna''', '''Sinister''', and '''Dexter'''. The three pieces will each automatically aggro the tanks from each party (Echidna targets Tank A, Sinister targets Tank B and Dexter targets Tank C, ''no'' {{action icon|Provoke|provok}}ing necessary). Keep them apart from each other, as they otherwise will tether together and gain stacks of '''Vulnerability Down''' based on their proximity to the other adds.  
** '''Serpentine Strike''': Used by Dexter and Sinister. Inflicts light damage to players in a small radius around them and inflicts '''Magic Vulnerability Up'''.
* '''Gehenna''': After all of the adds are defeated, Echidna will reform and deal moderate damage to the entire alliance.
* '''Bloodguards''': Echidna occasionally summons a pair of '''Bloodguard''' minions.

===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Cetus]]===
{{see also|The Void Ark Armor}}
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Cetus (Boss)|Cetus]]===
*{{Item reward|10|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*{{Item reward|10|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
{{Drops list|Cetus}}
{{Drops list|Cetus (Boss)}}

===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Irminsul]]===
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Irminsul]]===
Line 67: Line 95:
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Echidna]]===
===[[File:Gold Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Echidna]]===
*{{Item reward|40|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*{{Item reward|40|Allagan Tomestone of Poetics}}
*[[Echidna Card]] (Drops at a fixed rate)
*{{Item icon|Echidna Card}} (Drops at a fixed rate)
{{Drops list|Echidna}}
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Coffin Lid}}
{{Drops table row|Coffin Lid}}
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{{Table footer}}

{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Armor of Fending}}
When originally released, players could receive only one reward item per week for completing duties in The Void Ark. As of [[patch 3.2]], all weekly loot restrictions have been removed.
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Mail of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Coat of Striking}}
Each party in the alliance will receive its own treasure chest, the contents of which will be identical regardless of the route taken.
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Jacket of Scouting}}
* Players cannot open a treasure chest belonging to another party.
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Jacket of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Robe of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Robe of Healing}}
This duty is associated with the following [[achievements]]:
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Gauntlets of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Gauntlets of Maiming}}
{| {{STDT|mech1}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Halfgloves of Striking}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Gloves of Scouting}}
{{achievement table row|Touching the Void}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Gloves of Aiming}}
{{achievement table row|Mapping the Realm: The Void Ark}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Gloves of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Gloves of Healing}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Skirt of Fending}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Breeches of Maiming}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Trousers of Striking}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Breeches of Scouting}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Breeches of Aiming}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Breeches of Casting}}
{{Drops table row|Void Ark Breeches of Healing}}
{{Table footer}}

===Gear Images===
===Gear Images===
[[File:void ark gear1.jpg|450px]]
<gallery heights=225px widths=400px mode=packed>
File:Void ark gear2.jpg
File:void ark gear1.png
===Dungeon Images===
===Dungeon Images===
<gallery mode="packed">
<gallery mode="packed">
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void ark6.jpg
void ark6.jpg
void ark7.jpg
void ark7.jpg
void ark concept art1.jpg

===Concept Art===
With advances in the usage of airships and amidst the arrival of the so-called “Great Sky Age,” there are those who ride their own airships through the skies seeking hidden lands and mystery. They are known as “sky pirates.
<gallery heights=200px mode="packed">
File:Void ark concept art1.jpg
There has been a rumor spreading amongst the sky pirates of a ghost ship wandering across the skies – an ark filled with evil power that was created long ago by mages to run from cataclysm.
File:Cait Sith.png

In an age when the miracle of the airship has become commonplace, the heavens have seen the rise of a new breed of fortune hunter─the "sky pirate." These airborne buccaneers sail the endless Sea of Clouds in search of hidden lands to explore, and forgotten treasures to plunder.
==Duty Dialogue==
'''Diabolos:''' Meddling mortals...
Arise and taste vengeance, my ravenous kindred!

At the behest of one such band of sky pirates, you have joined an expedition set on boarding the ominous ghost ship of recent rumor. Will you return triumphant with Leofard and his Redbills, arms laden with the spoils of some ancient trove, or will you fall to the perils of the haunted vessel as has every would-be looter before you...?
'''Cuchulainn:''' Ah the delectable aroma of terror.
Long has it been since last I feasted.
'''Cuchulainn:''' Graaaaaaaaar!
'''Cuchulainn:''' My minions shall infest your world!
'''Cuchulainn:''' I gorge upon fear, and spew it forth as bile!
All shall be tainted with pestilence!
'''Cuchulainn:''' No! This cannot be...
I am endless, as the stars...

