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{{see also|Eden's Gate (Savage)|Eden's Gate: Sepulture}}
[[Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage)]] or '''E4S''' is the first floor of [[Eden's Gate (Savage)]] and the harder version of [[Eden's Gate: Sepulture]]. The item level required to queue for it is 450+.
{{Duty infobox
| name = Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage)
| description = At first glance, the faintly glowing crystal brought back from Eden's core appears to be little more than a pretty bauble. As you gaze deep within, however, you are bombarded with images of your encounters in the Empty─but your adversaries have been twisted into monstrosities far more ferocious than those in your memory. Though you know these to be naught more than illusions, you find yourself compelled to see them through...
| image = Eden's Gate Sepulture (Savage).png
| type = raid
| level = 80
| level-sync = 80
| ilvl = 450
| ilvl-sync =
| difficulty = savage
| size = 8man
| time-limit = 120
| tomestones = 15 poetics
| duty-finder = Savage Raids (Shadowbringers)
| roulette =
| location = Atlas Peak
| region = Norvrandt
| req-other = Talk to [[Lewrey]] after completing {{questlink|feature|The Next Piece of the Puzzle}}
| patch = 5.05
| release = shadowbringers
| echo = 20
| stone-sky-sea = {{PAGENAME}}
}} The raid is also known as '''E4S'''. Completing this duty, which can be done with an [[Unrestricted Party]] (unsynced), is needed to unlock {{questlink|ultimateraid|The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate)}}.

==Phases & Abilities==
===[[File:Aggressive difficulty r6.png|link=]] Heritor of Crags: [[Titan (ShB)|Titan]]===

