An Intrepid New Enterprise
An Intrepid New Enterprise
- Quest giver
- Blue-garbed Pelu
- Location
- Tuliyollal (X:14, Y:13)
- Quest line
- Pelupelu Main Quests
- Level
- 90
- Required quest
- Gil
- Next quest
A Tentative First Tour
- Patch
- 7.1
“The blue-garbed Pelu appears to be lost in thought.
※The difficulty of this quest will be synced to your current level.— In-game description
- Unlocks
To unlock Pelupelu Daily Quests, players must first complete the quest An Intrepid New Enterprise which requires the level 100 MSQ
- Wait at the designated location in Ok'hanu.
- Speak with Liplu.
- Speak with Liplu again.
- Speak with Genuhanu.
- Speak with Zelihali.
- Speak with Xenuhanu.
- Speak with Liplu.
- Speak with Liplu again.
- In Bayside Bevy you meet Liplu, a childhood friend of Mablu's, who was apparently waiting for you to pass through. Delighted, the young Pelupelu quickly launches into a proposal, offering you the role of special advisor for her new venture, the Turali Travel Agency. She does not expect an immediate response, though, and requests that you visit her in the Kozama'uka village of Ok'hanu should you wish to know more.
- ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.
- You receive a warm welcome from the enterprising Pelu and her associates in Ok'hanu, who go on to state their main goals for the travel agency. Inspired by Vow Wuk Lamat's experience of growing to love her people even more by getting to know them better, many Turali are eager to learn about their neighbors, and Liplu's new travel agency would serve to facilitate such experiences. Moreover, this venture would help to revitalize Kozama'uka, which is still in the process of rebuilding following the recent great storm. Liplu wishes to further explain her plans, however.
- Liplu informs you that the core business will be to provide accommodations and guided tours of the local area. After you officially consent to assist as a special advisor, she immediately asks that you help by assessing plans for prospective tours. She bids the three guides head to the sites of their respective tours, and gives you a moment to catch your breath.
- Without further ado, you and Liplu venture forth to listen to the plans of the Hanu guides, beginning with Genuhanu, who awaits you in the Fields of Gold.
- Genuhanu details his idea to show guests around the reed fields that dominate the landscape. Liplu in turn suggests including a tour of the village, providing visitors with an insight into the local way of life, and thus the context to appreciate the crucial role that reeds play in Hanuhanu culture. Leaving the Fields of Gold behind, you head for Breath Between to speak with Zelihali, who has another potential tour in mind.
- You find the Hanu gazing at the raging waters feeding into Ku'uxage. Snapping out of her reverie, she reveals her plan to take visitors on a linguistic and historical stroll along the river. After offering your insights, you set off to meet Xenuhanu outside Cave Kikitola, that you might assess yet another tour idea.
- The soon-to-be guide speaks of the cave's cultural significance and breathtaking natural beauty. Liplu sees the potential for a truly special experience, but one best reserved for experienced travelers, given the remote location and threat of fiends in the area. You leave Xenuhanu to finish fine-tuning his plan, and make your way back to Ok'hanu.
- You rendezvous with Liplu in the Hanu village, where the young Pelu mulls over what exactly the Turali Travel Agency will provide its customers. She invites you to join her by Dock Poga, where Yubli and Wuk Evu have been establishing the agency's base of operations.
- While expressing her determination to make the venture a success, Liplu informs you that construction is ready to begin. You watch on as Wuk Evu leads his team of laborers, who are soon heaving the last timber into place. The newly built Turali Travel Agency is almost ready to open its doors. Only time will tell what awaits you as the fledgling enterprise's special advisor.
