Poor Maid's Mill

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Poor Maid's Mill


Once a hamlet where men eked out a living through woodcutting, Poor Maid's Mill takes its name from the brokenhearted women whose lovers were lost to the kobolds or the forest. Though villagers abandoned the place in the early Seventh Astral Era, an estranged pirate crew known as the Salthounds have recently moved in, and, under the strict guidance of their captain, are begrudgingly attempting to restore the town to its former glory.

— In-game description

Poor Maid's Mill is a landmark in Oakwood, Upper La Noscea.


The following FATEs take place here:


This zone is associated with the following achievement:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Old maid icon1.png  Old Maid 10 Successfully complete the FATE “Poor Maid's Misfortune” with the highest rating possible. - 2.1

Additional Information

When there is not a FATE active in this hamlet, the Salthound NPCs can be talked to and each has unique dialogue.