'''''NOTE:''' It is possible to fall off the edge of the arena and plummet to an early doom during the entire encounter. However, should any participant fall, they can be raised after a moderate delay. The arena is also segmented into 16 tiles that play a significant role in Titan's mechanics.''
*'''Stonecrusher''' - Titan's tankbuster - will stomp on the primary target three times in a row, inflicting tremendous damage and a stackable debuff with each hit. Just like normal mode, it also inflicts damage in a non-telegraphed AoE radius, meaning it will annihilate any non-tanks that are too close to the point of impact. Due to the damage and debuffs inflicted per stomp, tanks should decide between a double tank-swap in-between each hit, or to assign a tank with an '''immunity cooldown''' to take all three hits at once.
*'''Weight of the Land''' will mark random tiles throughout the arena and detonate them for massive AoE damage after a brief delay. All players must make an effort to move to an unaffected tile as soon as possible. '''Weight of the Land''' will slightly overlap '''Pulse of the Land'''.
*'''Pulse of the Land''' marks each individual player with a triangle-shaped (yellow) icon. Once the mark expires, the tile that a marked player is standing on will explode for moderate damage and inflict a stackable '''Magic Vulnerability''' debuff. To combat the effects, each individual player should stand within an unoccupied tile so that each marked player only takes damage from their own mark. If more than one marked player occupies the same tile during the explosion, the stacking debuff will result in fatal damage. Bear in mind that '''Pulse of the Land''' will frequently overlap with other tile-based mechanics, thus it is wise to assign each individual player to their own tile before the encounter.
*'''Evil Earth''' will mark '''two''' tiles in the arena that will eventually explode, then cause all adjacent tiles to explode shortly afterward, repeatedly chaining in an outward wave of explosions. There are four potential patterns to be mindful of, and unlike normal mode, the expanding wave of explosions will '''not''' be telegraphed. For a visual reference of '''Evil Earth''' patterns, players may consider checking [ MTQcapture's E4S video].
*'''Force of the Land''' marks all players with a square-shaped (orange) icon. Players marked by '''Force of the Land''' must ensure that they are standing on the same tile with other players who have the same mark so that they can share the upcoming damage. Due to overlapping with mechanics such as '''Evil Earth''', it is often best to group up to evade it so that the team are stacked together when '''Force of the Land''' detonates, allowing the entire group the share the damage evenly, though this isn't mandatory.
*'''Voice of the Land''' inflicts unavoidable damage to the entire raid that must be healed through.
*'''Geocrush''' causes Titan to leap towards a random segment of the arena and blast the raid with massive knockback (far greater than the normal version). Before leaping, a visual effect of outward travelling arrows from the point of impact will give you an idea of where Titan will land and in what direction you will be punted to. Due to the tremendous knockback, players must ensure that they are close to the point of impact and aim themselves so that they get knocked back into the farthest corner of the arena. If standing too far away, or aimed incorrectly, players will be launched over the side to their doom. However, bear in mind that '''knockback immunity''' will prevent this knockback entirely.
*'''''NOTE:''' As soon as '''Geocrush''' has ended, Titan will execute one of two mechanics - '''Titan Fists''' or '''Titan Wheels'''. At the same time, multiple players will be marked by '''Force of the Land''' (5 x orange markers) and '''Pulse of the Land''' (3 x yellow) markers. Bear in mind that '''Pulse of the Land''' (yellow) will always target one random tank, healer, and DPS at this point.
===Titan Fists Phase===
*'''Titan Fists''' - causes Titan to morph his body so that his fists are much larger than normal, allowing him to unleash mechanics unique to this form. After a brief delay, Titan will smash all tiles to his sides. Anyone not standing on tiles in front of Titan will immediately be slain or knocked off the platform.
*Due to overlapping with orange and yellow markers, all orange-marked players should stack on the tile directly beneath Titan to mass-absorb the upcoming damage from '''Force of the Land''', whereas players with yellow markers should stand on their own individual tiles along the line in front of him so that '''Pulse of the Land''' will only affect those individual players. Bear in mind that as soon as the '''side-slam''' has been executed, the tiles directly in front of Titan will also explode after a brief delay, forcing all players to move to a side to avoid the secondary explosion.
*'''Voice of the Land''' inflicts unavoidable damage to the entire raid that must be healed through.
*'''Landslide''' causes Titan to leap towards a cardinal point of the arena. On impact, non-telegraphed blasts (two tiles wide) will be unleashed across the entire arena in horizontal and vertical lines from the impact point. As a result, only the corners of the arena farthest away from Titan's point of impact will be safe from the blast. Once the initial impact mechanic has concluded, the tiles that were originally safe will soon explode, forcing the raid to move back towards Titan as soon as possible.
*'''Bomb Boulders''' will spawn around the arena shortly after the initial impact - forming either a "+" or "x" pattern. Keep in mind that boulders will explode in the order that they spawned. In addition, they won't begin to detonate until the below mechanic ('''Landslide''').
*'''Landslide (Left or Right)''' causes Titan to target half of the arena to his left or right. After a brief delay, that side of the arena will explode. As soon as '''Landslide''' has concluded, the previously ''safe'' side of the arena will also explode after a brief delay, forcing the raid to swap side.
*Assuming the raid survives, Titan will morph back to his original form and the fight resumes.
===Titan Wheels Phase===
*'''Titan Wheels''' - causes Titan to morph so that the circular parts of his body form four wheels, similar to that of a go-kart. After a brief wind-up, Titan will launch himself forward, crushing anyone directly in front of him with fatal damage and knocking back everyone else. Just like normal mode, players must avoid being in front of Titan and position themselves on tiles directly beside the line he will ''drive'' through. Due to the tremendous knockback, make sure you are standing on the side with the most arena-space so that you are not knocked off the platform.
*Due to overlapping with orange and yellow markers, all orange-marked players should stack directly beside Titan to mass-absorb the upcoming damage from '''Force of the Land''' after the knockback, whereas players with yellow markers should stand on their own individual tiles along the ''drive-line'' so that '''Pulse of the Land''' will only affect those individual players.
*'''Fault Line''' will be executed some time after the knockback, causing Titan to drive towards the main target and inflict large AoE impact damage. Bear in mind that other mechanics will also be executed from whatever position Titan ends up at. As a result, it is good practice to have a tank (farthest away from Titan) provoke him if necessary and run to a tile directly opposite from him, preventing the raid from being crushed and positioning him close to where he originally morphed.
*'''Magnitude''', an arena-wide donut AoE from Titan's current position, will always follow '''Fault Line'''. After dealing with the orange and yellow markers, all players need to be standing within Titan's hitbox to avoid being slaughtered. Unfortunately, '''Magnitude''' will be immediately followed by another '''Pulse of the Land''' (yellow markers) on all members of the raid, forcing them to leave Titan's hitbox as soon as possible and move to individual tiles before they explode.
*Assuming the raid survives, Titan will morph back to his original form and the fight resumes.
*Once '''Titan Fists''' or '''Titan Wheels''' has ended, the fight resumes.
*'''Crumbling Down''' marks one ''DPS'' plus either a ''tank'' or ''healer'' with special markers. After a brief delay, these players will drop proximity markers at their current location. After the proximity markers have been dropped, two more players will also be marked for another two proximity drops. All proximity markers leads to giant boulders falling down into the arena at the marked locations that will be used to line-of-sight Titan during '''Seismic Wave''' (similar to normal mode). Those who do not line-of-sight Titan during '''Seismic Wave''' will be pummeled with tremendous damage. Bear in mind that any large boulders dropped too close to Titan will crumble immediately, so be sure to place them near the corners of the arena while tanking Titan as close to the center as possible.
*Simultaneously, the raid will also have to contend with another set of '''Bomb Boulders''' that will eventually explode in the order they were dropped in, so be careful.
*'''Voice of the Land''' inflicts unavoidable damage to the entire raid that must be healed through.
*'''Stonecrusher''' - Titan's tankbuster - follow afterwards. Remember to either double-tank-swap or use an '''immunity cooldown'''.
