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See also: Housing

General Information

After catching fish from the various reaches of Eorzea, you can put them on display using an aquarium in a free company house, personal house, private chamber, or apartment. Please note there is a limit of one aquarium per estate or apartment, as well as one per private chamber.

Customizing Aquariums

When preparing an aquarium for fish, players can choose the type of water to fill the tank, as well as add an accessory for decoration.

Housing Authorized Users
Free Company Estate Free company members
Private Estate Owner and tenants
Private Chamber Owner
Apartment Owner


Before placing fish in an aquarium, players may choose to fill the tank with either freshwater or saltwater. This will dictate which types of fish can be placed in the aquarium. Please be advised that, in order to change the water type, any fish in the tank must be removed.

  • Freshwater and saltwater fish cannot be placed in an aquarium together.


Accessories can be used to change the appearance of the water tank.

  • Please be advised that accessories will be destroyed when removed from the aquarium.


Open the Fish List found in the Aquarium Settings interface to view a list of all possible fish that can be placed in the aquarium.

  • Please be advised that any fish removed from the aquarium will be lost.

Aquarium Capacity

Fish have been categorized into four sizes: small, medium, large, and extra large. It is worth noting that larger fish will occupy more space in an aquarium, leaving less room for other fish.

Size Space Occupied
S 1
M 2
L 4
XL 7

Aquariums are available in four sizes, the smallest holding only a single small fish, and the largest holding up to four. Because larger fish take up more room in the aquarium, one must choose carefully which fish they will put on display.

Aquarium Tier (Capacity) Total Fish
Tier 1 (1) 1
Tier 2 (2) 2
Tier 3 (4) 3
Tier 4 (7) 4

Available Fish

Name Size Water Type
Copperfish S Freshwater
Tri-colored Carp M Freshwater
Dark Bass M Freshwater
Clown Loach M Freshwater
Whilom Catfish L Freshwater
Blood Red Bonytongue L Freshwater
Euphotic Pirarucu XL Freshwater
Coral Butterfly S Saltwater
Blowfish M Saltwater
Coelacanth L Saltwater
Silver Shark XL Saltwater
Mazlaya Marlin XL Saltwater
Helmsman's Hand XL Saltwater


Your prized fish will go unnoticed no longer with an aquarium in the house! They're available in four sizes to accommodate aquatic creatures of all kinds. The tank can also be dressed up with one of several designs to show off your latest catch in style.