Good for What Ales You
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Quest
Unlocks /stepdance emote
- Speak with people around Fisherman's Bottom.
- Speak with the young Executioner on the Astalicia.
- Deliver the payment to Dodozan.
- There is a hectic flush of panic on Dodozan's face as he looks wildly about <a href="/wiki/Hawkers%27_Round" title="Hawkers' Round">Hawkers' Round.
- Dodozan has been trading with pirates, and some miscreant has made off with a cask of ale meant for the Bloody Executioners. surely, someone at Fisherman's Bottom has seen something.
- Your inquiries have garnered answers, and you have learned that the cask of ale may have ended up exactly where it was supposed to, after all—with the Bloody Executioners aboard their ship, the Astalicia. It might be best to head off in that direction to cofirm whether the customer was indeed the thief.
- It turns out that one of the underling pirates had more thirst than sense, and so brings down his captain's wrath upon him. The good captain would have you courier the payment to Dodozan.
- Dodozan is pleased to see the money and even more pleased that a watery demise will not be an item on his personal ledger this day. Moenskaet is correct, after all; it takes cods to trade with folk who have a long keel.