Accepting the Quest (cutscene)
Blue-garbed Pelu: Hmmm. Maybe meeting with him won't be so easy after all. Mablu said he'd be around here somewhere though... Blue-garbed Pelu: Wh-Whoa! Forename, the adventurer!? Blue-garbed Pelu: The mighty warrior who traveled the length and breadth of Tural, taking in its myriad sights, sounds, and smells─even those within the otherworldly dome!? Blue-garbed Pelu: The savvy haggler who helped the Third Promise acquire a saddle worth ten pel in the thousands column, despite starting with a mere hundred!? Blue-garbed Pelu: My inner abacus is clacking away! You're the missing piece I've been looking for. The missing piece of my brand-new enterprise, that is! Blue-garbed Pelu: Ahem... Sorry about that. I got a little carried away. I'm just so happy to finally meet you. Liplu: I'm Liplu, a merchant. Until recently, my business was bedclothes─all woven from the finest alpaca wool. Liplu: My dear friend Mablu told me all about you. I hear you gave her the nudge she needed to embark upon her journey as a peddler. I can't begin to thank you enough. Liplu: But I'll get straight to the point. I have a proposal for you today, Forename. How would you like to become a special advisor for a trailblazing tourism venture? I call it the Turali Travel Agency! Liplu: Of course, you'll be compensated for your time! You'll also be the first in line for all kinds of treats and trinkets, not to mention a wealth of exciting experiences! Liplu: You don't have to answer right away...but if any of this has roused your interest, please come and visit me in Ok'hanu. Liplu: We can go over the finer details there! I'll be waiting for you─along with the rest of my associates!
Wait at the designated location in Ok'hanu (cutscene)
Liplu: Ah, there you are! Thank you for coming! Liplu: Right, here goes...
All: Ohokaliy! Welcome to Kozama'uka!
What will you say? > Ohokaliy! > O-Ohokaliy... > ...
< Ohokaliy! > Liplu: You've mastered the Hanuhanu greeting! But I wouldn't expect anything less from someone so well traveled.
< O-Ohokaliy... > Liplu: After traveling across Tural, it's no wonder you've learned the local custom!
Liplu: Allow me to introduce myself again. I'm Liplu, the founder of the Turali Travel Agency. With me are my brother, Yubli, and my Hanuhanu associates. We'll be happy to explain the ins and outs of our budding enterprise. Liplu: You were there for the ascension ceremony, weren't you? Liplu: Dawnservant Wuk Lamat spoke of growing to love her people all the more as she got to know them better─of how she wanted us to live with joy in our hearts and smiles on our faces. Liplu: Well, those words certainly left their mark. The capital's residents are eager to learn about their fellow Turali, who in turn yearn to foster understanding. Liplu: You see it too, don't you? An unmistakable business opportunity! Well, that's precisely where the Turali Travel Agency comes in. We'll answer that burgeoning demand!
Yubli: Our goal is to help revitalize this community as it attempts to rebuild after the great storm. Promoting Kozama'uka as a tourist destination will provide a much-needed source of income for the region, and with it, all the benefits that follow. Yubli: Of course, we wouldn't be having this conversation had we not consulted the Hanu beforehand. After much discussion, they kindly agreed to set aside a tract of land by Dock Poga for development. And would you believe it, the villagers are flocking to join our staff!
Hanuhanu Staff: As Liplu said, the people are eager to learn about their fellow Turali─and we Hanu are eager to share our culture with them as well! Hanuhanu Staff: Much as when you helped us to revive Ihih'hana, we hope to welcome many outsiders into our home, that we may know one another better and enjoy each other's company! And what better way to do so than to support this tourism initiative?
Liplu: Of course, tourism is an industry new to Tural. This is unfamiliar territory in many respects, and people understandably have their concerns. Liplu: But who better to assuage those concerns than someone who's roamed far and wide, and met with countless Turali from all over the continent!
Optional Dialogue
Yubli: I handle the managerial side of the enterprise. If you decide to join us, I'll be counting on your insights to help me solve the little problems we'll no doubt encounter along the way.
Xenuhanu: You're aware that Kozama'uka was ravaged by a mighty storm, yes? By welcoming more travelers to our land, we stand to gain many new customers─not to mention the opportunity to work for the travel agency itself. In this way, we hope to raise the funds we need to rebuild and recover. Xenuhanu: This will also be an excellent chance for the rest of Tural to get to know us! No matter how you look at it, we'd be fools not to cooperate with Liplu and her brother.
