Dark Devices - The End

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Boss FATE icon.png

Dark Devices - The End

Northern Thanalan (X:26.0, Y:22.0)
15 min
6,960 Experience
98 Gil
GC Seals
281 Company seal
Dark Devices - The Switch

Sensing defeat, Milburh the Malicious sacrifices her carnal form to the void where a succubus claims it for her own. Strike down the cultist and drive the voidsent from her corpse.

— In-game description

Dark Devices - The End is a level 49 FATE spawned in Northern Thanalan.


Tips and Tricks

The succubus has multiple minions that it resummons periodically. It is vulnerable to both Deep Freeze icon1.png Deep Freeze, making it a very easy encounter for a Blue Mage using The Ram's Voice.png  The Ram's Voice and Ultravibration.png  Ultravibration.

FATE Chain Information

This is part of the FATE chain in Northern Thanalan. This 4-part saga has an achievement for completing the final FATE.

  1. FATE: Slay EnemiesDark Devices - The Plea (x:26.0, y:22.0), started by Twin-tongued Addison
  2. FATE: Slay EnemiesDark Devices - The Bait (x:26.0, y:22.0), started by Milburh
  3. FATE: Kill BossDark Devices - The Switch (x:26.0, y:22.0)
  4. FATE: Kill BossDark Devices - The End (x:26.0, y:22.0) — Awards Blood, sweat, and blood icon1.png  Blood, Sweat, and Blood achievement