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Hebi Doshin

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Hebi Doshin

Hebi Doshin.jpg

Male ♂
Au Ra (Raen)
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (11.3, 13.7)
Part of
Heavensturn (2025)

Hebi Doshin is an Au Ra in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks.


Hebi Doshin: Good morrow to you, my lord. I am the hebi doshin, a member of a Far Eastern delegation come to share our traditions of Heavensturn with the good people of Eorzea. If there is aught you would know of this year's celebration, you need only ask.

What do you do here?

Hebi Doshin: At the turning of the year, a small delegation of our people will journey to Eorzea to celebrate the coming of Heavensturn, and in so doing, strengthen the bonds of friendship between Eorzea and the Far East.
Hebi Doshin: This year, our leader, the hebi bugyo, has planned a uniquely entertaining quiz that delves into all manner of Heavensturn trivia. Pray, test your knowledge and mark this most auspicious of occasions!

What is Heavensturn?

Hebi Doshin: You are unfamiliar with this festival? The tradition has a rich history which dates back centuries, but I do not wish to bore you, so I shall try and keep my summation brief.
Hebi Doshin: Heavensturn is a celebration that marks the start of a new year, though the way in which it is observed differs from region to region. Here in Eorzea, it is said that the Twelve select one among them to keep vigil over the realm until the next passing of the twelve moons. I believe this year it is Llymlaen, watcher of the seas and goddess of navigation, who has been charged with this duty.
Hebi Doshin: In the Far East, however, the changing of the year is heralded by one of twelve totem animals. As you have no doubt discerned from my helm, this year we pay homage to the revered hebi.
Hebi Doshin: I speak of the creature you would know better as a “snake.”

I come seeking knowledge.

Hebi Doshin: Say no more. Pray listen carefully.
Hebi Doshin: We Far Easterners are fond of our superstitions─one of which concerns the hebi, a creature said to bestow great fortune upon all who behold one!
Hebi Doshin: But hebi are as multifarious as they are scaly, and while each species has their merits, white hebi in particular are revered for their rarity.
Hebi Doshin: But there is one serpent that stands─or rather, slithers─above the rest, and that is the fabled Great White Tsuchinoko, luck-giver supreme!
Hebi Doshin: Traditionally, the people of Hingashi have used rice cakes to decorate their homes and represent the creature when praying for its blessings.
Hebi Doshin: Alas, in modern times, sightings of the real serpent have all but ceased.