Zelihali: The Pelupelu strive to spread happiness through trade. Zelihali: It's little wonder they find a warm welcome wherever they go. Their guiding principle has earned them a great deal of trust over the years.
Genuhanu: Mablu introduced Liplu to Elder Zanuhali. She would often visit our village to peddle her wares, and it was because of her we saw fit to consider the proposal. Genuhanu: When we first gathered to discuss the issue, Liplu painted a vivid picture of the impact her venture would have on the region, financial and otherwise.
Speak with Liplu (cutscene)
Liplu: The core of our business is providing accommodations and guided tours for the local area. As we speak, Wuk Evu is putting his shipwright skills to use heading up construction for our base of operations by Dock Poga. Liplu: From sourcing foodstuffs to souvenirs─and everything in between─we're working hand in glove with the good people of Ok'hanu to make sure this venture benefits everyone involved! Liplu: Still, there are a few things I'm worried about. The guided tours, for example. Liplu: Visitors will journey here after making a reservation at our office in Tuliyollal, and we'll have to guarantee their safety every step of the way. After all, we can't expect our customers to handle themselves like you can! Liplu: And that leads us neatly back to my proposition! So, how about it? Can we count on your help as a special advisor while the travel agency finds its feet?
What will you say? > Consider yourselves advised. Specially! > Once propositioned, who am I to refuse...?
Liplu: Aha! I knew we could count on you!
Zelihali: Wonderful. Although I'm loath to put you to work straight away, I would seek your assistance. Zelihali: We guides have each devised a plan for our prospective tours, based on our knowledge of our homeland, but we'd benefit greatly from the input of a worldly traveler like yourself. Honest opinions only!
Yubli: Liplu, perhaps you could accompany Forename and appraise the tours as well? I'll stay behind and oversee construction with Wuk Evu.
Liplu: A fine idea! Guides, please wait in your respective tour locations. I will take Forename to each of you in turn! Liplu: When you're ready, just say the word! I'm as keen as the Hanuhanu are to hear your thoughts.
Speak with Liplu again
Liplu: All set? Now then─our three guides have planned three unique tours, so we will speak with them one at a time before proceeding to the next. Liplu: We'll start by paying a visit to Genuhanu in the Fields of Gold, who I am told wishes to showcase local industry with a focus on the village and reed fields. Let's go!
Optional Dialogue
Liplu: There's something enchanting about the sight of all these reeds swaying in the wind. Especially at night, when you can see the fireflies dancing among them...
Speak with Genuhanu
Genuhanu: I'm glad you're here. I almost couldn't bear the wait... Right, let me explain my concept for the tour. Genuhanu: ...Ahem. First and foremost, I see this as a chance for our customers to understand we Hanu─and where better to learn than right here among our reed fields? Genuhanu: After all, reeds are at the very heart of our culture! Just cast your gaze across these lush fields, and you'll get a sense of what defines us. Genuhanu: But that's enough about my thoughts. What do you think? I should like to believe this is a place those not of the Hanu can also appreciate, but...
What will you say? > I think visitors will take a keen interest in the reed fields. > Perhaps reeds shouldn't be the sole focus. > They'll be out of harm's reach, at the very least.
< I think visitors will take a keen interest in the reed fields. > Liplu: The paddies are a unique part of the local landscape. Not everyone will have seen such a sight before. But, perhaps you could also show them your villages? That way they'll have a better idea of how the Hanu live.
< Perhaps reeds shouldn't be the sole focus. > Liplu: The tour should absolutely involve the reeds, but as Forename suggests, I think visitors will want to learn about other aspects of Hanuhanu culture too! Perhaps giving them a tour of local settlements will serve as a worthy introduction to your traditions.
< They'll be out of harm's reach, at the very least. > Liplu: My thoughts exactly. As safety is a concern, staying close to more developed areas would be wise indeed. And if you'll allow me to make a suggestion, why don't you show visitors your villages before taking them to see the fields? Then they can get a sense of what day-to-day life is like here.
