The Oracle of Light
Revision as of 05:38, 6 December 2024 by Maleficentabsinthe (talk | contribs) (formatted dialogue, added optional dialogue)
The Oracle of Light
- Quest giver
- Lyna
- Location
- Lakeland (X:8.5, Y:16.0)
- Quest line
- Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 72
- Required items
- 4 Treated Fodder
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Logistics of War
- Next quest
Il Mheg, the Faerie Kingdom
- Patch
- 5.0
Main Scenario Progress: 568 / 960 (59.2%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 27 / 157 (17.2%)
“With the operation fast approaching, Lyna means to put you to work.
— In-game description
- For this fight, Lyna will join you from the start. Alphinaud and Alisaie will temporarily join you.
- Follow Lyna while defeating any Eulmoran enemies and reinforcements.
- After you reach Minfilla, you will head back the way you came before coming face to face with Ran'jit
- At the start, Lyna, Alphinaud, Alisaie, and Minfilla will fight with you, but Ran'jit will knock them away leaving you to fight alone. Watch out for his AOE circle and line attacks.
- He will be aid by an untargetable foe named Gukumatz.
- Throughout the fight, he will use a blowback technique and he will also summon untargetable flames that will cast an AOE circle before exploding.
- Obtain treated fodder.
- Feed the treated fodder to the amaro. 0/4
- Speak with Lyna.
- Speak with the Crystarium scout.
- Speak with Thancred.
- With the operation fast approaching, Lyna means to put you to work.
- For the operation, it appears that the amaro must be given the selfsame serum that you were compelled to take. In order to encourage the beasts to cooperate, the foul concoction has been sprinkled on their fodder. All that remains is to see them fed. Lyna bids you assist in this task, and directs you to fetch the fodder from the amaro launch.
- You have obtained the fodder. Time to see if the amaro will be fooled.
- Though some amaro are plainly unimpressed by the taste, they all devour the fodder. Lyna will be eager for your report.
- The preparations for the operation proceed apace, and Lyna instructs you to make ready and await deployment at the top of the main watchtower.
- The operation has begun. From your vantage point overlooking Laxan Loft, you watch as the dream powder takes effect on the Eulmoran soldiers below. At Lyna's command, you mount your amaro and descend on the stronghold to rescue Minfilia.
- You make your way through Laxan Loft and succeed in finding Minfilia, only to find your path barred by General Ran'jit, who effortlessly overpowers you. Just when it seems twisted Eulmoran justice is to be your fate, help arrives in the form of Thancred. Though he too is no match for your foe, he does enough to create an opening for you to flee, and leads you away to the neighboring region of Il Mheg, where you should be safe from pursuit. However, a new predicament soon presents itself, as mischievous voices ring out everywhere and nowhere, and some manner of enchantment takes the party in its grip.
- ※If you leave Il Mheg, you may re-enter via the gate on Lakeland's northwestern border.
- In vexed tones, Thancred explains that Il Mheg is the home of the fae folk, the most prominent of whom are the pixies. These mischievous souls employ powerful illusions to play tricks on trespassers, and you are now completely at their mercy...
Accepting the Quest
Lyna: In readiness for the operation, the amaro will need to be treated with the same serum as us. Lyna: As you well know, however, it is not pleasant. In order to coax them into taking it, we have sprinkled it on their fodder. Lyna: All that remains is to feed it to them. A task I am sure you will enjoy. Fetch the fodder from the amaro launch and see to four of the beasts. Dismissed. (Optional) Lyna: The treated fodder is by the launch. Report back to me when you've finished feeding the patients.
Feeding the treated fodder to the amaro
Alert Amaro: Gwee, gwee! Gwee!
System: The amaro happily devours the fodder. Indolent Amaro: Gwee? Gwee...
System: The amaro absent-mindedly munches on the fodder.
Anxious Amaro: Gwee, gwee, gwee! Gwee, gwee!
System: The amaro is wary at first, but appetite eventually wins out and it accepts the fodder.
Equable Amaro: Gwee? Khrrr...
System: The amaro reels at the smell, but accepts the fodder nonetheless.
Speaking with Lyna
Lyna: The amaro are fed? Lyna: Good. The rest have already been dosed, so we need not fear any of our mounts succumbing to the dream powder. Lyna: All units have now entered the final stages of their preparations. The time is nigh. Lyna: Make ready, and await deployment atop the main watchtower. I will send your uniform along as soon as it arrives. Lyna: That is all. May night smile upon us. (Optional) Lyna: Why are you still here? Go and await deployment atop the main watchtower.
