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Achievement Titles
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By fulfilling specific conditions, some achievements will provide a reward in the form of a title.
Title | Achievement | Description |
789th Order Champion | Kobold as Brass | Attain rank 4 reputation (trusted) with the 789th Order kobolds |
Amasser of Masterpieces | I Collected That III | Gather or catch 3,000 collectables. |
Annihilator | Back in Black II | Complete the black mage job quest "The Defiant Ones". |
Archmage | Mastering Magic | Achieve level 50 as a Conjurer, a Thaumaturge, and an Arcanist |
Bearer of the Coffer | Unhide and Seek | Decipher unhidden leather maps to locate and loot 20 treasure coffers. |
Bearer of the Torch | My Left Arm | Complete the quest "Before the Dawn" |
Blackblood | A Dark Day's Knight II | Complete the dark knight job quest "Absolution". |
Bounty Hunter | Bring Your B Game III | Slay 300 rank B elite marks. |
Brother of Ash/Sister of Ash | A Real Bad Ash | Attain rank 4 reputation (trusted) with the Brotherhood of Ash |
Bug Boy/Bug Girl | Off to the Races I | Participate in a sanctioned chocobo race |
Builder of the Realm | Mastering the Hand | Get to level 50 as a Alchemist, Armorer, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Culinarian, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, and Weaver |
Business Associate | I Traded That III | Submit 3,000 collectables to Rowena's House of Splendors. |
Captain of the Hunt | Bring Your S Game III | Slay 200 rank S elite marks. |
Carrier of the Cauldron | Materia Hysteria | Successfully affix 1,000 materia |
Cavalier | Pimp Your Ride | Purchase all three sets of Grand Company chocobo barding. |
Chocobo Breeder | Go Forth and Multiply | Obtain a new chocobo through covering |
Chocobo Trainer | Training Day (Achievement) | Chocobo to a rating of 285 |
Coeurlfist | Enter the Coeurl (Achievement) | Obtain a pair of Sphairai in the quest "A Relic Reborn" |
Cupid | Love Actually | Complete the quest "Now That We've Found Love" |
Dark Driver | A Tankless Job I (Dark Knight) | Complete 50 high-level full party duties as a dark knight. |
Deck Hoarder | Triple-decker III | Obtain 60 unique Triple Triad cards |
Deck Holder | Triple-decker II | Obtain 30 unique Triple Triad cards |
Defender of Eorzea | Eorzea Defended | Complete the quest "Brave New Companions" |
Desertbreaker | A Miner's Life for Me Thanalan | Obtain all five “Mining Your Own Business: Thanalan” achievements. |
Desertcaster | A Fisher’s Life for Me Thanalan | Obtain all five "Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Thanalan" achievements. |
Desertreaper | A Botanist's Life for Me Thanalan | Obtain all five “Logging the Hours: Thanalan” achievements. |
Domitor/Domitrix | Scent of a Woman | Defeat Nael deus Darnus within the fourth turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage). |
Dreadspawn | Soul Summoner II | Complete the summoner job quest "A Flare for the Dramatic." |
Drone Sniper | Prime Air IV | Destroy 100 interceptor drones. |
Duelist | Bracket Breaker | Win 100 Triple triad tournament matches. |
Dungeon Master | Dungeon Siege IV | Complete 300 instanced dungeon raids. |
Ehcatl Blackguard | That's Ixal, Folks | Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Ehcatl Nine. |
Elite Cascadier | Cascadier Reborn | Obtain a summer morning, summer evening, or striped cascadier uniform during the Moonfire Faire festivities. |
Finder of False Gods | The War Still Wageth On | Complete the quest "Thok Around the Clock." |
Flame Forerunner | A Line in the Sand V | Guide the Immortal Flames to 300 Frontline victories. |
Flame Growler | Cutting Your Wolf Loose Immortal Flames III | Achieve PvP rank 20 with the Immortal Flames. |
Flame Hound | Cutting Your Wolf Loose Immortal Flames IV | Achieve PvP rank 30 with the Immortal Flames. |
Flame Howler | Cutting Your Wolf Loose Immortal Flames II | Achieve PvP rank 10 with the Immortal Flames. |
Flame Puppy | Cutting Your Wolf Loose Immortal Flames I | Achieve PvP rank 1 with the Immortal Flames. |
Flamebringer | To Each According to His Need Immortal Flames III | Complete 200 provisioning missions for the Immortal Flames. |
Flamecarrier | Fanning the Flames III | Complete 200 supply missions for the Immortal Flames. |
Flamelord/Flamelady | Burning a Hole in My Pocket III | Earn 100,000 Flame Seals. |
Forestbreaker | A Miner's Life for Me Black Shroud | Obtain all five “Mining Your Own Business: Black Shroud” achievements. |
Forestcaster | A Fisher’s Life for Me Black Shroud | Obtain all five "Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Black Shroud" achievements. |
Forestreaper | A Botanist's Life for Me Black Shroud | Obtain all five “Logging the Hours: Black Shroud” achievements. |
Frontline Forerunner | Walk the Line V | Participate in 300 Frontline campaigns. |
Good Samaritan | The Kindness of Strangers V | Resurrect a player who is not in your party or alliance 200 times. |
Heliodrome Hero | Just Say Node IV | Destroy 20 interceptor nodes. |