*'''Geocrush''' causes Titan to leap towards a random segment of the arena and blast the raid with massive knockback, just like before. Once it concludes, Titan will either use '''Titan Fists''' or '''Titan Wheels''' (whichever he did not morph into after the previous '''Geocrush'''.
*After the the second morph has concluded ('''Titan Fists''' or '''Titan Wheels'''), Titan will become untargetable and traverse to the north of the arena before morphing into '''Titan Maximum'''.
===Titan Maximum===
[[File:EdenSepultureSavage TitanMaximum.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Titan Maximum]]
After a brief transition, Titan will now be enormous in size and permanently fixed to the north side of the arena with a massive hitbox (two tiles deep).
*'''Earthen Fury''' opens this new phase - blasting the entire raid with tremendous AoE damage.
*'''Earthen Fists''' causes Titan to slam his fists together and begin charging them up twice in succession. If you notice an arm lighting up and becoming shrouded with a charge-up animation, then that fist is being charged. After two charges, Titan will unleash devastating punches towards the arena - the sides being determined by the order they were charged. For example, if Titan charges his left fist twice, he will punch the left side of the arena twice. However, he may charge either fist and in any order, so pay attention to the animations in order to determine where Titan will punch, as the punches themselves have no telegraph other than a very brief wind-up animation.
*'''Weight of the Land''' will be executed at the same time as Titan's first punch, marking random squares of the arena for detonation. Players must dodge Titan's punches whilst being mindful of the exploding tiles.
*'''Dual Earthen Fists''' creates an impact marker directly in front of Titan. After a brief delay, Titan will slam down on the marker, knocking back all players a set distance. To avoid being knocked off the platform, players must stand as close to the circular marker as possible and aim themselves so that they are punted towards one of the two corners. Standing directly in front or beside the marker will result in being swatted off the platform. Bear in mind that '''Dual Earthen Fists''' overlaps another mechanic - '''Weight of the World'''.
*'''Weight of the World''' marks one player with a triangle-shaped (blue) marker. After detonation, it will explode the tile that the marked player is standing on, along with the first set of tiles adjacent to it. Anyone caught in the blast will be hit with moderate damage and a '''Magic Vulnerability Up''' debuff. Due to being executed at the same time as '''Dual Earthen Fists''' (knockback), it is up to the marked player to aim themselves so that they are pushed into the farthest corner tile. Bear in mind that '''Knockback Immunity''' can also be used to work around the mechanical combo.
*'''Earthen Anguish''' simultaneously marks both tanks for massive AoE tankbusters. As a result, both tanks must ensure that they are far away from eachother (and the rest of the raid) as possible, preferably at the northern corners of the arena close to Titan himself. Due to being executed directly after '''Dual Earthen Fists''' (knockback), tanks may consider pre-positioning and using their '''Knockback Immunity''' cooldowns before '''Dual Earthen Fists''' in order to remain in the northern side of the arena for '''Earthen Anguish'''.
*'''Megalith''' marks one of the two tanks with a stack marker that will eventually result in tremendous damage. Unlike most stack markers, this should be shared solely by the two tanks (rather than the raid), preferably with mitigation cooldowns.
*'''Tectonic Uplift''' marks two diagonal quadrants of the arena (4 tiles each) and eventually elevates them (along with any players standing on the quadrant at the time). Those who find themselves on elevated platforms can jump down to a lower platform if required, though it is impossible to traverse from one raised platform to the other, or from one lowered platform to another.
*'''Weight of the World''' will mark one ''DPS'' and either a ''tank'' or ''healer'' with the triangle-shaped (blue) marker from before. Once again, marked players will eventually detonate the tile they are standing on along with the first set of tiles adjacent to them, resulting in moderate damage and '''Magic Vulnerability Up''' debuffs. As a result, players marked by '''Weight of the World''' should make sure that they remain in the corner-most tile of the '''lower platform''' during '''Tectonic Uplift''', as the blast will hit the entire quadrant. By staying nearer the center, players on the raised platforms may also be hit by the blast.
*Due to the presence of an enraged timer, anyone not marked by '''Weight of the World''' should split into two groups. The DPS (preferably melee) should optimally take the raised quadrant closer to Titan, whilst everyone else (such as tanks, healers, or ranged DPS) take the raised quadrant farthest from Titan.
*During '''Tectonic Uplift''', players standing on soon-to-be-raised platforms will be launched into the air. Simultaneously, those on lower platforms will have to contend with a constant barrage of '''Weight of the Land''': causing random tiles in the lower quadrants to light up and eventually explode. One quadrant will constantly have one exploding tile, whereas the other will always have two exploding tiles.
*After the platforms have been raised, a combination of '''Pulse of the Land''' (yellow markers), '''Force of the Land''' (orange markers) and '''Weight of the World''' (blue markers) will be placed on all raid members that are standing on the raised platforms, all of which work the same way as they have before. As a quick refresher, "Blue" markers will cause the tile that the player is standing on to explode (along with the first set of tiles adjacent to it), inflicting damage and magic vulnerability. "Yellow" markers will cause the tile that a player is standing on to detonate for similar damage and debuffs (but without effecting adjacent tiles), whilst the "Orange" tiles require the player to stack with at least one other marked player in order to absorb damage.
*To deal with this, players marked with '''Weight of the World''' (blue) should remain on the raised platforms and move to the farthest corner-tile. Players marked with '''Pulse of the Land''' (yellow) need to drop down into the lower quadrant that only has one exploding tile from '''Weight of the Land''', giving three spare tiles to use - one for the unmarked person who started in the lower quadrant and two spare tiles for each yellow-marked player. Players with '''Force of the Land''' (orange) markers should drop into the lower quadrant that has two exploding tiles from '''Weight of the Land''' and stack together on one of the safe tiles, leaving the last remaining safe tile for the unmarked player in that quadrant.
*'''Earthen Fury''' blasts the entire raid with tremendous AoE damage. Once '''Earthen Fury''' has concluded, the arena will turn back to its normal shape.
*'''Rock Throw''' marks each healer and eventually locks them into an earthen gaol after a brief delay. Bear in mind that Titan will receive a vicious buff if the gaols are placed too close to each other (and will also become much harder to destroy), hence each healer must move as far away from each other as possible. Watch out - '''Rock Throw''' will overlap with '''Plate Fracture'''.
*'''Plate Fracture''' causes Titan to wind himself backward and punch one of the four arena quadrants. Players will need to determine which quadrant is being destroyed by paying attention to Titan's wind-up animation as there will be no other telegraph. Just like '''Earthen Fists''' - you'll be able to see which side Titan is focusing on (left or right) depending on which side he is winding up, as well as the distance (to determine if he will smash the southern or northern tile on that side). After destroying the arena into an "L" shape with the initial punch, Titan will wind up once again for two more consecutive '''Plate Fractures'''. If, for example, Titan destroys a northern quadrant with his first punch, the second punch will destroy the one remaining north quadrant, then the third will destroy one of the two remaining southern quadrants (which players must judge by the final punch animation). Similarly, if Titan destroys a southern quadrant, he will then destroy the other southern quadrant, followed by one of the two northern quadrants.
*Due to overlapping with '''Rock Throw''', the two marked Healers must place their gaols as far away from each other as possible whilst paying attention to the '''Plate Fracture''' order. For example, if Titan is about to destroy the south-left quadrant with his first punch, then one healer should place their gaol on the south-right quadrant while the other stands on the north-right quadrant. The healer gaoled on the south-right quadrant would then need to be freed as soon as possible seeing as the other south-quadrant will soon be destroyed by the second punch. If successful, the raid should have time to free the other gaoled healer before Titan has time to select and destroy one of the two remaining tiles. Once again, keep in mind that the order or '''Plate Fracture''' heavily depends on which quadrant Titan decides to destroy first, giving you a limited amount of time to place gaols appropriately.