Speaking with the Crystarium scout
Crystarium Scout: The operation is about to commence! Stand ready!
System: During the operation, some of your gear will be glamoured. Your attributes and abilities will be unaffected.
Eulmoran Soldier: Keep moving! Eulmoran Soldier: Eh? What now? Eulmoran Soldier: The Crystarium at a guess. Eulmoran Soldier: Desperate fools. It'll take more than a handful of overgrown lizards to ground us! Eulmoran Soldier: Oh, you've got to be─ Sound the alarum!
Crystarium Scout: Captain, the powder has taken effect!
Lyna: It is time. Let us free the Oracle from their clutches!
Solo Duty Dialogue
Lyna: The first contingent has already entered. Let us follow.
Alphinaud: There you are, [Forename]! Mayhap you could lend us a hand!
Eulmoran Soldier: Reinforcements! We need reinforcements!
Lyna: My men will occupy the enemy while we rescue the Oracle. Lyna: Come, we keep close to the wall!
Eulmoran Soldier: They're here too! To arms, to arms!
Lyna: Damn it. Let's make this quick!
Alisaie: You certainly took your time. Let's cut a path through this rabble and keep moving!
Alphinaud: Your zeal is admirable, Sister, but we were told to avoid enemy attention, not invite it!
Lyna: We do not have time. Leave them to the guard. Lyna: Eulmore may boast the world's largest army... Lyna: But woman for woman, we are no less mighty!
Eulmoran Soldier: Soldier: Intruders! Stop them!
Alisaie: Gah, not again!
Eulmoran Soldier: Crystarium scum!
Alphinaud: This is no token force. They were serious about invading.
Eulmoran Soldier: If you can stand, you can fight! Push them back!
Lyna: There are more still standing than I would have liked... Lyna: But we must press on regardless. The longer we take, the harder our task will become.
Alphinaud: We don't seem to be getting anywhere...
Alisaie: [Forename], Lyna─go on ahead! We'll hold them here!
Lyna: Understood. With me, [Forename]! Lyna: The way is relatively clear. Good. Lyna: There she is! Lyna: Quickly─free her!
Minfilia: Th-Thank you. Are you...from the Crystarium?
Lyna: Correct. We've come to rescue you. Lyna: Your weapons─made to the same specifications as Thancred's. Lyna: Be ready to use them.
Minfilia: U-Understood. Please lead the way
Solo Duty Dialogue
Lyna: Let's rejoin the others and quit this place.
Minfilia: All this trouble because of me... I'm so sorry...
Lyna: Save your apologies until after we've escaped. Lyna: It's quiet. Too quiet. Lyna: Is that...Ran'jit!? This will not end well...
Ran'jit: Hmph, brazen thieves. Ran'jit: You will regret coming here.
Solo Duty Dialogue
Ran'jit: You will return to Eulmore.
Minfilia: N-No! I won't go back to that cell!
Ran'jit: It is for your own protection.
Minfilia: Ah!
Ran'jit: Pathetic.
Alisaie: Are you all right!?
Minfilia: I-I'm fine... I just...can't move...
Ran'jit: Stay there while I tend to these vermin.
Lyna: The tales do not lie. He is fierce beyond reckoning. We are outmatched!
Alphinaud: He cannot maintain this onslaught forever! Be prepared to run!
Ran'jit: You will do no such thing. Ran'jit: And now it is just you and me.
Alphinaud: Ungh... Be careful, [Forename]!
Ran'jit: You are made of sterner stuff than the rest. Ran'jit: But will it be enough...? Ran'jit: Gukumatz, do my bidding! Ran'jit: It seems you are no ordinary soldier. Ran'jit: You are persistent, that I will allow. Ran'jit: I have your measure now. The game is up. Ran'jit: Know your folly.
Ran'jit: You, boy. You bear a striking resemblance to the artist my master seeks. Ran'jit: By all means, keep your counsel. You will all have ample time to confess your crimes back in Eulmore.
Minfilia: Thancred?
Ran'jit: So! You are the wretch who stole her from us...
Thancred: And what if I am!?
Ran'jit: Pathetic. Ran'jit: Vermin such as you are not worthy of the Oracle.