==Video Guides==
'''Echidna:''' You would intrude upon the queen's very bedchamber?
Only agonizing death can cure such temerity!
'''Echidna:''' Such plump souls, ready for the harvest!
'''Echidna:''' You fate shall be throttled in serpants' coils!
'''Echidna:''' Return to me, my wayward claws!
'''Echidna:''' Come, my children.
There is mortal blood to spill!
'''Echidna:''' My queen! May your shadow fall over all...

{{Duties nav|raid}}
{{Duties nav|raid}}

Revision as of 21:39, 8 August 2024


The Void Ark

The Void Ark.png
60 (Sync: 60)
Item Level
Party size
24 man 3 Tank role.png 6 Healer role.png 15 DPS role.png
Time limit
120 minutes
Duty Finder
Alliance Raids (Heavensward)
Alliance Raids
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 100 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 60 Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry 8 
Req. quest
Feature quest To Rule the Skies
The Sea of Clouds (X:25.5, Y:5.1)
The Void Ark
Abalathia's Spine

In an age when the miracle of the airship has become commonplace, the heavens have seen the rise of a new breed of fortune hunter─the "sky pirate." These airborne buccaneers sail the endless sea of clouds in search of hidden lands to explore, and forgotten treasures to plunder.
At the behest of one such band of sky pirates, you have joined an expedition set on boarding the ominous ghost ship of recent rumor. Will you return triumphant with Leofard and his Redbills, arms laden with the spoils of some ancient trove, or will you fall to the perils of the haunted vessel as has every would-be looter before you...?

— In-game description

The Void Ark is a level 60 raid introduced in patch 3.1 with Heavensward. It is the first part of Shadow of Mhach.


  1. Clear the sterncastle deck.
  2. Slay Cetus.
  3. Clear the forward port ventilator.
  4. Clear the modification cell.
  5. Clear the central Conveyance unit.
  6. Slay Cuchulainn.
  7. Slay Echidna.


Aggressive difficulty r6.png Cetus

  • Electric Swipe: A narrow cone from Cetus's rear that deals moderate damage and inflicts a weak Electrocution icon1.png Electrocution damage over time debuff for 25 seconds.
  • Body Slam: A circle AoE targeted below a random player. Cetus leaps and slams down onto the area indicated.
  • Immersion: Unavoidable party-wide damage combined with watery orbs that appear over several random players. After a few seconds, these orbs will drop onto the floor, dealing moderate damage and leaving small water puddles that inflict Dropsy icon1.png Dropsy.
  • Symbiosis: Cetus summons three Hybodus adds and becomes untargetable. When all of the Hybodus are dead, Cetus will become targetable and use Body Slam.
  • Hydrobomb: While the Hybodus are still alive, Cetus will mark a random player with a green crosshair and begin slowly chasing them, dropping circle AoEs behind itself as it travels. The hydrobombs deal minor damage and knocks back players hit from the point of impact.
  • Electric Whorl: A ring AoE that leaves only Cetus's hitbox safe. Deals moderate damage and inflicts Electrocution icon1.png Electrocution.
  • Expulsion: A circle AoE centered on Cetus. Deals moderate damage, strong knockback, and inflicts Windburn icon1.png Windburn.
  • Hydrocore: Cetus stuns the entire alliance and becomes untargetable, then pulls one party into the center of the arena while pushing the other two parties to the edge. A barrier will form in the center of the arena, separating the parties. A Hydrocore add will spawn inside the barrier, while four Hydrosphere adds will appear on the outside and tether to the core. The Hydrospheres grant a stack of Vulnerability Down to the Hydrocore while they're alive. While the Hydrocore is alive it will periodically cast Water on its primary target, dealing moderate damage. Once the Hydrocore is destroyed, Cetus will once again become targetable and use Body Slam.

Forward Port Ventilator

Each group will take one of the buttons, and attack the adds on either side. Prioritize the Pagan's Knots first, and clear other adds as you can. If the Knots take too long to die, they will put poison in the air. You can clear this standing on the buttons. Do not stand on the buttons when there is static or you will die.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Irminsul and Sawtooth

