Custom Deliveries/Ehll Tou

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Ehll Tou CD.png
Ehll Tou2.jpg

Custom Deliveries for Ehll Tou were introduced in patch 5.3.



Quest Type Level Quest Giver Rewards
O Crafter, My Crafter Feature quest 70 Ehll Tou 5 Mejillones al ajillo icon1.png  Mejillones al Ajillo
5 Arros negre icon1.png  Arros Negre
An Ode to Unity Feature quest 70 Ehll Tou 3 Crab cakes icon1.png  Crab Cakes
3 Chili crab icon1.png  Chili Crab
On Ehll Tou's Wings Feature quest 70 Hautdilong 1 Ehll tou whistle icon1.png  Ehll Tou Whistle


Though the people of Ishgard and dragonkind have agreed to a truce, they have yet to fully realize the potential of such an alliance. The dragonling Ehll Tou hopes that by learning the ways of artisans, she and her brethren may contribute to the Ishgardian restoration and strengthen the bonds of trust with their newfound friends.


Rank Crafted Gathered Fished
Level 1 Custom gathering tool components icon1.png  Custom Gathering Tool ComponentsCollectable Gathering tool paraphernalia icon1.png  Gathering Tool ParaphernaliaCollectable Hoplite icon1.png  HopliteCollectable
Level 2 Custom weaving components icon1.png  Custom Weaving ComponentsCollectable Weaving paraphernalia icon1.png  Weaving ParaphernaliaCollectable Hook fish icon1.png  Hook FishCollectable
Level 3 Custom crafting tool components icon1.png  Custom Crafting Tool ComponentsCollectable Crafting tool paraphernalia icon1.png  Crafting Tool ParaphernaliaCollectable Cloudweed icon1.png  CloudweedCollectable
Level 4 Handpicked culinary essentials icon1.png  Handpicked Culinary EssentialsCollectable Handpicked ingredients icon1.png  Handpicked IngredientsCollectable Fatty herring icon1.png  Fatty HerringCollectable
Level 5 Printing essentials icon1.png  Printing EssentialsCollectable Printing paraphernalia icon1.png  Printing ParaphernaliaCollectable Inkshell icon1.png  InkshellCollectable

Unlike most other Custom Delivery clients, you will not be able to glamour Ehll Tou. However, there is a different reward upon reaching maximum satisfaction level.


Completing deliveries will give the player Purple Crafters' Scrip Purple Crafters' Scrips or Purple Gatherers' Scrip Purple Gatherers' Scrips along with ExperienceExperience. However if the class used for the delivery is level 100, no ExperienceExperience is rewarded, but the player will receive Orange Crafters' Scrip Orange Crafters' Scrips or Orange Gatherers' Scrip Orange Gatherers' Scrips.


Delivery Quality

Level 1 Delivery

Ehll Tou: Let us inspect what you've brought together, shall we? Hmm, I daresay we can make use of this. I just hope Master Arvide approves.

Level 2 Delivery

Ehll Tou: Now, what do we have here? Even my untrained eye can see this is of uncommon quality. Doubtless even Master Arvide will be pleased.

Level 3 Delivery

Ehll Tou: Oh my, you've certainly outdone yourself this time! Even Master Arvide might be hard-pressed to produce such fine work!

Crafting Deliveries

Custom Gathering Tool Components

Ehll Tou: So, this is what we need to make tools for gathering? Truth be told, I struggle to envision how all these parts fit together, but I suppose grasping that is the first of many steps. Oh, I may very well be the first dragon to make her own tools!

Custom Weaving Components

Ehll Tou: Master Arvide explained to me that since we dragons are covered in tough scales, we've no need to fear needles pricking us. My claws are still a bit too clumsy for delicate work, but I feel that weaving might very well be my calling!

Gathering Deliveries

Gathering Tool Paraphernalia

Ehll Tou: So this is what we'll use to make tools for gathering? But what of the tools you used to gather these materials? Are there tools made to gather materials used to make tools that gather materials!? Ack, my head hurts...

Weaving Paraphernelia

Ehll Tou: Weaving is an intricate art indeed, wouldn't you say? From plants we make fibrous strings, and we spin those into yarn. Then that yarn is knitted into... Oh, it's enough to get you all tangled up!

Crafting Tool Paraphernelia

Ehll Tou: I'm quite a bit weaker than my full-grown brethren, and possessed of ungainly claws besides. As such, when considering which materials to use, we must give special consideration to their weight and size.

Fishing Deliveries


Ehll Tou: Now what do we have here! A shell this hard is like to sunder even the densest of stone. Just imagine the precious materials we could unearth with this!

Hook Fish

Ehll Tou: Careful, now! Have a care not to prick yourself on these spines. If what Master Arvide told me is true, they're as sharp as knives. They will, however, make perfect needles for weaving of all sorts. I wonder how many drops of blood were spilled in anger before someone thought to make this dangerous fish into a tool?


Ehll Tou:  Master Arvide tells me the ocean waters are teeming with plants that are essential to a range of dishes. I would never have imagined that within those depths lay the secret to bringing out flavor in even the most mundane meals.