Liplu: Yes, yes, I think the plan is coming along nicely! To summarize: if we begin by guiding guests around the villages, they'll see how reeds are so tightly interwoven with Hanuhanu culture. That way, they'll appreciate the precious resource growing in your paddies all the more!
Genuhanu: I was so excited about showing visitors our fields, I hadn't considered that they might like to learn about the normal everyday lives of we Hanu too. I appreciate the suggestion!
Liplu: Consider also having a range of handicrafts on offer that visitors might purchase if so inclined. Perhaps a mix of practical household items and more esoteric trinkets─charms and the like? Liplu: Alright, let's head for Breath Between next. Zelihali has proposed a walking tour of the river, and ought to be waiting for us there.
Optional Dialogue
Genuhanu: Hmmm. A tour that takes in the villages and the fields...
Liplu: The waters here are dazzlingly clear, don't you think? And filled with a bounty of fish besides! Liplu: Of course, the current is awfully strong as well. We must take care that no guests fall in, lest they be swept away in an instant.
Speak with Zelihali
Zelihali: Ah! I completely lost track of time... My attention was whisked away by the endless waters of Ku'uxage. Zelihali: If you didn't already know, Ku'uxage means “big tongue” in our language. Hehe, if you aren't careful, you might find yourself slurped up and taken off by the current!
Liplu: You know, I bet insights into the language like that would prove a hit with visitors!
Zelihali: I'm glad you think so, but I'm still a little unsure of my plan. The idea is to guide guests along the river, explaining the language and local history as I go, that really enough entertainment?
What will you say? > A leisurely, educational stroll sounds delightful! > I hope you're well prepared for any water-related mishaps. > Ooh! How about working in a spot of fishing too?
< A leisurely, educational stroll sounds delightful! > Zelihali: Hearing that from someone so well traveled is a relief!
< I hope you're well prepared for any water-related mishaps. > Zelihali: Rest assured that guides and villagers will be on hand to respond! We Hanuhanu are rather buoyant, and given our command of the wind, we're well equipped to intervene should any incidents occur!
< Ooh! How about working in a spot of fishing too? > Zelihali: I see! Offering an activity besides sightseeing is a wonderful idea!
Zelihali: I appreciate your advice! Whatever form the tour takes, I want to make sure our guests leave completely satisfied. I'll be sure to confer with Liplu as I hammer out the details.
Liplu: It's time we went to see Xenuhanu! He's proposed a magical spelunking tour in which visitors can marvel at the natural beauty of the world beneath our feet. To Cave Kikitola!
Optional Dialogue
Zelihali: Hehe. It's so exciting thinking of ways to entertain our future visitors.
Liplu: The soft green light reflecting off the rocks, the cool, crisp air, the tinkling of the flowing water... I feel as though I'm in the presence of the divine.
Speak with Xenuhanu
Xenuhanu: There you are! I was starting to feel lonesome waiting for you to arrive. Let's get straight to it, shall we? Xenuhanu: Cave Kikitola is the source of many minerals and medicinal ingredients. For generations, it's been held as a sacred site of healing. Xenuhanu: I'm sure visitors will be enamored with the cave's natural beauty, but the route here from the villages is long and arduous, and the interior is rather dark... I fear it might not be a suitable reward for the challenge of simply getting here.
What will you say? > Given the cave's symbolic importance, I think it's a splendid idea. > Visitors could try their hand at collecting medicines and minerals. > I'm more concerned about all the fiends nearby...
< Given the cave's symbolic importance, I think it's a splendid idea. > Liplu: I think customers will appreciate visiting a place that holds such spiritual significance for the Hanuhanu. Liplu: Xenuhanu mentioned that the Hanu come here to gather minerals and medicines─that sounds like it could make for an enjoyable activity for visitors to take part in. Imagine if they could have their findings made into souvenirs...the possibilities are endless! Liplu: But as he said, the cave is somewhat remote─we can't discount the possibility of tour groups running afoul of fiends on the way here. Perhaps we'd be better off reserving this course for more seasoned travelers...