Hungry Wolf | A Clean Plate | Participate in 1,000 matches at the Feast. |
Hunter for Hire | On Your Mark B | Earn the following four achievements: Mark of the Holt: B, Mark of the Desert: B, Mark of the Sea: B, and Mark of the Lake: B. |
Keeper of Knowledge | Hounding the Rock IV | Occupy 300 tomeliths on Seal Rock. |
Myth Breaker | The King and Die | Defeat King Thordan in The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign. |
Melusine Mauler | Seconds | Defeat Melusine within the second turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage). |
Notorious Monster Slayer | Crown of Thorns V | Slay a total of 100 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem. |
Of the Sixth Sense | The Trouble with Buried II | Discover 100 pieces of the Accursed Hoard without using a pomander of intuition. |
Of the Stalwart Axe | A Tankless Job II (Warrior) | Complete 100 high-level full party duties as a warrior. |
Of the Stalwart Shield | A Tankless Job II (Paladin) | Complete 100 high-level full party duties as a paladin. |
Of the Stalwart Sword | A Tankless Job II (Dark Knight) | Complete 100 high-level full party duties as a dark knight. |
Polis Dweller | Life Aquatic IV | Raid the Aquapolis 20 times. |
Polis Lord | The Slow Regard of Stolen Things IV | Raid the deepest room in the Aquapolis 20 times. |
Polis Raider | Life Aquatic I | Raid the Aquapolis. |
Rafflesia Reaper | Date With Destiny IV | Successfully complete 1,000 FATEs. |
Seasoned Tracker | On Your Mark S | Earn the following four achievements: Mark of the Holt: S, Mark of the Desert: S, Mark of the Sea: S, and Mark of the Lake: S. |
Seeker of Fortune | On Your Mark A | Earn the following four achievements: Mark of the Holt: A, Mark of the Desert: A, Mark of the Sea: A, and Mark of the Lake: A. |
Serpent Forerunner | A Line in the Glade V | Guide the Order of the Twin Adder to 300 Frontline victories. |
Serpentbringer | To Each According to His Need Twin Adder III | Complete 100 provisioning missions for the Order of the Twin Adder. |
Serpentcarrier | Feeding the Serpent III | Complete 200 supply missions for the Order of the Twin Adder. |
Serpentlord/Serpentlady | A Snake in the Brass III | Earn 100,000 Serpent Seals. |
Slaughterhouse | Slaughterhouse Four | Dispatch 1,000 enemies on a Frontline campaign. |
Soldier of Fortune | Bring Your A Game III | Slay 200 rank A elite marks. |
Storm Forerunner | A Line in the Storm V | Guide the Maelstrom to 300 Frontline victories. |
Stormbringer | To Each According to His Need Maelstrom III | Complete 100 provisioning missions for the Maelstrom. |
Stormcarrier | Fueling the Storm III | Complete 200 supply missions for the Maelstrom. |
Stormlord/Stormlady | A Storm of Seals III | Earn 100,000 Storm Seals. |
Tempter/Temptress of Fate | A Flower By Any Other Name | Defeat the rafflesia within the first turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage). |
The Alpha Wolf | Leader of the Pack | Triumph in 5,000 matches at the Wolves' Den. |
The Avatar | Obtanium | Defeat the Avatar within the third turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage). |
The Devourer | Breaking Fast with Champions | Triumph in 1,000 matches at the Feast. |
The Exterminator | To Crush Your Enemies VI | Defeat 50,000 enemies. |
The Flamesworn | In Good Company Immortal Flames III | Complete 200 company levequests for the Immortal Flames. |
The Fortunate | Date With Destiny VI | Successfully complete 10,000 FATEs. |
The Hand of Mercy | Slaughterhouse Five | Dispatch 5,000 enemies on a Frontline campaign. |
The Knight of Glory | In a Blaze of Glory VI | Guide any of the three Grand Companies to a total of 300 The Fields of Glory victories. |
The Lucky | For the Hoard III | Discover 1,000 pieces of the Accursed Hoard. |
The Meat Axe | A Tankless Job I (Warrior) | Complete 50 high-level full party duties as a warrior. |
The Meat Shield | A Tankless Job I (Paladin) | Complete 50 high-level full party duties as a paladin. |
The Ravenous Wolf | Wolfing it Down | Participate in 5,000 matches at the Wolves' Den. |
The Serpentsworn | In Good Company Twin Adder III | Complete 200 company levequests for the Order of the Twin Adder. |
The Stormsworn | In Good Company Maelstrom III | Complete 200 company levequests for the Maelstrom. |
The Undamaged | A Sawbones to Remember | Triumph in 1,000 matches at the Feast while taking on the role of healer. |
The Unleashed | A Spellcaster to Remember | Triumph in 1,000 matches at the Feast while taking on the role of ranged magic DPS. |
The Unmoving | A Stalwart to Remember | Triumph in 1,000 matches at the Feast while taking on the role of tank. |
The Unrelenting | A Slayer to Remember | Triumph in 1,000 matches at the Feast while taking on the role of melee DPS. |
The Unseen | A Sniper to Remember | Triumph in 1,000 matches at the Feast while taking on the role of ranged physical DPS. |
The Unsevered | Missed the Cut | Defeat Odin at Urth's Fount. |
Treasure Hunter | No Stone Unturned | Decipher 20 timeworn peisteskin maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead. |