Jihli Aliapoh

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Jihli Aliapoh is a Miqo'te in Old Gridania.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Procession Eggstraordinaire Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Deus Eggs Machina Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Egg-hunting We Will Go (Gridania) Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Eggsigent Circumstances Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Eggstreme Eggstrapolation Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Fowl Demands Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Get Along and Play Knife Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Great Eggspectations Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Hard-boiled Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Hippity, Hoppity, Happily Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Jihli Dreams of Egg Hunts Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Nothing to Yolk About Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Poaching the Poachers Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
The Eggth Umbral Calamity Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
The Princesses and the Eggs Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
The Yolks on Us Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
Uneggspected Encounters Daily quest 15 Jihli Aliapoh
When Eggs Fly Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Poultry Sum Sidequest 15 Nonotta
A Shelltered Eggsistence Sidequest 15 Nonotta
Chaos, Carnage, Eggs Sidequest 15 Hamlyn
Egg-hunting We Will Go (Limsa Lominsa) Sidequest 15 Oscarlet
Egg-hunting We Will Go (Ul'dah) Sidequest 15 Orselfaux
Eggs Pluribus Unum Sidequest 15 Nonotta
Eggsaltation of a Lark Sidequest 15 Nonotta
Eggsistential Crisis Sidequest 15 Nonotta
Peatie in Pink Sidequest 15 Royal Seneschal
Uneggseptable Losses Sidequest 15 Nonotta

Additional Information


"I dreamt of a resplendent ring of eggs, shining with an intensity that would inspire jealousy from the stars."

The first of the Dreamers, Jihli Aliapoh dreams of eggs at the same time every year, even after the passing of the Calamity. The Hatching-tide festivities are planned around what these visions show her, and it is perhaps a testament to this lady of twenty-two summers' winning charm that the event endures despite Eorzea having seen neither hide nor hair of egg-riding Archons in recent years.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 58