< Visitors could try their hand at collecting medicines and minerals. > Liplu: An excellent suggestion! Of course, with any such plans, respect for the cave and its significance for the Hanu would be paramount. Liplu: The souvenirs we acquire in our journeys can be quite near and dear to us. I think visitors would love to take a piece of their trip back home, and the villagers could make use of any surplus materials as well. Liplu: But as Xenuhanu said, the cave is somewhat remote─we can't discount the possibility of tour groups running afoul fiends on the way here. Perhaps we'd be better off reserving this course for more seasoned travelers...
< I'm more concerned about all the fiends nearby... > Xenuhanu: You might be right. Compared to the other plans, at least, the fiend threat is certainly an issue... I should've given that more consideration. Liplu: Well, we could reserve this course for particularly...seasoned customers. So long as they are accompanied by guides capable of dealing with any unfortunate encounters, we should be able to mitigate the risk. Liplu: Besides, the cave is truly stunning─not to mention rich in resources. I think the experience could prove highly educational. With a detailed plan and plenty of safeguards in place, I foresee a lot of demand for such a tour!
Xenuhanu: I must say, the two of you are full of fine ideas! Xenuhanu: I'm starting to get excited! Just give me a little longer and I'll have my plan ready.
Liplu: Well, with that, we've heard all three proposals from our guides. I'm sure you're tired after all that traipsing around, but let's get back to Ok'hanu, shall we?
Optional Dialogue
Xenuhanu: A special tour for seasoned travelers... Hmmm.
Speak with Liplu (cutscene)
Liplu: Sorry to have taken up so much of your time, but you helped address the guides' worries and brought some excellent suggestions to the table. Liplu: While we were out there, a question I've been pondering came to mind. Liplu: What exactly is it that we're selling with the Turali Travel Agency? It's not as simple as peddling produce or providing a service. If we're unsure, we'll have a hard time enticing customers. Liplu: For the longest time, I couldn't pinpoint the answer, but hearing those proposals made it crystal clear: we're in the business of ephemeral experiences! Liplu: It is our responsibility to curate every moment of a visitor's stay and ensure they leave with wonderful memories that last a lifetime. That way, our customers will be sure to fall in love with Kozama'uka and its people! Liplu: I can practically hear my inner abacus clacking away! Provided we hold fast to our principles, and remember that we're here to serve our customers above all else, I'm confident they'll have no qualms about parting with their hard-earned pel! Liplu: The Turali Travel Agency will be synonymous with experiences both exceptional and unforgettable! Liplu: I'll have to drive that message home when I promote our enterprise in the capital. Then there's the matter of making sure the benefits outweigh the burdens for the Hanu. Ah, there's so much to do! Liplu: But before all that, how about we take a look at our soon-to-be-built base of operations near Dock Poga? Knowing my brother and Wuk Evu, I daresay they've made remarkable progress already.
Speak with Liplu again
Liplu: Apparently, they're ready to start construction! The blueprints have been finalized, and all the materials are to hand. Liplu: Once the work is finished, then the countdown really begins. Here's hoping for satisfied customers, and more importantly, happiness for all involved, be they Hanu, Pelu, or adventurer extraordinaire! Liplu: It's so wonderful to have you on board! Let's work together and make this a stunning success!
Wuk Evu: What do you say we get this thing built?
System: With construction work on the Turali Travel Agency complete, Liplu and her associates have their eyes set on establishing Kozama'uka as a top tourist destination! System: Yet a host of challenges remain before their goals can be realized. As special advisor, it is your duty to offer support and guidance as they embark on this exciting new enterprise. System: Your reputation has increased to Friendly. System: You have achieved Friendly reputation with the Turali Travel Agency. System: Pelupelu society quests are now available from Yubli at Dock Poga. System: Furthermore, you may now purchase wares from Pavli. System: You have learned the emote Ohokaliy!