Crystal Exarch: Break!
Ran'jit: Fool! You would see your city razed?
Crystal Exarch: I would sooner see it razed than conquered. Suffice it to say, we are ready to receive you.
Ran'jit: What now, Exarch? Will you face me yourself?
Crystal Exarch: I think not, General. I've quite exhausted my tricks. Crystal Exarch: If you mean to give chase, I will not stand in your way. Crystal Exarch: But you would do well to tread warily. For your quarry goes to a place where even Eulmore dare not bare its steel... Crystal Exarch: Il Mheg, the faerie kingdom.
???: To think that mountain of indolence still had the energy to unleash his hounds... ???: Even the most pointless of conflicts may alter a world's course... And now the plan has gone awry. ???: But how...? How did the so-called Crystal Exarch bring the hero of the Source to the First? ???: As if I didn't have enough on my hands already... ???: Then again...with a soul such as that... ???: Mayhap there is another way. One which does not require bloodshed...
Voiceover Cutscene
Ardbert: Not so long ago, here in the shadow of the northern ranges, lay the great kingdom of Voeburt. Ardbert: A nation with proud history...that the sin eaters cut short, just like all the rest. Ardbert: Since that time, these lands have become a haven for fae folk. Ardbert: Dreamers frolicking amidst the ruins of a forgotten realm.
Thancred: We should be safe enough here. Thancred: It's good to see you again, my friends. I don't know about you, but it feels like years since last we met. Five of them, in my case.
Alisaie: Why, it only feels like one to me. But long enough to warrant a more convivial reunion, either way. Alisaie: What brought you to Laxan Loft?
Thancred: The girl, Minfilia. She and I were traveling together, hunting sin eaters. Thancred: But as we were nearing Lakeland, she abruptly ran off on her own. Thancred: I found her too late to stop the Eulmorans from taking her prisoner. And as I was considering rescue options, I observed that the Crystarium was on the move. Thancred: So I consulted the Exarch, who apprised me of the details of the operation─and issued me certain instructions. Thancred: Should the situation take a turn for the worse, I was to see you all safely to Il Mheg. And here we are.
Alphinaud: Urianger has called this place home for a while now. Alphinaud: Yet we have never called upon him, I am ashamed to say. 'Twas only at the Crystarium that we met.
Thancred: Hardly surprising. This is not the sort of place one visits on a whim. Thancred: Happily, having trespassed on Urianger's hospitality for a spell, Minfilia and I have an idea of how things work around here. Thancred: Sooner or later, the Eulmorans will come after us. But before they do, the Exarch bids us accomplish two things. Thancred: First, rendezvous with Urianger. Thancred: And second, eliminate the Lightwarden of this land.
Alisaie: So...Minfilia. Alisaie: What made you leave Thancred behind─if you don't mind me asking?
Minfilia: You. The hero from another world. Minfilia: I was asleep when I felt it. A presence. Someone I was meant to meet. They were close, and...and I knew I had to go to them. Minfilia: But with all the commotion in Lakeland, I was afraid that Thancred wouldn't...let me...
Thancred: And would I have been wrong? Had I arrived a moment later, you would be back in your cell in Eulmore. Thancred: And now we have Ran'jit snapping at our heels! You really have outdone yourself this time.
Minfilia: I'm sorry. Thank you for saving me.
???: Awww, poor thing, being scolded so.
Alisaie: Who said that? Show yourselves!
???: Come now, put away that frown and have some fun with us!
Thancred: Ugh, which way was it to Urianger's?
Minfilia: We've been there so many times, but I'm not... I can't... Minfilia: Why can't I remember?
Thancred: Damn it all. We're already caught in their spell!
Minfilia: I'm trying my best to remember...but it feels like peering through fog.
Alisaie: I was worried about the others back in Lakeland, but maybe I should be worried about us.
Alphinaud: Faeries, I take it?
Speaking with Thancred
Thancred: Il Mheg is the faerie kingdom, and as one might expect, it is home to the fae folk. Thancred: The most prominent among them are the pixies, who have a penchant for making mischief. They use powerful illusions to play tricks on all who venture into their domain. Thancred: By way of an example, they can make a familiar path seem wholly unfamiliar, or lead you to believe you're somewhere you're not. Thancred: And we are now, I am sorry to say, entirely at their mercy.