Friendship rank 1

Talking to Ehll Tou

Ehll Tou: Here to help us make a tool fit for dragons?

Completing rank 1

Ehll Tou: Your supplies truly have been a godssend, hero! I'd say we have more than enough for me to begin learning the fine art of gathering in earnest. Let's go speak with Master Arvide at once!
Arvide: Ah, 'tis good to see you. I've been meaning to thank you for all your help with Ehll Tou's education.
Ehll Tou: An education which is off to a splendid start, I must say! I believe I have developed a keen sense for the finer parts of gathering, which Master Arvide says is the basis of all crafting.
Ehll Tou: But even for gathering you must have tools! And to make those tools you must gather materials... And to gather those materials you must have...more tools?
Ehll Tou: Ack! It's tools all the way down, isn't it? Or is it materials? Ah, no matter. It's as much a fool's errand as trying to guess if the dragon came before the egg.
Hautdilong: If there is one fact to be gleaned from that conundrum, however, it is that crafting and gathering are inextricably linked.
Arvide: Indeed you are correct─without one trade the other dies, and vice versa. That's precisely why I aim to see you proficient at both before our time together is done.
Arvide: To that end, I've devised something specially for those tiny claws of yours: an Ehll Tou-sized pickaxe!
Arvide: Here, take it. What do you think?
Ehll Tou: It''s perfect!
Hautdilong: With that in claw, you'd look right at home among the rest of the workers.
Ehll Tou: I see now that even though you wingless ones lack claws and fangs, you have the strength to shatter stone and sunder earth. I have an inkling now of how powerful the first of you to wield a pickaxe felt!
Ehll Tou: For something so small and light, it is remarkably sturdy. Even I could swing this all day without tiring! The hidden treasures of the world shall be mine!
Ehll Tou: This is all I could have hoped for and more! Thank you, Master Arvide!
Arvide: All I did was put the parts together. It was our friend that did all the hard work. Actually, [Forename] brought so many materials that I had enough to make a few more pickaxes. Perhaps you could give them to your dragon friends. 
Ehll Tou: Yes, Master Arvide! I shall take what I can and leave at once!

Rank 2

Start of Rank 2

Hautdilong: Welcome back, Ehll Tou! So how was it? I'm sure the other dragons found your new tools to be quite fascinating!
Ehll Tou: Ah, well, you see... I'm afraid it wasn't quite like that.
Ehll Tou: The dragonets were delighted to see what I had brought, of course. The elder dragons, however, practically flew into a rage, haranguing the younger ones and insisting that such tools are contrary to a dragon's very nature.
Hautdilong: Oh... I see...
Ehll Tou: Although it was far from the enthusiastic reception I had envisioned, I still believe that the prejudices of the past will─nay, must─give way to new ways of thinking if we are to coexist peacefully with the Ishgardians.
Ehll Tou: And I know for certain there are those among the other dragonets who are of the same mind. I must continue to persevere, else my efforts so far will have been for naught. 
Hautdilong: Indeed. The other dragons will come around in time, I'm sure. Even the most cantankerous of the lot.
Hautdilong: Perhaps you should take a different tack. The dragons might be much more amenable to something that was crafted by one of their own. Namely, you!
Ehll Tou: What a marvelous suggestion, Hautdilong! Hmm...but there is still the question of what I might craft. Something eye-catching, unlike anything they've seen before.
Arvide: In that case...
Arvide: Why not try your hand at weaving? The materials are lightweight and the tools are small enough for even you to use deftly. Clothing designed for dragons would be especially novel, which I'm sure many of them would find interesting.
Ehll Tou:That's a wonderful idea! Oh, I cannot wait to get started!
Arvide: That depends on our friend here. I'll need some help procuring the materials, if it's not too much trouble. I'll give you a list of what we need, while I take care of the rest.
Ehll Tou: Great! In the meantime, I shall give thought to what exactly I might weave.

Talking with Ehll Tou

Ehll Tou: Have you come to help us weave garments befitting an artisan?

Talking with Hautlidong

Hautdilong: Even the most masterful works of crafting are a common sight to us who grew up in Ishgard. But to a dragon, I imagine even a hawker's stall is something to behold. Would that I could see the world from their eyes!

