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I see it as my Builder-given duty to not only pass on the techniques of the armorer to the next generation of artisans, but to improve on those processes as well.

— In-game description

H'naanza is a Miqo'te in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
On to the Drydocks Main Scenario quest 11 H'naanza
The Rats in the Wharf Sidequest 3 H'naanza
My First Doming Hammer Class quest 1 H'naanza
From Thigh to Neck Class quest 5 H'naanza
The Base Fundamentals Class quest 10 H'naanza
One's Own Worst Critic Class quest 15 H'naanza
An Armorer's Pride Class quest 20 H'naanza
Showing Your Steel Class quest 25 H'naanza
May the Best Armorer Win Class quest 30 H'naanza
Pans of Steel Class quest 35 H'naanza
Best of Three Class quest 40 H'naanza
For the Good of the Guild Class quest 45 H'naanza
Rivalry and Respect Class quest 50 H'naanza
The Breaking of Blanstyr Class quest 50 H'naanza
Original Blanstyr Class quest 60 H'naanza
Eastern Apprentice Class quest 63 H'naanza

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Relighting the Torch Main Scenario quest 11 Fraeloef
Dressed for Conquest Main Scenario quest 46 Sark Malark
Recruiting the Realm Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
Back in the Water Sidequest 3 Sisipu
Glory Days Sidequest 4 S'dhodjbi
Beauty Is Only Scalp Deep Feature quest 15 S'dhodjbi
Way of the Armorer Feature quest 1 G'wahnako
Light-headed Class quest 53 Blanstyr
Fancy Lancer Class quest 55 Blanstyr
The Pride of Vymelli Class quest 60 Blanstyr
A Confluence of Style Class quest 70 Blanstyr


Small Talk

H'naanza: Are you just seeking to pass the time, or do you have an honest interest in armorcraft?

Dialogue Menu Options

What would you like to know?

What do you do here?
Tell me about crafting armor.

Selecting "What do you do here?"

H'naanza: Me? Hah! You must be new in Limsa. I'm H'naanza, the head of Naldiq & Vymelli's forgemaster and shipwright.
H'naanza: I spend a good portion of my time here in the Armorers' Guild, trying to hammer my novices into something resembling true artisans.
H'naanza: We lost too many of our skilled veterans to that damn Calamity. Too many...
H'naanza: I see it as my Builder-given duty to not only pass on the techniques of the armorer to the next generation of artisans, but to improve on those processes as well.

Selecting "Tell me about crafting armor."

H'naanza: At a glance, working a sheet of plate seems simple. You take your chosen metal, then heat, hammer, and bend until you achieve the desired shape and thickness.
H'naanza: There is, however, much more to the process. An armorer needs to learn how to work materials of varying hardness, such as bronze and iron. And shaping them into gauntlets, shields, and helmets is no easy task.
H'naanza: You must direct your blows with strength and surety as would a smitty, but an armorer needs something a smitty doesn't: delicacy. Without that, it wouldn't be long before tiny flaws crept in to compromise the defensive strength of the plate.
H'naanza: We make works of art with flame and steel, and there's never a day that I'm not damn proud to be an armorer.

Additional Information

While H'naanza uses a Keeper of the Moon model, she is named like a Seeker of the Sun. This might be an oversight.


H'naanza Esi serves as the head of Naldiq & Vymelli's, and as forgemaster of the Armorers' Guild. Moreover, she is a vaunted shipwright, and the Triumph, the flagship of the Crimson Fleet, is of her design—a great accomplishment for one of thirty-eight years. At present, the Seeker of the Sun has left the building of ships to others, and devotes her considerable energies to instructing new armorers in her craft.