A Deific Simulacrum
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The Warring Triad Quest
- Present the Allagan tomestone of divinity to the verification node on the Flagship.
- Unukalhai has a gift for you.
- Unukalhai gifts you an Allagan tomestone that contains a detailed record of the eikon Sophia at the height of her power. He proceeds to explain that this data will enable Azys Lla's miraculous reality augmentation technologies to generate an idealized simulacrum of the Goddess against whom to test your skills─just as the champions of Allag once did. Take the tomestone to the Flagship, and present the recording device to the verification node.
- Upon receiving the tomestone, the verification node initiates what it refers to as an “enlistment program,” presumably intended to assess candidates' worthiness to join the Allagan warrior elite. Assemble a band of trusty companions, and meet the Goddess in all her terrible glory!
※Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme) can be accessed via the Raid Finder.