Kupo for Kupo Nuts

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Sidequest.pngMoogle Daily Quest Template:Quest




  • With the chat mode in Say, enter any phrase containing “free kupo nuts” to rally the moogles.


  • The look in Mogek's squinty eyes tells you he has a favor to ask.
  • Mogek seeks to recruit more paws to aid the Mogmenders, and has devised a delicious plan to do so. He has amassed a large quantity of kupo nuts to offer any moogles who agree to help work on the plaza. While recruitment is seemingly well underway, he has yet to send anyone to Moghome, and asks you to go as their representative. Find potential recruits and, with the chat mode in Say, enter any phrase containing “free kupo nuts” to rally them to your cause.
  • You speak with several moogles whose eyes grow wide with hunger at the thought of kupo nuts. Judging by the speed with which they flew back to Bahrr Lehs, it would seem the Mogmenders will have more than a few new recruits. Return to Mogek and tell him of your success in finding helpers.
  • Mogek is delighted to see that his plan has worked flawlessly─or so it would seem. He reveals to you he acquired his treasure trove of kupo nuts from the reserves of Chieftain Moglin. This store of kupo nuts is apparently so confidential that even the chieftan himself has forgotten its existence. One can only hope he never remembers.