*'''Earthen Fury''' will blast the raid once more with tremendous AoE damage and also restore the arena back to its original form.
*'''Tumult''' will cause Titan to repeatedly smash the platform with his fist multiple times in a row, inflicting unavoidable raid damage with each slam (five punches in a row).
*As soon as '''Tumult''' has concluded, the raid must deal with another '''Dual Earthen Fists''' + '''Weight of the World''' + '''Megalith''' combo just like before. The raid must aim themselves so that they aren't punted off the platform by the upcoming knockback while the '''Weight of the World''' (blue) marked player must ensure they are knocked into the farthest corner away from the raid, followed by each tank being marked for the AoE tankbusters - all handled the same way as it was before.
*'''Earthen Fists''' causes Titan to once again charge up his fists in a random order and proceed to punch across the entire arena based on that order, such as left+left, right+right, left+right, or right+left. Simultaneously, one tile in the arena will be marked via '''Evil Earth''' - eventually exploding, then marking all adjacent tiles for explosions, continuing in an outward wave, forcing all players to weave between Titan's punches and exploding tiles. Due to the randomness of '''Earthen Fists''' and the initial '''Evil Earth''' tile, all players must be on their toes throughout.
*'''Tectonic Uplift''' once again marks two diagonal quadrants of the arena (4 tiles each) and prepares to elevate them (along with any players standing on the quadrant at the time). Unlike the first '''Tectonic Uplift''', four players will also be marked with '''Force of the Land''' (orange markers). A good rule of thumb is to have all four marked players stack on one rising quadrant, whilst the four unmarked players move to the other rising quadrant, ensuring that the entire raid starts on elevated platforms. Make sure to remain stacked until '''Force of the Land''' has been absorbed.
*To deal with upcoming mechanics, it is wise to assign each player their very own tile in their respective raised quadrant.
*'''Rock Throw''' marks each healer and eventually locks them into an earthen gaol after a brief delay. It is likely that there will be one healer per risen quadrant due to the previous '''Force of the Land''' marks, so ensure that each healer remains in their individual tile. Three players per quadrant will now be tasked with breaking their healer out of their earthen gaol over the course of the next few mechanics, starting with:
*'''Pulse of the Land''' (yellow markers). Assuming the raid has divided into four-per-quadrant and has been assigned their own tile, players must simply remain on their tile. Bear in mind that gaoled healers will also have their own yellow marker.
*'''Weight of the World''' (blue markers) will be placed on two players (either both healers or both tanks). Have each marked player run to different lower-quadrants (the corner-most tile) so that nobody is clipped by the resulting explosions. Simultaneously, Titan will begin to pepper the lower quadrants with random '''Weight of the Land''' explosions. One quadrant will constantly have three exploding tiles (only one safe tile), while the other quadrant will always have two exploding tiles (leaving two safe tiles).
*'''Weight of the World''' (blue markers) will now be placed on two players on the raised platforms - either both tanks or both healers (depending on which role was marked first). This time, blue-marked players should remain on the raised platforms, moving to their corner-most tile to avoid exploding lower quadrants.
*'''Force of the Land''' (orange markers) will effect all four DPS at the same time, forcing them to stack up to absorb the upcoming blast. As a rule of thumb, orange-marked players should drop down into the quadrant which has two safe tiles from '''Weight of the Land'''.
*'''Earthen Fury''' will blast the raid once again with vicious AoE damage and restore the arena back to its original form, followed by another five '''Tumult''' smashes (AoE damage) for yet more AoE.
*'''Plate Fracture''' will be unleashed once again, causing Titan to wind himself backward and punch one of the four arena quadrants into oblivion - immediately followed by '''Megalith''' - requiring both tanks to stack together and absorb a tremendous tankbuster. Despite being indicated by a regular stack marker, only tanks should stack together. Once '''Megalith''' has concluded, Titan will prepare another '''Plate Fracture''', forcing the raid to once again check Titan's animation and move away from the quadrant about to be destroyed.
*Simultaneously, one player will be marked with '''Weight of the World''' (blue), three with '''Pulse of the Land''' (yellow), and four with '''Force of the Land''' (orange). Seeing as the arena is soon to lose yet another quadrant, players must position themselves on the two remaining quadrants so that (blue) has a quadrant to itself (moving to the farthest corner possible), while each (yellow) individually uses one of three tiles on the other quadrant, and all (orange) stack on the same quadrant in the one remaining tile to safely absorb damage.
*'''Earthen Fury''' will blast the raid again and restore the arena back to its original form.
If you have survived the ordeal thus far, participants will witness Titan Maximum become untargetable and vomit out another Titan in his regular (smaller) form, indicating the final phase. From here on, participants are forced to contend with mechanics from both Titan's simultaneously.
*'''Duo Earthen Fury''' will blast the raid with vicious AoE just like before, except now, the entire raid will suffer a 12 second DoT.
*'''Weight of the Land''' will mark random tiles throughout the arena and detonate them for massive AoE damage after a brief delay. Unlike all previous instances of '''Weight of the Land''', this version will essentially rotate its pattern for a considerable time. As a result, players will need to pay close attention to the tile pattern and the explosions in order to predict (and avoid) future explosions, as only the initial explosions have a telegraph. Simultaneously, all tanks and healers will be (orange) marked by '''Force of the Land''' whilst all DPS are given a (yellow) '''Pulse of the Land''' marker. Whilst dealing with the rotating '''Weight of the Land''' explosions, (orange) players must stick together on a safe tile to absorb upcoming damage, whilst each (yellow) player must find their own individual safe tile. Should the raid survive, '''Weight of the Land''' will cease before the next mechanic.
*As soon as the above combo has concluded, the raid must deal with a third and final '''Dual Earthen Fists''' + '''Weight of the World''' + '''Megalith''' combo just like before. Just like earlier, the raid should aim themselves so that they aren't punted off the platform by the upcoming knockback while the '''Weight of the World''' (blue) marked player must ensure they are knocked into the farthest corner away from the raid, followed by each tank being marked for the AoE tankbusters - all handled the same way as it was before.
*'''Voice of the Land''' (AoE damage) will blast the raid, followed by another five '''Tumult''' slams (even more AoE), then '''Voice of the Land''' (AoE), topped off by another '''Duo Earthen Fury''' (AoE + 12 second DoT).
*'''Weight of the Land''' will again mark random tiles throughout the arena and detonate them for massive (rotating) AoE damage after a brief delay. This time, all DPS will be be marked by '''Force of the Land''' (orange) whilst all healers and tanks will acquire a (yellow) '''Pulse of the Land''' marker. Despite the inverse marks, the process is the same - (orange) players must stick together on a safe tile to absorb upcoming damage, whilst (yellow) players must find their own individual safe tile. Should the raid survive, '''Weight of the Land''' will cease before the next mechanic.
*'''Earthen Fists''' causes Titan Maximum to begin charging up his fists in a random order and eventually punch across the entire arena based on that order, followed by regular Titan using '''Stonecrusher''', the (AoE) triple-stomp tankbuster, forcing either a double-tank-swap or an immunity cooldown if you wish to take all three hits.
*'''Megalith''' follows, marking both tanks with a stack marker and forcing them to absorb a tremendous duo-tankbuster. Despite being indicated by a normal stack markers, only the tanks should absorb the damage. Once '''Megalith''' concludes, the raid will be bombarded with yet another '''Earthen Fury''' that must be healed through.
*'''Weight of the Land''' will yet again mark random tiles throughout the arena and rotate explosions around the arena, whilst marking players with '''Pulse of the Land''' and '''Force of the Land''' in the same pattern as the first combination (tanks & healers with orange, DPS with yellow), all dealt with in the same manner as before.
*'''Earthen Fists''' follows, causing Titan Maximum to begin charging up his fists in a random order and punch across the entire arena twice in a row yet again.
*Another '''Voice of the Land''' (AoE), followed by another five '''Tumult''' slams (AoE), '''Voice of the Land''' (AoE), along with another five '''Tumult''' slams (AoE), and a final '''Voice of the Land''' (AoE).
*Should you (or Titan) remain alive after the tremendous AoE bombardment, Titan will begin hard-charging a mega '''Earthen Fury''' that will wipe the entire raid unless he is defeated beforehand.