  • Life Tether: Irminsul and Sawtooth are permanently tethered to each other. When the HP difference between the two grows too large, Sawtooth will drain health from or transfer health to Irminsul, equalizing their HP totals.
  • Resistances: As the battle starts, both Irminsul and Sawtooth will each gain one of either Ranged Resistance or Magic Resistance buffs, rendering that boss invincible to attack from Physical Ranged DPS jobs, or Caster and Healer jobs, respectively. Which boss receives each resistance is random.
  • White Breath: A wide cone from Sawtooth's front, dealing moderate damage.
  • Mucus Bomb: Three random players are marked with large green-yellow circle AoEs. After a short delay, balls of mucus splatter over the targeted players and anyone inside the AoEs, dealing minor damage, tethering affected players to up to two other affected players, and inflicting them with Seized for 20 seconds, rendering them unable to move or perform actions. Players who are not seized can walk through the mucus tethers to break them, and once a player is no longer tethered to anyone else, the Seized debuff is dispelled.
  • Mucus Spray: A small untelegraphed ring attack around Sawtooth with the same effects as Mucus Bomb.
  • Shockwave Stomp: Irminsul becomes shielded and Invincible to all damage, while Sawtooth slowly charges the attack. At the end of the cast, Sawtooth slams the ground, dealing 30,000 damage to all players not hiding behind Irminsul.
  • Sawtooth Feeds: Several very weak Ark Ked adds will appear. After a few moments, Sawtooth will bury its heads into the ground and cause large circular rumbling dirt AoEs to appear below the Keds (or random players if the Keds are dead). Any players hit are Devoured, removing them from the fight temporarily. A few moments later, the devoured players are regurgitated with a Parasite plant attached to their head for 15 seconds, and are forced to walk toward allies and attack them with short range cone AoEs. Other players hit by these attacks are in turn also infested with a Parasite.
  • Pulse of the Void: A circle AoE centered on Irminsul that it uses periodically. Players hit are dealt minor damage and inflicted with Poison icon1.png Poison. This is Irminsul's only method of direct attack.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Cuchulainn

  • All players are immediately given 1 stack of an indefinite Bleed icon1.png Bleeding debuff that cannot be removed by any means.
  • Corrosive Bile: An untelegraphed cone attack from Cuchulainn's front. The attack lingers, dealing damage every second and inflicting a stack of Poison icon1.png Poison with every hit.
  • Flailing Tentacles: Cuchulainn lifts the four tentacles at the bottom of his body, then slams them down as line attacks in the diagonal directions from where he's facing. Deals moderate damage and inflicts a curable Concussion damage over time debuff.
  • Idol of Impurity: Four Gyrtower adds appear in the arena. The towers each inflict an additional stack of Bleed icon1.png Bleeding until they are destroyed.
  • Void Pact: Void portals will appear over the raised platforms in the arena, eventually spawning Foobar adds. Cuchulainn gains Physical Stoneskin and Magical Stoneskin buffs, nullifying a certain amount of damage taken from physical or magical attacks, respectively. Each portal will spawn Foobars twice before they disappear.
  • Beckon: A cone attack directed at one of the Foobar adds. Any player or Foobar in the cone is pulled directly in front of Cuchulainn.
  • Devour: Used immediately after Beckon if there are any Foobars in melee range. Cuchulainn devours the Foobar add, instantly killing it and boosting his next attack.
  • Bile Below: Arena-wide instant-kill attack immediately after the second wave of Foobars. To avoid it, stand on the raised platforms.
  • Pestilence: Cuchulainn sprays vomit all over the arena, dealing damage, which can be lessened by standing on the raised platforms. If Cuchulainn had eaten at least one Foobars, this attack deals extremely high damage, almost guaranteeing that players not standing on the platforms will die.
  • Black Lung: All players are given another stack of the indefinite Bleed icon1.png Bleeding debuff, and eight Black Phlegm orbs will appear around the arena. These orbs must be touched to "defuse" them, dealing moderate damage to players near them, destroying the orbs in the process. If orbs are left alone for too long, they will explode with Grand Corruption, dealing moderate damage to all players and inflicting Bind and Out of the Action for 9 seconds, and one stack of Magic Vulnerability Up for 60 seconds.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Echidna

  • Sickle Strike: Tankbuster.
  • Sickle Slash: Two rectangular AoEs to Echidna's left and right, leaving a safe area directly down the center. Inflicts moderate damage.
  • Demonic Descent: Echidna leaves the arena and performs one of two attacks: A stack marker on a random player, or several large circle AoEs randomly placed around the arena.
  • Nemesis Burst: Instant circular cleave with knockback.
  • Abyssal Reaper: Circular cleave with knockback. Inflicts a Vulnerability Up icon1.pngVulnerability Up stack. Has a castbar but no AoE indicator.
  • Petrifaction: Gaze attack that inflicts Petrification icon1.png Petrification and a Vulnerability Up icon1.pngVulnerability Up stack.
  • Add Phase: Echidna separates into three targets: Echidna, Sinister, and Dexter. The three pieces will each automatically aggro the tanks from each party (Echidna targets Tank A, Sinister targets Tank B and Dexter targets Tank C, no Provoke.png  provoking necessary). Keep them apart from each other, as they otherwise will tether together and gain stacks of Vulnerability Down based on their proximity to the other adds.
    • Serpentine Strike: Used by Dexter and Sinister. Inflicts light damage to players in a small radius around them and inflicts Magic Vulnerability Up.
  • Gehenna: After all of the adds are defeated, Echidna will reform and deal moderate damage to the entire alliance.
  • Bloodguards: Echidna occasionally summons a pair of Bloodguard minions.


