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Dirty Rotten Azulmagia

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The masked carnival icon.png

Dirty Rotten Azulmagia

The masked carnivale stage title image.png

Standard Time
Ideal Time
Act 1 Enemies
Azulmagia (enemy)
Act 2 Enemies
Azulmagia (enemy)
Act 3 Enemies
Azulmagia (enemy)
Gil Reward
Gil 10,000
Seals Reward
Allied Seal 200
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 160 
Prev. stage
The Masked Carnivale Amazing Technicolor Pit Fiends
Next stage
The Masked Carnivale Papa Mia

Dirty Rotten Azulmagia is a stage in The Masked Carnivale for Blue Mage, introduced in patch 4.5 with Stormblood.

Act 1



  • Endurance: High
  • Strengths: --
  • Weaknesses: --
  • Vulnerabilities: --


  • Ice Spikes.png  Ice Spikes: Opens with this move, setting up a permanent Physical Damage.png physical-reflection barrier. You can get off one Physical Damage.png physical attack if it's your very first move, after that only use Magical Damage.png magic. Be careful about autoattacks, he reflects those too!
  • The Ram's Voice.png  The Ram's Voice: Just like in Dungeon Cutter's Cry, an untelegraphed circle AOE that inflicts Deep Freeze icon1.png Deep Freeze.
  • The Dragon's Voice.png  The Dragon's Voice: Just like in Cutter's Cry, an untelegraphed donut AOE that inflicts Paralysis icon1.png Paralyze. Always uses this immediately after The Ram's Voice.
  • Plaincracker.png  Plaincracker: A circle AOE centered on himself (so back off), followed by a series of donut AOEs. Inflicts Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up. This covers a lot of the arena, especially since he can use another move during the donut AOEs, so move quickly.
  • Apocalyptic Bolt: Line AOE in front. Inflicts Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up.
  • Apocalyptic Roar: Cone AOE in front. Inflicts Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up.

Act 2



  • Endurance: High
  • Strengths: --
  • Weaknesses: --
  • Vulnerabilities: --


Adds the following attacks to his repertoire:

  • Repelling Spray: Opens with this, setting up a permanent Magical Damage.png magic-reflecting barrier. Be aware that you will also take reflection damage from non-damaging spells like Off-guard.png  Off-guard!
  • Blazing Angon Summons adds that cast Burn and inflict Burns icon1.png Burns, a stacking DoT. Destroy them with Physical Damage.png physical attacks.

Act 3



  • Endurance: High
  • Strengths: --
  • Weaknesses: --
  • Vulnerabilities: --


In this phase Azulmagia switches between both barriers, and there will be an electric puddle around the edge of the arena. Adjust accordingly. He now starts casting the following spells:

  • Charybdis: Summons four tornadoes that repeatedly cast circle AOEs on themselves and also wreck your visibility.
  • Web: Inflicts severe Heavy icon1.png Heavy, making it nigh-impossible to move without Loom.png  Loom. Move to the edge when you see this.
  • Meteor: Inflicts massive damage, definitely one-shotting you. Always casts immediately after Web, so seriously, make sure you take Loom.png  Loom. Also leaves behind a flame puddle. Between this, Charybdis, and his normal attacks, you are not gonna have a lot of room to maneuver, which is why you want to move to the edge when you see him casting Web. Alternatively, Meteor can be tanked with Diamondback.png  Diamondback, though it's still advised to stay near the edge of the arena to minimise the amount of walkable area the burning field takes up.