{{see also|Edengrace Weapons}}
*1 {{Item icon|Book of Sepulture}} (guaranteed)
===Treasure Coffer 1===
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Paladin's Edengrace Arms (IL 475)}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Battleaxe}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Greatsword}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Manatrigger}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Spear}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Knuckles}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Blade}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Knives}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Harp Bow}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Revolver}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Tathlums}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Rod}}
{{Drops table row|Book of Grace}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Rapier}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Cane}}
{{Drops table row|Word of Grace}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Planisphere}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Chest Gear Coffer (IL 470)}}
{{Table footer}}
===Treasure Coffer 2===
{{Drops table header}}
{{Drops table row|Edengrace Weapon Coffer (IL 475)}}
{{Drops table row|Eden Minor}}
{{Drops table row|Skyslipper Key}}
{{Table footer}}
This duty is associated with the following [[achievements]]:

{| {{STDT|mech1}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Savage Paradise Found I}}
{{achievement table row|Savage Paradise Found II}}
{{achievement table row|Savage Paradise Found III}}
{{achievement table row|Mightier than the Gate}}

At first glance, the faintly glowing crystal brought back from Eden's core appears to be little more than a pretty bauble. As you gaze deep within, however, you are bombarded with images of your encounters in the Empty─but your adversaries have been twisted into monstrosities far more ferocious than those in your memory. Though you know these to be naught more than illusions, you find yourself compelled to see them through...
<gallery heights=200px mode=packed>
E4 boss.png
E4S phase 2.png

{{Duties nav|raid}}
{{Duties nav|raid}}

Latest revision as of 22:15, 29 July 2024

See also: Eden's Gate (Savage) and Eden's Gate: Sepulture


Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage)

Eden's Gate Sepulture (Savage).png
80 (Sync: 80)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
120 minutes
Duty Finder
Savage Raids (Shadowbringers)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 15 
Req. quest
Talk to Lewrey after completing Feature QuestThe Next Piece of the Puzzle
Atlas Peak
Stone, Sky, Sea
The echo icon1.png The Echo
Permanent +20%

At first glance, the faintly glowing crystal brought back from Eden's core appears to be little more than a pretty bauble. As you gaze deep within, however, you are bombarded with images of your encounters in the Empty─but your adversaries have been twisted into monstrosities far more ferocious than those in your memory. Though you know these to be naught more than illusions, you find yourself compelled to see them through...

— In-game description

Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage) is a level 80 raid introduced in patch 5.05 with Shadowbringers. The raid is also known as E4S. Completing this duty, which can be done with an Unrestricted Party (unsynced), is needed to unlock Ultimate Raid The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate).

Phases & Abilities

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Heritor of Crags: Titan

NOTE: It is possible to fall off the edge of the arena and plummet to an early doom during the entire encounter. However, should any participant fall, they can be raised after a moderate delay. The arena is also segmented into 16 tiles that play a significant role in Titan's mechanics.

  • Stonecrusher - Titan's tankbuster - will stomp on the primary target three times in a row, inflicting tremendous damage and a stackable debuff with each hit. Just like normal mode, it also inflicts damage in a non-telegraphed AoE radius, meaning it will annihilate any non-tanks that are too close to the point of impact. Due to the damage and debuffs inflicted per stomp, tanks should decide between a double tank-swap in-between each hit, or to assign a tank with an immunity cooldown to take all three hits at once.
  • Weight of the Land will mark random tiles throughout the arena and detonate them for massive AoE damage after a brief delay. All players must make an effort to move to an unaffected tile as soon as possible. Weight of the Land will slightly overlap Pulse of the Land.
  • Pulse of the Land marks each individual player with a triangle-shaped (yellow) icon. Once the mark expires, the tile that a marked player is standing on will explode for moderate damage and inflict a stackable Magic Vulnerability debuff. To combat the effects, each individual player should stand within an unoccupied tile so that each marked player only takes damage from their own mark. If more than one marked player occupies the same tile during the explosion, the stacking debuff will result in fatal damage. Bear in mind that Pulse of the Land will frequently overlap with other tile-based mechanics, thus it is wise to assign each individual player to their own tile before the encounter.
  • Evil Earth will mark two tiles in the arena that will eventually explode, then cause all adjacent tiles to explode shortly afterward, repeatedly chaining in an outward wave of explosions. There are four potential patterns to be mindful of, and unlike normal mode, the expanding wave of explosions will not be telegraphed. For a visual reference of Evil Earth patterns, players may consider checking MTQcapture's E4S video.
  • Force of the Land marks all players with a square-shaped (orange) icon. Players marked by Force of the Land must ensure that they are standing on the same tile with other players who have the same mark so that they can share the upcoming damage. Due to overlapping with mechanics such as Evil Earth, it is often best to group up to evade it so that the team are stacked together when Force of the Land detonates, allowing the entire group the share the damage evenly, though this isn't mandatory.
  • Voice of the Land inflicts unavoidable damage to the entire raid that must be healed through.
  • Geocrush causes Titan to leap towards a random segment of the arena and blast the raid with massive knockback (far greater than the normal version). Before leaping, a visual effect of outward travelling arrows from the point of impact will give you an idea of where Titan will land and in what direction you will be punted to. Due to the tremendous knockback, players must ensure that they are close to the point of impact and aim themselves so that they get knocked back into the farthest corner of the arena. If standing too far away, or aimed incorrectly, players will be launched over the side to their doom. However, bear in mind that knockback immunity will prevent this knockback entirely.

  • NOTE: As soon as Geocrush has ended, Titan will execute one of two mechanics - Titan Fists or Titan Wheels. At the same time, multiple players will be marked by Force of the Land (5 x orange markers) and Pulse of the Land (3 x yellow) markers. Bear in mind that Pulse of the Land (yellow) will always target one random tank, healer, and DPS at this point.

Titan Fists Phase

  • Titan Fists - causes Titan to morph his body so that his fists are much larger than normal, allowing him to unleash mechanics unique to this form. After a brief delay, Titan will smash all tiles to his sides. Anyone not standing on tiles in front of Titan will immediately be slain or knocked off the platform.
  • Due to overlapping with orange and yellow markers, all orange-marked players should stack on the tile directly beneath Titan to mass-absorb the upcoming damage from Force of the Land, whereas players with yellow markers should stand on their own individual tiles along the line in front of him so that Pulse of the Land will only affect those individual players. Bear in mind that as soon as the side-slam has been executed, the tiles directly in front of Titan will also explode after a brief delay, forcing all players to move to a side to avoid the secondary explosion.
  • Voice of the Land inflicts unavoidable damage to the entire raid that must be healed through.
  • Landslide causes Titan to leap towards a cardinal point of the arena. On impact, non-telegraphed blasts (two tiles wide) will be unleashed across the entire arena in horizontal and vertical lines from the impact point. As a result, only the corners of the arena farthest away from Titan's point of impact will be safe from the blast. Once the initial impact mechanic has concluded, the tiles that were originally safe will soon explode, forcing the raid to move back towards Titan as soon as possible.
  • Bomb Boulders will spawn around the arena shortly after the initial impact - forming either a "+" or "x" pattern. Keep in mind that boulders will explode in the order that they spawned. In addition, they won't begin to detonate until the below mechanic (Landslide).
  • Landslide (Left or Right) causes Titan to target half of the arena to his left or right. After a brief delay, that side of the arena will explode. As soon as Landslide has concluded, the previously safe side of the arena will also explode after a brief delay, forcing the raid to swap side.
  • Assuming the raid survives, Titan will morph back to his original form and the fight resumes.

