All You Wanted to Know about Odin

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Revision as of 10:24, 5 January 2025 by Marish (talk | contribs) (Added quest handin location, currently the quest when clicked on, suggests the handin is in Black Brush station, but doesn't show where. It took me awhile to realise it was in Vesper Bay. I though I'd suggest this edit so other new players don't get lost as well.)
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Feature Quest icon.png

All You Wanted to Know about Odin

Quest giver
South Shroud (X:25.6, Y:21.0)
Required items
1 Odin report icon1.png  Odin Report
Experience 6,325
Gil 1,694
Previous quest
Feature QuestThe Dark Divinity
Next quest
Feature QuestFear and Odin in the Shroud

Simmie would entrust you with a delivery.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


This questline eventually unlocks the trial version of Odin: Trial Urth's Fount. While Urth's Fount is not tagged as (Extreme) it has difficulty on par with one and as such is not in any roulette but Mentor. If you are having difficulties locating Urianger to hand in, he may be located in Vesper Bay.



  • Simmie would entrust you with a delivery.
  • After perusing the report, Urianger shares with you his misgivings about the historical accuracy of the scriptures. Casting light upon the events of ages past is a tall task, indeed.


Accepting the Quest

Simmie: Your assistance in the investigation has proven invaluable, adventurer. You have our thanks.
Simmie: With your aid, I have finally managed to complete my report─a thorough survey of all eyewitness reports, along with the most credible theories regarding the Dark Divinity's presence in the Shroud.
Simmie: I intend to deliver copies of the report to Brother O–App–Pesi and Bowlord Lewin myself.
Simmie: The Scions, too, will no doubt be eager to learn of our findings. I would be most appreciative if you could deliver a copy to Urianger in my stead.
Simmie: My duties demand that I remain composed, but in all truth, I fear for the fate of our people. Should the time come that the Dark Divinity draws his blade against Gridania, promise me that we can count on your aid.
Simmie: Happenings at Takers' Rot and Redbelly Hive, the latest rumors concerning Urth's Fount...Why, if I have to write another report, my arm is going to fall clear off!

Delivering the Odin report to Urianger

Urianger: [Forename], I am most heartened by thy safe return. Wert thou able to cast light on the shadows that haunt the Shroud?
<Hand Over Odin Report>
Urianger: ...So it is true. Having awakened from nigh-eternal slumber, the Dark Divinity now rides free in the Shroud.
Urianger: Whilst you were afield, I immersed myself in the scriptures. The more I scoured the words, the more I did realize that the writings draw heavily upon Allagan historical chronicles.
Urianger: History is quite a fascinating beast, is it not? One nation's glory is another's suffering─one nation's great hero, another's most abhorrent villain.
Urianger: I mean not to speak in platitudes, only to say that there is never but a single side to any story─even a story that is presented as historical fact.
Urianger: To what end did the great hero of Allag seal Odin in a gaol of crystal? What impels the Dark Divinity to ride once again? Cast thine light on the shadows of history, friend, that we might be delivered from the darkness.