Alexander - The Burden of the Son

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Alexander - The Burden of the Son or A8 is the fourth floor of Alexander: Midas. It requires the player to have an average item level of 200 or above to enter.




Mega Beam - (a linear AoE in the direction boss is facing)
Perpetual Ray - (prolonged tank buster, first applies a magic vulnerability debuff and a hefty chunk of damage. afterwards, his next 3 auto attacks will also deal hefty damage)
Execution - (this summons 4 steam regulator adds on the 4 corners of the room. they need to be burnt down quickly, or they'll apply damage down and vulnerability), Discoid (the onslaughter will mark 4 targets with tether bombs, just don't eat your own ball)
Hydrothermal Missile - (???)
Discharge - (???)

Phase 2

Brawler (Recommended 1st)

Blue Hand - (Moderate damage tank buster)
Double Cannon/Both Hands - (Needs to be shot into the party and dispersed between everyone to mitigate the damage)
Single Buster - (???)
Magicked Mark - (???)


Super Cyclone - (Room wide knockback)
Blue Hand - (Moderate damage tank buster)
Double Cannon/Both Hands - (Needs to be shot into the party and dispersed between everyone to mitigate the damage)
Sludge Bombs - (Avoid to avoid a DOT & heavy)
Ice Missile - (???)
Brute Force - (???)


Enumeration - (AoE cirlce with bubbles over targets head, number of bubbles over target determines how many people need to run into the AoE) telegraph)
Height Error - (???)
Purple Debuff - (go to the lower panels)
Red Debuff - (go to the higher panels)
Magicked Mark - (???)

Blaster (Recommended 1st)

Mirage - (???)
Mind Blast - (???)
Brute Force - (???)
Supercharge - (???)
Clones/Divebombs - (4 targets will get marked, planting 4 clones that will dive bomb, going in the direction they're facing when they land. failure to dodge results in vulnerability up)

Phase 3

Brute Justice - (very important to not be caught in front of boss)

Mega Jump - (spread out)
Mega Beam - (a linear AoE in the direction boss is facing)
Long Needle - (arrows point at marked target, party needs to stack to share damage)
J Kick - (room wide damage)
Flarethrower - (small frontal cone AoE for moderate damage, get behind him or out of his frontal cone area)
Apocalyptic Ray - (boss turns around and unleashes huge attack similar to mega beam)
Double Rocket Punch - (tank buster 15k with rampart, both tanks are able to soak this)
Rocket AoE - (sends out a number of rockets that leave orange telegraphs on ground, avoid or get vulnerability up)
Double Cannon - (stack to mitigate room wide damage)
Short Needle - (???)


Mega Beam - (a linear AoE in the direction boss is facing)
100 Megatonze Shock - (???)



You have delved into the deepest parts of Midas, and its power source lies but a short distance ahead. For the sake of Idyllshire, and Roundrox, you must disable the core before Alexander awakes to wreak havoc on the realm. Your allies stand at the ready─steel yourself to break through the Illuminati's last line of defense.