Titan Wheels Phase

  • Titan Wheels - causes Titan to morph so that the circular parts of his body form four wheels, similar to that of a go-kart. After a brief wind-up, Titan will launch himself forward, crushing anyone directly in front of him with fatal damage and knocking back everyone else. Just like normal mode, players must avoid being in front of Titan and position themselves on tiles directly beside the line he will drive through. Due to the tremendous knockback, make sure you are standing on the side with the most arena-space so that you are not knocked off the platform.
  • Due to overlapping with orange and yellow markers, all orange-marked players should stack directly beside Titan to mass-absorb the upcoming damage from Force of the Land after the knockback, whereas players with yellow markers should stand on their own individual tiles along the drive-line so that Pulse of the Land will only affect those individual players.
  • Fault Line will be executed some time after the knockback, causing Titan to drive towards the main target and inflict large AoE impact damage. Bear in mind that other mechanics will also be executed from whatever position Titan ends up at. As a result, it is good practice to have a tank (farthest away from Titan) provoke him if necessary and run to a tile directly opposite from him, preventing the raid from being crushed and positioning him close to where he originally morphed.
  • Magnitude, an arena-wide donut AoE from Titan's current position, will always follow Fault Line. After dealing with the orange and yellow markers, all players need to be standing within Titan's hitbox to avoid being slaughtered. Unfortunately, Magnitude will be immediately followed by another Pulse of the Land (yellow markers) on all members of the raid, forcing them to leave Titan's hitbox as soon as possible and move to individual tiles before they explode.
  • Assuming the raid survives, Titan will morph back to his original form and the fight resumes.

  • Once Titan Fists or Titan Wheels has ended, the fight resumes.

  • Crumbling Down marks one DPS plus either a tank or healer with special markers. After a brief delay, these players will drop proximity markers at their current location. After the proximity markers have been dropped, two more players will also be marked for another two proximity drops. All proximity markers leads to giant boulders falling down into the arena at the marked locations that will be used to line-of-sight Titan during Seismic Wave (similar to normal mode). Those who do not line-of-sight Titan during Seismic Wave will be pummeled with tremendous damage. Bear in mind that any large boulders dropped too close to Titan will crumble immediately, so be sure to place them near the corners of the arena while tanking Titan as close to the center as possible.
  • Simultaneously, the raid will also have to contend with another set of Bomb Boulders that will eventually explode in the order they were dropped in, so be careful.
  • Voice of the Land inflicts unavoidable damage to the entire raid that must be healed through.
  • Stonecrusher - Titan's tankbuster - follow afterwards. Remember to either double-tank-swap or use an immunity cooldown.
  • Geocrush causes Titan to leap towards a random segment of the arena and blast the raid with massive knockback, just like before. Once it concludes, Titan will either use Titan Fists or Titan Wheels (whichever he did not morph into after the previous Geocrush.

  • After the the second morph has concluded (Titan Fists or Titan Wheels), Titan will become untargetable and traverse to the north of the arena before morphing into Titan Maximum.

Titan Maximum

Titan Maximum

After a brief transition, Titan will now be enormous in size and permanently fixed to the north side of the arena with a massive hitbox (two tiles deep).