See also: The Void Ark Armor

Silver Coffer (small).png Cetus

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Void ark boots of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Boots of Aiming Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark boots of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Boots of Casting Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark boots of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Boots of Healing Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark boots of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Boots of Striking Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark cap of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Cap of Aiming Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark cap of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Cap of Scouting Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark greaves of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Greaves of Maiming Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark halfmask of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Halfmask of Striking Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark hat of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Hat of Casting Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark hat of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Hat of Healing Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark helm of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Helm of Fending Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark helm of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Helm of Maiming Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark sabatons of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Sabatons of Fending Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark shoes of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Shoes of Scouting Feet 200 CBlue 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Irminsul

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Void ark breeches of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Aiming Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark breeches of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Casting Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark breeches of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Healing Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark breeches of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Maiming Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark breeches of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Scouting Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Gauntlets of Fending Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gloves of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Gloves of Aiming Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gloves of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Gloves of Casting Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gloves of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Gloves of Healing Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gloves of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Gloves of Scouting Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark halfgloves of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Halfgloves of Striking Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark skirt of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Skirt of Fending Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark trousers of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Trousers of Striking Legs 200 CBlue 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Cuchulainn

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Void ark armor of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Armor of Fending Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark boots of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Boots of Aiming Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark boots of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Boots of Casting Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark boots of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Boots of Healing Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark boots of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Boots of Striking Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark coat of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Coat of Striking Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark greaves of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Greaves of Maiming Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark jacket of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Jacket of Aiming Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark jacket of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Jacket of Scouting Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark mail of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Mail of Maiming Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark robe of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Robe of Casting Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark robe of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Robe of Healing Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark sabatons of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Sabatons of Fending Feet 200 CBlue 1
Void ark shoes of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Shoes of Scouting Feet 200 CBlue 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Echidna

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Void ark armor of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Armor of Fending Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark breeches of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Aiming Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark breeches of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Casting Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark breeches of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Healing Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark breeches of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Maiming Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark breeches of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Breeches of Scouting Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark cap of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Cap of Aiming Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark cap of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Cap of Scouting Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark coat of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Coat of Striking Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Gauntlets of Fending Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gloves of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Gloves of Aiming Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gloves of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Gloves of Casting Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gloves of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Gloves of Healing Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark gloves of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Gloves of Scouting Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark halfgloves of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Halfgloves of Striking Hands 200 CBlue 1
Void ark halfmask of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Halfmask of Striking Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark hat of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Hat of Casting Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark hat of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Hat of Healing Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark helm of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Helm of Fending Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark helm of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Helm of Maiming Head 200 CBlue 1
Void ark jacket of aiming icon1.png  Void Ark Jacket of Aiming Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark jacket of scouting icon1.png  Void Ark Jacket of Scouting Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark mail of maiming icon1.png  Void Ark Mail of Maiming Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark robe of casting icon1.png  Void Ark Robe of Casting Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark robe of healing icon1.png  Void Ark Robe of Healing Body 200 CBlue 1
Void ark skirt of fending icon1.png  Void Ark Skirt of Fending Legs 200 CBlue 1
Void ark trousers of striking icon1.png  Void Ark Trousers of Striking Legs 200 CBlue 1
Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Coffin lid icon1.png  Coffin Lid Material N/A ABasic 1
Wind-up echidna icon2.png  Wind-up Echidna Minion N/A ABasic 1


When originally released, players could receive only one reward item per week for completing duties in The Void Ark. As of patch 3.2, all weekly loot restrictions have been removed.

Each party in the alliance will receive its own treasure chest, the contents of which will be identical regardless of the route taken.

  • Players cannot open a treasure chest belonging to another party.


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Touching the void icon1.png  Touching the Void 10 Complete the Void Ark. - 3.1
Mapping the realm the void ark icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Void Ark 10 Discover every location on the Void Ark. - 3.1


Gear Images

Dungeon Images

Concept Art

Duty Dialogue

Diabolos: Meddling mortals...
Arise and taste vengeance, my ravenous kindred!
Cuchulainn: Ah the delectable aroma of terror.
Long has it been since last I feasted.
Cuchulainn: Graaaaaaaaar!
Cuchulainn: My minions shall infest your world!
Cuchulainn: I gorge upon fear, and spew it forth as bile!
All shall be tainted with pestilence!
Cuchulainn: No! This cannot be...
I am endless, as the stars...
Echidna: You would intrude upon the queen's very bedchamber?
Only agonizing death can cure such temerity!
Echidna: Such plump souls, ready for the harvest!
Echidna: You fate shall be throttled in serpants' coils!
Echidna: Return to me, my wayward claws!
Echidna: Come, my children.
There is mortal blood to spill!
Echidna: My queen! May your shadow fall over all...