Wolves' Den Pier

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Wolves' Den Pier

Map of wolves den pier1.jpg
Map of Wolves' Den Pier

The wolves den1.jpg
Wolves' Den Pier prior to the construction of the Dueling Circle.

The Wolves' Den Pier is a small landing constructed by the Maelstrom against the wrecked ship The Braveheart. It was built as a staging area for combatants to enter the Floating Colosseum, also known as The Wolves' Den, a Player Versus Player arena.

— In-game description

Wolves' Den Pier is a zone in La Noscea.


Main article: PvP

Wolves' Den Pier is the PvP Hub that also supports 1 vs 1 dueling in the (ironically named) Dueling Circle. The pier is located off the shores of Moraby Drydocks in Lower La Noscea. It was released in patch 2.1. The PvP Actions for your Job are active while in this zone, and you can arrange your hotbars and practice on the Training Dummies located here.

To unlock the pier, players must reach level 30, and then complete a Grand Company-specific version of A Pup No Longer:

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
A Pup No Longer (Immortal Flames) Feature quest 30 Swift
Wolves' Den Pier
Wolves' Den Pier
Flame Seals
Flame Seals
A Pup No Longer (Maelstrom) Feature quest 30 R'ashaht Rhiki
Wolves' Den Pier
Wolves' Den Pier
Storm Seals
Storm Seals
A Pup No Longer (Twin Adder) Feature quest 30 Vorsaile Heuloix
Wolves' Den Pier
Wolves' Den Pier
Serpent Seals
Serpent Seals


The original light party versus mode was also located here, and was simply referred to as The Wolves' Den. That mode was introduced in patch 2.1, renamed The Fold in patch 3.21 with the addition of The Feast, and finally retired in Patch 4.0. Additionally, prior to Endwalker there were many disparate vendors in the Pier, but they were all consolidated into one per currency.

Wolf Marks

See also: Trophy Crystal, Series Malmstones and Wolf Collar

Players will acquire Wolf Mark Wolf Marks by competing in matches. Players can acquire additional marks for victories. You can use the marks to purchase PvP Gear by talking to NPCs at at Wolves' Den Pier (x6,y5).

Shops & Services

Merchant Name Merchant Location
Merchant (map icon).png
Collar Quartermaster
(X:4.4, Y:6.2)
Merchant (map icon).png
Commendation Quartermaster
(X:4.5, Y:6.2)
Merchant (map icon).png
Crystal Quartermaster
(X:4.4, Y:6.1)
Merchant (map icon).png
Mark Quartermaster
(X:4.5, Y:6)
Merchant (map icon).png
Seasonal Quartermaster
(X:4.9, Y:5.9)


For most, the Calamity will be remembered for the destruction it wrought upon the realm; however, what is oft overlooked is the fact that selfsame destruction also gave rise to myriad creations─one example being an odd crucible-shaped island thrust up from beneath Galadion Bay. Eorzea was not but two moons removed from the Calamity when a crew of Roegadyn Sea Wolves returning to Limsa Lominsa in the battered remains of the Braveheart discovered this newly formed anomaly. Moving quickly so as not to allow her enemies a foothold so near the thalassocracy, the Admiral laid claim to the island and had it transformed into a military training facility of sorts, naming it the Wolves' Den, after the brave men and women who first happened across the place.

Urged by its allies in Gridania and Ul'dah, the Maelstrom soon opened the Den's doors to members of all the Grand Companies of Eorzea, with the hopes that through the staged battles waged within, the cumulative strength of the realm's defenses would burgeon.