  • Earthen Fury opens this new phase - blasting the entire raid with tremendous AoE damage.
  • Earthen Fists causes Titan to slam his fists together and begin charging them up twice in succession. If you notice an arm lighting up and becoming shrouded with a charge-up animation, then that fist is being charged. After two charges, Titan will unleash devastating punches towards the arena - the sides being determined by the order they were charged. For example, if Titan charges his left fist twice, he will punch the left side of the arena twice. However, he may charge either fist and in any order, so pay attention to the animations in order to determine where Titan will punch, as the punches themselves have no telegraph other than a very brief wind-up animation.
  • Weight of the Land will be executed at the same time as Titan's first punch, marking random squares of the arena for detonation. Players must dodge Titan's punches whilst being mindful of the exploding tiles.
  • Dual Earthen Fists creates an impact marker directly in front of Titan. After a brief delay, Titan will slam down on the marker, knocking back all players a set distance. To avoid being knocked off the platform, players must stand as close to the circular marker as possible and aim themselves so that they are punted towards one of the two corners. Standing directly in front or beside the marker will result in being swatted off the platform. Bear in mind that Dual Earthen Fists overlaps another mechanic - Weight of the World.
  • Weight of the World marks one player with a triangle-shaped (blue) marker. After detonation, it will explode the tile that the marked player is standing on, along with the first set of tiles adjacent to it. Anyone caught in the blast will be hit with moderate damage and a Magic Vulnerability Up debuff. Due to being executed at the same time as Dual Earthen Fists (knockback), it is up to the marked player to aim themselves so that they are pushed into the farthest corner tile. Bear in mind that Knockback Immunity can also be used to work around the mechanical combo.
  • Earthen Anguish simultaneously marks both tanks for massive AoE tankbusters. As a result, both tanks must ensure that they are far away from eachother (and the rest of the raid) as possible, preferably at the northern corners of the arena close to Titan himself. Due to being executed directly after Dual Earthen Fists (knockback), tanks may consider pre-positioning and using their Knockback Immunity cooldowns before Dual Earthen Fists in order to remain in the northern side of the arena for Earthen Anguish.
  • Megalith marks one of the two tanks with a stack marker that will eventually result in tremendous damage. Unlike most stack markers, this should be shared solely by the two tanks (rather than the raid), preferably with mitigation cooldowns.
  • Tectonic Uplift marks two diagonal quadrants of the arena (4 tiles each) and eventually elevates them (along with any players standing on the quadrant at the time). Those who find themselves on elevated platforms can jump down to a lower platform if required, though it is impossible to traverse from one raised platform to the other, or from one lowered platform to another.
  • Weight of the World will mark one DPS and either a tank or healer with the triangle-shaped (blue) marker from before. Once again, marked players will eventually detonate the tile they are standing on along with the first set of tiles adjacent to them, resulting in moderate damage and Magic Vulnerability Up debuffs. As a result, players marked by Weight of the World should make sure that they remain in the corner-most tile of the lower platform during Tectonic Uplift, as the blast will hit the entire quadrant. By staying nearer the center, players on the raised platforms may also be hit by the blast.
  • Due to the presence of an enraged timer, anyone not marked by Weight of the World should split into two groups. The DPS (preferably melee) should optimally take the raised quadrant closer to Titan, whilst everyone else (such as tanks, healers, or ranged DPS) take the raised quadrant farthest from Titan.
  • During Tectonic Uplift, players standing on soon-to-be-raised platforms will be launched into the air. Simultaneously, those on lower platforms will have to contend with a constant barrage of Weight of the Land: causing random tiles in the lower quadrants to light up and eventually explode. One quadrant will constantly have one exploding tile, whereas the other will always have two exploding tiles.
  • After the platforms have been raised, a combination of Pulse of the Land (yellow markers), Force of the Land (orange markers) and Weight of the World (blue markers) will be placed on all raid members that are standing on the raised platforms, all of which work the same way as they have before. As a quick refresher, "Blue" markers will cause the tile that the player is standing on to explode (along with the first set of tiles adjacent to it), inflicting damage and magic vulnerability. "Yellow" markers will cause the tile that a player is standing on to detonate for similar damage and debuffs (but without effecting adjacent tiles), whilst the "Orange" tiles require the player to stack with at least one other marked player in order to absorb damage.
  • To deal with this, players marked with Weight of the World (blue) should remain on the raised platforms and move to the farthest corner-tile. Players marked with Pulse of the Land (yellow) need to drop down into the lower quadrant that only has one exploding tile from Weight of the Land, giving three spare tiles to use - one for the unmarked person who started in the lower quadrant and two spare tiles for each yellow-marked player. Players with Force of the Land (orange) markers should drop into the lower quadrant that has two exploding tiles from Weight of the Land and stack together on one of the safe tiles, leaving the last remaining safe tile for the unmarked player in that quadrant.
  • Earthen Fury blasts the entire raid with tremendous AoE damage. Once Earthen Fury has concluded, the arena will turn back to its normal shape.
  • Rock Throw marks each healer and eventually locks them into an earthen gaol after a brief delay. Bear in mind that Titan will receive a vicious buff if the gaols are placed too close to each other (and will also become much harder to destroy), hence each healer must move as far away from each other as possible. Watch out - Rock Throw will overlap with Plate Fracture.
  • Plate Fracture causes Titan to wind himself backward and punch one of the four arena quadrants. Players will need to determine which quadrant is being destroyed by paying attention to Titan's wind-up animation as there will be no other telegraph. Just like Earthen Fists - you'll be able to see which side Titan is focusing on (left or right) depending on which side he is winding up, as well as the distance (to determine if he will smash the southern or northern tile on that side). After destroying the arena into an "L" shape with the initial punch, Titan will wind up once again for two more consecutive Plate Fractures. If, for example, Titan destroys a northern quadrant with his first punch, the second punch will destroy the one remaining north quadrant, then the third will destroy one of the two remaining southern quadrants (which players must judge by the final punch animation). Similarly, if Titan destroys a southern quadrant, he will then destroy the other southern quadrant, followed by one of the two northern quadrants.
  • Due to overlapping with Rock Throw, the two marked Healers must place their gaols as far away from each other as possible whilst paying attention to the Plate Fracture order. For example, if Titan is about to destroy the south-left quadrant with his first punch, then one healer should place their gaol on the south-right quadrant while the other stands on the north-right quadrant. The healer gaoled on the south-right quadrant would then need to be freed as soon as possible seeing as the other south-quadrant will soon be destroyed by the second punch. If successful, the raid should have time to free the other gaoled healer before Titan has time to select and destroy one of the two remaining tiles. Once again, keep in mind that the order or Plate Fracture heavily depends on which quadrant Titan decides to destroy first, giving you a limited amount of time to place gaols appropriately.
  • Earthen Fury will blast the raid once more with tremendous AoE damage and also restore the arena back to its original form.
  • Tumult will cause Titan to repeatedly smash the platform with his fist multiple times in a row, inflicting unavoidable raid damage with each slam (five punches in a row).
  • As soon as Tumult has concluded, the raid must deal with another Dual Earthen Fists + Weight of the World + Megalith combo just like before. The raid must aim themselves so that they aren't punted off the platform by the upcoming knockback while the Weight of the World (blue) marked player must ensure they are knocked into the farthest corner away from the raid, followed by each tank being marked for the AoE tankbusters - all handled the same way as it was before.
  • Earthen Fists causes Titan to once again charge up his fists in a random order and proceed to punch across the entire arena based on that order, such as left+left, right+right, left+right, or right+left. Simultaneously, one tile in the arena will be marked via Evil Earth - eventually exploding, then marking all adjacent tiles for explosions, continuing in an outward wave, forcing all players to weave between Titan's punches and exploding tiles. Due to the randomness of Earthen Fists and the initial Evil Earth tile, all players must be on their toes throughout.
  • Tectonic Uplift once again marks two diagonal quadrants of the arena (4 tiles each) and prepares to elevate them (along with any players standing on the quadrant at the time). Unlike the first Tectonic Uplift, four players will also be marked with Force of the Land (orange markers). A good rule of thumb is to have all four marked players stack on one rising quadrant, whilst the four unmarked players move to the other rising quadrant, ensuring that the entire raid starts on elevated platforms. Make sure to remain stacked until Force of the Land has been absorbed.
  • To deal with upcoming mechanics, it is wise to assign each player their very own tile in their respective raised quadrant.
  • Rock Throw marks each healer and eventually locks them into an earthen gaol after a brief delay. It is likely that there will be one healer per risen quadrant due to the previous Force of the Land marks, so ensure that each healer remains in their individual tile. Three players per quadrant will now be tasked with breaking their healer out of their earthen gaol over the course of the next few mechanics, starting with:
  • Pulse of the Land (yellow markers). Assuming the raid has divided into four-per-quadrant and has been assigned their own tile, players must simply remain on their tile. Bear in mind that gaoled healers will also have their own yellow marker.
  • Weight of the World (blue markers) will be placed on two players (either both healers or both tanks). Have each marked player run to different lower-quadrants (the corner-most tile) so that nobody is clipped by the resulting explosions. Simultaneously, Titan will begin to pepper the lower quadrants with random Weight of the Land explosions. One quadrant will constantly have three exploding tiles (only one safe tile), while the other quadrant will always have two exploding tiles (leaving two safe tiles).
  • Weight of the World (blue markers) will now be placed on two players on the raised platforms - either both tanks or both healers (depending on which role was marked first). This time, blue-marked players should remain on the raised platforms, moving to their corner-most tile to avoid exploding lower quadrants.
  • Force of the Land (orange markers) will effect all four DPS at the same time, forcing them to stack up to absorb the upcoming blast. As a rule of thumb, orange-marked players should drop down into the quadrant which has two safe tiles from Weight of the Land.
  • Earthen Fury will blast the raid once again with vicious AoE damage and restore the arena back to its original form, followed by another five Tumult smashes (AoE damage) for yet more AoE.
  • Plate Fracture will be unleashed once again, causing Titan to wind himself backward and punch one of the four arena quadrants into oblivion - immediately followed by Megalith - requiring both tanks to stack together and absorb a tremendous tankbuster. Despite being indicated by a regular stack marker, only tanks should stack together. Once Megalith has concluded, Titan will prepare another Plate Fracture, forcing the raid to once again check Titan's animation and move away from the quadrant about to be destroyed.
  • Simultaneously, one player will be marked with Weight of the World (blue), three with Pulse of the Land (yellow), and four with Force of the Land (orange). Seeing as the arena is soon to lose yet another quadrant, players must position themselves on the two remaining quadrants so that (blue) has a quadrant to itself (moving to the farthest corner possible), while each (yellow) individually uses one of three tiles on the other quadrant, and all (orange) stack on the same quadrant in the one remaining tile to safely absorb damage.
  • Earthen Fury will blast the raid again and restore the arena back to its original form.