Completing Rank 2

Ehll Tou: If we don't begin my education in weaving soon, I fear we may run out of room to store all the materials you've delivered! I must tell Master Arvide─you won't mind watching over the supplies while I'm gone, will you? 
Arvide: Ah, the man of the hour arrives! My thanks for furnishing us with the weaving supplies we requested. I took the liberty of arranging the rest of what we need, so I believe we're well prepared to begin our next lesson.
Arvide: What say you, Ehll Tou? We have the materials, and we have the tools. Do you have the desire to learn?
Ehll Tou: Yes, of course, Master Arvide! Teach me all that you know! You too, Master [Forename]!
Hautdilong: I know you'll give it your all, Ehll Tou!
Ehll Tou: Behold, my very first items of clothing, sewn by my own claws! Have you ever seen a dragon more dashing? My design took inspiration from Master Arvide's cap, in case you hadn't noticed.
Arvide: Imitation is the highest form of flattery, indeed! Truth be told, if I didn't know any better I'd say that cap was sewn by a seasoned weaver.
Hautdilong: Yes, very impressive! Never in my life have I imagined a dragon donning a cap, let alone crafting one!
Ehll Tou: The labor was painstaking, and I must admit I contemplated giving up more than once. However, now that the work is done, I feel a sense of accomplishment unequaled by aught else! So this is why you wingless ones pursue the art of creation!
Ehll Tou: I simply must teach the other dragonets what I've learned. I'm certain there are many and more who would be willing to bring their own ideas to life!
Ehll Tou: I simply must show my friends in the Churning Mists. If they show sufficient interest, perhaps I will weave caps for them to wear, too!
Hautdilong: Take care, Ehll Tou, and give your brothers and sisters my regards!

Start of Rank 3

Arvide: Ah, I had forgotten just how dapper you look in your new accoutrements. I trust your friends up in the clouds were just as taken with your new appearance.
Ehll Tou: Indeed they were! Particularly the dragons that are of age with me─they likened it to being able to change the color of their scales at will!
Ehll Tou: I invited them to return to the Firmament, but it seems they are still hesitant to mingle with people. I can't blame them, I suppose.
Ehll Tou: Were it not for you, I too may have given up on my journey and returned to the clouds, wondering what may have been. I have learned to overcome my fear of your kind. Would that I could say the same of my kin.
< What will you say?>
< We don't bite>
< Those who are always afraid cannot hope to move forward>
< Are you sre you're not still frightened of us?>

< Those who are always afraid cannot hope to move forward>
Ehll Tou: Of course. Your wisdom is always appreciated, hero. I'm glad I found the courage to fly into the unknown.
Arvide: From where I'm standing it seems clear that you must find a way to allay their fears. Show them that crafting─and thereby your friendship with those that teach it to you─is something that enriches, not harms.
Ehll Tou: Yes... Master Arvide, you're brilliant! I shall do precisely that!
Ehll Tou: While my new garments may be fashionable, I could never hope to make one for every dragon in the Churning Mists. There may be another way to their hearts...
Hautdilong: What are you thinking, Ehll Tou?
Ehll Tou: It's all so obvious, now that I've thought of it.
Ehll Tou: I speak, of course, of that favorite pastime of man and dragon alike: eating!
Ehll Tou: When first I arrived in Ishgard, I was overwhelmed with the smells wafting from the marketplace. So many spices and aromas mixing together set my mouth to watering as it never had before! Perhaps I can bring that experience to my kin!
Hautdilong: Ah, that's a capital idea! Every creature needs to eat, but not all have had the pleasure of fine dining.
Arvide: Seems the matter is settled, then. [Forename], let's take care of the supplies Ehll Tou will need to ready this feast.
Hautdilong: Ehll Tou and I will put our heads together and decide which foods might best suit the dragon palate.
Ehll Tou: I already have several ideas!

Talk with Ehll Tou

Ehll Tou: Our need for tools is ever growing, and I trust you've brought something that will help answer that need.

Talk with Hautdilong

Hautdilong: Even the most masterful works of crafting are a common sight to us who grew up in Ishgard. But to a dragon, I imagine even a hawker's stall is something to behold. Would that I could see the world from their eyes!


Custom deliveries for this NPC are associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Satisfaction guaranteed ehll tou i icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou I 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Ehll Tou. - 5.3
Satisfaction guaranteed ehll tou ii icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou II 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Ehll Tou. - 5.3
Satisfaction guaranteed ehll tou iii icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou III 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Ehll Tou. - 5.3
Satisfaction guaranteed ehll tou iv icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou IV 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Ehll Tou. - 5.3
Satisfaction guaranteed ehll tou v icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou V 10 Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Ehll Tou. Achievement title icon.png A Dragon's Best Friend 5.3
The customer is always right ehll tou i icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Ehll Tou I 5 Deliver 36 collectables to Ehll Tou. - 5.3
The customer is always right ehll tou ii icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Ehll Tou II 5 Deliver 48 collectables to Ehll Tou. - 5.3
The customer is always right ehll tou iii icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Ehll Tou III 5 Deliver 60 collectables to Ehll Tou. - 5.3
The customer is always right ehll tou iv icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Ehll Tou IV 5 Deliver 90 collectables to Ehll Tou. - 5.3
The customer is always right ehll tou v icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Ehll Tou V 5 Deliver 120 collectables to Ehll Tou. - 5.3
The customer is always right ehll tou vi icon1.png  The Customer Is Always Right: Ehll Tou VI 10 Deliver 150 collectables to Ehll Tou. Achievement title icon.png Tinker Tutor 5.3


  • Ehll Tou's signature and portrait will change upon reaching Rank 4.
  • Her signature will change to become legible upon reaching Rank 5.
  • In addition, her portrait at rank 5 will also change to the following:
Ehll Tou CD2.png