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An Old Friend

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

An Old Friend

Quest giver
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:30.4, Y:18.3)
Quest line
Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Battered Broom.png  Battered Broom
Experience 22,440
Gil 1,155
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Sleep Disturbed
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestDeep Designs

Main Scenario Progress: 663 / 960 (69.1%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 122 / 157 (77.7%)


By all rights you should be departing for the Crystarium, but Y'shtola does not seem ready to return.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • By all rights you should be departing for the Crystarium, but Y'shtola does not seem ready to return.


Accepting the quest

Y'shtola: Although we learned naught of the Ascians, the insight we gained into the Echo made our trip worthwhile.
Y'shtola: Before we return to the Crystarium, however, there is a small matter I would attend to in Slitherbough. Might I trouble you to come with me?
Y'shtola: Thank you. After we arrive, we should have a brief word with Runar.

Speak with Runar in Slitherbough

Runar: [Player]! It is so good to see you!
Runar: You've arrived at a most opportune time. I was preparing a pot of my famous stew. Come, I will ready a place for you.
Y'shtola: I'm sorry, Runar, but we haven't the─
Runar: Please, I insist! It will take only a minute.
Y'shtola: <sigh> My apologies, Pallavi. It seems our return to the Crystarium will be delayed.
Y'shtola: But perhaps only for a bit─if you assist me with my work.
Y'shtola: I say “work,” but it is rather more a chore. I must clean my chambers here in Slitherbough from top to bottom. If you would be so kind as to go and fetch a broom from Asgeir, we might finish before Runar is done cooking.

Speak with Asgeir and obtain a well-worn broom

Asgeir: A broom for...Master Matoya...?
Asgeir: I cannot imagine why she would have need of such a thing, but here you are. It is old but sturdy and sure to suffice.

Take the well-worn broom to Y'shtola

Y'shtola: I trust Asgeir was able to find a broom for us?
Y'shtola: Well worn. Good. This would prove difficult otherwise.
Y'shtola: Though I must say, I think I did rather well for not having a broom thus far.
Y'shtola: ...Yes, well, you weren't buried beneath a veritable avalanche of books when you entered, were you? Right. Anyway, it is time I finished cleaning with the help of that broom.
(cutscene starts)
Y'shtola: You didn't honestly think I'd do it the old-fashioned way? That broom is more than capable of sweeping by itself. Or rather, it will be... Ahem.

Y'shtola: Time to rise, to swish and sweep,
A tidy chamber you must keep.
To this task you shall be bound,
Until no dust is to be found.

Y'shtola: In this one particular respect, I've no objections to following in Master Matoya's footsteps.

(Runar listens through the door)
Y'shtola: In future, I may need you to remind me the pursuit of knowledge does not preclude other equally important duties... Such as maintaining clean quarters for said pursuit.
Runar: M-Master Matoya! Pardon the interruption, but the stew is ready.
(Y'shtola, Runar and [Player] gathers at the campfire)
Y'shtola: Is something troubling you? You've been rather quiet.
Runar: N-No! Everything is fine, I assure you. It has been a long day, is all.
Y'shtola: I see...
???: Y'shtola! Thank goodness you're still here.

(Alphinaud, Alisaie and Urianger show up)
Y'shtola: Alphinaud? I thought you were following Ardbert.
Alphinaud: I was, though I'm sad to say I lost track of him shortly after entering these woods.
Alphinaud: He seems determined to traverse every ilm of Norvrandt in his quest to spread the truth of the Warriors of Light and the Flood.
Alphinaud: And it seems news of your address at the Crystarium precedes him at every destination, making his task all the more simple.
Alphinaud: It remains to be seen to what end he encourages the people to become Warriors of Light themselves...
Alphinaud: ...But there is no denying that his words have struck a chord with many.
Alisaie: Well, we're all agreed that this is just another Ascian ploy, yes?
Alisaie: They've commandeered corpses before, and to no good end. I see no reason to think this time is any different─especially when it's that of a fallen Warrior of Light.
Alphinaud: I doubt we'll learn more if we remain a step behind.
Urianger: His next destination is, in all likelihood, Slitherbough...
Y'shtola: Alisaie, are you certain you should be here?
Alisaie: If you're concerned about Halric and the others, you needn't be. Their treatment is going well, but progress is slow and exhausting─for all of us. The best thing I can do now is let them rest. So─I believe we were about to discuss how to arrange a meeting with our would-be Warrior of Light?
Alphinaud: Before visiting any towns or villages, Ardbert would hunt down and slay a nearby sin eater to earn the locals' trust.
Alphinaud: Our best chance of getting ahead of him is to find one before he does.
Urianger: Thankfully, Thancred and Ryne are returned from the Empty and have taken up the search.
Urianger: Ryne believeth one may lurk beneath the boughs of Woven Oath.
Alphinaud: Then that is where we will start our search.

(Everyone starts leaving)
Runar: Master Matoya!
Runar: A warm bowl of stew will be awaiting your return.
Y'shtola: I look forward to it.

Speak with Thancred