If you have survived the ordeal thus far, participants will witness Titan Maximum become untargetable and vomit out another Titan in his regular (smaller) form, indicating the final phase. From here on, participants are forced to contend with mechanics from both Titan's simultaneously.

  • Duo Earthen Fury will blast the raid with vicious AoE just like before, except now, the entire raid will suffer a 12 second DoT.
  • Weight of the Land will mark random tiles throughout the arena and detonate them for massive AoE damage after a brief delay. Unlike all previous instances of Weight of the Land, this version will essentially rotate its pattern for a considerable time. As a result, players will need to pay close attention to the tile pattern and the explosions in order to predict (and avoid) future explosions, as only the initial explosions have a telegraph. Simultaneously, all tanks and healers will be (orange) marked by Force of the Land whilst all DPS are given a (yellow) Pulse of the Land marker. Whilst dealing with the rotating Weight of the Land explosions, (orange) players must stick together on a safe tile to absorb upcoming damage, whilst each (yellow) player must find their own individual safe tile. Should the raid survive, Weight of the Land will cease before the next mechanic.
  • As soon as the above combo has concluded, the raid must deal with a third and final Dual Earthen Fists + Weight of the World + Megalith combo just like before. Just like earlier, the raid should aim themselves so that they aren't punted off the platform by the upcoming knockback while the Weight of the World (blue) marked player must ensure they are knocked into the farthest corner away from the raid, followed by each tank being marked for the AoE tankbusters - all handled the same way as it was before.
  • Voice of the Land (AoE damage) will blast the raid, followed by another five Tumult slams (even more AoE), then Voice of the Land (AoE), topped off by another Duo Earthen Fury (AoE + 12 second DoT).
  • Weight of the Land will again mark random tiles throughout the arena and detonate them for massive (rotating) AoE damage after a brief delay. This time, all DPS will be be marked by Force of the Land (orange) whilst all healers and tanks will acquire a (yellow) Pulse of the Land marker. Despite the inverse marks, the process is the same - (orange) players must stick together on a safe tile to absorb upcoming damage, whilst (yellow) players must find their own individual safe tile. Should the raid survive, Weight of the Land will cease before the next mechanic.
  • Earthen Fists causes Titan Maximum to begin charging up his fists in a random order and eventually punch across the entire arena based on that order, followed by regular Titan using Stonecrusher, the (AoE) triple-stomp tankbuster, forcing either a double-tank-swap or an immunity cooldown if you wish to take all three hits.
  • Megalith follows, marking both tanks with a stack marker and forcing them to absorb a tremendous duo-tankbuster. Despite being indicated by a normal stack markers, only the tanks should absorb the damage. Once Megalith concludes, the raid will be bombarded with yet another Earthen Fury that must be healed through.
  • Weight of the Land will yet again mark random tiles throughout the arena and rotate explosions around the arena, whilst marking players with Pulse of the Land and Force of the Land in the same pattern as the first combination (tanks & healers with orange, DPS with yellow), all dealt with in the same manner as before.
  • Earthen Fists follows, causing Titan Maximum to begin charging up his fists in a random order and punch across the entire arena twice in a row yet again.
  • Another Voice of the Land (AoE), followed by another five Tumult slams (AoE), Voice of the Land (AoE), along with another five Tumult slams (AoE), and a final Voice of the Land (AoE).
  • Should you (or Titan) remain alive after the tremendous AoE bombardment, Titan will begin hard-charging a mega Earthen Fury that will wipe the entire raid unless he is defeated beforehand.


See also: Edengrace Weapons

Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins edengrace arms (il 475) icon1.png  Paladin's Edengrace Arms (IL 475) Other N/A CBlue 1
Edengrace battleaxe icon1.png  Edengrace Battleaxe Marauder's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace greatsword icon1.png  Edengrace Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace manatrigger icon1.png  Edengrace Manatrigger Gunbreaker's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace spear icon1.png  Edengrace Spear Lancer's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace knuckles icon1.png  Edengrace Knuckles Pugilist's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace blade icon1.png  Edengrace Blade Samurai's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace knives icon1.png  Edengrace Knives Rogue's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace harp bow icon1.png  Edengrace Harp Bow Archer's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace revolver icon1.png  Edengrace Revolver Machinist's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace tathlums icon1.png  Edengrace Tathlums Dancer's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace rod icon1.png  Edengrace Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Book of grace icon1.png  Book of Grace Arcanist's Grimoire 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace rapier icon1.png  Edengrace Rapier Red Mage's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace cane icon1.png  Edengrace Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Word of grace icon1.png  Word of Grace Scholar's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace planisphere icon1.png  Edengrace Planisphere Astrologian's Arm 475 CBlue 1
Edengrace chest gear coffer (il 470) icon1.png  Edengrace Chest Gear Coffer (IL 470) Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Edengrace weapon coffer (il 475) icon1.png  Edengrace Weapon Coffer (IL 475) Other N/A ABasic 1
Eden minor icon2.png  Eden Minor Minion N/A ABasic 1
Skyslipper key icon1.png  Skyslipper Key Other N/A ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Savage paradise found i icon1.png  Savage Paradise Found I 5 Complete Eden's Gate (Savage). - 5.05
Savage paradise found ii icon1.png  Savage Paradise Found II 10 Complete Eden's Gate (Savage) 5 times. - 5.05
Savage paradise found iii icon1.png  Savage Paradise Found III 20 Complete Eden's Gate (Savage) 10 times. - 5.05
Mightier than the gate icon1.png  Mightier than the Gate 5 Complete Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage) with a party of only blue mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. - 6.45
