Treasure Hunt Achievements

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Main article: Battle Achievements
Achievement Points Task Reward
I Can Dig It I 5 Decipher 3 timeworn leather maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead.
I Can Dig It II 5 Decipher 5 timeworn goatskin maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead.
I Can Dig It III 5 Decipher 10 timeworn toadskin maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead.
I Can Dig It IV 10 Decipher 20 timeworn boarskin maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead.
No Stone Unturned 20 Decipher 20 timeworn peisteskin maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead. Title: Treasure Hunter
I Can Dig It V 20 Decipher 20 timeworn archaeoskin maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead.
I Can Dig It VI 20 Decipher 20 timeworn wyvernskin maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead.
I Can Dig It VII 20 Decipher 20 timeworn dragonskin maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead.
Unhide and Seek 20 Decipher unhidden leather maps to locate and loot 20 treasure coffers. Title: Bearer of the Coffer
Life Aquatic I 5 Raid the Aquapolis. Title: Polis Raider
Life Aquatic II 10 Raid the Aquapolis 5 times.
Life Aquatic III 10 Raid the Aquapolis 10 times.
Life Aquatic IV 20 Raid the Aquapolis 20 times. Title: Polis Dweller
The Slow Regard of Stolen Things I 5 Raid the deepest room in Aquapolis.
The Slow Regard of Stolen Things II 10 Raid the deepest room in Aquapolis 5 times.
The Slow Regard of Stolen Things III 10 Raid the deepest room in Aquapolis 10 times.
The Slow Regard of Stolen Things IV 20 Raid the deepest room in Aquapolis 20 times. Title: Polis Lord