Moogle Treasure Trove Events

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Moogle Treasure Trove Events are special events that usually precede a major patch or expansion release, starting with patch 5.0 (Shadowbringers).

In these events, players can collect Irregular Tomestones by completing certain dungeons, trials, raids, and PvP duties. The available duties will change with each event. These duties range from higher-level raids to A Realm Reborn leveling dungeons, allowing lower level characters to participate. To receive rewards, players must complete the duties with Level Sync enabled. As of 2024, Ocean Fishing and GATEs also grant the event tomestones, as another option accessible to low-level characters.

These tomestones can then be exchanged with an Itinerant Moogle located in the three starting cities (Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, or Ul'dah) for various rewards. Most events feature one limited-time item: typically a lighthearted accessory, such as the Namazu earring icon1.png  Namazu Earring. The events also include a variety of rare, hard-to-get, or no-longer-attainable items, such as mounts from extreme trials or the Falcon (mount) icon1.png  Falcon — or simply items that the developers wish to spotlight, such as contest-winning outfits. This makes these events useful as a catch-up mechanism for collectors who may have missed the boat on older items.

Because these events typically last a month, some players will try to predict the release date of a major patch based on the event start date, once a time frame for the patch has been announced (e.g., "early January 2023").

List of Events

Name Event Period Notable rewards
Irregular Tomestone of Philosophy Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Philosophy May 20 - June 28, 2019 Namazu earring icon1.png  Namazu Earring
Irregular Tomestone of Mythology Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Mythology September 20 - October 28, 2019 Mameshiba earring icon1.png  Mameshiba Earring
Irregular Tomestone of Soldiery Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Soldiery January 20 - February 18, 2020 Namazu neckerchief icon1.png  Namazu Neckerchief
Irregular Tomestone of Law Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Law May 18 - August 11, 2020 Mameshiba neckerchief icon1.png  Mameshiba Neckerchief
Irregular Tomestone of Esoterics Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Esoterics March 15 - April 13, 2021 Namazu earring icon1.png  Namazu Earring, Falcon ignition key icon1.png  Falcon Ignition Key
Irregular Tomestone of Pageantry Moogle Treasure Festival 2021: The Hunt for Pageantry (2021 Fan Festival Commemoration) May 14 - June 14, 2021 Great serpent of ringa icon1.png  Great Serpent of Ringa, Scarf of wondrous wit icon1.png  Scarf of Wondrous Wit, Goobbue earring icon1.png  Goobbue Earring, Dodo earring icon1.png  Dodo Earring, Cactuar earring icon1.png  Cactuar Earring, Bomb earrings icon1.png  Bomb Earrings, Coblyn earring icon1.png  Coblyn Earring, Taoist moogle icon2.png  Taoist Moogle
Irregular Tomestone of Lore Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Lore October 19 - December 2, 2021 Inferno jacket icon1.png  Inferno Jacket
Irregular Tomestone of Scripture Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Scripture March 14 - April 12, 2022 Mameshiba earring icon1.png  Mameshiba Earring
Irregular Tomestone of Verity Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Verity July 25 - August 23, 2022 Demon brick earring icon1.png  Demon Brick Earring
Irregular Tomestone of Creation Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Creation December 12, 2022 - January 10, 2023 Namazu neckerchief icon1.png  Namazu Neckerchief, Falcon ignition key icon1.png  Falcon Ignition Key
Irregular Tomestone of Mendacity Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Mendacity April 24 - May 22, 2023 Porxie earrings icon1.png  Porxie Earrings
Irregular Tomestone of Tenfold Pageantry Moogle Treasure Trove: The 10th Anniversary Hunt August 27 - October 3, 2023 Ten year anniversary framers kit icon1.png  Ten Year Anniversary Framer's Kit, Fat cat parasol icon1.png  Fat Cat Parasol, Scarf of wondrous wit icon1.png  Scarf of Wondrous Wit, Goobbue earring icon1.png  Goobbue Earring, Dodo earring icon1.png  Dodo Earring, Cactuar earring icon1.png  Cactuar Earring, Bomb earrings icon1.png  Bomb Earrings, Coblyn earring icon1.png  Coblyn Earring, Taoist moogle icon2.png  Taoist Moogle
Irregular Tomestone of Genesis I Moogle Treasure Trove: The First Hunt for Genesis January 30 - March 11, 2024 Mameshiba neckerchief icon1.png  Mameshiba Neckerchief
Irregular Tomestone of Genesis II Moogle Treasure Trove: The Second Hunt for Genesis May 14 - June 24, 2024 Emerald carbuncle earring icon1.png  Emerald Carbuncle Earring
Irregular Tomestone of Goetia Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Goetia October 15 - November 11, 2024 Donut earring icon1.png  Donut Earring, Great serpent of ringa icon1.png  Great Serpent of Ringa
Irregular Tomestone of Phantasmagoria Moogle Treasure Trove: The Hunt for Phantasmagoria February 26 - March 24, 2025 Paissa earring icon1.png  Paissa Earring, Inferno jacket icon1.png  Inferno Jacket, Falcon ignition key icon1.png  Falcon Ignition Key

Farming Irregular Tomestones

Each event typically has one or a few duties that are the most efficient to farm for Irregular Tomestones. Blue Mage frame icon.png Blue Mages with appropriate spells are a popular choice for completing these quickly.